[v2,01/41] common/mlx5: add glue files for FreeBSD

Message ID 20211007184350.73858-2-srikanth.k@oneconvergence.com (mailing list archive)
State Changes Requested, archived
Delegated to: Raslan Darawsheh
Series add MLX5 FreeBSD support |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK

Commit Message

Srikanth Kaka Oct. 7, 2021, 6:43 p.m. UTC
- Added mlx5_glue.h. It is same as its Linux counterpart
- Added mlx5_glue.c. It is same as its Linux counterpart

Signed-off-by: Srikanth Kaka <srikanth.k@oneconvergence.com>
Signed-off-by: Vag Singh <vag.singh@oneconvergence.com>
Signed-off-by: Anand Thulasiram <avelu@juniper.net>
 drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.c | 1505 +++++++++++++++++++++++
 drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.h |  374 ++++++
 2 files changed, 1879 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.c
 create mode 100644 drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.h


diff --git a/drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.c b/drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..037ca961a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1505 @@ 
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright 2018 6WIND S.A.
+ * Copyright 2018 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd
+ */
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <stdalign.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+ * Not needed by this file; included to work around the lack of off_t
+ * definition for mlx5dv.h with unpatched rdma-core versions.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "mlx5_glue.h"
+static int
+	return ibv_fork_init();
+static struct ibv_pd *
+mlx5_glue_alloc_pd(struct ibv_context *context)
+	return ibv_alloc_pd(context);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dealloc_pd(struct ibv_pd *pd)
+	return ibv_dealloc_pd(pd);
+static struct ibv_device **
+mlx5_glue_get_device_list(int *num_devices)
+	return ibv_get_device_list(num_devices);
+static void
+mlx5_glue_free_device_list(struct ibv_device **list)
+	ibv_free_device_list(list);
+static struct ibv_context *
+mlx5_glue_open_device(struct ibv_device *device)
+	return ibv_open_device(device);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_close_device(struct ibv_context *context)
+	return ibv_close_device(context);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_query_device(struct ibv_context *context,
+		       struct ibv_device_attr *device_attr)
+	return ibv_query_device(context, device_attr);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_query_device_ex(struct ibv_context *context,
+			  const struct ibv_query_device_ex_input *input,
+			  struct ibv_device_attr_ex *attr)
+	return ibv_query_device_ex(context, input, attr);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_query_rt_values_ex(struct ibv_context *context,
+			  struct ibv_values_ex *values)
+	return ibv_query_rt_values_ex(context, values);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_query_port(struct ibv_context *context, uint8_t port_num,
+		     struct ibv_port_attr *port_attr)
+	return ibv_query_port(context, port_num, port_attr);
+static struct ibv_comp_channel *
+mlx5_glue_create_comp_channel(struct ibv_context *context)
+	return ibv_create_comp_channel(context);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_destroy_comp_channel(struct ibv_comp_channel *channel)
+	return ibv_destroy_comp_channel(channel);
+static struct ibv_cq *
+mlx5_glue_create_cq(struct ibv_context *context, int cqe, void *cq_context,
+		    struct ibv_comp_channel *channel, int comp_vector)
+	return ibv_create_cq(context, cqe, cq_context, channel, comp_vector);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_destroy_cq(struct ibv_cq *cq)
+	return ibv_destroy_cq(cq);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_get_cq_event(struct ibv_comp_channel *channel, struct ibv_cq **cq,
+		       void **cq_context)
+	return ibv_get_cq_event(channel, cq, cq_context);
+static void
+mlx5_glue_ack_cq_events(struct ibv_cq *cq, unsigned int nevents)
+	ibv_ack_cq_events(cq, nevents);
+static struct ibv_rwq_ind_table *
+mlx5_glue_create_rwq_ind_table(struct ibv_context *context,
+			       struct ibv_rwq_ind_table_init_attr *init_attr)
+	return ibv_create_rwq_ind_table(context, init_attr);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_destroy_rwq_ind_table(struct ibv_rwq_ind_table *rwq_ind_table)
+	return ibv_destroy_rwq_ind_table(rwq_ind_table);
+static struct ibv_wq *
+mlx5_glue_create_wq(struct ibv_context *context,
+		    struct ibv_wq_init_attr *wq_init_attr)
+	return ibv_create_wq(context, wq_init_attr);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_destroy_wq(struct ibv_wq *wq)
+	return ibv_destroy_wq(wq);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_modify_wq(struct ibv_wq *wq, struct ibv_wq_attr *wq_attr)
+	return ibv_modify_wq(wq, wq_attr);
+static struct ibv_flow *
+mlx5_glue_create_flow(struct ibv_qp *qp, struct ibv_flow_attr *flow)
+	return ibv_create_flow(qp, flow);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_destroy_flow(struct ibv_flow *flow_id)
+	return ibv_destroy_flow(flow_id);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_destroy_flow_action(void *action)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_destroy(action);
+	struct mlx5dv_flow_action_attr *attr = action;
+	int res = 0;
+	switch (attr->type) {
+		break;
+	default:
+		res = ibv_destroy_flow_action(attr->action);
+		break;
+	}
+	free(action);
+	return res;
+	(void)action;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static struct ibv_qp *
+mlx5_glue_create_qp(struct ibv_pd *pd, struct ibv_qp_init_attr *qp_init_attr)
+	return ibv_create_qp(pd, qp_init_attr);
+static struct ibv_qp *
+mlx5_glue_create_qp_ex(struct ibv_context *context,
+		       struct ibv_qp_init_attr_ex *qp_init_attr_ex)
+	return ibv_create_qp_ex(context, qp_init_attr_ex);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_destroy_qp(struct ibv_qp *qp)
+	return ibv_destroy_qp(qp);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_modify_qp(struct ibv_qp *qp, struct ibv_qp_attr *attr, int attr_mask)
+	return ibv_modify_qp(qp, attr, attr_mask);
