[V3,2/2] flexible_rxd: add mpls test cases

Message ID 20201027055956.37899-3-yufengx.mo@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Delegated to: Zhaoyan Chen
Series flexible_rxd: add test cases for iavf/mpls |

Commit Message

Yufen.Mo Oct. 27, 2020, 5:59 a.m. UTC
add mpls test cases.

Signed-off-by: yufengmx <yufengx.mo@intel.com>
 tests/TestSuite_flexible_rxd.py | 255 ++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 96 insertions(+), 159 deletions(-)


diff --git a/tests/TestSuite_flexible_rxd.py b/tests/TestSuite_flexible_rxd.py
index b69d8bb..f7f7772 100644
--- a/tests/TestSuite_flexible_rxd.py
+++ b/tests/TestSuite_flexible_rxd.py
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ 
-# Copyright (c) <2019> Intel Corporation
+# Copyright (c) <2020> Intel Corporation
 # All rights reserved.
 # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -33,246 +33,183 @@ 
 import time
 from test_case import TestCase
-from packet import Packet
-from pmd_output import PmdOutput
+from flexible_common import FlexibleRxdBase
-class TestFlexibleRxd(TestCase):
+class TestFlexibleRxd(TestCase, FlexibleRxdBase):
+    def preset_compilation(self):
+        """
+        Modify the dpdk code.
+        """
+        cmds = [
+            "cd " + self.dut.base_dir,
+            "cp ./app/test-pmd/util.c .",
+            """sed -i "/if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_NET_IXGBE')/i\if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_NET_ICE')\n\tdeps += 'net_ice'\nendif" app/test-pmd/meson.build""",
+            "sed -i '/#include <rte_flow.h>/a\#include <rte_pmd_ice.h>' app/test-pmd/util.c",
+            "sed -i '/if (ol_flags & PKT_RX_TIMESTAMP)/i\                rte_net_ice_dump_proto_xtr_metadata(mb);' app/test-pmd/util.c",
+        ]
+        [self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "#", 15, alt_session=True) for cmd in cmds]
+        self.dut.build_install_dpdk(self.dut.target)
+    def restore_compilation(self):
+        """
+         Resume editing operation.
+        """
+        cmds = [
+            "cd " + self.dut.base_dir,
+            "cp ./util.c ./app/test-pmd/",
+            "sed -i '/pmd_ice/d' app/test-pmd/meson.build",
+            "rm -rf  ./util.c",
+        ]
+        [self.dut.send_expect(cmd, "#", 15, alt_session=True) for cmd in cmds]
+        self.dut.build_install_dpdk(self.dut.target)
     def set_up_all(self):
         run at the start of each test suite.
-        self.verify(self.nic in ["columbiaville_25g", "columbiaville_100g", "foxville"],
-                    "flexible rxd only supports CVL NIC.")
-        self.nb_core = 2
-        self.pkg_count = 1
+        support_nics = [
+            "columbiaville_25g",
+            "columbiaville_100g",
+            "foxville",
+        ]
+        self.verify(self.nic in support_nics,
+            "flexible rxd only supports CVL NIC.")
         self.dut_ports = self.dut.get_ports(self.nic)
         self.verify(len(self.dut_ports) >= 1, "Insufficient ports for testing")
-        self.pci_info = self.dut.ports_info[0]['pci']
         self.ports_socket = self.dut.get_numa_id(self.dut_ports[0])
         self.cores = self.dut.get_core_list("1S/3C/1T", socket=self.ports_socket)
-        self.verify(len(self.cores) >= 3, "The machine has too few cores.")
-        self.tx_interface = self.tester.get_interface(self.tester.get_local_port(self.dut_ports[0]))
+        self.verify(len(self.cores) >= 3, "Insufficient cpu cores for testing")
+        self.preset_compilation()
+        self.pci = self.dut.ports_info[0]['pci']
         self.dst_mac = self.dut.get_mac_address(self.dut_ports[0])
-        self.src_mac = self.tester.get_mac(self.tester.get_local_port(self.dut_ports[0]))
-        self.pmdout = PmdOutput(self.dut)
-        self.prepare_test_pmd()
+        self.init_base(self.pci, self.dst_mac, 'pf')
-    def set_up(self):
-        """
-        Run before each test case.
