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+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2024 University of New Hampshire
+"""Dynamic configuration of port queues test suite.
+This test suite tests the support of being able to either stop or reconfigure port queues at
+runtime without stopping the entire device. Previously, to configure a DPDK ethdev, the application
+first specifies how many Tx and Rx queues to include in the ethdev and then application sets up
+each queue individually. Only once all the queues have been set up can the application then start
+the device, and at this point traffic can flow. If device stops, this halts the flow of traffic on
+all queues in the ethdev completely. Dynamic queue is a capability present on some NICs that
+specifies whether the NIC is able to delay the configuration of queues on its port. This capability
+allows for the support of stopping and reconfiguring queues on a port at runtime without stopping
+the entire device.
+Support of this capability is shown by starting the Poll Mode Driver with multiple Rx and Tx queues
+configured and stopping some prior to forwarding packets, then examining whether or not the stopped
+ports and the unmodified ports were able to handle traffic. In addition to just stopping the ports,
+the ports must also show that they support configuration changes on their queues at runtime without
+stopping the entire device. This is shown by changing the ring size of the queues.
+If the Poll Mode Driver is able to stop some queues on a port and modify them then handle traffic
+on the unmodified queues while the others are stopped, then it is the case that the device properly
+supports dynamic configuration of its queues.
+import random
+from typing import Callable, ClassVar, MutableSet
+from scapy.layers.inet import IP # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from scapy.packet import Raw # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from framework.exception import InteractiveCommandExecutionError
+from framework.params.testpmd import PortTopology, SimpleForwardingModes
+from framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell import TestPmdShell
+from framework.test_suite import TestSuite
+def setup_and_teardown_test(
+ test_meth: Callable[
+ ["TestDynamicQueueConf", int, MutableSet, MutableSet, TestPmdShell, bool], None
+ ],
+) -> Callable[["TestDynamicQueueConf", bool], None]:
+ """Decorator that provides a setup and teardown for testing methods.
+ This decorator provides a method that sets up the environment for testing, runs the test
+ method, and then does a clean-up verification step after the queues are started again. The
+ decorated method will be provided with all the variables it should need to run testing
+ including: The ID of the port where the queues for testing reside, disjoint sets of IDs for
+ queues that are/aren't modified, a testpmd session to run testing with, and a flag that
+ indicates whether or not testing should be done on Rx or Tx queues.
+ Args:
+ test_meth: The decorated method that tests configuration of port queues at runtime.
+ This method must have the following parameters in order: An int that represents a
+ port ID, a set of queues for testing, a set of unmodified queues, a testpmd
+ interactive shell, and a boolean that, when :data:`True`, does Rx testing,
+ otherwise does Tx testing. This method must also be a member of the
+ :class:`TestDynamicQueueConf` class.
+ Returns:
+ A method that sets up the environment, runs the decorated method, then re-enables all
+ queues and validates they can still handle traffic.
+ """
+ def wrap(self: "TestDynamicQueueConf", is_rx_testing: bool) -> None:
+ """Setup environment, run test function, then cleanup.
+ Start a testpmd shell and stop ports for testing, then call the decorated function that
+ performs the testing. After the decorated function is finished running its testing,
+ start the stopped queues and send packets to validate that these ports can properly
+ handle traffic after being started again.
+ Args:
+ self: Instance of :class:`TestDynamicQueueConf` `test_meth` belongs to.
+ is_rx_testing: If :data:`True` then Rx queues will be the ones modified throughout
+ the test, otherwise Tx queues will be modified.