+static struct ibv_mr *
+mlx5_glue_reg_mr(struct ibv_pd *pd, void *addr, size_t length, int access)
+	return ibv_reg_mr(pd, addr, length, access);
+static struct ibv_mr *
+mlx5_glue_alloc_null_mr(struct ibv_pd *pd)
+	return ibv_alloc_null_mr(pd);
+	(void)pd;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dereg_mr(struct ibv_mr *mr)
+	return ibv_dereg_mr(mr);
+static struct ibv_counter_set *
+mlx5_glue_create_counter_set(struct ibv_context *context,
+			     struct ibv_counter_set_init_attr *init_attr)
+	(void)context;
+	(void)init_attr;
+	return NULL;
+	return ibv_create_counter_set(context, init_attr);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_destroy_counter_set(struct ibv_counter_set *cs)
+	(void)cs;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+	return ibv_destroy_counter_set(cs);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_describe_counter_set(struct ibv_context *context,
+			       uint16_t counter_set_id,
+			       struct ibv_counter_set_description *cs_desc)
+	(void)context;
+	(void)counter_set_id;
+	(void)cs_desc;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+	return ibv_describe_counter_set(context, counter_set_id, cs_desc);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_query_counter_set(struct ibv_query_counter_set_attr *query_attr,
+			    struct ibv_counter_set_data *cs_data)
+	(void)query_attr;
+	(void)cs_data;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+	return ibv_query_counter_set(query_attr, cs_data);
+static struct ibv_counters *
+mlx5_glue_create_counters(struct ibv_context *context,
+			  struct ibv_counters_init_attr *init_attr)
+	(void)context;
+	(void)init_attr;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+	return ibv_create_counters(context, init_attr);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_destroy_counters(struct ibv_counters *counters)
+	(void)counters;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+	return ibv_destroy_counters(counters);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_attach_counters(struct ibv_counters *counters,
+			  struct ibv_counter_attach_attr *attr,
+			  struct ibv_flow *flow)
+	(void)counters;
+	(void)attr;
+	(void)flow;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+	return ibv_attach_counters_point_flow(counters, attr, flow);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_query_counters(struct ibv_counters *counters,
+			 uint64_t *counters_value,
+			 uint32_t ncounters,
+			 uint32_t flags)
+	(void)counters;
+	(void)counters_value;
+	(void)ncounters;
+	(void)flags;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+	return ibv_read_counters(counters, counters_value, ncounters, flags);
+static void
+mlx5_glue_ack_async_event(struct ibv_async_event *event)
+	ibv_ack_async_event(event);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_get_async_event(struct ibv_context *context,
+			  struct ibv_async_event *event)
+	return ibv_get_async_event(context, event);
+static const char *
+mlx5_glue_port_state_str(enum ibv_port_state port_state)
+	return ibv_port_state_str(port_state);
+static struct ibv_cq *
+mlx5_glue_cq_ex_to_cq(struct ibv_cq_ex *cq)
+	return ibv_cq_ex_to_cq(cq);
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_dest_flow_tbl(void *tbl)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_dest_table(tbl);
+	(void)tbl;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_dest_port(void *domain, uint32_t port)
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_dest_ib_port(domain, port);
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_dest_vport(domain, port);
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)port;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_drop();
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_push_vlan(struct mlx5dv_dr_domain *domain,
+					  rte_be32_t vlan_tag)
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_push_vlan(domain, vlan_tag);
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)vlan_tag;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_pop_vlan();
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_tbl(void *domain, uint32_t level)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_table_create(domain, level);
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)level;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dr_destroy_flow_tbl(void *tbl)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_table_destroy(tbl);
+	(void)tbl;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return errno;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dr_create_domain(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+			   enum  mlx5dv_dr_domain_type domain)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_domain_create(ctx, domain);
+	(void)ctx;
+	(void)domain;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dr_destroy_domain(void *domain)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_domain_destroy(domain);
+	(void)domain;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return errno;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dr_sync_domain(void *domain, uint32_t flags)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_domain_sync(domain, flags);
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)flags;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return errno;
+static struct ibv_cq_ex *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_cq(struct ibv_context *context,
+		       struct ibv_cq_init_attr_ex *cq_attr,
+		       struct mlx5dv_cq_init_attr *mlx5_cq_attr)
+	return mlx5dv_create_cq(context, cq_attr, mlx5_cq_attr);
+static struct ibv_wq *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_wq(struct ibv_context *context,
+		       struct ibv_wq_init_attr *wq_attr,
+		       struct mlx5dv_wq_init_attr *mlx5_wq_attr)
+	(void)context;
+	(void)wq_attr;
+	(void)mlx5_wq_attr;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+	return mlx5dv_create_wq(context, wq_attr, mlx5_wq_attr);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dv_query_device(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+			  struct mlx5dv_context *attrs_out)
