[v2,1/5] dts: add TX offload capabilities

Message ID 20240903194642.24458-2-jspewock@iol.unh.edu (mailing list archive)
State New
Delegated to: Juraj Linkeš
Series dts: port over Rx/Tx offload suite |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/loongarch-compilation warning apply patch failure
ci/iol-testing warning apply patch failure

Commit Message

Jeremy Spewock Sept. 3, 2024, 7:46 p.m. UTC
From: Jeremy Spewock <jspewock@iol.unh.edu>

The ability to query RX offloading capabilities of a device already
exist, but there are situations in other test suites where skipping a
test case/suite based on if a TX capability is missing is also
desirable. This patch expands the RX offloading capabilities class to
also allow for collecting TX offloading capabilities by creating a
common parent class with parsing utility that is generalized to both.

Signed-off-by: Jeremy Spewock <jspewock@iol.unh.edu>
 dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py | 395 +++++++++++++-----
 1 file changed, 297 insertions(+), 98 deletions(-)


diff --git a/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py b/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py
index 99f327a91b..13001d6666 100644
--- a/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py
+++ b/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ 
 from enum import Flag, auto
 from functools import partial
 from pathlib import PurePath
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, TypeAlias
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, TypeAlias, cast
     from enum import Enum as NoAliasEnum
@@ -661,55 +661,8 @@  class TestPmdPortStats(TextParser):
     tx_bps: int = field(metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"Tx-bps:\s+(\d+)"))
-class RxOffloadCapability(Flag):
-    """Rx offload capabilities of a device."""
-    #:
-    #: Device supports L3 checksum offload.
-    RX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM = auto()
-    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
-    RX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM = auto()
-    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
-    RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM = auto()
-    #: Device supports Large Receive Offload.
-    RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_LRO = auto()
-    #: Device supports QinQ (queue in queue) offload.
-    #: Device supports inner packet L3 checksum.
-    #: Device supports MACsec.
-    #: Device supports filtering of a VLAN Tag identifier.
-    #: Device supports VLAN offload.
-    #: Device supports receiving segmented mbufs.
-    RX_OFFLOAD_SCATTER = 1 << 13
-    #: Device supports Timestamp.
-    #: Device supports crypto processing while packet is received in NIC.
-    #: Device supports CRC stripping.
-    RX_OFFLOAD_KEEP_CRC = auto()
-    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
-    #: Device supports inner packet L4 checksum.
-    #: Device supports RSS hashing.
-    RX_OFFLOAD_RSS_HASH = auto()
-    #: Device supports
-    #: Device supports all checksum capabilities.
-    #: Device supports all VLAN capabilities.
-    )
+class OffloadCapability(Flag):
+    """Offload capabilities of a device."""
     def from_string(cls, line: str) -> Self:
@@ -723,7 +676,7 @@  def from_string(cls, line: str) -> Self:
         flag = cls(0)
         for flag_name in line.split():
-            flag |= cls[f"RX_OFFLOAD_{flag_name}"]
+            flag |= cls[flag_name]
         return flag
@@ -745,20 +698,130 @@  def make_parser(cls, per_port: bool) -> ParserFn:
+class RxOffloadCapability(OffloadCapability):
+    """Rx offload capabilities of a device."""
+    #: Device supports L3 checksum offload.
+    IPV4_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
+    UDP_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
+    TCP_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports inner packet L3 checksum.
+    OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports crypto processing while packet is received in NIC.
+    SECURITY = auto()
+    #:
+    VLAN_STRIP = auto()
+    #: Device supports Large Receive Offload.
+    TCP_LRO = auto()
+    #: Device supports QinQ (queue in queue) offload.
+    QINQ_STRIP = auto()
+    #: Device supports MACsec.
+    MACSEC_STRIP = auto()
+    #: Device supports filtering of a VLAN Tag identifier.
+    VLAN_FILTER = 1 << 9
+    #: Device supports VLAN offload.
+    VLAN_EXTEND = auto()
+    #: Device supports receiving segmented mbufs.
+    SCATTER = 1 << 13
+    #: Device supports Timestamp.
+    TIMESTAMP = auto()
+    #: Device supports CRC stripping.
+    KEEP_CRC = auto()
+    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
+    SCTP_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports inner packet L4 checksum.
+    OUTER_UDP_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports RSS hashing.
+    RSS_HASH = auto()
+    #: Device supports
+    BUFFER_SPLIT = auto()
+    #: Device supports all checksum capabilities.
+    #: Device supports all VLAN capabilities.
+class TxOffloadCapability(OffloadCapability):
+    """Tx offload capabilities of a device."""
+    #: Device supports L3 checksum offload.
+    IPV4_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
+    UDP_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
+    TCP_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports inner packet L3 checksum.
+    OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports crypto processing while packet is received in NIC.
+    SECURITY = auto()
+    #:
+    VLAN_INSERT = auto()
+    #:
+    QINQ_INSERT = auto()
+    #:
+    SCTP_CKSUM = auto()
+    #: Device supports QinQ (queue in queue) stripping offload.
+    QINQ_STRIP = auto()
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload.
+    TCP_TSO = auto()
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with UDP.
+    UDP_TSO = auto()
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with VXLAN tunnels.
+    VXLAN_TNL_TSO = auto()
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with GRE tunnels.
+    GRE_TNL_TSO = auto()
