[v1] dts: fix checksum suite docstring/variable format

Message ID 20250116184322.2750-1-dmarx@iol.unh.edu (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Delegated to: Paul Szczepanek
Series [v1] dts: fix checksum suite docstring/variable format |


Context Check Description
ci/loongarch-compilation warning apply patch failure
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK
ci/Intel-compilation warning apply issues
ci/iol-testing warning apply patch failure

Commit Message

Dean Marx Jan. 16, 2025, 6:43 p.m. UTC
Fixes checksum offload test suite docstring format
by adding steps and verify sections. Changes variables
formatted in camel case to snake case to fit python standards.

Fixes: 8c9a7471a0e6 ("dts: add checksum offload test suite")

Signed-off-by: Dean Marx <dmarx@iol.unh.edu>
 dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py | 127 ++++++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)


Paul Szczepanek Jan. 22, 2025, 12:40 p.m. UTC | #1
Reviewed-by: Paul Szczepanek <paul.szczepanek@arm.com>

On 16/01/2025 18:43, Dean Marx wrote:
> Fixes checksum offload test suite docstring format
> by adding steps and verify sections. Changes variables
> formatted in camel case to snake case to fit python standards.
> Fixes: 8c9a7471a0e6 ("dts: add checksum offload test suite")
> Signed-off-by: Dean Marx <dmarx@iol.unh.edu>
> ---
>  dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py | 127 ++++++++++++++++++------
>  1 file changed, 99 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py b/dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py
> index c1680bd388..4c9520917a 100644
> --- a/dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py
> +++ b/dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py
> @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def send_packets_and_verify(
>              packet_list: List of Scapy packets to send and verify.
>              load: Raw layer load attribute in the sent packet.
>              should_receive: Indicates whether the packet should be received
> -                by the traffic generator.
> +            by the traffic generator.
>          """
>          for i in range(0, len(packet_list)):
>              received_packets = self.send_packet_and_capture(packet=packet_list[i])
> @@ -70,15 +70,15 @@ def send_packets_and_verify(
>              )
>      def send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -        self, packet: Packet, goodL4: bool, goodIP: bool, testpmd: TestPmdShell, id: str
> +        self, packet: Packet, good_L4: bool, good_IP: bool, testpmd: TestPmdShell, id: str
>      ) -> None:
>          """Send packet and verify verbose output matches expected output.
>          Args:
>              packet: Scapy packet to send to DUT.
> -            goodL4: Verifies RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in verbose output
> +            good_L4: Verifies RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in verbose output
>                  if :data:`True`, or RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_UNKNOWN if :data:`False`.
> -            goodIP: Verifies RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD in verbose output
> +            good_IP: Verifies RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD in verbose output
>                  if :data:`True`, or RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_UNKNOWN if :data:`False`.
>              testpmd: Testpmd shell session to analyze verbose output of.
>              id: The destination mac address that matches the sent packet in verbose output.
> @@ -88,10 +88,10 @@ def send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
>          verbose_output = testpmd.extract_verbose_output(testpmd.stop())
>          for testpmd_packet in verbose_output:
>              if testpmd_packet.dst_mac == id:
> -                isIP = PacketOffloadFlag.RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD in packet.ol_flags
> -                isL4 = PacketOffloadFlag.RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in packet.ol_flags
> -        self.verify(isL4 == goodL4, "Layer 4 checksum flag did not match expected checksum flag.")
> -        self.verify(isIP == goodIP, "IP checksum flag did not match expected checksum flag.")
> +                is_IP = PacketOffloadFlag.RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD in packet.ol_flags
> +                is_L4 = PacketOffloadFlag.RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in packet.ol_flags
> +        self.verify(is_L4 == good_L4, "Layer 4 checksum flag did not match expected checksum flag.")
> +        self.verify(is_IP == good_IP, "IP checksum flag did not match expected checksum flag.")
>      def setup_hw_offload(self, testpmd: TestPmdShell) -> None:
>          """Sets IP, UDP, and TCP layers to hardware offload.
> @@ -108,7 +108,18 @@ def setup_hw_offload(self, testpmd: TestPmdShell) -> None:
>      @func_test
>      def test_insert_checksums(self) -> None:
> -        """Enable checksum offload insertion and verify packet reception."""
> +        """Enable checksum offload insertion and verify packet reception.
> +
> +        Steps:
> +            Create a list of packets to send.
> +            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
> +            Enable checksum hardware offload.
> +            Send list of packets.
> +
> +        Verify:
> +            Verify packets are received.
> +            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
> +        """
>          mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
>          payload = b"xxxxx"
>          packet_list = [
> @@ -125,12 +136,22 @@ def test_insert_checksums(self) -> None:
>              self.send_packets_and_verify(packet_list=packet_list, load=payload, should_receive=True)
>              for i in range(0, len(packet_list)):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>      @func_test
>      def test_no_insert_checksums(self) -> None:
> -        """Disable checksum offload insertion and verify packet reception."""
> +        """Disable checksum offload insertion and verify packet reception.
> +
> +        Steps:
> +            Create a list of packets to send.
> +            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
> +            Send list of packets.
> +
> +        Verify:
> +            Verify packets are received.
