@@ -114,7 +114,19 @@ foreach app:apps
link_libs = dpdk_static_libraries + dpdk_drivers
- exec = executable('dpdk-' + name,
+ # add to Visual Studio Code launch configuration
+ exe_name = 'dpdk-' + name
+ launch_path = join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), exe_name)
+ # we also need exec env/arch, but they were not available at the time buildtools command was generated
+ cfg_args = ['--launch', launch_path, '--exec-env', exec_env, '--arch', arch_subdir]
+ # we don't want to block the build if this command fails
+ result = run_command(vscode_conf_gen_cmd + cfg_args, check: false)
+ if result.returncode() != 0
+ warning('Failed to generate Visual Studio Code launch configuration for "' + name + '"')
+ message(result.stderr())
+ endif
+ exec = executable(exe_name,
c_args: cflags,
link_args: ldflags,
new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,570 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2024 Intel Corporation
+"""Visual Studio Code configuration generator script."""
+# This script is meant to be run by meson build system to generate build and launch commands for a
+# specific build directory for Visual Studio Code IDE.
+# Even though this script will generate settings/tasks/launch/code analysis configuration for
+# VSCode, we can't actually just regenerate the files, because we want to support multiple build
+# directories, as well as not destroy any configuration user has created between runs of this
+# script. Therefore, we need some config file handling infrastructure. Luckily, VSCode configs are
+# all JSON, so we can just use json module to handle them. Of course, we will lose any user
+# comments in the files, but that's a small price to pay for this sort of automation.
+# Since this script will be run by meson, we can forego any parsing or anything to do with the
+# build system, and just rely on the fact that we get all of our configuration from command-line.
+import argparse
+import json
+import os
+import shutil
+from collections import OrderedDict
+from sys import stderr, exit as _exit
+import typing as T
+# if this variable is defined, we will not generate any configuration files
+def _preprocess_json(data: str) -> str:
+ """Preprocess JSON to remove trailing commas, whitespace, and comments."""
+ preprocessed_data: T.List[str] = []
+ # simple state machine
+ in_comment = False
+ in_string = False
+ escape = False
+ comma = False
+ maybe_comment = False
+ for c in data:
+ _fwdslash = c == "/"
+ _newline = c == "\n"
+ _comma = c == ","
+ _obj_end = c in ["}", "]"]
+ _space = c.isspace()
+ _backslash = c == "\\"
+ _quote = c == '"'
+ # are we looking to start a comment?
+ if maybe_comment:
+ maybe_comment = False
+ if _fwdslash:
+ in_comment = True
+ continue
+ # slash is illegal JSON but this is not our job
+ preprocessed_data.append("/")
+ # c will receive further processing
+ # are we inside a comment?
+ if in_comment:
+ if _newline:
+ in_comment = False
+ # eat everything
+ continue
+ # do we have a trailing comma?
+ if comma:
+ # there may be whitespace after the comma
+ if _space:
+ continue
+ comma = False
+ if _obj_end:
+ # throw away trailing comma
+ preprocessed_data.append(c)
+ continue
+ # comma was needed
+ preprocessed_data.append(",")
+ # c needs further processing
+ # are we inside a string?
+ if in_string:
+ # are we in an escape?
+ if escape:
+ escape = False
+ # are we trying to escape?
+ elif _backslash:
+ escape = True
+ # are we ending the string?
+ elif _quote:
+ in_string = False
+ # we're inside a string
+ preprocessed_data.append(c)
+ continue
+ # are we looking to start a string?
+ if _quote:
+ in_string = True
+ preprocessed_data.append(c)
+ continue
+ # are we looking to start a comment?
+ elif _fwdslash:
+ maybe_comment = True
+ continue
+ # are we looking at a comma?
+ elif _comma:
+ comma = True
+ continue
+ # are we looking at whitespace?
+ elif _space:
+ continue
+ # this is a regular character, just add it
+ preprocessed_data.append(c)
+ return "".join(preprocessed_data)
+def _load_json(file: str) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]:
+ """Load JSON file."""
+ with open(file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ # Python's JSON parser doesn't like trailing commas, but VSCode's JSON parser does not
+ # consider them to be syntax errors, so they may be present in user's configuration files.
+ # remove them from the file before processing.