+ """
+ port_id = self.rx_port_num if is_rx_testing else self.tx_port_num
+ queues_to_config: set[int] = set()
+ while len(queues_to_config) < self.num_ports_to_modify:
+ queues_to_config.add(random.randint(1, self.number_of_queues - 1))
+ unchanged_queues = set(range(self.number_of_queues)) - queues_to_config
+ testpmd = TestPmdShell(
+ self.sut_node,
+ port_topology=PortTopology.chained,
+ rx_queues=self.number_of_queues,
+ tx_queues=self.number_of_queues,
+ )
+ for q in queues_to_config:
+ testpmd.stop_port_queue(port_id, q, is_rx_testing)
+ testpmd.set_forward_mode(SimpleForwardingModes.mac)
+ test_meth(self, port_id, queues_to_config, unchanged_queues, testpmd, is_rx_testing)
+ for queue_id in queues_to_config:
+ testpmd.start_port_queue(port_id, queue_id, is_rx_testing)
+ testpmd.start()
+ self.send_packets_with_different_addresses(self.number_of_packets_to_send)
+ forwarding_stats = testpmd.stop()
+ for queue_id in queues_to_config:
+ self.verify(
+ self.port_queue_in_stats(port_id, is_rx_testing, queue_id, forwarding_stats),
+ f"Modified queue {queue_id} on port {port_id} failed to receive traffic after"
+ "being started again.",
+ )
+ testpmd.close()
+ return wrap
+class TestDynamicQueueConf(TestSuite):
+ """DPDK dynamic queue configuration test suite.
+ Testing for the support of dynamic queue configuration is done by splitting testing by the type
+ of queue (either Rx or Tx) and the type of testing (testing for stopping a port at runtime vs
+ testing configuration changes at runtime). Testing is done by first stopping a finite number of
+ port queues (3 is sufficient) and either modifying the configuration or sending packets to
+ verify that the unmodified queues can handle traffic. Specifically, the following cases are
+ tested:
+ 1. The application should be able to start the device with only some of the
+ queues set up.
+ 2. The application should be able to reconfigure existing queues at runtime
+ without calling dev_stop().
+ """
+ #:
+ num_ports_to_modify: ClassVar[int] = 3
+ #: Source IP address to use when sending packets.
+ src_addr: ClassVar[str] = ""
+ #: Subnet to use for all of the destination addresses of the packets being sent.
+ dst_address_subnet: ClassVar[str] = "192.168.1"
+ #: ID of the port to modify Rx queues on.
+ rx_port_num: ClassVar[int] = 0
+ #: ID of the port to modify Tx queues on.
+ tx_port_num: ClassVar[int] = 1
+ #: Number of queues to start testpmd with. There will be the same number of Rx and Tx queues.
+ #: 8 was chosen as a number that is low enough for most NICs to accommodate while also being
+ #: enough to validate the usage of the queues.
+ number_of_queues: ClassVar[int] = 8
+ #: The number of packets to send while testing. The test calls for well over the ring size - 1
+ #: packets in the modification test case and the only options for ring size are 256 or 512,
+ #: therefore 1024 will be more than enough.
+ number_of_packets_to_send: ClassVar[int] = 1024
+ def send_packets_with_different_addresses(self, number_of_packets: int) -> None:
+ """Send a set number of packets each with different dst addresses.
+ Different destination addresses are required to ensure that each queue is used. If every
+ packet had the same address, then they would all be processed by the same queue. Note that
+ this means the current implementation of this method is limited to only work for up to 254
+ queues. A smaller subnet would be required to handle an increased number of queues.
+ Args:
+ number_of_packets: The number of packets to generate and then send using the traffic
+ generator.
+ """
+ packets_to_send = [
+ Ether()
+ / IP(src=self.src_addr, dst=f"{self.dst_address_subnet}.{(i % 254) + 1}")
+ / Raw()
+ for i in range(number_of_packets)
+ ]
+ self.send_packets(packets_to_send)
+ def port_queue_in_stats(
+ self, port_id: int, is_rx_queue: bool, queue_id: int, stats: str
+ ) -> bool:
+ """Verify if stats for a queue are in the provided output.
+ Args:
+ port_id: ID of the port that the queue resides on.
+ is_rx_queue: Type of queue to scan for, if :data:`True` then search for an Rx queue,
+ otherwise search for a Tx queue.
+ queue_id: ID of the queue.
+ stats: Testpmd forwarding statistics to scan for the given queue.
+ Returns:
+ If the queue appeared in the forwarding statistics.
