[dpdk-dev,v4,4/5] doc: Refactored split cell formatting in one table

Message ID 1422972678-7982-5-git-send-email-john.mcnamara@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived

Commit Message

Mcnamara, John Feb. 3, 2015, 2:11 p.m. UTC
Refactored split cell in test_pipeline table to allow it to
convert cleanly to PDF.

The Sphinx/Latex converter doesn't handle split cells like the

  | Header 1    | Header 2     |
  |             |              |
  |             |              |
  +-------------+              |
  |             |              |
  |             |              |

Instead the table was refactored to a simpler format:

  | Header 1    | Header 2     |
  |             |              |
  |             |              |
  |             |              |
  |             |              |

The same information was retained in the table.

Signed-off-by: John McNamara <john.mcnamara@intel.com>
 doc/guides/sample_app_ug/test_pipeline.rst |   32 +++++++++++++++++++--------
 1 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)


Iremonger, Bernard Feb. 16, 2015, 2:23 p.m. UTC | #1
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dev [mailto:dev-bounces@dpdk.org] On Behalf Of John McNamara
> Sent: Tuesday, February 3, 2015 2:11 PM
> To: dev@dpdk.org
> Subject: [dpdk-dev] [PATCH v4 4/5] doc: Refactored split cell formatting in one table
> Refactored split cell in test_pipeline table to allow it to convert cleanly to PDF.
> The Sphinx/Latex converter doesn't handle split cells like the
> following:
>   +-------------+--------------+
>   | Header 1    | Header 2     |
>   +=============+==============+
>   |             |              |
>   |             |              |
>   +-------------+              |
>   |             |              |
>   |             |              |
>   +-------------+--------------+
> Instead the table was refactored to a simpler format:
>   +-------------+--------------+
>   | Header 1    | Header 2     |
>   +=============+==============+
>   |             |              |
>   |             |              |
>   +-------------+--------------+
>   |             |              |
>   |             |              |
>   +-------------+--------------+
> The same information was retained in the table.
> Signed-off-by: John McNamara <john.mcnamara@intel.com>

Acked-by: Bernard Iremonger <bernard.iremonger@intel.com>


diff --git a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/test_pipeline.rst b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/test_pipeline.rst
index 867a7a7..a5fed8a 100644
--- a/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/test_pipeline.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/sample_app_ug/test_pipeline.rst
@@ -137,9 +137,9 @@  For hash tables, the following parameters can be selected:
 |       |                        | entries.                                                 | hash table with the following key format:             |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
 |       |                        |                                                          | [4-byte index, 4 bytes of 0]                          |
-+-------+------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+                                                       |
-| 4     | hash-[spec]-8-ext      |  Extendible bucket hash table with 8-byte key size       | The action configured for all table entries is        |
-|       |                        |  and 16 million entries.                                 | "Sendto output port", with the output port index      |
+|       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
+|       |                        |                                                          | The action configured for all table entries is        |
+|       |                        |                                                          | "Sendto output port", with the output port index      |
 |       |                        |                                                          | uniformly distributed for the range of output ports.  |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
 |       |                        |                                                          | The default table rule (used in the case of a lookup  |
@@ -152,13 +152,17 @@  For hash tables, the following parameters can be selected:
 |       |                        |                                                          | [destination IPv4 address, 4 bytes of 0]              |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
+| 4     | hash-[spec]-8-ext      | Extendible bucket hash table with 8-byte key size        | Same as hash-[spec]-8-lru table entries, above.       |
+|       |                        | and 16 million entries.                                  |                                                       |
+|       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
 | 5     | hash-[spec]-16-lru     | LRU hash table with 16-byte key size and 16 million      | 16 million entries are successfully added to the hash |
 |       |                        | entries.                                                 | table with the following key format:                  |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
 |       |                        |                                                          | [4-byte index, 12 bytes of 0]                         |
-+-------+------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+                                                       |
-| 6     | hash-[spec]-ash-16-ext | Extendible bucket hash table with 16-byte key size       | The action configured for all table entries is        |
-|       |                        | and 16 million entries.                                  | "Send to output port", with the output port index     |
+|       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
+|       |                        |                                                          | The action configured for all table entries is        |
+|       |                        |                                                          | "Send to output port", with the output port index     |
 |       |                        |                                                          | uniformly distributed for the range of output ports.  |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
 |       |                        |                                                          | The default table rule (used in the case of a lookup  |
@@ -171,13 +175,17 @@  For hash tables, the following parameters can be selected:
 |       |                        |                                                          | [destination IPv4 address, 12 bytes of 0]             |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
+| 6     | hash-[spec]-16-ext     | Extendible bucket hash table with 16-byte key size       | Same as hash-[spec]-16-lru table entries, above.      |
+|       |                        | and 16 million entries.                                  |                                                       |
+|       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
 | 7     | hash-[spec]-32-lru     | LRU hash table with 32-byte key size and 16 million      | 16 million entries are successfully added to the hash |
-|       |                        | entries.                                                 |  table with the following key format:                 |
+|       |                        | entries.                                                 | table with the following key format:                  |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
 |       |                        |                                                          | [4-byte index, 28 bytes of 0].                        |
-+-------+------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------+                                                       |
-| 8     | hash-[spec]-32-ext     | Extendible bucket hash table with 32-byte key size       | The action configured for all table entries is        |
-|       |                        | and 16 million entries.                                  | "Send to output port", with the output port index     |
+|       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
+|       |                        |                                                          | The action configured for all table entries is        |
+|       |                        |                                                          | "Send to output port", with the output port index     |
 |       |                        |                                                          | uniformly distributed for the range of output ports.  |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
 |       |                        |                                                          | The default table rule (used in the case of a lookup  |
@@ -190,6 +198,10 @@  For hash tables, the following parameters can be selected:
 |       |                        |                                                          | [destination IPv4 address, 28 bytes of 0]             |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
+| 8     | hash-[spec]-32-ext     | Extendible bucket hash table with 32-byte key size       | Same as hash-[spec]-32-lru table entries, above.      |
+|       |                        | and 16 million entries.                                  |                                                       |
+|       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |
 | 9     | lpm                    | Longest Prefix Match (LPM) IPv4 table.                   | In the case of two ports, two routes                  |
 |       |                        |                                                          | are added to the table:                               |
 |       |                        |                                                          |                                                       |