> +            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
> +        """
>          mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
>          payload = b"xxxxx"
>          packet_list = [
> @@ -146,12 +167,22 @@ def test_no_insert_checksums(self) -> None:
>              self.send_packets_and_verify(packet_list=packet_list, load=payload, should_receive=True)
>              for i in range(0, len(packet_list)):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>      @func_test
>      def test_l4_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
> -        """Tests L4 Rx checksum in a variety of scenarios."""
> +        """Tests L4 Rx checksum in a variety of scenarios.
> +
> +        Steps:
> +            Create a list of packets to send with UDP/TCP fields.
> +            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
> +            Enable checksum hardware offload.
> +            Send list of packets.
> +
> +        Verify:
> +            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
> +        """
>          mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
>          packet_list = [
>              Ether(dst=mac_id) / IP() / UDP(),
> @@ -165,16 +196,26 @@ def test_l4_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
>              self.setup_hw_offload(testpmd=testpmd)
>              for i in range(0, 2):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>              for i in range(2, 4):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>      @func_test
>      def test_l3_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
> -        """Tests L3 Rx checksum hardware offload."""
> +        """Tests L3 Rx checksum hardware offload.
> +
> +        Steps:
> +            Create a list of packets to send with IP fields.
> +            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
> +            Enable checksum hardware offload.
> +            Send list of packets.
> +
> +        Verify:
> +            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
> +        """
>          mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
>          packet_list = [
>              Ether(dst=mac_id) / IP() / UDP(),
> @@ -188,16 +229,26 @@ def test_l3_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
>              self.setup_hw_offload(testpmd=testpmd)
>              for i in range(0, 2):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>              for i in range(2, 4):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>      @func_test
>      def test_validate_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
> -        """Verify verbose output of Rx packets matches expected behavior."""
> +        """Verify verbose output of Rx packets matches expected behavior.
> +
> +        Steps:
> +            Create a list of packets to send.
> +            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
> +            Enable checksum hardware offload.
> +            Send list of packets.
> +
> +        Verify:
> +            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
> +        """
>          mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
>          packet_list = [
>              Ether(dst=mac_id) / IP() / UDP(),
> @@ -215,21 +266,31 @@ def test_validate_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
>              self.setup_hw_offload(testpmd=testpmd)
>              for i in range(0, 4):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>              for i in range(4, 6):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>              for i in range(6, 8):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>      @requires(NicCapability.RX_OFFLOAD_VLAN)
>      @func_test
>      def test_vlan_checksum(self) -> None:
> -        """Test VLAN Rx checksum hardware offload and verify packet reception."""
> +        """Test VLAN Rx checksum hardware offload and verify packet reception.
> +
> +        Steps:
> +            Create a list of packets to send with VLAN fields.
> +            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
> +            Enable checksum hardware offload.
> +            Send list of packets.
> +
> +        Verify:
> +            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
> +        """
>          mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
>          payload = b"xxxxx"
>          packet_list = [
> @@ -246,17 +307,27 @@ def test_vlan_checksum(self) -> None:
>              self.send_packets_and_verify(packet_list=packet_list, load=payload, should_receive=True)
>              for i in range(0, 2):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>              for i in range(2, 4):
>                  self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>                  )
>      @requires(NicCapability.RX_OFFLOAD_SCTP_CKSUM)
>      @func_test
>      def test_validate_sctp_checksum(self) -> None:
> -        """Test SCTP Rx checksum hardware offload and verify packet reception."""
> +        """Test SCTP Rx checksum hardware offload and verify packet reception.
> +
> +        Steps:
> +            Create a list of packets to send with SCTP fields.
> +            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
> +            Enable checksum hardware offload.
> +            Send list of packets.
> +
> +        Verify:
> +            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
> +        """
>          mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
>          packet_list = [
>              Ether(dst=mac_id) / IP() / SCTP(),
> @@ -268,8 +339,8 @@ def test_validate_sctp_checksum(self) -> None:
>              testpmd.csum_set_hw(layers=ChecksumOffloadOptions.sctp)
>              testpmd.start()
>              self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                packet=packet_list[0], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                packet=packet_list[0], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>              )
>              self.send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
> -                packet=packet_list[1], goodL4=False, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
> +                packet=packet_list[1], good_L4=False, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
>              )
Luca Vizzarro Jan. 22, 2025, 3:16 p.m. UTC | #2
Looks good, thanks. Just one nit.