+ """
+ type_of_queue = "RX" if is_rx_queue else "TX"
+ return f"{type_of_queue} Port= {port_id}/Queue={queue_id:2d}" in stats
+ @setup_and_teardown_test
+ def modify_ring_size(
+ self,
+ port_id: int,
+ queues_to_modify: MutableSet[int],
+ unchanged_queues: MutableSet[int],
+ testpmd: TestPmdShell,
+ is_rx_testing: bool,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Verify ring size of port queues can be configured at runtime.
+ Ring size of queues in `queues_to_modify` are set to 512 unless that is already their
+ configured size, in which case they are instead set to 256. Queues in `queues_to_modify`
+ are expected to already be stopped before calling this method. `testpmd` is also expected
+ to already be started.
+ Args:
+ port_id: Port where the queues reside.
+ queues_to_modify: IDs of stopped queues to configure in the test.
+ unchanged_queues: IDs of running, unmodified queues.
+ testpmd: Running interactive testpmd application.
+ is_rx_testing: If :data:`True` Rx queues will be modified in the test, otherwise Tx
+ queues will be modified.
+ """
+ for queue_id in queues_to_modify:
+ curr_ring_size = testpmd.show_port_queue_info(
+ port_id, queue_id, is_rx_testing
+ ).ring_size
+ new_ring_size = 256 if curr_ring_size == 512 else 512
+ try:
+ testpmd.set_queue_ring_size(
+ port_id, queue_id, new_ring_size, is_rx_testing, verify=True
+ )
+ # The testpmd method verifies that the modification worked, so we catch that error
+ # and just re-raise it as a test case failure
+ except InteractiveCommandExecutionError:
+ self.verify(
+ False,
+ f"Failed to update the ring size of queue {queue_id} on port "
+ f"{port_id} at runtime",
+ )
+ @setup_and_teardown_test
+ def stop_queues(
+ self,
+ port_id: int,
+ queues_to_modify: MutableSet[int],
+ unchanged_queues: MutableSet[int],
+ testpmd: TestPmdShell,
+ is_rx_testing: bool,
+ ) -> None:
+ """Verify stopped queues do not handle traffic and do not block traffic on other queues.
+ Queues in `queues_to_modify` are expected to already be stopped before calling this method.
+ `testpmd` is also expected to already be started.
+ Args:
+ port_id: Port where the queues reside.
+ queues_to_modify: IDs of stopped queues to configure in the test.
+ unchanged_queues: IDs of running, unmodified queues.
+ testpmd: Running interactive testpmd application.
+ is_rx_testing: If :data:`True` Rx queues will be modified in the test, otherwise Tx
+ queues will be modified.
+ """
+ testpmd.start()
+ self.send_packets_with_different_addresses(self.number_of_packets_to_send)
+ forwarding_stats = testpmd.stop()
+ # Checking that all unmodified queues handled some packets is important because this
+ # test case checks for the absence of stopped queues to validate that they cannot
+ # receive traffic. If there are some unchanged queues that also didn't receive traffic,
+ # it means there could be another reason for the packets not transmitting and,
+ # therefore, a false positive result.
+ for unchanged_q_id in unchanged_queues:
+ self.verify(
+ self.port_queue_in_stats(port_id, is_rx_testing, unchanged_q_id, forwarding_stats),
+ f"Queue {unchanged_q_id} failed to receive traffic.",
+ )
+ for stopped_q_id in queues_to_modify:
+ self.verify(
+ not self.port_queue_in_stats(
+ port_id, is_rx_testing, stopped_q_id, forwarding_stats
+ ),
+ f"Queue {stopped_q_id} should be stopped but still received traffic.",
+ )
+ def test_rx_queue_stop(self):
+ """Run method for stopping queues with flag for Rx testing set to :data:`True`."""
+ self.stop_queues(True)
+ def test_rx_queue_configuration(self):
+ """Run method for configuring queues with flag for Rx testing set to :data:`True`."""
+ self.modify_ring_size(True)
+ def test_tx_queue_stop(self):
+ """Run method for stopping queues with flag for Rx testing set to :data:`False`."""
+ self.stop_queues(False)
+ def test_tx_queue_configuration(self):
+ """Run method for configuring queues with flag for Rx testing set to :data:`False`."""
+ self.modify_ring_size(False)