new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2024 Intel Corporation
+import argparse
+import collections
+import sys
+import typing as T
+# typedef for dependency data types
+Deps = T.Set[str]
+DepData = T.Dict[str, T.Dict[str, T.Dict[bool, Deps]]]
+def parse_dep_line(line: str) -> T.Tuple[str, Deps, str, bool]:
+ """Parse digraph line into (component, {dependencies}, type, optional)."""
+ # extract attributes first
+ first, last = line.index("["), line.rindex("]")
+ edge_str, attr_str = line[:first], line[first + 1 : last]
+ # key=value, key=value, ...
+ attrs = {
+ key.strip('" '): value.strip('" ')
+ for attr_kv in attr_str.split(",")
+ for key, value in [attr_kv.strip().split("=", 1)]
+ }
+ # check if edge is defined as dotted line, meaning it's optional
+ optional = "dotted" in attrs.get("style", "")
+ try:
+ component_type = attrs["dpdk_componentType"]
+ except KeyError as _e:
+ raise ValueError(f"Error: missing component type: {line}") from _e
+ # now, extract component name and any of its dependencies
+ deps: T.Set[str] = set()
+ try:
+ component, deps_str = edge_str.strip('" ').split("->", 1)
+ component = component.strip().strip('" ')
+ deps_str = deps_str.strip().strip("{}")
+ deps = {d.strip('" ') for d in deps_str.split(",")}
+ except ValueError as _e:
+ component = edge_str.strip('" ')
+ return component, deps, component_type, optional
+def gen_dep_line(component: str, deps: T.Set[str], optional: bool) -> str:
+ """Generate a dependency line for a component."""
+ # we use dotted line to represent optional components
+ attr_str = ' [style="dotted"]' if optional else ""
+ dep_list_str = '", "'.join(deps)
+ deps_str = "" if not deps else f' -> {{ "{dep_list_str}" }}'
+ return f' "{component}"{deps_str}{attr_str}\n'
+def read_deps_list(lines: T.List[str]) -> DepData:
+ """Read a list of dependency lines into a dictionary."""
+ deps_data: T.Dict[str, T.Any] = {}
+ for ln in lines:
+ if ln.startswith("digraph") or ln == "}":
+ continue
+ component, deps, component_type, optional = parse_dep_line(ln)
+ # each component will have two sets of dependencies - required and optional
+ c_dict = deps_data.setdefault(component_type, {}).setdefault(component, {})
+ c_dict[optional] = deps
+ return deps_data
+def create_classified_graph(deps_data: DepData) -> T.Iterator[str]:
+ """Create a graph of dependencies with components classified by type."""
+ yield "digraph dpdk_dependencies {\n overlap=false\n model=subset\n"
+ for n, deps_t in enumerate(deps_data.items()):
+ component_type, component_dict = deps_t
+ yield f' subgraph cluster_{n} {{\n label = "{component_type}"\n'
+ for component, optional_d in component_dict.items():
+ for optional, deps in optional_d.items():
+ yield gen_dep_line(component, deps, optional)
+ yield " }\n"
+ yield "}\n"
+def parse_match(line: str, dep_data: DepData) -> T.List[str]:
+ """Extract list of components from a category string."""
+ # if this is not a compound string, we have very few valid choices
+ if "/" not in line:
+ # is this a category?
+ if line in dep_data:
+ return list(dep_data[line].keys())
+ # this isn't a category. maybe an app name?
+ maybe_app_name = f"dpdk-{line}"
+ if maybe_app_name in dep_data["app"]:
+ return [maybe_app_name]
+ if maybe_app_name in dep_data["examples"]:
+ return [maybe_app_name]
+ # this isn't an app name either, so just look for component with that name
+ for _, component_dict in dep_data.items():
+ if line in component_dict:
+ return [line]
+ # nothing found still. one last try: maybe it's a driver? we have to be careful though
+ # because a driver name may not be unique, e.g. common/iavf and net/iavf. so, only pick
+ # a driver if we can find exactly one driver that matches.
