[RFC,v1,18/24] dts: merge DTS doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/intro.rst to DPDK

Message ID 20220406151106.2915304-19-juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech (mailing list archive)
State RFC, archived
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series merge DTS documentation files to DPDK |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues

Commit Message

Juraj Linkeš April 6, 2022, 3:11 p.m. UTC
 dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/intro.rst | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 90 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/intro.rst


diff --git a/dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/intro.rst b/dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/intro.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc4c0bfa60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/intro.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@ 
+This document describes how to install and configure the Data Plane Development Kit Test Suite (DTS) in a Linux environment.
+DTS is an automation test tool for DPDK, wrote in `Python3`.
+DTS includes one set of test cases and DPDK generic test framework.
+DTS provides test example, references and framework for open source community.
+Based on DTS, everyone can develop their test plan, automation script and configuration for own features and platform.
+In addition, DTS provides a solution to allow that DPDK developers contribute their function test to certify their patch integration.
+It only requires limited effort to maintain test cases once merged into DPDK Test Suite.
+Everyone can utilize DTS to measure performance and functionality for features.
+As a generic test framework, DTS provides the following functions:
+* Communicate/manage DUT and Tester by SSH connection.
+* Able to work with DUT (Device Under Test), which installed Fedora, Ubuntu, CentOS, RHEL, etc.
+* Support virtualization hypervisor Qemu.
+* Support both software and hardware traffic generators, including Scapy, TRex and IXIA®.
+* Provide configure files to customize test suite and test cases to run under DUT.
+* Provide debug and log functionalities for tracking test cases execution process.
+* Support to output test result by excel, json, log text file, etc.
+DTS environment includes DUT (Device under Test), Tester and Traffic generator. DPDK are deployed on DUT and DTS can run on the Tester or DUT or the third machine.
+.. note::
+   * If run with functional testing, DTS uses `Scapy` as traffic generator, recommend installing DTS on Tester.
+   * If run with performance testing, DTS can use `TRex` or IXIA as traffic gengerator based on your deployment and configuration, recommend installing DTS on DUT.
+     * If use `TRex`, recommend deploying `TRex` and DUT on the same machine with different sockets.
+Please see a functional deployment example in the following figure:
+.. figure:: image/dts_func_deploy.png
+This architecture provides automatically mechanism to manage tester, DUT and packet generators, and remove dependency between test script and test environment/hardware.
+It defines one abstraction layer for DPDK Test Suite, and provides extensibility to add more test script.
+In the DPDK Test Suite Test Framework, it provides the following modules to help to manage device, platform, configure and test results.
+.. table::
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | File Name/Directory | Description                                                                  |
+    +=====================+==============================================================================+
+    | dts                 | Main Application for DTS                                                     |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | framework           | Folder with dts framework modules                                            |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | nics                | Folder with different network device modules                                 |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | conf                | Folder with different config files                                           |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | execution.cfg       | Default execution file                                                       |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | executions          | Folder with several execution file samples                                   |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | output              | Folder which contain running log files and result files                      |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | dep                 | Folder with dependence scripts                                               |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | test_plans          | Folder with rst files which contain the description of test suites and cases |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | tests               | Folder with test scripts for test suites and cases                           |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | doc                 | Folder with DTS related documents                                            |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | requirements.txt    | DTS required Python packages                                                 |
+    +---------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+These test script provides example and reference. Everyone can develop their test cases, verify their features functionality, and commit generic test report to maintainer.
+, user-defined test cases, test plans and scripts must follow DPDK Test Suite standard including code standard, naming conventions, configure format, rst test plan, API.
+Please see test cases, which are included in the DPDK compliance test suites:
+.. table::
+    +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Test Suite          | Descriptions                                                                                                               |
+    +=====================+============================================================================================================================+
+    | hello_world         | Print a ``helloworld`` message on every enabled logic core.                                                                |
+    +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | Timer               | Shows how timer can be used in a RTE application.                                                                          |
+    +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | checksum_offload    | Tests RX/TX L3/L4 Checksum offload features by Poll Mode Drivers                                                           |
+    +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | jumbo_frame         | Tests jumbo frames features by Poll Mode Drivers                                                                           |
+    +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | testpmd             | Provides benchmark tests for the Intel Ethernet Controller (Niantic) Poll Mode Driver.                                     |
+    +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
+    | L3fwd               | Verifies Layer-3 Forwarding results using ``l3fwd`` application.                                                           |
+    +---------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+