+	return mlx5dv_query_device(ctx, attrs_out);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dv_set_context_attr(struct ibv_context *ibv_ctx,
+			      enum mlx5dv_set_ctx_attr_type type, void *attr)
+	return mlx5dv_set_context_attr(ibv_ctx, type, attr);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dv_init_obj(struct mlx5dv_obj *obj, uint64_t obj_type)
+	return mlx5dv_init_obj(obj, obj_type);
+static struct ibv_qp *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_qp(struct ibv_context *context,
+		       struct ibv_qp_init_attr_ex *qp_init_attr_ex,
+		       struct mlx5dv_qp_init_attr *dv_qp_init_attr)
+	return mlx5dv_create_qp(context, qp_init_attr_ex, dv_qp_init_attr);
+	(void)context;
+	(void)qp_init_attr_ex;
+	(void)dv_qp_init_attr;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_matcher(struct ibv_context *context,
+				 struct mlx5dv_flow_matcher_attr *matcher_attr,
+				 void *tbl)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	(void)context;
+	return mlx5dv_dr_matcher_create(tbl, matcher_attr->priority,
+					matcher_attr->match_criteria_enable,
+					matcher_attr->match_mask);
+	(void)tbl;
+	return mlx5dv_create_flow_matcher(context, matcher_attr);
+	(void)context;
+	(void)matcher_attr;
+	(void)tbl;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow(void *matcher,
+			 void *match_value,
+			 size_t num_actions,
+			 void *actions[])
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_rule_create(matcher, match_value, num_actions,
+				     (struct mlx5dv_dr_action **)actions);
+	size_t i;
+	struct mlx5dv_flow_action_attr actions_attr[8];
+	if (num_actions > 8)
+		return NULL;
+	for (i = 0; i < num_actions; i++)
+		actions_attr[i] =
+			*((struct mlx5dv_flow_action_attr *)(actions[i]));
+	return mlx5dv_create_flow(matcher, match_value,
+				  num_actions, actions_attr);
+	(void)matcher;
+	(void)match_value;
+	(void)num_actions;
+	(void)actions;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_counter(void *counter_obj, uint32_t offset)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_flow_counter(counter_obj, offset);
+	struct mlx5dv_flow_action_attr *action;
+	(void)offset;
+	action = malloc(sizeof(*action));
+	if (!action)
+		return NULL;
+	action->obj = counter_obj;
+	return action;
+	(void)counter_obj;
+	(void)offset;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_dest_ibv_qp(void *qp)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_dest_ibv_qp(qp);
+	struct mlx5dv_flow_action_attr *action;
+	action = malloc(sizeof(*action));
+	if (!action)
+		return NULL;
+	action->type = MLX5DV_FLOW_ACTION_DEST_IBV_QP;
+	action->obj = qp;
+	return action;
+	(void)qp;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_dest_devx_tir(void *tir)
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_dest_devx_tir(tir);
+	(void)tir;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+					(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+					 enum mlx5dv_flow_table_type ft_type,
+					 void *domain, uint64_t flags,
+					 size_t actions_sz,
+					 uint64_t actions[])
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	(void)ctx;
+	(void)ft_type;
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_modify_header(domain, flags, actions_sz,
+						     (__be64 *)actions);
+	struct mlx5dv_flow_action_attr *action;
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)flags;
+	action = malloc(sizeof(*action));
+	if (!action)
+		return NULL;
+	action->action = mlx5dv_create_flow_action_modify_header
+		(ctx, actions_sz, actions, ft_type);
+	return action;
+	(void)ctx;
+	(void)ft_type;
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)flags;
+	(void)actions_sz;
+	(void)actions;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+		(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+		 enum mlx5dv_flow_action_packet_reformat_type reformat_type,
+		 enum mlx5dv_flow_table_type ft_type,
+		 struct mlx5dv_dr_domain *domain,
+		 uint32_t flags, size_t data_sz, void *data)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	(void)ctx;
+	(void)ft_type;
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_packet_reformat(domain, flags,
+						       reformat_type, data_sz,
+						       data);
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)flags;
+	struct mlx5dv_flow_action_attr *action;
+	action = malloc(sizeof(*action));
+	if (!action)
+		return NULL;
+	action->action = mlx5dv_create_flow_action_packet_reformat
+		(ctx, data_sz, data, reformat_type, ft_type);
+	return action;
+	(void)ctx;
+	(void)reformat_type;
+	(void)ft_type;
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)flags;
+	(void)data_sz;
+	(void)data;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_tag(uint32_t tag)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_tag(tag);
+#else /* HAVE_MLX5DV_DR */
+	struct mlx5dv_flow_action_attr *action;
+	action = malloc(sizeof(*action));
+	if (!action)
+		return NULL;
+	action->type = MLX5DV_FLOW_ACTION_TAG;
+	action->tag_value = tag;
+	return action;
+#endif /* HAVE_MLX5DV_DR */
+	(void)tag;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_meter(struct mlx5dv_dr_flow_meter_attr *attr)
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_flow_meter(attr);
+	(void)attr;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dv_modify_flow_action_meter(void *action,
+				      struct mlx5dv_dr_flow_meter_attr *attr,
+				      uint64_t modify_bits)
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_modify_flow_meter(action, attr, modify_bits);
+	(void)action;
+	(void)attr;
+	(void)modify_bits;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return errno;
+static void *
+mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_aso(struct mlx5dv_dr_domain *domain,
+				    void *aso_obj,
+				    uint32_t offset,
+				    uint32_t flags,
+				    uint8_t return_reg_c)
+#if defined(HAVE_MLX5DV_DR) && defined(HAVE_MLX5_DR_CREATE_ACTION_ASO)
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_aso(domain, aso_obj, offset,
+					   flags, return_reg_c);
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)aso_obj;
+	(void)offset;
+	(void)flags;
+	(void)return_reg_c;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_default_miss();