+ found_drivers: T.List[str] = []
+ for component in dep_data["drivers"].keys():
+ _, drv_name = component.split("_", 1)
+ if drv_name == line:
+ found_drivers.append(component)
+ if len(found_drivers) == 1:
+ return found_drivers
+ # we failed to find anything, report error
+ raise ValueError(f"Error: unknown component: {line}")
+ # this is a compound string, so we have to do some matching. we may have two or three levels
+ # of hierarchy, as driver/net/ice and net/ice should both be valid.
+ # if there are three levels of hierarchy, this must be a driver
+ try:
+ ctype, drv_class, drv_name = line.split("/", 2)
+ component_name = f"{drv_class}_{drv_name}"
+ # we want to directly access the dict to trigger KeyError, and not catch them here
+ if component_name in dep_data[ctype]:
+ return [component_name]
+ else:
+ raise KeyError(f"Unknown category: {line}")
+ except ValueError:
+ # not three levels of hierarchy, try two
+ pass
+ first, second = line.split("/", 1)
+ # this could still be a driver, just without the "drivers" prefix
+ for component in dep_data["drivers"].keys():
+ if component == f"{first}_{second}":
+ return [component]
+ # could be driver wildcard, e.g. drivers/net
+ if first == "drivers":
+ drv_match: T.List[str] = [
+ drv_name
+ for drv_name in dep_data["drivers"]
+ if drv_name.startswith(f"{second}_")
+ ]
+ if drv_match:
+ return drv_match
+ # may be category + component
+ if first in dep_data:
+ # go through all components in the category
+ if second in dep_data[first]:
+ return [second]
+ # if it's an app or an example, it may have "dpdk-" in front
+ if first in ["app", "examples"]:
+ maybe_app_name = f"dpdk-{second}"
+ if maybe_app_name in dep_data[first]:
+ return [maybe_app_name]
+ # and nothing of value was found
+ raise ValueError(f"Error: unknown component: {line}")
+def filter_deps(dep_data: DepData, criteria: T.List[str]) -> None:
+ """Filter dependency data to include only specified components."""
+ # this is a two step process: when we get a list of components, we need to
+ # go through all of them and note any dependencies they have, and expand the
+ # list of components with those dependencies. then we filter.
+ # walk the dependency list and include all possible dependencies
+ deps_seen: Deps = set()
+ deps_stack = collections.deque(criteria)
+ while deps_stack:
+ component = deps_stack.popleft()
+ if component in deps_seen:
+ continue
+ deps_seen.add(component)
+ for component_type, component_dict in dep_data.items():
+ try:
+ deps = component_dict[component]
+ except KeyError:
+ # wrong component type
+ continue
+ for _, dep_list in deps.items():
+ deps_stack.extend(dep_list)
+ criteria += list(deps_seen)
+ # now, "components" has all the dependencies we need to include, so we can filter
+ for component_type, component_dict in dep_data.items():
+ dep_data[component_type] = {
+ component: deps
+ for component, deps in component_dict.items()
+ if component in criteria
+ }
+def main():
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Utility to generate dependency tree graphs for DPDK"
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "--match",
+ type=str,
+ help="Output hierarchy for component or category, e.g. net/ice, lib, app, drivers/net, etc.",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "input_file",
+ type=argparse.FileType("r"),
+ help="Path to the file from a DPDK build directory",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "output_file",
+ type=argparse.FileType("w"),
+ help="Path to the desired output dot file",
+ )
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ deps = read_deps_list([ln.strip() for ln in args.input_file.readlines()])
+ if args.match:
+ try:
+ filter_deps(deps, parse_match(args.match, deps))
+ except (KeyError, ValueError) as e:
+ print(e, file=sys.stderr)
+ return
+ args.output_file.writelines(create_classified_graph(deps))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()