-        """
-        pass
-    def prepare_test_pmd(self):
+    def tear_down_all(self):
-        Modify the dpdk code.
+        Run after each test suite.
-        self.dut.send_expect("cp ./app/test-pmd/util.c .", "#", 15)
-        self.dut.send_expect("cp ./app/test-pmd/meson.build /root/", "#", 15)
-        pattern = r"/if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIBRTE_IXGBE_PMD')/i\if dpdk_conf.has('RTE_LIBRTE_ICE_PMD')\n\tdeps += 'pmd_ice'\nendif"
-        self.dut.send_expect(f'sed -i "{pattern}" app/test-pmd/meson.build', "#", 15)
-        self.dut.send_expect(
-            "sed -i '/#include <rte_flow.h>/a\#include <rte_pmd_ice.h>' app/test-pmd/util.c", "#", 15)
-        self.dut.send_expect(
-            "sed -i '/if (ol_flags & PKT_RX_TIMESTAMP)/i\                rte_net_ice_dump_proto_xtr_metadata(mb);' app/test-pmd/util.c", "#", 15)
-        self.dut.build_install_dpdk(self.dut.target)
+        self.restore_compilation()
-    def restory_test_pmd(self):
+    def set_up(self):
-         Resume editing operation.
+        Run before each test case.
-        self.dut.send_expect("\cp ./util.c ./app/test-pmd/", "#", 15)
-        self.dut.send_expect("\cp /root/meson.build ./app/test-pmd/", "#", 15)
-        self.dut.send_expect("rm -rf  /root/meson.build", "#", 15)
-        self.dut.send_expect("rm -rf  ./util.c", "#", 15)
-        self.dut.build_install_dpdk(self.dut.target)
-    def start_testpmd(self, proto_xdr):
-        """
-        start testpmd
-        """
-        num = '4' if self.nic == 'foxville' else '32'
-        para = '--rxq=%s --txq=%s --portmask=0x1 --nb-cores=%d' % (num, num, self.nb_core)
-        self.pmdout.start_testpmd("1S/3C/1T", param=para, ports=[self.pci_info], port_options={self.pci_info: 'proto_xtr=%s' % proto_xdr})
-        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("set verbose 1", "testpmd> ", 120)
-        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("set fwd io", "testpmd> ", 120)
-        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("set promisc all off", "testpmd> ", 120)
-        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("clear port stats all", "testpmd> ", 120)
-        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("start", "testpmd> ", 120)
+        pass
-    def verify_result(self, fields_list, out, mesg):
+    def tear_down(self):
-        Validation results
+        Run after each test case.
-        for field in fields_list:
-            self.verify(field in out, mesg)
-        self.dut.send_expect("quit", "#", 15)
-    def send_pkts_and_get_output(self, pkts_str):
-        pkt = Packet(pkts_str)
-        pkt.send_pkt(self.tester, tx_port=self.tx_interface, count=self.pkg_count, timeout=30)
-        time.sleep(3)
-        out_info = self.dut.get_session_output(timeout=3)
-        return out_info
+        self.close_testpmd()
+        time.sleep(2)
+        self.dut.kill_all()
     def test_check_single_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021Q(self):
         Check single VLAN fields in RXD (802.1Q)
-        self.start_testpmd("vlan")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s", type=0x8100)/Dot1Q(prio=1,vlan=23)/IP()/UDP()/DNS()' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "The packet does not carry a VLAN tag."