Reviewed-by: Luca Vizzarro <luca.vizzarro@arm.com>

On 16/01/2025 18:43, Dean Marx wrote:
> @@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def send_packets_and_verify(
>               packet_list: List of Scapy packets to send and verify.
>               load: Raw layer load attribute in the sent packet.
>               should_receive: Indicates whether the packet should be received
> -                by the traffic generator.
> +            by the traffic generator.
>           """
I am assuming this was unintentional? As it's meant to be the way it was 
before. Keep the indentation as it's not a new argument, but part of the 
previous one.


diff --git a/dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py b/dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py
index c1680bd388..4c9520917a 100644
--- a/dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py
+++ b/dts/tests/TestSuite_checksum_offload.py
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@  def send_packets_and_verify(
             packet_list: List of Scapy packets to send and verify.
             load: Raw layer load attribute in the sent packet.
             should_receive: Indicates whether the packet should be received
-                by the traffic generator.
+            by the traffic generator.
         for i in range(0, len(packet_list)):
             received_packets = self.send_packet_and_capture(packet=packet_list[i])
@@ -70,15 +70,15 @@  def send_packets_and_verify(
     def send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
-        self, packet: Packet, goodL4: bool, goodIP: bool, testpmd: TestPmdShell, id: str
+        self, packet: Packet, good_L4: bool, good_IP: bool, testpmd: TestPmdShell, id: str
     ) -> None:
         """Send packet and verify verbose output matches expected output.
             packet: Scapy packet to send to DUT.
-            goodL4: Verifies RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in verbose output
+            good_L4: Verifies RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in verbose output
                 if :data:`True`, or RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_UNKNOWN if :data:`False`.
-            goodIP: Verifies RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD in verbose output
+            good_IP: Verifies RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD in verbose output
                 if :data:`True`, or RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_UNKNOWN if :data:`False`.
             testpmd: Testpmd shell session to analyze verbose output of.
             id: The destination mac address that matches the sent packet in verbose output.
@@ -88,10 +88,10 @@  def send_packet_and_verify_checksum(
         verbose_output = testpmd.extract_verbose_output(testpmd.stop())
         for testpmd_packet in verbose_output:
             if testpmd_packet.dst_mac == id:
-                isIP = PacketOffloadFlag.RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD in packet.ol_flags
-                isL4 = PacketOffloadFlag.RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in packet.ol_flags
-        self.verify(isL4 == goodL4, "Layer 4 checksum flag did not match expected checksum flag.")
-        self.verify(isIP == goodIP, "IP checksum flag did not match expected checksum flag.")
+                is_IP = PacketOffloadFlag.RTE_MBUF_F_RX_IP_CKSUM_GOOD in packet.ol_flags
+                is_L4 = PacketOffloadFlag.RTE_MBUF_F_RX_L4_CKSUM_GOOD in packet.ol_flags
+        self.verify(is_L4 == good_L4, "Layer 4 checksum flag did not match expected checksum flag.")
+        self.verify(is_IP == good_IP, "IP checksum flag did not match expected checksum flag.")
     def setup_hw_offload(self, testpmd: TestPmdShell) -> None:
         """Sets IP, UDP, and TCP layers to hardware offload.
@@ -108,7 +108,18 @@  def setup_hw_offload(self, testpmd: TestPmdShell) -> None:
     def test_insert_checksums(self) -> None:
-        """Enable checksum offload insertion and verify packet reception."""
+        """Enable checksum offload insertion and verify packet reception.
+        Steps:
+            Create a list of packets to send.
+            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
+            Enable checksum hardware offload.
+            Send list of packets.
+        Verify:
+            Verify packets are received.
+            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
+        """
         mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
         payload = b"xxxxx"
         packet_list = [
@@ -125,12 +136,22 @@  def test_insert_checksums(self) -> None:
             self.send_packets_and_verify(packet_list=packet_list, load=payload, should_receive=True)
             for i in range(0, len(packet_list)):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
     def test_no_insert_checksums(self) -> None:
-        """Disable checksum offload insertion and verify packet reception."""
+        """Disable checksum offload insertion and verify packet reception.
+        Steps:
+            Create a list of packets to send.
+            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
+            Send list of packets.
+        Verify:
+            Verify packets are received.
+            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
+        """
         mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
         payload = b"xxxxx"