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dv_destroy_flow(void *flow_id)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_rule_destroy(flow_id);
+	return ibv_destroy_flow(flow_id);
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dv_destroy_flow_matcher(void *matcher)
+#ifdef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+	return mlx5dv_dr_matcher_destroy(matcher);
+	return mlx5dv_destroy_flow_matcher(matcher);
+	(void)matcher;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return errno;
+static struct ibv_context *
+mlx5_glue_dv_open_device(struct ibv_device *device)
+	return mlx5dv_open_device(device,
+				  &(struct mlx5dv_context_attr){
+				  });
+	(void)device;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *
+mlx5_glue_devx_obj_create(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+			  const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			  void *out, size_t outlen)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_obj_create(ctx, in, inlen, out, outlen);
+	(void)ctx;
+	(void)in;
+	(void)inlen;
+	(void)out;
+	(void)outlen;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_obj_destroy(struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_obj_destroy(obj);
+	(void)obj;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_obj_query(struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj,
+			 const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			 void *out, size_t outlen)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_obj_query(obj, in, inlen, out, outlen);
+	(void)obj;
+	(void)in;
+	(void)inlen;
+	(void)out;
+	(void)outlen;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_obj_modify(struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj,
+			  const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			  void *out, size_t outlen)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_obj_modify(obj, in, inlen, out, outlen);
+	(void)obj;
+	(void)in;
+	(void)inlen;
+	(void)out;
+	(void)outlen;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_general_cmd(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+			   const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			   void *out, size_t outlen)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_general_cmd(ctx, in, inlen, out, outlen);
+	(void)ctx;
+	(void)in;
+	(void)inlen;
+	(void)out;
+	(void)outlen;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static struct mlx5dv_devx_cmd_comp *
+mlx5_glue_devx_create_cmd_comp(struct ibv_context *ctx)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_create_cmd_comp(ctx);
+	(void)ctx;
+	errno = -ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void
+mlx5_glue_devx_destroy_cmd_comp(struct mlx5dv_devx_cmd_comp *cmd_comp)
+	mlx5dv_devx_destroy_cmd_comp(cmd_comp);
+	(void)cmd_comp;
+	errno = -ENOTSUP;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_obj_query_async(struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj, const void *in,
+			       size_t inlen, size_t outlen, uint64_t wr_id,
+			       struct mlx5dv_devx_cmd_comp *cmd_comp)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_obj_query_async(obj, in, inlen, outlen, wr_id,
+					   cmd_comp);
+	(void)obj;
+	(void)in;
+	(void)inlen;
+	(void)outlen;
+	(void)wr_id;
+	(void)cmd_comp;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_get_async_cmd_comp(struct mlx5dv_devx_cmd_comp *cmd_comp,
+				  struct mlx5dv_devx_async_cmd_hdr *cmd_resp,
+				  size_t cmd_resp_len)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_get_async_cmd_comp(cmd_comp, cmd_resp,
+					      cmd_resp_len);
+	(void)cmd_comp;
+	(void)cmd_resp;
+	(void)cmd_resp_len;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static struct mlx5dv_devx_umem *
+mlx5_glue_devx_umem_reg(struct ibv_context *context, void *addr, size_t size,
+			uint32_t access)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_umem_reg(context, addr, size, access);
+	(void)context;
+	(void)addr;
+	(void)size;
+	(void)access;
+	errno = -ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_umem_dereg(struct mlx5dv_devx_umem *dv_devx_umem)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_umem_dereg(dv_devx_umem);
+	(void)dv_devx_umem;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_qp_query(struct ibv_qp *qp,
+			const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			void *out, size_t outlen)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_qp_query(qp, in, inlen, out, outlen);
+	(void)qp;
+	(void)in;
+	(void)inlen;
+	(void)out;
+	(void)outlen;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return errno;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_wq_query(struct ibv_wq *wq, const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			void *out, size_t outlen)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_wq_query(wq, in, inlen, out, outlen);
+	(void)wq;
+	(void)in;
+	(void)inlen;
+	(void)out;
+	(void)outlen;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return errno;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_port_query(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+			  uint32_t port_num,
+			  struct mlx5_port_info *info)
+	int err = 0;
+	info->query_flags = 0;
+	/* The DevX port query API is implemented (rdma-core v35 and above). */
+	struct mlx5_ib_uapi_query_port devx_port;
+	memset(&devx_port, 0, sizeof(devx_port));
+	err = mlx5dv_query_port(ctx, port_num, &devx_port);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	if (devx_port.flags & MLX5DV_QUERY_PORT_VPORT_REG_C0) {
+		info->vport_meta_tag = devx_port.reg_c0.value;
+		info->vport_meta_mask = devx_port.reg_c0.mask;
+		info->query_flags |= MLX5_PORT_QUERY_REG_C0;
+	}
+	if (devx_port.flags & MLX5DV_QUERY_PORT_VPORT) {
+		info->vport_id = devx_port.vport;
+		info->query_flags |= MLX5_PORT_QUERY_VPORT;
+	}
+	/* The legacy DevX port query API is implemented (prior v35). */
+	struct mlx5dv_devx_port devx_port = {
+		.comp_mask = MLX5DV_DEVX_PORT_VPORT |
+	};
+	err = mlx5dv_query_devx_port(ctx, port_num, &devx_port);
+	if (err)
+		return err;
+	if (devx_port.comp_mask & MLX5DV_DEVX_PORT_MATCH_REG_C_0) {
+		info->vport_meta_tag = devx_port.reg_c_0.value;
+		info->vport_meta_mask = devx_port.reg_c_0.mask;