+ data = _preprocess_json(f.read())
+ try:
+ return json.loads(data)
+ except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
+ print(f"Error parsing {os.path.basename(file)}: {e}", file=stderr)
+ raise
+def _save_json(file: str, obj: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
+ """Write JSON file."""
+ with open(file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ json.dump(obj, f, indent="\t")
+class ConfigCtx:
+ """Data associated with config processing."""
+ def __init__(
+ self,
+ build_dir: str,
+ source_dir: str,
+ launch: T.List[str],
+ exec_env: str,
+ arch: str,
+ ):
+ self.build_dir = build_dir
+ self.source_dir = source_dir
+ self.config_dir = os.path.join(source_dir, ".vscode")
+ self.exec_env = exec_env
+ self.arch = arch
+ # we don't have any mechanism to label things, so we're just going to
+ # use build dir basename as the label, and hope user doesn't create
+ # different build directories with the same name
+ self.label = os.path.basename(build_dir)
+ self.builddir_var = f"{self.label}-builddir"
+ # default to gdb
+ self.dbg_path_var = f"{self.label}-dbg-path"
+ self.launch_dbg_path = shutil.which("gdb")
+ self.dbg_mode_var = f"{self.label}-dbg-mode"
+ self.dbg_mode = "gdb"
+ self.launch = launch
+ self.compile_task = f"[{self.label}] Compile"
+ # filenames for configs
+ self.settings_fname = "settings.json"
+ self.tasks_fname = "tasks.json"
+ self.launch_fname = "launch.json"
+ self.analysis_fname = "c_cpp_properties.json"
+ # temporary filenames to avoid touching user's configuration until last moment
+ self._tmp_fnames = {
+ self.settings_fname: f".{self.settings_fname}.{self.label}.tmp",
+ self.tasks_fname: f".{self.tasks_fname}.{self.label}.tmp",
+ self.launch_fname: f".{self.launch_fname}.{self.label}.tmp",
+ self.analysis_fname: f".{self.analysis_fname}.{self.label}.tmp",
+ }
+ # when there is no user configuration, use these templates
+ self._templates: T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Any]] = {
+ self.settings_fname: {},
+ self.tasks_fname: {"version": "2.0.0", "tasks": [], "inputs": []},
+ self.launch_fname: {"version": "0.2.0", "configurations": []},
+ self.analysis_fname: {"version": 4, "configurations": []},
+ }
+ def _get_fname(self, fname: str) -> str:
+ """Get filename for configuration."""
+ if fname not in self._tmp_fnames:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unknown configuration file {fname}")
+ return os.path.join(self.config_dir, self._tmp_fnames[fname])
+ def load(self, fname: str) -> T.Dict[str, T.Any]:
+ """Load or generate JSON data from template."""
+ path = self._get_fname(fname)
+ try:
+ return _load_json(path)
+ except FileNotFoundError:
+ return self._templates[fname]
+ def save(self, fname: str, obj: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> None:
+ """Save JSON data to temporary file."""
+ path = self._get_fname(fname)
+ _save_json(path, obj)
+ def commit(self):
+ """Commit previously saved settings to configuration."""
+ for dst, tmp in self._tmp_fnames.items():
+ fp_tmp = os.path.join(self.config_dir, tmp)
+ fp_dst = os.path.join(self.config_dir, dst)
+ if os.path.exists(fp_tmp):
+ shutil.copyfile(fp_tmp, fp_dst)
+ def cleanup(self):
+ """Cleanup any temporary files."""
+ for tmp in self._tmp_fnames.values():
+ fp_tmp = os.path.join(self.config_dir, tmp)
+ if os.path.exists(fp_tmp):
+ os.unlink(fp_tmp)
+def _gen_sorter(order: T.List[str]) -> T.Any:
+ """Sort dictionary by order."""
+ # JSON doesn't have sort order, but we want to be user friendly and display certain properties
+ # above others as they're more important. This function will return a closure that can be used
+ # to re-sort a specific object using OrderedDict and an ordered list of properties.
