With commit: ACL mode now can use send_packets_multi().
What I missed with that changes: send_packets_multi() can't deal
properly with input dst_port[i] == BAD_PORT (though it can set
it itself), as it uses dst_port[i] values to read L2 addresses for the port
and assumes dst_port[] to contain valid only values.
To fix that just add a check that all dst_port[] entries are valid before
calling : send_packets_multi(). Otherwise use send_packets_single().
An alternative, and probably more logical approach would be to
re-arrange send_packets_multi() so that it updates L2 packet headers
at the very last state - when dst_port[] are finialized.
But that would affect all other modes, but that would affect all other
modes and will require much more code changes and testing.
Bugzilla ID: 1502
Fixes: aa7c6077c19b ("examples/l3fwd: avoid packets reorder in ACL mode")
Reported-by: Song Jiale <songx.jiale@intel.com>
Signed-off-by: Konstantin Ananyev <konstantin.ananyev@huawei.com>
Acked-by: Stephen Hemminger <stephen@networkplumber.org>
examples/l3fwd/l3fwd_acl.c | 35 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)
@@ -993,11 +993,15 @@ dump_denied_pkt(const struct rte_mbuf *pkt, uint32_t res)
-static inline void
+ * run packets through ACL classify.
+ * returns number of packets to be dropped (hops[i] == BAD_PORT)
+ */
+static inline uint32_t
acl_process_pkts(struct rte_mbuf *pkts[MAX_PKT_BURST],
uint16_t hops[MAX_PKT_BURST], uint32_t num, int32_t socketid)
- uint32_t i, n4, n6, res;
+ uint32_t i, k, n4, n6, res;
struct acl_search_t acl_search;
/* split packets burst depending on packet type (IPv4/IPv6) */
@@ -1020,6 +1024,7 @@ acl_process_pkts(struct rte_mbuf *pkts[MAX_PKT_BURST],
/* combine lookup results back, into one array of next hops */
n4 = 0;
n6 = 0;
+ k = 0;
for (i = 0; i != num; i++) {
switch (acl_search.types[i]) {
case TYPE_IPV4:
@@ -1034,21 +1039,33 @@ acl_process_pkts(struct rte_mbuf *pkts[MAX_PKT_BURST],
if (likely((res & ACL_DENY_SIGNATURE) == 0 && res != 0))
hops[i] = res - FWD_PORT_SHIFT;
else {
+ /* bad or denied by ACL rule packets */
hops[i] = BAD_PORT;
dump_denied_pkt(pkts[i], res);
+ k++;
+ return k;
+ * send_packets_multi() can't deal properly with hops[i] == BAD_PORT
+ * (it assumes input hops[] contain only valid port numbers),
+ * so it is ok to use it only when there are no denied packets.
+ */
static inline void
acl_send_packets(struct lcore_conf *qconf, struct rte_mbuf *pkts[],
- uint16_t hops[], uint32_t num)
+ uint16_t hops[], uint32_t num, uint32_t nb_drop)
#if defined ACL_SEND_MULTI
- send_packets_multi(qconf, pkts, hops, num);
+ if (nb_drop == 0)
+ send_packets_multi(qconf, pkts, hops, num);
+ else
- send_packets_single(qconf, pkts, hops, num);
+ RTE_SET_USED(nb_drop);
+ send_packets_single(qconf, pkts, hops, num);
/* main processing loop */
@@ -1059,7 +1076,7 @@ acl_main_loop(__rte_unused void *dummy)
unsigned int lcore_id;
uint64_t prev_tsc, diff_tsc, cur_tsc;
- int i, nb_rx;
+ int i, nb_drop, nb_rx;
uint16_t portid;
uint16_t queueid;
struct lcore_conf *qconf;
@@ -1122,10 +1139,10 @@ acl_main_loop(__rte_unused void *dummy)
pkts_burst, MAX_PKT_BURST);
if (nb_rx > 0) {
- acl_process_pkts(pkts_burst, hops, nb_rx,
- socketid);
+ nb_drop = acl_process_pkts(pkts_burst, hops,
+ nb_rx, socketid);
acl_send_packets(qconf, pkts_burst, hops,
- nb_rx);
+ nb_rx, nb_drop);