+		info->query_flags |= MLX5_PORT_QUERY_REG_C0;
+	}
+	if (devx_port.comp_mask & MLX5DV_DEVX_PORT_VPORT) {
+		info->vport_id = devx_port.vport_num;
+		info->query_flags |= MLX5_PORT_QUERY_VPORT;
+	}
+	RTE_SET_USED(ctx);
+	RTE_SET_USED(port_num);
+#endif /* HAVE_MLX5DV_DR_DEVX_PORT */
+#endif /* HAVE_MLX5DV_DR_DEVX_PORT_V35 */
+	return err;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dr_dump_single_rule(FILE *file, void *rule)
+	return mlx5dv_dump_dr_rule(file, rule);
+	RTE_SET_USED(file);
+	RTE_SET_USED(rule);
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_dr_dump_domain(FILE *file, void *domain)
+	return mlx5dv_dump_dr_domain(file, domain);
+	RTE_SET_USED(file);
+	RTE_SET_USED(domain);
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static void *
+			(struct mlx5dv_dr_flow_sampler_attr *attr)
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_flow_sampler(attr);
+	(void)attr;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void *
+			(void *domain,
+			 size_t num_dest,
+			 struct mlx5dv_dr_action_dest_attr *dests[])
+	return mlx5dv_dr_action_create_dest_array
+				(domain,
+				num_dest,
+				dests);
+	(void)domain;
+	(void)num_dest;
+	(void)dests;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_query_eqn(struct ibv_context *ctx, uint32_t cpus,
+			 uint32_t *eqn)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_query_eqn(ctx, cpus, eqn);
+	(void)ctx;
+	(void)cpus;
+	(void)eqn;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *
+mlx5_glue_devx_create_event_channel(struct ibv_context *ctx, int flags)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_create_event_channel(ctx, flags);
+	(void)ctx;
+	(void)flags;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void
+mlx5_glue_devx_destroy_event_channel(struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *eventc)
+	mlx5dv_devx_destroy_event_channel(eventc);
+	(void)eventc;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_subscribe_devx_event(struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *eventc,
+				    struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj,
+				    uint16_t events_sz, uint16_t events_num[],
+				    uint64_t cookie)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_subscribe_devx_event(eventc, obj, events_sz,
+						events_num, cookie);
+	(void)eventc;
+	(void)obj;
+	(void)events_sz;
+	(void)events_num;
+	(void)cookie;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static int
+mlx5_glue_devx_subscribe_devx_event_fd(struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *eventc,
+				       int fd, struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj,
+				       uint16_t event_num)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_subscribe_devx_event_fd(eventc, fd, obj, event_num);
+	(void)eventc;
+	(void)fd;
+	(void)obj;
+	(void)event_num;
+	return -ENOTSUP;
+static ssize_t
+mlx5_glue_devx_get_event(struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *eventc,
+			 struct mlx5dv_devx_async_event_hdr *event_data,
+			 size_t event_resp_len)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_get_event(eventc, event_data, event_resp_len);
+	(void)eventc;
+	(void)event_data;
+	(void)event_resp_len;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return -1;
+static struct mlx5dv_devx_uar *
+mlx5_glue_devx_alloc_uar(struct ibv_context *context, uint32_t flags)
+	return mlx5dv_devx_alloc_uar(context, flags);
+	(void)context;
+	(void)flags;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void
+mlx5_glue_devx_free_uar(struct mlx5dv_devx_uar *devx_uar)
+	mlx5dv_devx_free_uar(devx_uar);
+	(void)devx_uar;
+static struct mlx5dv_var *
+mlx5_glue_dv_alloc_var(struct ibv_context *context, uint32_t flags)
+#ifdef HAVE_IBV_VAR
+	return mlx5dv_alloc_var(context, flags);
+	(void)context;
+	(void)flags;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void
+mlx5_glue_dv_free_var(struct mlx5dv_var *var)
+#ifdef HAVE_IBV_VAR
+	mlx5dv_free_var(var);
+	(void)var;
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+static void
+mlx5_glue_dr_reclaim_domain_memory(void *domain, uint32_t enable)
+	mlx5dv_dr_domain_set_reclaim_device_memory(domain, enable);
+	(void)(enable);
+	(void)(domain);
+static struct mlx5dv_pp *
+mlx5_glue_dv_alloc_pp(struct ibv_context *context,
+		      size_t pp_context_sz,
+		      const void *pp_context,
+		      uint32_t flags)
+	return mlx5dv_pp_alloc(context, pp_context_sz, pp_context, flags);
+	RTE_SET_USED(context);
+	RTE_SET_USED(pp_context_sz);
+	RTE_SET_USED(pp_context);
+	RTE_SET_USED(flags);
+	errno = ENOTSUP;
+	return NULL;
+static void
+mlx5_glue_dr_allow_duplicate_rules(void *domain, uint32_t allow)
+	mlx5dv_dr_domain_allow_duplicate_rules(domain, allow);
+	(void)(allow);
+	(void)(domain);
+static void
+mlx5_glue_dv_free_pp(struct mlx5dv_pp *pp)
+	mlx5dv_pp_free(pp);
+const struct mlx5_glue *mlx5_glue = &(const struct mlx5_glue) {
+	.version = MLX5_GLUE_VERSION,
+	.fork_init = mlx5_glue_fork_init,
+	.alloc_pd = mlx5_glue_alloc_pd,
+	.dealloc_pd = mlx5_glue_dealloc_pd,
+	.get_device_list = mlx5_glue_get_device_list,
+	.free_device_list = mlx5_glue_free_device_list,
+	.open_device = mlx5_glue_open_device,
+	.close_device = mlx5_glue_close_device,
+	.query_device = mlx5_glue_query_device,
+	.query_device_ex = mlx5_glue_query_device_ex,
+	.query_rt_values_ex = mlx5_glue_query_rt_values_ex,
+	.query_port = mlx5_glue_query_port,
+	.create_comp_channel = mlx5_glue_create_comp_channel,
+	.destroy_comp_channel = mlx5_glue_destroy_comp_channel,
+	.create_cq = mlx5_glue_create_cq,
+	.destroy_cq = mlx5_glue_destroy_cq,
+	.get_cq_event = mlx5_glue_get_cq_event,
+	.ack_cq_events = mlx5_glue_ack_cq_events,
+	.create_rwq_ind_table = mlx5_glue_create_rwq_ind_table,
+	.destroy_rwq_ind_table = mlx5_glue_destroy_rwq_ind_table,
+	.create_wq = mlx5_glue_create_wq,
+	.destroy_wq = mlx5_glue_destroy_wq,
+	.modify_wq = mlx5_glue_modify_wq,
+	.create_flow = mlx5_glue_create_flow,
+	.destroy_flow = mlx5_glue_destroy_flow,
+	.destroy_flow_action = mlx5_glue_destroy_flow_action,
+	.create_qp = mlx5_glue_create_qp,
+	.create_qp_ex = mlx5_glue_create_qp_ex,
+	.destroy_qp = mlx5_glue_destroy_qp,
+	.modify_qp = mlx5_glue_modify_qp,
