[v2] doc: update softnic doc for flow and qos API support
Commit Message
Update document with flow and qos api support in softnic PMD.
Signed-off-by: Jasvinder Singh <jasvinder.singh@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Reshma Pattan <reshma.pattan@intel.com>
Reviewed-by: Marko Kovacevic <marko.kovacevic@intel.com>
v2: fixed the Note.
reworded the sentence.
doc/guides/nics/softnic.rst | 120 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 120 insertions(+)
18/10/2018 16:54, Reshma Pattan:
> Update document with flow and qos api support in softnic PMD.
> Signed-off-by: Jasvinder Singh <jasvinder.singh@intel.com>
> Signed-off-by: Reshma Pattan <reshma.pattan@intel.com>
> Reviewed-by: Marko Kovacevic <marko.kovacevic@intel.com>
Applied and squashed with the release notes.
Note: such patch can be managed in the next-pipeline tree.
@@ -248,3 +248,123 @@ command description provided in `softnic/rte_eth_softnic_cli.c`.
thread 1 pipeline RX enable (Soft NIC rx pipeline enable on cpu thread id 1)
thread 1 pipeline TX enable (Soft NIC tx pipeline enable on cpu thread id 1)
+QoS API Support:
+SoftNIC PMD implements ethdev traffic management APIs ``rte_tm.h`` that
+allow building and committing traffic manager hierarchy, configuring hierarchy
+nodes of the Quality of Service (QoS) scheduler supported by DPDK librte_sched
+library. Furthermore, APIs for run-time update to the traffic manager hierarchy
+are supported by PMD.
+SoftNIC PMD also implements ethdev traffic metering and policing APIs
+``rte_mtr.h`` that enables metering and marking of the packets with the
+appropriate color (green, yellow or red), according to the traffic metering
+algorithm. For the meter output color, policer actions like
+`keep the packet color same`, `change the packet color` or `drop the packet`
+can be configured.
+.. Note::
+ The SoftNIC does not support the meter object shared by several flows,
+ thus only supports creating meter object private to the flow. Once meter
+ object is successfully created, it can be linked to the specific flow by
+ specifying the ``meter`` flow action in the flow rule.
+Flow API support:
+The SoftNIC PMD implements ethdev flow APIs ``rte_flow.h`` that allow validating
+flow rules, adding flow rules to the SoftNIC pipeline as table rules, deleting
+and querying the flow rules. The PMD provides new cli command for creating the
+flow group and their mapping to the SoftNIC pipeline and table. This cli should
+be configured as part of firmware file.
+ .. code-block:: console
+ flowapi map group <group_id> ingress | egress pipeline <pipeline_name> \
+ table <table_id>
+From the flow attributes of the flow, PMD uses the group id to get the mapped
+pipeline and table. PMD supports number of flow actions such as
+.. Note::
+ The flow must have one terminating actions i.e.
+ ``JMP or RSS or QUEUE or DROP``. For the count and drop actions the
+ underlying PMD doesn't support the functionality yet. So it is not
+ recommended for use.
+The flow API can be tested with the help of testpmd application. The SoftNIC
+firmware specifies CLI commands for port configuration, pipeline creation,
+action profile creation and table creation. Once application gets initialized,
+the flow rules can be added through the testpmd CLI.
+The PMD will translate the flow rules to the SoftNIC pipeline tables rules.
+Example demonstrates the flow queue action using the SoftNIC firmware and testpmd
+* Prepare SoftNIC firmware
+ .. code-block:: console
+ link LINK0 dev 0000:83:00.0
+ link LINK1 dev 0000:81:00.0
+ pipeline RX period 10 offset_port_id 0
+ pipeline RX port in bsz 32 link LINK0 rxq 0
+ pipeline RX port in bsz 32 link LINK1 rxq 0
+ pipeline RX port out bsz 32 swq RXQ0
+ pipeline RX port out bsz 32 swq RXQ1
+ table action profile AP0 ipv4 offset 278 fwd
+ pipeline RX table match hash ext key 16 mask
+ offset 278 buckets 16K size 65K action AP0
+ pipeline RX port in 0 table 0
+ pipeline RX port in 1 table 0
+ flowapi map group 0 ingress pipeline RX table 0
+ pipeline TX period 10 offset_port_id 0
+ pipeline TX port in bsz 32 swq TXQ0
+ pipeline TX port in bsz 32 swq TXQ1
+ pipeline TX port out bsz 32 link LINK0 txq 0
+ pipeline TX port out bsz 32 link LINK1 txq 0
+ pipeline TX table match hash ext key 16 mask
+ offset 278 buckets 16K size 65K action AP0
+ pipeline TX port in 0 table 0
+ pipeline TX port in 1 table 0
+ pipeline TX table 0 rule add match hash ipv4_5tuple
+ 100 200 6 action fwd port 0
+ pipeline TX table 0 rule add match hash ipv4_5tuple
+ 100 200 6 action fwd port 1
+ thread 25 pipeline RX enable
+ thread 25 pipeline TX enable
+* Run testpmd:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ ./x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/testpmd -l 23-25 -n 4 \
+ --vdev 'net_softnic0, \
+ firmware=./drivers/net/softnic/ \
+ firmware.cli, \
+ cpu_id=1,conn_port=8086' -- \
+ -i --forward-mode=softnic --rxq=2, \
+ --txq=2, --disable-rss --portmask=0x4
+* Configure flow rules on softnic:
+ .. code-block:: console
+ flow create 2 group 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 proto mask 255 src \
+ mask dst mask src spec
+ dst spec proto spec 6 / tcp src mask 65535 \
+ dst mask 65535 src spec 100 dst spec 200 / end actions queue \
+ index 0 / end
+ flow create 2 group 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 proto mask 255 src \
+ mask dst mask src spec \
+ dst spec proto spec 6 / tcp src mask 65535 dst mask \
+ 65535 src spec 100 dst spec 200 / end actions queue index 1 / end