[RFC,v1,2/3] dts: add port stats checks test suite
Commit Message
From: Jeremy Spewock <jspewock@iol.unh.edu>
This patch adds a new test suite to DTS that validates the accuracy of
the port statistics using testpmd. The functionality is tested by
sending a packet of a fixed side to the SUT and verifying that the
statistic for packets received, received bytes, packets sent, and sent
bytes all update accordingly.
Depends-on: patch-142762 ("dts: add text parser for testpmd verbose
Signed-off-by: Jeremy Spewock <jspewock@iol.unh.edu>
dts/tests/TestSuite_port_stats_checks.py | 156 +++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 156 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 dts/tests/TestSuite_port_stats_checks.py
new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2024 University of New Hampshire
+"""Port Statistics testing suite.
+This test suite tests the functionality of querying the statistics of a port and verifies that the
+values provided in the statistics accurately reflect the traffic that has been handled on the port.
+This is shown by sending a packet of a fixed size to the SUT and verifying that the number of RX
+packets has increased by 1, the number of RX bytes has increased by the specified size, the number
+of TX packets has also increased by 1 (since we expect the packet to be forwarded), and the number
+of TX bytes has also increased by the same fixed amount.
+from typing import ClassVar, Tuple
+from scapy.layers.inet import IP # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from scapy.layers.l2 import Ether # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from scapy.packet import Packet, Raw # type: ignore[import-untyped]
+from framework.params.testpmd import SimpleForwardingModes
+from framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell import TestPmdShell, TestPmdVerboseOutput
+from framework.test_suite import TestSuite
+class TestPortStatsChecks(TestSuite):
+ """DPDK Port statistics testing suite.
+ Support for port statistics is tested by sending a packet of a fixed size denoted by
+ `total_packet_len` and verifying the that TX/RX packets of the TX/RX ports updated by exactly
+ 1 and the TX/RX bytes of the TX/RX ports updated by exactly `total_packet_len`. This is done by
+ finding the total amount of packets that were sent/received which did not originate from this
+ test suite and taking the sum of the lengths of each of these "noise" packets and subtracting
+ it from the total values in the port statistics so that all that is left are relevant values.
+ """
+ #: Port where traffic will be received on the SUT.
+ recv_port: ClassVar[int] = 0
+ #: Port where traffic will be sent from on the SUT.
+ send_port: ClassVar[int] = 1
+ #:
+ ip_header_len: ClassVar[int] = 20
+ #:
+ ether_header_len: ClassVar[int] = 14
+ #: Length of the packet being sent including the IP and frame headers.
+ total_packet_len: ClassVar[int] = 100
+ #: Packet to send during testing.
+ send_pkt: ClassVar[Packet] = (
+ Ether() / IP() / Raw("X" * (total_packet_len - ip_header_len - ether_header_len))
+ )
+ def extract_noise_information(
+ self, verbose_out: list[TestPmdVerboseOutput]
+ ) -> Tuple[int, int, int, int]:
+ """Extract information about packets that were not sent by the framework in `verbose_out`.
+ Extract the number of sent/received packets that did not originate from this test suite as
+ well as the sum of the lengths of said "noise" packets. Note that received packets are only
+ examined on the port with the ID `self.recv_port` since these are the receive stats that
+ will be analyzed in this suite. Sent packets are also only examined on the port with the ID
+ `self.send_port`.
+ Packets are considered to be "noise" when they don't match the expected structure of the
+ packets that are being sent by this test suite. Specifically, the source and destination
+ mac addresses as well as the software packet type are checked on packets received by
+ testpmd to ensure they match the proper addresses of the TG and SUT nodes. Packets that are
+ sent by testpmd however only check the source mac address and the software packet type.
+ This is because MAC forwarding mode adjusts both addresses, but only the source will belong
+ to the TG or SUT node.
+ Args:
+ verbose_out: Parsed testpmd verbose output to collect the noise information from.