-        fields_list = ["vlan"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_single_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021Q()
     def test_check_single_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021ad(self):
         Check single VLAN fields in RXD (802.1ad)
-        self.start_testpmd("vlan")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s", type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(prio=1,vlan=23)/IP()/UDP()/DNS()' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "stag result is not expected (stag=1:0:23)"
-        fields_list = ["stag=1:0:23"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_single_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021ad()
     def test_check_double_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021Q_1_VLAN_tag(self):
         Check double VLAN fields in RXD (802.1Q) only 1 VLAN tag
-        self.start_testpmd("vlan")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s", type=0x9100)/Dot1Q(prio=1,vlan=23)/IP()/UDP()/DNS()' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "stag result is not expected (stag=1:0:23)"
-        fields_list = ["stag=1:0:23"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_double_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021Q_1_VLAN_tag()
     def test_check_double_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021Q_2_VLAN_tag(self):
         Check double VLAN fields in RXD (802.1Q) 2 VLAN tags
-        self.start_testpmd("vlan")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s", type=0x9100)/Dot1Q(prio=1,vlan=23)/Dot1Q(prio=4,vlan=56)/IP()/UDP()/DNS()' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "There are no related fields in the received VLAN packet"
-        fields_list = ["stag=1:0:23", "ctag=4:0:56"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_double_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021Q_2_VLAN_tag()
     def test_check_double_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021ad(self):
         Check double VLAN fields in RXD (802.1ad)
-        self.start_testpmd("vlan")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s", type=0x88A8)/Dot1Q(prio=1,vlan=23)/Dot1Q(prio=4,vlan=56)/IP()/UDP()/DNS()' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "There are no related fields in the received VLAN packet"
-        fields_list = ["stag=1:0:23", "ctag=4:0:56"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_double_VLAN_fields_in_RXD_8021ad()
     def test_check_IPv4_fields_in_RXD(self):
         Check IPv4 fields in RXD
-        self.start_testpmd("ipv4")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s")/IP(tos=23, ttl=98)/UDP()/Raw(load="XXXXXXXXXX")' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "There are no related fields in the received IPV4 packet"
-        fields_list = ["ver=4", "hdrlen=5", "tos=23", "ttl=98", "proto=17"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_IPv4_fields_in_RXD()
     def test_check_IPv6_fields_in_RXD(self):
         Check IPv6 fields in RXD
-        self.start_testpmd("ipv6")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s")/IPv6(tc=12,hlim=34,fl=0x98765)/UDP()/Raw(load="XXXXXXXXXX")' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "There are no related fields in the received IPV6 packet"
-        fields_list = ["ver=6", "tc=12", "flow_hi4=0x9", "nexthdr=17", "hoplimit=34"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_IPv6_fields_in_RXD()
     def test_check_IPv6_flow_field_in_RXD(self):
         Check IPv6 flow field in RXD
-        self.start_testpmd("ipv6_flow")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s")/IPv6(tc=12,hlim=34,fl=0x98765)/UDP()/Raw(load="XXXXXXXXXX")' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "There are no related fields in the received IPV6_flow packet"
-        fields_list = ["ver=6", "tc=12", "flow=0x98765"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_IPv6_flow_field_in_RXD()
     def test_check_TCP_fields_in_IPv4_in_RXD(self):
         Check TCP fields in IPv4 in RXD
-        self.start_testpmd("tcp")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s")/IP()/TCP(flags="AS")/Raw(load="XXXXXXXXXX")' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "There are no related fields in the received TCP packet"