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with IPIP tunnels.
+    IPIP_TNL_TSO = auto()
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with IP tunnels.
+    IP_TNL_TSO = auto()
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with GENEVE tunnels.
+    GENEVE_TNL_TSO = auto()
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with UDP tunnels.
+    UDP_TNL_TSO = auto()
+    #:
+    MACSEC_INSERT = auto()
+    #:
+    MT_LOCKFREE = auto()
+    #:
+    MULTI_SEGS = auto()
+    #:
+    MBUF_FAST_FREE = auto()
-class RxOffloadCapabilities(TextParser):
-    """The result of testpmd's ``show port <port_id> rx_offload capabilities`` command."""
+class OffloadCapabilities(TextParser):
+    """The result of testpmd's ``show port <port_id> rx/tx_offload capabilities`` command."""
+    #:
+    port_id: int = field(metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"Offloading Capabilities of port (\d+) :"))
+    #: Per-queue offload capabilities.
+    per_queue: RxOffloadCapability | TxOffloadCapability
+    #: Capabilities other than per-queue offload capabilities.
+    per_port: RxOffloadCapability | TxOffloadCapability
+class RxOffloadCapabilities(OffloadCapabilities):
+    """Extends :class:`OffloadCapabilities` with Rx specific functionality."""
-    port_id: int = field(
-        metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"Rx Offloading Capabilities of port (\d+) :")
-    )
-    #: Per-queue Rx offload capabilities.
     per_queue: RxOffloadCapability = field(metadata=RxOffloadCapability.make_parser(False))
-    #: Capabilities other than per-queue Rx offload capabilities.
+    #:
     per_port: RxOffloadCapability = field(metadata=RxOffloadCapability.make_parser(True))
+class TxOffloadCapabilities(OffloadCapabilities):
+    """Extends :class:`OffloadCapabilities` with Tx specific functionality."""
+    #:
+    per_queue: TxOffloadCapability = field(metadata=TxOffloadCapability.make_parser(False))
+    #:
+    per_port: TxOffloadCapability = field(metadata=TxOffloadCapability.make_parser(True))
 T = TypeVarTuple("T")  # type: ignore[misc]
@@ -1501,6 +1564,32 @@  def show_port_stats(self, port_id: int) -> TestPmdPortStats:
         return TestPmdPortStats.parse(output)
+    def show_port_rx_offload_capabilities(self, port_id: int) -> RxOffloadCapabilities:
+        """Query the offloading capabilities of a given Rx port.
+        Args:
+            port_id: The ID of the port to query.
+        Returns:
+            Offloading capabilities of the port whose ID matches `port_id`.
+        """
+        command = f"show port {port_id} rx_offload capabilities"
+        offload_capabilities_out = self.send_command(command)
+        return RxOffloadCapabilities.parse(offload_capabilities_out)
+    def show_port_tx_offload_capabilities(self, port_id: int) -> TxOffloadCapabilities:
+        """Query the offloading capabilities of a given Tx port.
+        Args:
+            port_id: The ID of the port to query.
+        Returns:
+            Offloading capabilities of the port whose ID matches `port_id`.
+        """
+        command = f"show port {port_id} tx_offload capabilities"
+        offload_capabilities_out = self.send_command(command)
+        return TxOffloadCapabilities.parse(offload_capabilities_out)
     def _stop_port(self, port_id: int, verify: bool = True) -> None:
         """Stop port with `port_id` in testpmd.
@@ -1856,27 +1945,52 @@  def _close(self) -> None:
     ====== Capability retrieval methods ======
-    def get_capabilities_rx_offload(
-        self,
-        supported_capabilities: MutableSet["NicCapability"],
-        unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet["NicCapability"],
-    ) -> None:
-        """Get all rx offload capabilities and divide them into supported and unsupported.
+    @staticmethod
+    def get_offload_capabilities_func(
+        is_rx: bool,
+    ) -> Callable[["TestPmdShell", MutableSet["NicCapability"], MutableSet["NicCapability"]], None]:
+        """High-order function that returns a method for gathering Rx/Tx offload capabilities.
-            supported_capabilities: Supported capabilities will be added to this set.
-            unsupported_capabilities: Unsupported capabilities will be added to this set.
+            is_rx: If :data:`True` the method that is returned will gather Rx capabilities. If
+                :data:`False` the returned method will return Tx capabilities.
+        Returns:
+            A method for gathering Rx/Tx offload capabilities that meets the required structure.
-        self._logger.debug("Getting rx offload capabilities.")
-        command = f"show port {self.ports[0].id} rx_offload capabilities"
-        rx_offload_capabilities_out = self.send_command(command)
-        rx_offload_capabilities = RxOffloadCapabilities.parse(rx_offload_capabilities_out)
-        self._update_capabilities_from_flag(
-            supported_capabilities,
-            unsupported_capabilities,
-            RxOffloadCapability,
-            rx_offload_capabilities.per_port | rx_offload_capabilities.per_queue,
-        )
+        def get_capabilities(
+            self: "TestPmdShell",
+            supported_capabilities: MutableSet["NicCapability"],
+            unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet["NicCapability"],
+        ) -> None:
+            """Get all rx/tx offload capabilities and divide them into supported and unsupported.
+            Args:
+                self: The shell to get the capabilities from.
+                supported_capabilities: Supported capabilities will be added to this set.
+                unsupported_capabilities: Unsupported capabilities will be added to this set.
+            """
+            capabilities_class = RxOffloadCapability if is_rx else TxOffloadCapability
+            offload_type = "RX" if is_rx else "TX"
+            offload_capabilities_func = (
+                self.show_port_rx_offload_capabilities
+                if is_rx
+                else self.show_port_tx_offload_capabilities
+            )
+            offload_capabilities = offload_capabilities_func(self.ports[0].id)
+            # Cast to the generic type for mypy