+ def _sorter(obj: T.Dict[str, T.Any]) -> OrderedDict[str, T.Any]:
+ d: OrderedDict[str, T.Any] = OrderedDict()
+ # step 1: go through all properties in order and re-add them
+ for prop in order:
+ if prop in obj:
+ d[prop] = obj[prop]
+ # step 2: get all properties of the object, remove those that we have already added, and
+ # sort them alphabetically
+ for prop in sorted(set(obj.keys()) - set(order)):
+ d[prop] = obj[prop]
+ # we're done: now all objects will have vaguely constant sort order
+ return d
+ return _sorter
+def _add_obj_to_list(
+ obj_list: T.List[T.Dict[str, T.Any]], key: str, obj: T.Dict[str, T.Any]
+) -> bool:
+ """Add object to list if it doesn't already exist."""
+ for o in obj_list:
+ if o[key] == obj[key]:
+ return False
+ obj_list.append(obj)
+ return True
+def _add_var_to_obj(obj: T.Dict[str, T.Any], var: str, value: T.Any) -> bool:
+ """Add variable to object if it doesn't exist."""
+ if var in obj:
+ return False
+ obj[var] = value
+ return True
+def _update_settings(ctx: ConfigCtx) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ """Update settings.json."""
+ settings_obj = ctx.load(ctx.settings_fname)
+ dirty = False
+ ttos_tasks = "triggerTaskOnSave.tasks"
+ ttos_on = "triggerTaskOnSave.on"
+ default_vars: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
+ # store build dir
+ ctx.builddir_var: ctx.build_dir,
+ # store debug configuration
+ ctx.dbg_path_var: ctx.launch_dbg_path,
+ ctx.dbg_mode_var: ctx.dbg_mode,
+ # store dbg mode and path
+ # trigger build on save
+ ttos_tasks: {},
+ ttos_on: True,
+ # improve responsiveness by disabling auto-detection of tasks
+ "npm.autoDetect": "off",
+ "gulp.autoDetect": "off",
+ "jake.autoDetect": "off",
+ "grunt.autoDetect": "off",
+ "typescript.tsc.autoDetect": "off",
+ "task.autoDetect": "off",
+ }
+ for var, value in default_vars.items():
+ dirty |= _add_var_to_obj(settings_obj, var, value)
+ # add path ignore setting if it's inside the source dir
+ cpath = os.path.commonpath([ctx.source_dir, ctx.build_dir])
+ if cpath == ctx.source_dir:
+ # find path within source tree
+ relpath = os.path.relpath(ctx.build_dir, ctx.source_dir) + os.sep
+ # note if we need to change anything
+ if "files.exclude" not in settings_obj:
+ dirty = True
+ elif relpath not in settings_obj["files.exclude"]:
+ dirty = True
+ exclude = settings_obj.setdefault("files.exclude", {})
+ exclude.setdefault(relpath, True)
+ settings_obj["files.exclude"] = exclude
+ # if user has installed "Trigger Task On Save" extension (extension id:
+ # Gruntfuggly.triggertaskonsave), this will enable build-on-save by default
+ if ctx.compile_task not in settings_obj[ttos_tasks]:
+ dirty = True
+ # trigger build on save for all files
+ settings_obj[ttos_tasks][ctx.compile_task] = ["**/*"]
+ return settings_obj if dirty else None
+def _update_tasks(ctx: ConfigCtx) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ """Update tasks.json."""
+ outer_tasks_obj = ctx.load(ctx.tasks_fname)
+ inner_tasks_obj = outer_tasks_obj.setdefault("tasks", [])
+ inputs_obj = outer_tasks_obj.setdefault("inputs", [])
+ dirty = False
+ # generate task object sorter
+ _sort_task = _gen_sorter(
+ [
+ "label",
+ "detail",
+ "type",
+ "command",
+ "args",
+ "options",
+ "problemMatcher",
+ "group",
+ ]
+ )
+ # generate our would-be configuration
+ # first, we need a build task
+ build_task: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
+ "label": ctx.compile_task,
+ "detail": f"Run `meson compile` command for {ctx.label}",
+ "type": "shell",
+ "command": "meson compile",
+ "options": {"cwd": f"${{config:{ctx.builddir_var}}}"},
+ "problemMatcher": {
+ "base": "$gcc",
+ "fileLocation": ["relative", f"${{config:{ctx.builddir_var}}}"],
+ },
+ "group": "build",
+ }
+ # we also need a meson configure task with input
+ configure_task: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
+ "label": f"[{ctx.label}] Configure",
+ "detail": f"Run `meson configure` command for {ctx.label}",
+ "type": "shell",
+ "command": "meson configure ${input:mesonConfigureArg}",
+ "options": {"cwd": f"${{config:{ctx.builddir_var}}}"},
+ "problemMatcher": [],
+ "group": "build",
+ }
+ # finally, add input object
+ input_arg: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
+ "id": "mesonConfigureArg",
+ "type": "promptString",
+ "description": "Enter meson configure arguments",
+ "default": "",
+ }
+ # sort our tasks
+ build_task = _sort_task(build_task)
+ configure_task = _sort_task(configure_task)
+ # add only if task doesn't already exist
+ dirty |= _add_obj_to_list(inner_tasks_obj, "label", build_task)
+ dirty |= _add_obj_to_list(inner_tasks_obj, "label", configure_task)
+ dirty |= _add_obj_to_list(inputs_obj, "id", input_arg)
+ # replace nodes
+ outer_tasks_obj["tasks"] = inner_tasks_obj
+ outer_tasks_obj["inputs"] = inputs_obj
+ # we're ready
+ return outer_tasks_obj if dirty else None
+def _update_launch(ctx: ConfigCtx) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ """Update launch.json."""
