[v4,07/11] dts: add NIC capabilities from show rxq info

Message ID 20240923150210.57269-7-juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Delegated to: Juraj Linkeš
Series [v4,01/11] dts: add the aenum dependency |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK

Commit Message

Juraj Linkeš Sept. 23, 2024, 3:02 p.m. UTC
Add parsing for the show rxq info <port_id> <queue_id> tespmd command
and add support for the Scattered Rx capability.

Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech>
Reviewed-by: Dean Marx <dmarx@iol.unh.edu>
 dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py | 137 +++++++++++++++++-
 dts/framework/testbed_model/capability.py     |  12 ++
 dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py     |   2 +
 3 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


Jeremy Spewock Sept. 23, 2024, 7:26 p.m. UTC | #1
On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 11:02 AM Juraj Linkeš
<juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech> wrote:
> Add parsing for the show rxq info <port_id> <queue_id> tespmd command
> and add support for the Scattered Rx capability.
> Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech>
> Reviewed-by: Dean Marx <dmarx@iol.unh.edu>

Reviewed-by: Jeremy Spewock <jspewock@iol.unh.edu>
Luca Vizzarro Sept. 27, 2024, 1 p.m. UTC | #2
Reviewed-by: Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizzarro@arm.com>


diff --git a/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py b/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py
index 3401adcc28..3550734ebc 100644
--- a/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py
+++ b/dts/framework/remote_session/testpmd_shell.py
@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ 
 TestPmdShellDecorator: TypeAlias = Callable[[TestPmdShellMethod], TestPmdShellMethod]
+TestPmdShellNicCapability = (
+    TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod | tuple[TestPmdShellCapabilityMethod, TestPmdShellDecorator]
 class TestPmdDevice:
     """The data of a device that testpmd can recognize.
@@ -392,6 +396,81 @@  def _validate(info: str):
     return TextParser.wrap(TextParser.find(r"Device private info:\s+([\s\S]+)"), _validate)
+class RxQueueState(StrEnum):
+    """RX queue states.
+    References:
+        DPDK lib: ``lib/ethdev/rte_ethdev.h``
+        testpmd display function: ``app/test-pmd/config.c:get_queue_state_name()``
+    """
+    #:
+    stopped = auto()
+    #:
+    started = auto()
+    #:
+    hairpin = auto()
+    #:
+    unknown = auto()
+    @classmethod
+    def make_parser(cls) -> ParserFn:
+        """Makes a parser function.
+        Returns:
+            ParserFn: A dictionary for the `dataclasses.field` metadata argument containing a
+                parser function that makes an instance of this enum from text.
+        """
+        return TextParser.wrap(TextParser.find(r"Rx queue state: ([^\r\n]+)"), cls)
+class TestPmdRxqInfo(TextParser):
+    """Representation of testpmd's ``show rxq info <port_id> <queue_id>`` command.
+    References:
+        testpmd command function: ``app/test-pmd/cmdline.c:cmd_showqueue()``
+        testpmd display function: ``app/test-pmd/config.c:rx_queue_infos_display()``
+    """
+    #:
+    port_id: int = field(metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"Infos for port (\d+)\b ?, RX queue \d+\b"))
+    #:
+    queue_id: int = field(metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"Infos for port \d+\b ?, RX queue (\d+)\b"))
+    #: Mempool used by that queue
+    mempool: str = field(metadata=TextParser.find(r"Mempool: ([^\r\n]+)"))
+    #: Ring prefetch threshold
+    rx_prefetch_threshold: int = field(
+        metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"RX prefetch threshold: (\d+)\b")
+    )
+    #: Ring host threshold
+    rx_host_threshold: int = field(metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"RX host threshold: (\d+)\b"))
+    #: Ring writeback threshold
+    rx_writeback_threshold: int = field(
+        metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"RX writeback threshold: (\d+)\b")
+    )
+    #: Drives the freeing of Rx descriptors
+    rx_free_threshold: int = field(metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"RX free threshold: (\d+)\b"))
+    #: Drop packets if no descriptors are available
+    rx_drop_packets: bool = field(metadata=TextParser.find(r"RX drop packets: on"))
+    #: Do not start queue with rte_eth_dev_start()
+    rx_deferred_start: bool = field(metadata=TextParser.find(r"RX deferred start: on"))
+    #: Scattered packets Rx enabled
+    rx_scattered_packets: bool = field(metadata=TextParser.find(r"RX scattered packets: on"))
+    #: The state of the queue
+    rx_queue_state: str = field(metadata=RxQueueState.make_parser())
+    #: Configured number of RXDs
+    number_of_rxds: int = field(metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"Number of RXDs: (\d+)\b"))
+    #: Hardware receive buffer size
+    rx_buffer_size: int | None = field(
+        default=None, metadata=TextParser.find_int(r"RX buffer size: (\d+)\b")
+    )
+    #: Burst mode information
