[4/6] doc: document the devargs for virtio-user

Message ID 20190813020730.10038-5-tiwei.bie@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived
Delegated to: Maxime Coquelin
Series Some updates for virtio guide |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/Intel-compilation success Compilation OK

Commit Message

Tiwei Bie Aug. 13, 2019, 2:07 a.m. UTC
Document the devargs for virtio-user and also make it clear
that these devargs are only available in virtio-user, i.e. not
supported by the PCI virtio driver.

Signed-off-by: Tiwei Bie <tiwei.bie@intel.com>
 doc/guides/nics/virtio.rst | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)


Maxime Coquelin Sept. 6, 2019, 1:20 p.m. UTC | #1
On 8/13/19 4:07 AM, Tiwei Bie wrote:
> Document the devargs for virtio-user and also make it clear
> that these devargs are only available in virtio-user, i.e. not
> supported by the PCI virtio driver.
> Signed-off-by: Tiwei Bie <tiwei.bie@intel.com>
> ---
>  doc/guides/nics/virtio.rst | 38 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
>  1 file changed, 35 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

Reviewed-by: Maxime Coquelin <maxime.coquelin@redhat.com>


diff --git a/doc/guides/nics/virtio.rst b/doc/guides/nics/virtio.rst
index b3c356856..993e691f5 100644
--- a/doc/guides/nics/virtio.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/nics/virtio.rst
@@ -322,7 +322,7 @@  Here we use l3fwd-power as an example to show how to get started.
 Virtio PMD arguments
-The user can specify below argument in devargs.
+Below devargs are supported by the PCI virtio driver:
 #.  ``vdpa``:
@@ -331,12 +331,44 @@  The user can specify below argument in devargs.
     a virtio device needs to work in vDPA mode.
     (Default: 0 (disabled))
-#. ``mrg_rxbuf``:
+Below devargs are supported by the virtio-user vdev:
+#.  ``path``:
+    It is used to specify a path to connect to vhost backend.
+#.  ``mac``:
+    It is used to specify the MAC address.
+#.  ``cq``:
+    It is used to enable the control queue. (Default: 0 (disabled))
+#.  ``queue_size``:
+    It is used to specify the queue size. (Default: 256)
+#.  ``queues``:
+    It is used to specify the queue number. (Default: 1)
+#.  ``iface``:
+    It is used to specify the host interface name for vhost-kernel
+    backend.
+#.  ``server``:
+    It is used to enable the server mode when using vhost-user backend.
+    (Default: 0 (disabled))
+#.  ``mrg_rxbuf``:
     It is used to enable virtio device mergeable Rx buffer feature.
     (Default: 1 (enabled))
-#. ``in_order``:
+#.  ``in_order``:
     It is used to enable virtio device in-order feature.
     (Default: 1 (enabled))