+ launch_obj = ctx.load(ctx.launch_fname)
+ configurations_obj = launch_obj.setdefault("configurations", [])
+ dirty = False
+ # generate launch task sorter
+ _sort_launch = _gen_sorter(
+ [
+ "name",
+ "type",
+ "request",
+ "program",
+ "cwd",
+ "preLaunchTask",
+ "environment",
+ "args",
+ "MIMode",
+ "miDebuggerPath",
+ "setupCommands",
+ ]
+ )
+ for target in ctx.launch:
+ # target will be a full path, we need to get relative to build path
+ exe_path = os.path.relpath(target, ctx.build_dir)
+ name = f"[{ctx.label}] Launch {exe_path}"
+ # generate config from template
+ launch_config: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
+ "name": name,
+ "type": "cppdbg",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "program": f"${{config:{ctx.builddir_var}}}/{exe_path}",
+ "args": [],
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
+ "environment": [],
+ "MIMode": f"${{config:{ctx.dbg_mode_var}",
+ "miDebuggerPath": f"${{config:{ctx.dbg_path_var}",
+ "preLaunchTask": ctx.compile_task,
+ "setupCommands": [
+ {
+ "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
+ "text": "-gdb-set print pretty on",
+ "ignoreFailures": True,
+ }
+ ],
+ }
+ # sort keys
+ launch_config = _sort_launch(launch_config)
+ # add to configurations
+ dirty |= _add_obj_to_list(configurations_obj, "name", launch_config)
+ # replace the configuration object
+ launch_obj["configurations"] = configurations_obj
+ # we're ready
+ return launch_obj if dirty else None
+def _update_analysis(ctx: ConfigCtx) -> T.Optional[T.Dict[str, T.Any]]:
+ """Update c_cpp_properties.json."""
+ analysis_obj = ctx.load(ctx.analysis_fname)
+ configurations_obj = analysis_obj.setdefault("configurations", [])
+ dirty = False
+ # generate analysis config sorter
+ _sort_analysis = _gen_sorter(
+ [
+ "name",
+ "includePath",
+ "compilerPath",
+ "cStandard",
+ "cppStandard",
+ "intelliSenseMode",
+ "compileCommands",
+ ]
+ )
+ config_obj: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {
+ "name": ctx.exec_env.capitalize(),
+ "includePath": [
+ f"${{config:{ctx.builddir_var}}}/",
+ # hardcode everything to x86/Linux for now
+ f"${{workspaceFolder}}/lib/eal/{ctx.arch}/include",
+ f"${{workspaceFolder}}/lib/eal/{ctx.exec_env}/include",
+ "${workspaceFolder}/**",
+ ],
+ "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc",
+ "cStandard": "c99",
+ "cppStandard": "c++17",
+ "intelliSenseMode": "${default}",
+ "compileCommands": f"${{config:{ctx.builddir_var}}}/compile_commands.json",
+ }
+ # sort configuration
+ config_obj = _sort_analysis(config_obj)
+ # add it to config obj
+ dirty |= _add_obj_to_list(configurations_obj, "name", config_obj)
+ # we're done
+ analysis_obj["configurations"] = configurations_obj
+ return analysis_obj if dirty else None
+def _gen_config(ctx: ConfigCtx) -> None:
+ """Generate all config files."""