+    burst_mode: str | None = field(
+        default=None, metadata=TextParser.find(r"Burst mode: ([^\r\n]+)")
+    )
 class TestPmdPort(TextParser):
     """Dataclass representing the result of testpmd's ``show port info`` command."""
@@ -635,6 +714,30 @@  def _wrapper(self: "TestPmdShell", *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs):
     return _wrapper
+def add_remove_mtu(mtu: int = 1500) -> Callable[[TestPmdShellMethod], TestPmdShellMethod]:
+    """Configure MTU to `mtu` on all ports, run the decorated function, then revert.
+    Args:
+        mtu: The MTU to configure all ports on.
+    Returns:
+        The method decorated with setting and reverting MTU.
+    """
+    def decorator(func: TestPmdShellMethod) -> TestPmdShellMethod:
+        @functools.wraps(func)
+        def wrapper(self: "TestPmdShell", *args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs):
+            original_mtu = self.ports[0].mtu
+            self.set_port_mtu_all(mtu=mtu, verify=False)
+            retval = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
+            self.set_port_mtu_all(original_mtu if original_mtu else 1500, verify=False)
+            return retval
+        return wrapper
+    return decorator
 class TestPmdShell(DPDKShell):
     """Testpmd interactive shell.
@@ -999,6 +1102,30 @@  def _close(self) -> None:
         self.send_command("quit", "Bye...")
         return super()._close()
+    """
+    ====== Capability retrieval methods ======
+    """
+    @requires_started_ports
+    def get_capabilities_rxq_info(
+        self,
+        supported_capabilities: MutableSet["NicCapability"],
+        unsupported_capabilities: MutableSet["NicCapability"],
+    ) -> None:
+        """Get all rxq capabilities and divide them into supported and unsupported.
+        Args:
+            supported_capabilities: Supported capabilities will be added to this set.
+            unsupported_capabilities: Unsupported capabilities will be added to this set.
+        """
+        self._logger.debug("Getting rxq capabilities.")
+        command = f"show rxq info {self.ports[0].id} 0"
+        rxq_info = TestPmdRxqInfo.parse(self.send_command(command))
+        if rxq_info.rx_scattered_packets:
+            supported_capabilities.add(NicCapability.SCATTERED_RX_ENABLED)
+        else:
+            unsupported_capabilities.add(NicCapability.SCATTERED_RX_ENABLED)
 class NicCapability(NoAliasEnum):
     """A mapping between capability names and the associated :class:`TestPmdShell` methods.
@@ -1020,9 +1147,17 @@  class NicCapability(NoAliasEnum):
     be added to `supported_capabilities` or `unsupported_capabilities` based on their support.
     The two dictionaries are shared across all capability discovery function calls in a given
-    test run so that we don't call the same function multiple times.
+    test run so that we don't call the same function multiple times. For example, when we find
+    :attr:`SCATTERED_RX_ENABLED` in :meth:`TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rxq_info`,
+    we don't go looking for it again if a different test case also needs it.
+    #: Scattered packets Rx enabled
+    SCATTERED_RX_ENABLED: TestPmdShellNicCapability = (
+        TestPmdShell.get_capabilities_rxq_info,
+        add_remove_mtu(9000),
+    )
     def __call__(
         testpmd_shell: TestPmdShell,
diff --git a/dts/framework/testbed_model/capability.py b/dts/framework/testbed_model/capability.py
index fceec4440e..6a7a6cdbee 100644
--- a/dts/framework/testbed_model/capability.py
+++ b/dts/framework/testbed_model/capability.py
@@ -10,6 +10,18 @@ 
 The module also allows developers to mark test cases or suites as requiring certain
 hardware capabilities with the :func:`requires` decorator.
+    .. code:: python
+        from framework.test_suite import TestSuite, func_test
+        from framework.testbed_model.capability import NicCapability, requires
+        class TestPmdBufferScatter(TestSuite):
+            # only the test case requires the SCATTERED_RX_ENABLED capability
+            # other test cases may not require it
+            @requires(NicCapability.SCATTERED_RX_ENABLED)
+            @func_test
+            def test_scatter_mbuf_2048(self):
 from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
diff --git a/dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py b/dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py
index 178a40385e..c230bde36f 100644
--- a/dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py
+++ b/dts/tests/TestSuite_pmd_buffer_scatter.py
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ 
 from framework.params.testpmd import SimpleForwardingModes
 from framework.remote_session.testpmd_shell import TestPmdShell
 from framework.test_suite import TestSuite, func_test
+from framework.testbed_model.capability import NicCapability, requires
 class TestPmdBufferScatter(TestSuite):
@@ -123,6 +124,7 @@  def pmd_scatter(self, mbsize: int) -> None:
+    @requires(NicCapability.SCATTERED_RX_ENABLED)
     def test_scatter_mbuf_2048(self) -> None:
         """Run the :meth:`pmd_scatter` test with `mbsize` set to 2048."""