         packet_list = [
@@ -146,12 +167,22 @@  def test_no_insert_checksums(self) -> None:
             self.send_packets_and_verify(packet_list=packet_list, load=payload, should_receive=True)
             for i in range(0, len(packet_list)):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
     def test_l4_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
-        """Tests L4 Rx checksum in a variety of scenarios."""
+        """Tests L4 Rx checksum in a variety of scenarios.
+        Steps:
+            Create a list of packets to send with UDP/TCP fields.
+            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
+            Enable checksum hardware offload.
+            Send list of packets.
+        Verify:
+            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
+        """
         mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
         packet_list = [
             Ether(dst=mac_id) / IP() / UDP(),
@@ -165,16 +196,26 @@  def test_l4_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
             for i in range(0, 2):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
             for i in range(2, 4):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
     def test_l3_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
-        """Tests L3 Rx checksum hardware offload."""
+        """Tests L3 Rx checksum hardware offload.
+        Steps:
+            Create a list of packets to send with IP fields.
+            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
+            Enable checksum hardware offload.
+            Send list of packets.
+        Verify:
+            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
+        """
         mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
         packet_list = [
             Ether(dst=mac_id) / IP() / UDP(),
@@ -188,16 +229,26 @@  def test_l3_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
             for i in range(0, 2):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
             for i in range(2, 4):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
     def test_validate_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
-        """Verify verbose output of Rx packets matches expected behavior."""
+        """Verify verbose output of Rx packets matches expected behavior.
+        Steps:
+            Create a list of packets to send.
+            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
+            Enable checksum hardware offload.
+            Send list of packets.
+        Verify:
+            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
+        """
         mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
         packet_list = [
             Ether(dst=mac_id) / IP() / UDP(),
@@ -215,21 +266,31 @@  def test_validate_rx_checksum(self) -> None:
             for i in range(0, 4):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
             for i in range(4, 6):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
             for i in range(6, 8):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
     def test_vlan_checksum(self) -> None:
-        """Test VLAN Rx checksum hardware offload and verify packet reception."""
+        """Test VLAN Rx checksum hardware offload and verify packet reception.
+        Steps:
+            Create a list of packets to send with VLAN fields.
+            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
+            Enable checksum hardware offload.
+            Send list of packets.
+        Verify:
+            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
+        """
         mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
         payload = b"xxxxx"
         packet_list = [
@@ -246,17 +307,27 @@  def test_vlan_checksum(self) -> None:
             self.send_packets_and_verify(packet_list=packet_list, load=payload, should_receive=True)
             for i in range(0, 2):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=False, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
             for i in range(2, 4):
-                    packet=packet_list[i], goodL4=False, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                    packet=packet_list[i], good_L4=False, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
     def test_validate_sctp_checksum(self) -> None:
-        """Test SCTP Rx checksum hardware offload and verify packet reception."""
+        """Test SCTP Rx checksum hardware offload and verify packet reception.
+        Steps:
+            Create a list of packets to send with SCTP fields.
+            Launch testpmd with the necessary configuration.
+            Enable checksum hardware offload.
+            Send list of packets.
+        Verify:
+            Verify packet checksums match the expected flags.
+        """
         mac_id = "00:00:00:00:00:01"
         packet_list = [
             Ether(dst=mac_id) / IP() / SCTP(),
@@ -268,8 +339,8 @@  def test_validate_sctp_checksum(self) -> None:
-                packet=packet_list[0], goodL4=True, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                packet=packet_list[0], good_L4=True, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
-                packet=packet_list[1], goodL4=False, goodIP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id
+                packet=packet_list[1], good_L4=False, good_IP=True, testpmd=testpmd, id=mac_id