+	.reg_mr = mlx5_glue_reg_mr,
+	.alloc_null_mr = mlx5_glue_alloc_null_mr,
+	.dereg_mr = mlx5_glue_dereg_mr,
+	.create_counter_set = mlx5_glue_create_counter_set,
+	.destroy_counter_set = mlx5_glue_destroy_counter_set,
+	.describe_counter_set = mlx5_glue_describe_counter_set,
+	.query_counter_set = mlx5_glue_query_counter_set,
+	.create_counters = mlx5_glue_create_counters,
+	.destroy_counters = mlx5_glue_destroy_counters,
+	.attach_counters = mlx5_glue_attach_counters,
+	.query_counters = mlx5_glue_query_counters,
+	.ack_async_event = mlx5_glue_ack_async_event,
+	.get_async_event = mlx5_glue_get_async_event,
+	.port_state_str = mlx5_glue_port_state_str,
+	.cq_ex_to_cq = mlx5_glue_cq_ex_to_cq,
+	.dr_create_flow_action_dest_flow_tbl =
+		mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_dest_flow_tbl,
+	.dr_create_flow_action_dest_port =
+		mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_dest_port,
+	.dr_create_flow_action_drop =
+		mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_drop,
+	.dr_create_flow_action_push_vlan =
+		mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_push_vlan,
+	.dr_create_flow_action_pop_vlan =
+		mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_pop_vlan,
+	.dr_create_flow_tbl = mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_tbl,
+	.dr_destroy_flow_tbl = mlx5_glue_dr_destroy_flow_tbl,
+	.dr_create_domain = mlx5_glue_dr_create_domain,
+	.dr_destroy_domain = mlx5_glue_dr_destroy_domain,
+	.dr_sync_domain = mlx5_glue_dr_sync_domain,
+	.dv_create_cq = mlx5_glue_dv_create_cq,
+	.dv_create_wq = mlx5_glue_dv_create_wq,
+	.dv_query_device = mlx5_glue_dv_query_device,
+	.dv_set_context_attr = mlx5_glue_dv_set_context_attr,
+	.dv_init_obj = mlx5_glue_dv_init_obj,
+	.dv_create_qp = mlx5_glue_dv_create_qp,
+	.dv_create_flow_matcher = mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_matcher,
+	.dv_create_flow = mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow,
+	.dv_create_flow_action_counter =
+		mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_counter,
+	.dv_create_flow_action_dest_ibv_qp =
+		mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_dest_ibv_qp,
+	.dv_create_flow_action_dest_devx_tir =
+		mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_dest_devx_tir,
+	.dv_create_flow_action_modify_header =
+		mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_modify_header,
+	.dv_create_flow_action_packet_reformat =
+		mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_packet_reformat,
+	.dv_create_flow_action_tag =  mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_tag,
+	.dv_create_flow_action_meter = mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_meter,
+	.dv_modify_flow_action_meter = mlx5_glue_dv_modify_flow_action_meter,
+	.dv_create_flow_action_aso = mlx5_glue_dv_create_flow_action_aso,
+	.dr_create_flow_action_default_miss =
+		mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_default_miss,
+	.dv_destroy_flow = mlx5_glue_dv_destroy_flow,
+	.dv_destroy_flow_matcher = mlx5_glue_dv_destroy_flow_matcher,
+	.dv_open_device = mlx5_glue_dv_open_device,
+	.devx_obj_create = mlx5_glue_devx_obj_create,
+	.devx_obj_destroy = mlx5_glue_devx_obj_destroy,
+	.devx_obj_query = mlx5_glue_devx_obj_query,
+	.devx_obj_modify = mlx5_glue_devx_obj_modify,
+	.devx_general_cmd = mlx5_glue_devx_general_cmd,
+	.devx_create_cmd_comp = mlx5_glue_devx_create_cmd_comp,
+	.devx_destroy_cmd_comp = mlx5_glue_devx_destroy_cmd_comp,
+	.devx_obj_query_async = mlx5_glue_devx_obj_query_async,
+	.devx_get_async_cmd_comp = mlx5_glue_devx_get_async_cmd_comp,
+	.devx_umem_reg = mlx5_glue_devx_umem_reg,
+	.devx_umem_dereg = mlx5_glue_devx_umem_dereg,
+	.devx_qp_query = mlx5_glue_devx_qp_query,
+	.devx_wq_query = mlx5_glue_devx_wq_query,
+	.devx_port_query = mlx5_glue_devx_port_query,
+	.dr_dump_domain = mlx5_glue_dr_dump_domain,
+	.dr_dump_rule = mlx5_glue_dr_dump_single_rule,
+	.dr_reclaim_domain_memory = mlx5_glue_dr_reclaim_domain_memory,
+	.dr_create_flow_action_sampler =
+		mlx5_glue_dr_create_flow_action_sampler,
+	.dr_create_flow_action_dest_array =
+		mlx5_glue_dr_action_create_dest_array,
+	.dr_allow_duplicate_rules = mlx5_glue_dr_allow_duplicate_rules,
+	.devx_query_eqn = mlx5_glue_devx_query_eqn,
+	.devx_create_event_channel = mlx5_glue_devx_create_event_channel,
+	.devx_destroy_event_channel = mlx5_glue_devx_destroy_event_channel,
+	.devx_subscribe_devx_event = mlx5_glue_devx_subscribe_devx_event,
+	.devx_subscribe_devx_event_fd = mlx5_glue_devx_subscribe_devx_event_fd,
+	.devx_get_event = mlx5_glue_devx_get_event,
+	.devx_alloc_uar = mlx5_glue_devx_alloc_uar,
+	.devx_free_uar = mlx5_glue_devx_free_uar,
+	.dv_alloc_var = mlx5_glue_dv_alloc_var,
+	.dv_free_var = mlx5_glue_dv_free_var,
+	.dv_alloc_pp = mlx5_glue_dv_alloc_pp,
+	.dv_free_pp = mlx5_glue_dv_free_pp,
diff --git a/drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.h b/drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9f12a5d71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/common/mlx5/freebsd/mlx5_glue.h
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@ 
+/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ * Copyright 2018 6WIND S.A.
+ * Copyright 2018 Mellanox Technologies, Ltd
+ */
+#ifndef MLX5_GLUE_H_
+#define MLX5_GLUE_H_
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <stdint.h>
+/* Verbs headers do not support -pedantic. */
+#ifdef PEDANTIC
+#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wpedantic"
+#include <infiniband/mlx5dv.h>
+#include <infiniband/verbs.h>
+#ifdef PEDANTIC
+#pragma GCC diagnostic error "-Wpedantic"
+#include <rte_byteorder.h>
+#include "mlx5_autoconf.h"
+#define MLX5_GLUE_VERSION ""
+struct ibv_counter_set;
+struct ibv_counter_set_data;
+struct ibv_counter_set_description;
+struct ibv_counter_set_init_attr;
+struct ibv_query_counter_set_attr;
+struct ibv_counters;
+struct ibv_counters_init_attr;
+struct ibv_counter_attach_attr;
+struct mlx5dv_qp_init_attr;
+struct mlx5dv_wq_init_attr;
+struct mlx5dv_flow_matcher;
+struct mlx5dv_flow_matcher_attr;
+struct mlx5dv_flow_action_attr;
+struct mlx5dv_flow_match_parameters;
+struct mlx5dv_dr_flow_meter_attr;
+struct ibv_flow_action;
