new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,640 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2024 Intel Corporation
+"""Visual Studio Code configuration generator script."""
+import os
+import json
+import argparse
+import fnmatch
+import shutil
+from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Any
+from sys import exit as _exit, stderr
+from subprocess import run, CalledProcessError, PIPE
+from mesonbuild import mparser
+from mesonbuild.mesonlib import MesonException
+class DPDKBuildTask:
+ """A build task for DPDK"""
+ def __init__(self, label: str, description: str, param: str):
+ # label as it appears in build configuration
+ self.label = label
+ # description to be given in menu
+ self.description = description
+ # task-specific configuration parameters
+ self.param = param
+ def to_json_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Generate JSON dictionary for this task"""
+ return {
+ "label": f"Configure {self.label}",
+ "detail": self.description,
+ "type": "shell",
+ "dependsOn": "Remove builddir",
+ "command": f"meson setup ${{config:BUILDCONFIG}} {self.param} ${{config:BUILDDIR}}",
+ "problemMatcher": [],
+ "group": "build"
+ }
+class CmdlineCtx:
+ """POD class to set up command line parameters"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.use_ui = False
+ self.use_gdbsudo = False
+ self.build_dir: str = ""
+ self.dpdk_dir: str = ""
+ self.gdb_path: str = ""
+ self.avail_configs: List[Tuple[str, str, str]] = []
+ self.avail_apps: List[str] = []
+ self.avail_examples: List[str] = []
+ self.avail_drivers: List[str] = []
+ self.enabled_configs: List[Tuple[str, str, str]] = []
+ self.enabled_apps: List[str] = []
+ self.enabled_examples: List[str] = []
+ self.enabled_drivers: List[str] = []
+ self.driver_dep_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = {}
+class DPDKLaunchTask:
+ """A launch task for DPDK"""
+ def __init__(self, label: str, exe: str, gdb_path: str):
+ # label as it appears in launch configuration
+ self.label = label
+ # path to executable
+ self.exe = exe
+ self.gdb_path = gdb_path
+ def to_json_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Generate JSON dictionary for this task"""
+ return {
+ "name": f"Run {self.label}",
+ "type": "cppdbg",
+ "request": "launch",
+ "program": f"${{config:BUILDDIR}}/{self.exe}",
+ "args": [],
+ "stopAtEntry": False,
+ "cwd": "${workspaceFolder}",
+ "externalConsole": False,
+ "preLaunchTask": "Build",
+ "MIMode": "gdb",
+ "miDebuggerPath": self.gdb_path,
+ "setupCommands": [
+ {
+ "description": "Enable pretty-printing for gdb",
+ "text": "-gdb-set print pretty on",
+ "ignoreFailures": True
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+class VSCodeConfig:
+ """Configuration for VSCode"""
+ def __init__(self, builddir: str, commoncfg: str):
+ # where will our build dir be located
+ self.builddir = builddir
+ # meson configuration common to all configs
+ self.commonconfig = commoncfg
+ # meson build configurations
+ self.build_tasks: List[DPDKBuildTask] = []
+ # meson launch configurations
+ self.launch_tasks: List[DPDKLaunchTask] = []
+ def settings_to_json_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Generate settings.json"""
+ return {
+ "BUILDDIR": self.builddir,
+ "BUILDCONFIG": self.commonconfig,
+ }
+ def tasks_to_json_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Generate tasks.json"""
+ # generate outer layer
+ build_tasks: Dict[str, Any] = {
+ "version": "2.0.0",
+ "tasks": []
+ }
+ # generate inner layer
+ tasks = build_tasks["tasks"]
+ # add common tasks
+ tasks.append({
+ "label": "Remove builddir",
+ "type": "shell",
+ "command": "rm -rf ${config:BUILDDIR}",
+ })
+ tasks.append({
+ "label": "Build",
+ "detail": "Run build command",
+ "type": "shell",
+ "command": "ninja",
+ "options": {
+ "cwd": "${config:BUILDDIR}"
+ },
+ "problemMatcher": {
+ "base": "$gcc",
+ "fileLocation": ["relative", "${config:BUILDDIR}"]
+ },
+ "group": "build"
+ })
+ # now, add generated tasks
+ tasks.extend([task.to_json_dict() for task in self.build_tasks])
+ # we're done
+ return build_tasks
+ def launch_to_json_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Generate launch.json"""
+ return {
+ "version": "0.2.0",
+ "configurations": [task.to_json_dict() for task in self.launch_tasks]
+ }
+ def c_cpp_properties_to_json_dict(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
+ """Generate c_cpp_properties.json"""
+ return {
+ "configurations": [
+ {
+ "name": "Linux",
+ "includePath": [
+ "${config:BUILDDIR}/",
+ "${workspaceFolder}/lib/eal/x86",
+ "${workspaceFolder}/lib/eal/linux",
+ "${workspaceFolder}/**"
+ ],
+ "compilerPath": "/usr/bin/gcc",
+ "cStandard": "c99",
+ "cppStandard": "c++17",
+ "intelliSenseMode": "${default}",
+ "compileCommands": "${config:BUILDDIR}/compile_commands.json"
+ }
+ ],
+ "version": 4
+ }
+def _whiptail_checklist(prompt: str, labels: List[str],
+ descriptions: List[str],
+ checked: List[bool]) -> List[str]:
+ """Display a checklist and get user input."""
