Show patches with: State = Action Required       |    Archived = No       |    Delegate = mcoquelin       |   12 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v2] net/virtio: add virtio hash report feature [v2] net/virtio: add virtio hash report feature - - - 17-- 2025-01-27 Kommula Shiva Shankar mcoquelin New
[v2,3/3] baseband/acc: add internal logging bbdev: trace point and logging - - - 161- 2025-01-23 Chautru, Nicolas mcoquelin New
[v2,2/3] baseband/acc: add trace point bbdev: trace point and logging - - - 1-- 2025-01-23 Chautru, Nicolas mcoquelin New
[v2,1/3] bbdev: add trace point bbdev: trace point and logging - 1 - 1-- 2025-01-23 Chautru, Nicolas mcoquelin New
[RFC] net/virtio-user: implement MAC setting for Vhost-kernel [RFC] net/virtio-user: implement MAC setting for Vhost-kernel - - - 16-1 2025-01-03 Maxime Coquelin mcoquelin New
[1/1] vhost: fix missing descriptor chains length checks [1/1] vhost: fix missing descriptor chains length checks - - - 18-- 2024-12-23 Wangyunjian(wangyunjian,TongTu) mcoquelin New
[v2,1/1] vhost: fix a double fetch when dequeue offloading [v2,1/1] vhost: fix a double fetch when dequeue offloading - - - 18-- 2024-12-20 Wangyunjian(wangyunjian,TongTu) mcoquelin New
[v4] vhost: fix crash caused by accessing a freed vsocket [v4] vhost: fix crash caused by accessing a freed vsocket - - - 15-- 2024-07-08 Gongming Chen mcoquelin New
vhost: Fix the crash caused by accessing the released memory vhost: Fix the crash caused by accessing the released memory - - - 19-- 2024-06-25 15957197901 mcoquelin New
[2/2] baseband/fpga_lte_fec: use new barrier API [1/2] baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec: use new barrier API - - - 17-- 2024-02-22 Maxime Coquelin mcoquelin New
[1/2] baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec: use new barrier API [1/2] baseband/fpga_5gnr_fec: use new barrier API - - - 1-- 2024-02-22 Maxime Coquelin mcoquelin New
[v3] vhost: add notify reply ops to fix message deadlock [v3] vhost: add notify reply ops to fix message deadlock - - - 19-- 2023-07-04 Rma Ma mcoquelin New