+            per_port = cast(OffloadCapability, offload_capabilities.per_port)
+            per_queue = cast(OffloadCapability, offload_capabilities.per_queue)
+            self._update_capabilities_from_flag(
+                supported_capabilities,
+                unsupported_capabilities,
+                capabilities_class,
+                per_port | per_queue,
+                prefix=f"{offload_type}_OFFLOAD_",
+            )
+        return get_capabilities
     def _update_capabilities_from_flag(
@@ -1884,13 +1998,14 @@  def _update_capabilities_from_flag(
         unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet["NicCapability"],
         flag_class: type[Flag],
         supported_flags: Flag,
+        prefix: str = "",
     ) -> None:
         """Divide all flags from `flag_class` into supported and unsupported."""
         for flag in flag_class:
             if flag in supported_flags:
-                supported_capabilities.add(NicCapability[str(flag.name)])
+                supported_capabilities.add(NicCapability[f"{prefix}{flag.name}"])
-                unsupported_capabilities.add(NicCapability[str(flag.name)])
+                unsupported_capabilities.add(NicCapability[f"{prefix}{flag.name}"])
     def get_capabilities_rxq_info(
@@ -1983,83 +2098,167 @@  class NicCapability(NoAliasEnum):
     RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_STRIP: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports L3 checksum offload.
     RX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
     RX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
     RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports Large Receive Offload.
     RX_OFFLOAD_TCP_LRO: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports QinQ (queue in queue) offload.
     RX_OFFLOAD_QINQ_STRIP: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports inner packet L3 checksum.
     RX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports MACsec.
     RX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC_STRIP: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports filtering of a VLAN Tag identifier.
     RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_FILTER: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports VLAN offload.
     RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_EXTEND: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports receiving segmented mbufs.
     RX_OFFLOAD_SCATTER: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports Timestamp.
     RX_OFFLOAD_TIMESTAMP: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports crypto processing while packet is received in NIC.
     RX_OFFLOAD_SECURITY: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports CRC stripping.
     RX_OFFLOAD_KEEP_CRC: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
     RX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports inner packet L4 checksum.
     RX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_UDP_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports RSS hashing.
     RX_OFFLOAD_RSS_HASH: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports scatter Rx packets to segmented mbufs.
     RX_OFFLOAD_BUFFER_SPLIT: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports all checksum capabilities.
     RX_OFFLOAD_CHECKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
     #: Device supports all VLAN capabilities.
     RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
-        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rx_offload
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(True)
+    )
+    #: Device supports L3 checksum offload.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_IPV4_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports L4 checksum offload.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports inner packet L3 checksum.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_OUTER_IPV4_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports crypto processing while packet is received in NIC.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_SECURITY: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #:
+    TX_OFFLOAD_VLAN_INSERT: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #:
+    TX_OFFLOAD_QINQ_INSERT: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #:
+    TX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports QinQ (queue in queue) stripping offload.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_QINQ_STRIP: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_TCP_TSO: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with UDP.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_TSO: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with VXLAN tunnels.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_VXLAN_TNL_TSO: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with GRE tunnels.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_GRE_TNL_TSO: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with IPIP tunnels.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_IPIP_TNL_TSO: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with IP tunnels.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_IP_TNL_TSO: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with GENEVE tunnels.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_GENEVE_TNL_TSO: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #: Device supports TCP Segmentation Offload with UDP tunnels.
+    TX_OFFLOAD_UDP_TNL_TSO: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #:
+    TX_OFFLOAD_MACSEC_INSERT: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #:
+    TX_OFFLOAD_MT_LOCKFREE: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #:
+    TX_OFFLOAD_MULTI_SEGS: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
+    )
+    #:
+    TX_OFFLOAD_MBUF_FAST_FREE: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(
+        TestPmdShell.get_offload_capabilities_func(False)
     #: Device supports Rx queue setup after device started.
     RUNTIME_RX_QUEUE_SETUP: TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod = partial(