+ # generate all JSON objects and save them if we changed anything about them
+ settings_obj = _update_settings(ctx)
+ tasks_obj = _update_tasks(ctx)
+ launch_obj = _update_launch(ctx)
+ analysis_obj = _update_analysis(ctx)
+ if settings_obj is not None:
+ ctx.save(ctx.settings_fname, settings_obj)
+ if tasks_obj is not None:
+ ctx.save(ctx.tasks_fname, tasks_obj)
+ if launch_obj is not None:
+ ctx.save(ctx.launch_fname, launch_obj)
+ if analysis_obj is not None:
+ ctx.save(ctx.analysis_fname, analysis_obj)
+ # the above saves only saved to temporary files, now overwrite real files
+ ctx.commit()
+def _main() -> int:
+ if os.environ.get(ENV_DISABLE, "") == "1":
+ print(
+ "Visual Studio Code configuration generation "
+ f"disabled by environment variable {ENV_DISABLE}=1"
+ )
+ return 0
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Generate VSCode configuration")
+ # where we are being called from
+ parser.add_argument("--build-dir", required=True, help="Build directory")
+ # where the sources are
+ parser.add_argument("--source-dir", required=True, help="Source directory")
+ # exec-env - Windows, Linux etc.
+ parser.add_argument("--exec-env", required=True, help="Execution environment")
+ # arch - x86, arm etc.
+ parser.add_argument("--arch", required=True, help="Architecture")
+ # launch configuration item, can be multiple
+ parser.add_argument("--launch", action="append", help="Launch path for executable")
+ parser.epilog = "This script is not meant to be run manually."
+ # parse arguments
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ # canonicalize all paths
+ build_dir = os.path.realpath(args.build_dir)
+ source_dir = os.path.realpath(args.source_dir)
+ if args.launch:
+ launch = [os.path.realpath(lp) for lp in args.launch]
+ else:
+ launch = []
+ exec_env = args.exec_env
+ arch = args.arch
+ ctx = ConfigCtx(build_dir, source_dir, launch, exec_env, arch)
+ try:
+ # ensure config dir exists
+ os.makedirs(ctx.config_dir, exist_ok=True)
+ _gen_config(ctx)
+ ret = 0
+ except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
+ # if we fail to load JSON, output error
+ print(f"Error: {e}", file=stderr)
+ ret = 1
+ except OSError as e:
+ # if we fail to write to disk, output error
+ print(f"Error: {e}", file=stderr)
+ ret = 1
+ # remove any temporary files
+ ctx.cleanup()
+ return ret
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ _exit(_main())
@@ -24,6 +24,11 @@ get_numa_count_cmd = py3 + files('get-numa-count.py')
get_test_suites_cmd = py3 + files('get-test-suites.py')
has_hugepages_cmd = py3 + files('has-hugepages.py')
cmdline_gen_cmd = py3 + files('dpdk-cmdline-gen.py')
+# Visual Studio Code conf generator always requires build/source roots
+vscode_conf_gen_cmd = py3 + files('gen-vscode-conf.py') + [
+ '--build-dir', dpdk_build_root,
+ '--source-dir', dpdk_source_root
+ ]
# install any build tools that end-users might want also
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ default_cppflags=$CPPFLAGS
+# disable VSCode config generation
@@ -88,6 +90,7 @@ load_env () # <target compiler>
export CFLAGS=$default_cflags
export LDFLAGS=$default_ldflags
export DPDK_MESON_OPTIONS=$default_meson_options
# set target hint for use in the loaded config file
if [ -n "$target_override" ] ; then
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ Copyright 2024 The DPDK contributors
+Integrating DPDK with IDEs
+DPDK does not mandate nor recommend a specific IDE for development. However,
+some developers may prefer to use an IDE for their development work. This guide
+provides information on how to integrate DPDK with some popular IDEs.
+Visual Studio Code
+`Visual Studio Code <https://code.visualstudio.com/>` is a popular open-source
+code editor with IDE features such as code completion, debugging, Git
+integration, and more. It is available on most platforms.
+When configuring a new Meson build directory for DPDK, configuration for Visual
+Studio Code will be generated automatically. It will include both a compilation
+task, as well as debugging targets for any applications or examples enabled in
+meson at configuration step. Generated configuration will be available under
+`.vscode` directory in DPDK source tree. The configuration will be updated each
+time the build directory is reconfigured with Meson.