-        fields_list = ["doff=5", "flags=AS"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_TCP_fields_in_IPv4_in_RXD()
     def test_check_TCP_fields_in_IPv6_in_RXD(self):
         Check TCP fields in IPv6 in RXD
-        self.start_testpmd("tcp")
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(src="%s", dst="%s")/IPv6()/TCP(flags="S")/Raw(load="XXXXXXXXXX")' % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg = "There are no related fields in the received TCP packet"
-        fields_list = ["doff=5", "flags=S"]
-        self.verify_result(fields_list, out, mesg)
+        self.check_TCP_fields_in_IPv6_in_RXD()
     def test_check_IPv4_IPv6_TCP_fields_in_RXD_on_specific_queues(self):
         Check IPv4, IPv6, TCP fields in RXD on specific queues
-        self.start_testpmd("'[(2):ipv4,(3):ipv6,(4):tcp]'")
-        self.dut.send_expect(
-            "flow create 0 ingress pattern eth dst is %s / ipv4 src is dst is tos is 23 ttl is 98 / end actions queue index 2 / end" % self.dst_mac, "created")
-        self.dut.send_expect(
-            "flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 src is 2001::3 dst is 2001::4 tc is 12 / end actions queue index 3 / end", "created")
-        self.dut.send_expect(
-            "flow create 0 ingress pattern eth dst is %s / ipv4 src is dst is / tcp src is 25 dst is 23 / end actions queue index 4 / end" % self.dst_mac, "created")
+        self.check_IPv4_IPv6_TCP_fields_in_RXD_on_specific_queues()
+    def test_check_testpmd_use_different_parameters(self):
+        """
+        Check testpmd use different parameters start
+        """
+        self.check_testpmd_use_different_parameters()
+    def test_check_ip_offset_of_ip(self):
+        """
+        Check ip offset of ip
+        """
+        self.check_ip_offset_of_ip()
-        # send IPv4
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(dst="%s")/IP(src="",dst="",tos=23,ttl=98)/UDP()/Raw(load="XXXXXXXXXX")' % (self.dst_mac)
-        out1 = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg1 = "There are no relevant fields in the received IPv4 packet."
-        fields_list1 = ["Receive queue=0x2", "ver=4", "hdrlen=5", "tos=23", "ttl=98", "proto=17"]
-        for field1 in fields_list1:
-            self.verify(field1 in out1, mesg1)
+    def test_check_ip_offset_with_vlan(self):
+        """
+        check ip offset with vlan
+        """
+        self.check_ip_offset_with_vlan()
-        # send IPv6
-        pkts_str = "Ether(src='%s', dst='%s')/IPv6(src='2001::3', dst='2001::4', tc=12,hlim=34,fl=0x98765)/UDP()/Raw(load='XXXXXXXXXX')" % (self.src_mac, self.dst_mac)
-        out2 = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg2 = "There are no relevant fields in the received IPv6 packet."
-        fields_list2 = ["Receive queue=0x3", "ver=6", "tc=12", "flow_hi4=0x9", "nexthdr=17", "hoplimit=34"]
-        for field2 in fields_list2:
-            self.verify(field2 in out2, mesg2)
+    def test_check_ip_offset_with_2_vlan_tag(self):
+        """
+        check offset with 2 vlan tag
+        """
+        self.check_ip_offset_with_2_vlan_tag()
-        # send TCP
-        pkts_str = 'Ether(dst="%s")/IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(flags="AS", dport=23, sport=25)/Raw(load="XXXXXXXXXX")' % (self.dst_mac)
-        out3 = self.send_pkts_and_get_output(pkts_str)
-        mesg3 = "There are no relevant fields in the received TCP packet."
-        fields_list3 = ["Receive queue=0x4", "doff=5", "flags=AS"]
-        for field3 in fields_list3:
-            self.verify(field3 in out3, mesg3)
-        self.dut.send_expect("quit", "#", 15)
+    def test_check_ip_offset_with_multi_MPLS(self):
+        """
+        check ip offset with multi MPLS
+        """
+        self.check_ip_offset_with_multi_MPLS()
-    def tear_down(self):
+    def test_check_ip_offset_with_multi_MPLS_with_vlan_tag(self):
-        Run after each test case.
+        check ip offset with multi MPLS with vlan tag
-        self.dut.kill_all()
-        time.sleep(2)
+        self.check_ip_offset_with_multi_MPLS_with_vlan_tag()
-    def tear_down_all(self):
+    def test_check_ip_offset_with_multi_MPLS_with_2_vlan_tag(self):
-        Run after each test suite.
+        check ip offset with multi MPLS with 2 vlan tag
-        self.restory_test_pmd()
+        self.check_ip_offset_with_multi_MPLS_with_2_vlan_tag()