Show patches with: Submitter = BillXiang       |    Archived = No       |   3 patches
Patch Series A/R/T S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[v3] vfio: combine container_create and group_bind [v3] vfio: combine container_create and group_bind - - - 141- 2024-07-03 BillXiang tmonjalo Changes Requested
vdpa: update used->flags in used ring relay vdpa: update used->flags in used ring relay - 1 - 19-- 2024-07-17 BillXiang mcoquelin Awaiting Upstream
vhost: fix offset while mmaping log base address vhost: fix offset while mmaping log base address - 1 - 17-- 2024-07-08 BillXiang mcoquelin Awaiting Upstream