+enum mlx5dv_flow_action_packet_reformat_type { packet_reformat_type = 0, };
+enum mlx5dv_flow_table_type { flow_table_type = 0, };
+struct mlx5dv_devx_obj;
+struct mlx5dv_devx_umem { uint32_t umem_id; };
+struct mlx5dv_devx_uar { void *reg_addr; void *base_addr; uint32_t page_id; };
+struct mlx5dv_devx_cmd_comp;
+struct mlx5dv_devx_async_cmd_hdr;
+#ifndef HAVE_MLX5DV_DR
+enum  mlx5dv_dr_domain_type { unused, };
+struct mlx5dv_dr_domain;
+struct mlx5dv_dr_action;
+struct mlx5dv_devx_port;
+struct mlx5dv_port;
+#define MLX5_PORT_QUERY_VPORT (1u << 0)
+#define MLX5_PORT_QUERY_REG_C0 (1u << 1)
+struct mlx5_port_info {
+	uint16_t query_flags;
+	uint16_t vport_id; /* Associated VF vport index (if any). */
+	uint32_t vport_meta_tag; /* Used for vport index match ove VF LAG. */
+	uint32_t vport_meta_mask; /* Used for vport index field match mask. */
+struct mlx5dv_dr_flow_meter_attr;
+struct mlx5dv_dr_flow_sampler_attr {
+	uint32_t sample_ratio;
+	void *default_next_table;
+	size_t num_sample_actions;
+	struct mlx5dv_dr_action **sample_actions;
+	uint64_t action;
+enum mlx5dv_dr_action_dest_type {
+struct mlx5dv_dr_action_dest_reformat {
+	struct mlx5dv_dr_action *reformat;
+	struct mlx5dv_dr_action *dest;
+struct mlx5dv_dr_action_dest_attr {
+	enum mlx5dv_dr_action_dest_type type;
+	union {
+		struct mlx5dv_dr_action *dest;
+		struct mlx5dv_dr_action_dest_reformat *dest_reformat;
+	};
+struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel { int fd; };
+struct mlx5dv_devx_async_event_hdr;
+#ifndef HAVE_IBV_VAR
+struct mlx5dv_var { uint32_t page_id; uint32_t length; off_t mmap_off;
+			uint64_t comp_mask; };
+struct mlx5_glue {
+	const char *version;
+	int (*fork_init)(void);
+	struct ibv_pd *(*alloc_pd)(struct ibv_context *context);
+	int (*dealloc_pd)(struct ibv_pd *pd);
+	struct ibv_device **(*get_device_list)(int *num_devices);
+	void (*free_device_list)(struct ibv_device **list);
+	struct ibv_context *(*open_device)(struct ibv_device *device);
+	int (*close_device)(struct ibv_context *context);
+	int (*query_device)(struct ibv_context *context,
+			    struct ibv_device_attr *device_attr);
+	int (*query_device_ex)(struct ibv_context *context,
+			       const struct ibv_query_device_ex_input *input,
+			       struct ibv_device_attr_ex *attr);
+	int (*query_rt_values_ex)(struct ibv_context *context,
+			       struct ibv_values_ex *values);
+	int (*query_port)(struct ibv_context *context, uint8_t port_num,
+			  struct ibv_port_attr *port_attr);
+	struct ibv_comp_channel *(*create_comp_channel)
+		(struct ibv_context *context);
+	int (*destroy_comp_channel)(struct ibv_comp_channel *channel);
+	struct ibv_cq *(*create_cq)(struct ibv_context *context, int cqe,
+				    void *cq_context,
+				    struct ibv_comp_channel *channel,
+				    int comp_vector);
+	int (*destroy_cq)(struct ibv_cq *cq);
+	int (*get_cq_event)(struct ibv_comp_channel *channel,
+			    struct ibv_cq **cq, void **cq_context);
+	void (*ack_cq_events)(struct ibv_cq *cq, unsigned int nevents);
+	struct ibv_rwq_ind_table *(*create_rwq_ind_table)
+		(struct ibv_context *context,
+		 struct ibv_rwq_ind_table_init_attr *init_attr);
+	int (*destroy_rwq_ind_table)(struct ibv_rwq_ind_table *rwq_ind_table);
+	struct ibv_wq *(*create_wq)(struct ibv_context *context,
+				    struct ibv_wq_init_attr *wq_init_attr);
+	int (*destroy_wq)(struct ibv_wq *wq);
+	int (*modify_wq)(struct ibv_wq *wq, struct ibv_wq_attr *wq_attr);
+	struct ibv_flow *(*create_flow)(struct ibv_qp *qp,
+					struct ibv_flow_attr *flow);
+	int (*destroy_flow)(struct ibv_flow *flow_id);
+	int (*destroy_flow_action)(void *action);
+	struct ibv_qp *(*create_qp)(struct ibv_pd *pd,
+				    struct ibv_qp_init_attr *qp_init_attr);
+	struct ibv_qp *(*create_qp_ex)
+		(struct ibv_context *context,
+		 struct ibv_qp_init_attr_ex *qp_init_attr_ex);
+	int (*destroy_qp)(struct ibv_qp *qp);
+	int (*modify_qp)(struct ibv_qp *qp, struct ibv_qp_attr *attr,
+			 int attr_mask);
+	struct ibv_mr *(*reg_mr)(struct ibv_pd *pd, void *addr,
+				 size_t length, int access);
+	struct ibv_mr *(*alloc_null_mr)(struct ibv_pd *pd);
+	int (*dereg_mr)(struct ibv_mr *mr);
+	struct ibv_counter_set *(*create_counter_set)
+		(struct ibv_context *context,
+		 struct ibv_counter_set_init_attr *init_attr);
+	int (*destroy_counter_set)(struct ibv_counter_set *cs);
+	int (*describe_counter_set)
+		(struct ibv_context *context,
+		 uint16_t counter_set_id,
+		 struct ibv_counter_set_description *cs_desc);
+	int (*query_counter_set)(struct ibv_query_counter_set_attr *query_attr,
+				 struct ibv_counter_set_data *cs_data);
+	struct ibv_counters *(*create_counters)
+		(struct ibv_context *context,
+		 struct ibv_counters_init_attr *init_attr);
+	int (*destroy_counters)(struct ibv_counters *counters);
+	int (*attach_counters)(struct ibv_counters *counters,
+			       struct ibv_counter_attach_attr *attr,
+			       struct ibv_flow *flow);
+	int (*query_counters)(struct ibv_counters *counters,
+			      uint64_t *counters_value,
+			      uint32_t ncounters,
+			      uint32_t flags);
+	void (*ack_async_event)(struct ibv_async_event *event);
+	int (*get_async_event)(struct ibv_context *context,
+			       struct ibv_async_event *event);
+	const char *(*port_state_str)(enum ibv_port_state port_state);
+	struct ibv_cq *(*cq_ex_to_cq)(struct ibv_cq_ex *cq);
+	void *(*dr_create_flow_action_dest_flow_tbl)(void *tbl);
+	void *(*dr_create_flow_action_dest_port)(void *domain,
+						 uint32_t port);
+	void *(*dr_create_flow_action_drop)(void);
+	void *(*dr_create_flow_action_push_vlan)
+					(struct mlx5dv_dr_domain *domain,
+					 rte_be32_t vlan_tag);
+	void *(*dr_create_flow_action_pop_vlan)(void);
+	void *(*dr_create_flow_tbl)(void *domain, uint32_t level);
+	int (*dr_destroy_flow_tbl)(void *tbl);
+	void *(*dr_create_domain)(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+				  enum mlx5dv_dr_domain_type domain);
+	int (*dr_destroy_domain)(void *domain);
+	int (*dr_sync_domain)(void *domain, uint32_t flags);
+	struct ibv_cq_ex *(*dv_create_cq)
+		(struct ibv_context *context,
+		 struct ibv_cq_init_attr_ex *cq_attr,
+		 struct mlx5dv_cq_init_attr *mlx5_cq_attr);
+	struct ibv_wq *(*dv_create_wq)
+		(struct ibv_context *context,