+Further information on configuring, building and installing DPDK is described in
+:doc:`Linux Getting Started Guide <../linux_gsg/build_dpdk>`.
+.. note::
+ The configuration is generated based on the enabled applications and
+ examples at the time of configuration. When new applications or examples are
+ added to the configuration using the `meson configure` command (or through
+ running `Configure` task), new configuration will be added, but existing
+ configuration will never be amended or deleted, even if the application was
+ removed from build.
+Each generated file will refer to a few common variables defined under
+`settings.json`. This is to allow easy reconfiguration of all generated launch
+targets while also still allowing user to customize the configuration. Variables
+contained within `settings.json` are as follows:
+- `<build-dir-name>-builddir`: Path to the build directory (can be in-tree or
+ out-of-tree)
+- `<build-dir-name>-dbg-path`: Variable for `miDebuggerPath` in launch tasks
+- `<build-dir-name>-dbg-mode`: Variable for `MIMode` in launch tasks
+It is not recommended to change these variables unless there is a specific need.
+.. note::
+ Due to the way the configuration generation is implemented, each time the
+ configuration is updated, any user comments will be lost.
+Running as unprivileged user
+If not running as privileged user, then by default the generated configuration
+will not be able to run DPDK applications that require `root` privileges. To
+address this, either the system will have to be configured to allow running DPDK
+as non-privileged user, or the launch configuration has to be amended to run the
+debugger (usually `GDB`) as root.
+Further information on configuring the system to allow running DPDK as
+non-privileged user can be found in the :ref:`common Linux guide
+If the user prefers to run applications as `root` while still working as regular
+user instead, the following steps must be taken:
+- Allow running GDB with password-less `sudo` (please consult relevant system
+ documentation on how to achieve this)
+- Set up a local alias for running GDB with `sudo` (e.g. `sudo gdb $@`)
+- Amend the `settings.json` file to set `<build-dir>-dbg-path` variable to this
+ new alias
+Once this is done, any existing or new launch targets will use the new debugger
+alias to run DPDK applications.
+.. note::
+ The above steps are not recommended for production systems, as they may
+ introduce security vulnerabilities.
@@ -19,3 +19,4 @@ Contributor's Guidelines
+ ide_integration
@@ -55,6 +55,11 @@ New Features
Also, make sure to start the actual text at the margin.
+* **Generate Visual Studio Code configuration on build**
+ The Meson build system now generates Visual Studio Code configuration
+ files for configuration, compilation, and debugging tasks.
Removed Items
@@ -124,7 +124,20 @@ foreach example: examples
if allow_experimental_apis
- executable('dpdk-' + name, sources,
+ # add to Visual Studio Code launch configuration
+ exe_name = 'dpdk-' + name
+ launch_path = join_paths(meson.current_build_dir(), exe_name)
+ # we also need exec env/arch, but they were not available at the time buildtools command was generated
+ cfg_args = ['--launch', launch_path, '--exec-env', exec_env, '--arch', arch_subdir]
+ # we don't want to block the build if this command fails
+ result = run_command(vscode_conf_gen_cmd + ['--launch', launch_path], check: false)
+ if result.returncode() != 0
+ warning('Failed to generate Visual Studio Code launch configuration for "' + name + '"')
+ message(result.stderr())
+ endif
+ executable(exe_name, sources,
include_directories: includes,
link_whole: link_whole_libs,
link_args: ldflags,
@@ -117,6 +117,20 @@ if meson.is_subproject()
+# if no apps or examples were enabled, no Visual Studio Code config was
+# generated, but we still need build, code analysis etc. configuration to be
+# present, so generate it just in case (it will have no effect if the
+# configuration was already generated by apps/examples). also, when running
+# this command, we don't want to block the build if it fails.
+# we need exec env/arch, but they were not available at the time buildtools command was generated
+cfg_args = ['--exec-env', exec_env, '--arch', arch_subdir]
+result = run_command(vscode_conf_gen_cmd + cfg_args, check: false)
+if result.returncode() != 0
+ warning('Failed to generate Visual Studio Code configuration')
+ message(result.stderr())
# Final output, list all the parts to be built.
# This does not affect any part of the build, for information only.
output_message = '\n=================\nApplications Enabled\n=================\n'