+ Returns:
+ A tuple containing the total size of received noise in bytes, the number of received
+ noise packets, size of all noise packets sent by testpmd in bytes, and the number of
+ noise packets sent by testpmd.
+ """
+ recv_noise_bytes = 0
+ recv_noise_packets = 0
+ sent_noise_bytes = 0
+ num_sent_packets = 0
+ for verbose_block in verbose_out:
+ for p in verbose_block.packets:
+ if verbose_block.was_received and verbose_block.port_id == self.recv_port:
+ if (
+ p.src_mac.lower() != self._tg_port_egress.mac_address.lower()
+ or p.dst_mac.lower() != self._sut_port_ingress.mac_address.lower()
+ or "L2_ETHER L3_IPV4" != p.sw_ptype.strip()
+ ):
+ recv_noise_bytes += p.length
+ recv_noise_packets += 1
+ elif not verbose_block.was_received and verbose_block.port_id == self.send_port:
+ if (
+ p.src_mac.lower() != self._sut_port_egress.mac_address.lower()
+ or "L2_ETHER L3_IPV4" != p.sw_ptype.strip()
+ ):
+ sent_noise_bytes += p.length
+ num_sent_packets += 1
+ return recv_noise_bytes, recv_noise_packets, sent_noise_bytes, num_sent_packets
+ def test_stats_updates(self) -> None:
+ """Send a packet with a fixed length and verify port stats updated properly.
+ Send a packet with a total length of `self.total_packet_len` and verify that the rx port
+ only received one packet and the number of rx_bytes increased by exactly
+ `self.total_packet_len`. Also verify that the tx port only sent one packet and that the
+ tx_bytes of the port increase by exactly `self.total_packet_len`.
+ Noise on the wire is ignored by extracting the total number of noise packets and the sum of
+ the lengths of those packets and subtracting them from the totals that are provided by the
+ testpmd command `show port info all`.
+ Test:
+ Start testpmd in MAC forwarding mode and set verbose mode to 3 (RX and TX).
+ Start packet forwarding and then clear all port statistics.
+ Send a packet, then stop packet forwarding and collect the port stats.
+ Parse verbose info from stopping packet forwarding and verify values in port stats.
+ """
+ with TestPmdShell(self.sut_node, forward_mode=SimpleForwardingModes.mac) as testpmd:
+ testpmd.set_verbose(3)
+ testpmd.start()
+ testpmd.clear_port_stats_all()
+ self.send_packet_and_capture(self.send_pkt)
+ forwarding_output = testpmd.stop()
+ port_stats_all = testpmd.show_port_stats_all()
+ verbose_information = TestPmdShell.extract_verbose_output(forwarding_output)
+ # Gather information from irrelevant packets sent/ received on the same port.
+ rx_irr_bytes, rx_irr_pakts, tx_irr_bytes, tx_irr_pakts = self.extract_noise_information(
+ verbose_information
+ )
+ recv_relevant_packets = port_stats_all[self.recv_port].rx_packets - rx_irr_pakts
+ sent_relevant_packets = port_stats_all[self.send_port].tx_packets - tx_irr_pakts
+ self.verify(
+ recv_relevant_packets == 1,
+ f"Port {self.recv_port} received {recv_relevant_packets} packets but expected to only "
+ "receive 1.",
+ )
+ self.verify(
+ port_stats_all[self.recv_port].rx_bytes - rx_irr_bytes == self.total_packet_len,
+ f"Number of bytes received by port {self.recv_port} did not match the amount sent.",
+ )
+ self.verify(
+ sent_relevant_packets == 1,
+ f"Number was packets sent by port {self.send_port} was not equal to the number "
+ f"received by port {self.recv_port}.",
+ )
+ self.verify(
+ port_stats_all[self.send_port].tx_bytes - tx_irr_bytes == self.total_packet_len,
+ f"Number of bytes sent by port {self.send_port} did not match the number of bytes "
+ f"received by port {self.recv_port}.",
+ )