+		 struct ibv_wq_init_attr *wq_attr,
+		 struct mlx5dv_wq_init_attr *mlx5_wq_attr);
+	int (*dv_query_device)(struct ibv_context *ctx_in,
+			       struct mlx5dv_context *attrs_out);
+	int (*dv_set_context_attr)(struct ibv_context *ibv_ctx,
+				   enum mlx5dv_set_ctx_attr_type type,
+				   void *attr);
+	int (*dv_init_obj)(struct mlx5dv_obj *obj, uint64_t obj_type);
+	struct ibv_qp *(*dv_create_qp)
+		(struct ibv_context *context,
+		 struct ibv_qp_init_attr_ex *qp_init_attr_ex,
+		 struct mlx5dv_qp_init_attr *dv_qp_init_attr);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow_matcher)
+		(struct ibv_context *context,
+		 struct mlx5dv_flow_matcher_attr *matcher_attr,
+		 void *tbl);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow)(void *matcher, void *match_value,
+			  size_t num_actions, void *actions[]);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow_action_counter)(void *obj, uint32_t  offset);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow_action_dest_ibv_qp)(void *qp);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow_action_dest_devx_tir)(void *tir);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow_action_modify_header)
+		(struct ibv_context *ctx, enum mlx5dv_flow_table_type ft_type,
+		 void *domain, uint64_t flags, size_t actions_sz,
+		 uint64_t actions[]);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow_action_packet_reformat)
+		(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+		 enum mlx5dv_flow_action_packet_reformat_type reformat_type,
+		 enum mlx5dv_flow_table_type ft_type,
+		 struct mlx5dv_dr_domain *domain,
+		 uint32_t flags, size_t data_sz, void *data);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow_action_tag)(uint32_t tag);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow_action_meter)
+		(struct mlx5dv_dr_flow_meter_attr *attr);
+	int (*dv_modify_flow_action_meter)(void *action,
+		struct mlx5dv_dr_flow_meter_attr *attr, uint64_t modify_bits);
+	void *(*dr_create_flow_action_default_miss)(void);
+	int (*dv_destroy_flow)(void *flow);
+	int (*dv_destroy_flow_matcher)(void *matcher);
+	struct ibv_context *(*dv_open_device)(struct ibv_device *device);
+	struct mlx5dv_var *(*dv_alloc_var)(struct ibv_context *context,
+					   uint32_t flags);
+	void (*dv_free_var)(struct mlx5dv_var *var);
+	struct mlx5dv_devx_uar *(*devx_alloc_uar)(struct ibv_context *context,
+						  uint32_t flags);
+	void (*devx_free_uar)(struct mlx5dv_devx_uar *devx_uar);
+	struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *(*devx_obj_create)
+					(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+					 const void *in, size_t inlen,
+					 void *out, size_t outlen);
+	int (*devx_obj_destroy)(struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj);
+	int (*devx_obj_query)(struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj,
+			      const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			      void *out, size_t outlen);
+	int (*devx_obj_modify)(struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj,
+			       const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			       void *out, size_t outlen);
+	int (*devx_general_cmd)(struct ibv_context *context,
+				const void *in, size_t inlen,
+				void *out, size_t outlen);
+	struct mlx5dv_devx_cmd_comp *(*devx_create_cmd_comp)
+					(struct ibv_context *context);
+	void (*devx_destroy_cmd_comp)(struct mlx5dv_devx_cmd_comp *cmd_comp);
+	int (*devx_obj_query_async)(struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj,
+				    const void *in, size_t inlen,
+				    size_t outlen, uint64_t wr_id,
+				    struct mlx5dv_devx_cmd_comp *cmd_comp);
+	int (*devx_get_async_cmd_comp)(struct mlx5dv_devx_cmd_comp *cmd_comp,
+				       struct mlx5dv_devx_async_cmd_hdr *resp,
+				       size_t cmd_resp_len);
+	struct mlx5dv_devx_umem *(*devx_umem_reg)(struct ibv_context *context,
+						  void *addr, size_t size,
+						  uint32_t access);
+	int (*devx_umem_dereg)(struct mlx5dv_devx_umem *dv_devx_umem);
+	int (*devx_qp_query)(struct ibv_qp *qp,
+			     const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			     void *out, size_t outlen);
+	int (*devx_wq_query)(struct ibv_wq *wq, const void *in, size_t inlen,
+			     void *out, size_t outlen);
+	int (*devx_port_query)(struct ibv_context *ctx,
+			       uint32_t port_num,
+			       struct mlx5_port_info *info);
+	int (*dr_dump_domain)(FILE *file, void *domain);
+	int (*dr_dump_rule)(FILE *file, void *rule);
+	int (*devx_query_eqn)(struct ibv_context *context, uint32_t cpus,
+			      uint32_t *eqn);
+	struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *(*devx_create_event_channel)
+				(struct ibv_context *context, int flags);
+	void (*devx_destroy_event_channel)
+			(struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *event_channel);
+	int (*devx_subscribe_devx_event)
+			(struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *event_channel,
+			 struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj,
+			 uint16_t events_sz,
+			 uint16_t events_num[],
+			 uint64_t cookie);
+	int (*devx_subscribe_devx_event_fd)
+			(struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *event_channel,
+			 int fd,
+			 struct mlx5dv_devx_obj *obj,
+			 uint16_t event_num);
+	ssize_t (*devx_get_event)
+			(struct mlx5dv_devx_event_channel *event_channel,
+			 struct mlx5dv_devx_async_event_hdr *event_data,
+			 size_t event_resp_len);
+	void (*dr_reclaim_domain_memory)(void *domain, uint32_t enable);
+	void (*dr_allow_duplicate_rules)(void *domain, uint32_t allow);
+	struct mlx5dv_pp *(*dv_alloc_pp)(struct ibv_context *context,
+					 size_t pp_context_sz,
+					 const void *pp_context,
+					 uint32_t flags);
+	void (*dv_free_pp)(struct mlx5dv_pp *pp);
+	void *(*dr_create_flow_action_sampler)
+			(struct mlx5dv_dr_flow_sampler_attr *attr);
+	void *(*dr_create_flow_action_dest_array)
+			(void *domain,
+			 size_t num_dest,
+			 struct mlx5dv_dr_action_dest_attr *dests[]);
+	void *(*dv_create_flow_action_aso)
+			(struct mlx5dv_dr_domain *domain, void *aso_obj,
+			 uint32_t offset, uint32_t flags, uint8_t return_reg_c);
+extern const struct mlx5_glue *mlx5_glue;
+#endif /* MLX5_GLUE_H_ */