+ # build whiptail checklist
+ checklist = [
+ (label, desc, "on" if checked[i] else "off")
+ for i, (label, desc) in enumerate(zip(labels, descriptions))
+ ]
+ # flatten the list
+ checklist = [item for sublist in checklist for item in sublist]
+ # build whiptail arguments
+ args = [
+ "whiptail", "--separate-output", "--checklist",
+ prompt, "15", "80", "10"
+ ] + checklist
+ try:
+ result = run(args, stderr=PIPE, check=True)
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ # user probably pressed cancel, so bail out
+ _exit(1)
+ # capture selected options
+ selected = result.stderr.decode().strip().split()
+ return selected
+def _whiptail_inputbox(prompt: str, default: str = "") -> str:
+ """Display an input box and get user input."""
+ args = [
+ "whiptail", "--inputbox",
+ prompt, "10", "70", default
+ ]
+ result = run(args, stderr=PIPE, check=True)
+ return result.stderr.decode().strip()
+def _get_enabled_configurations(configs: List[Tuple[str, str, str]],
+ enabled: List[Tuple[str, str, str]]) \
+ -> List[Tuple[str, str, str]]:
+ """Ask user which build configurations they want."""
+ stop = False
+ while not stop:
+ labels = [task[0] for task in configs]
+ descriptions = [task[1] for task in configs]
+ checked = [c in enabled for c in configs]
+ # when interacting using UI, allow user to specify one custom meson
+ # item
+ labels += ["add"]
+ descriptions += ["Add new option"]
+ checked += [False]
+ # ask user to select options
+ selected = _whiptail_checklist("Select build configurations to enable:",
+ labels, descriptions, checked)
+ # enable all previously existing selected configs
+ enabled.clear()
+ for task in configs:
+ if task[0] in selected:
+ # enable this task
+ enabled.append(task)
+ # if user selected "add", ask for custom meson configuration
+ if "add" in selected:
+ custom_label = _whiptail_inputbox(
+ "Enter custom meson configuration label:")
+ custom_description = _whiptail_inputbox(
+ "Enter custom meson configuration description:")
+ custom_mesonstr = _whiptail_inputbox(
+ "Enter custom meson configuration string:")
+ new_task = (custom_label, custom_description, custom_mesonstr)
+ configs += [new_task]
+ # enable the new configuration
+ enabled += [new_task]
+ else:
+ stop = True
+ # return our list of enabled configurations
+ return enabled
+def _get_enabled_list(apps: List[str], enabled: List[str]) -> List[str]:
+ """Display a list of items, optionally some enabled by default."""
+ checked = [app in enabled for app in apps]
+ # ask user to select options
+ selected = _whiptail_checklist("Select apps to enable:",
+ apps, ["" for _ in apps], checked)
+ return selected
+def _extract_var(path: str, var: str) -> Any:
+ """Extract a variable from a file."""
+ try:
+ # we don't want to deal with multiline variable assignments
+ # so just read entire file in one go
+ with open(path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
+ content =
+ parser = mparser.Parser(content, path)
+ ast = parser.parse()
+ for node in ast.lines:
+ # we're only interested in variable assignments
+ if not isinstance(node, mparser.AssignmentNode):
+ continue
+ # we're only interested in the variable we're looking for
+ if node.var_name.value != var:
+ continue
+ # we're expecting string or array
+ if isinstance(node.value, mparser.StringNode):
+ return node.value.value
+ if isinstance(node.value, mparser.ArrayNode):
+ return [item.value for item in node.value.args.arguments]
+ except (MesonException, FileNotFoundError):
+ return []
+ return None
+def _update_ctx_from_ui(ctx: CmdlineCtx) -> int:
+ """Use whiptail dialogs to update context contents."""
+ try:
+ # update build dir
+ ctx.build_dir = _whiptail_inputbox(
+ "Enter build directory:", ctx.build_dir)
+ # update configs
+ ctx.enabled_configs = _get_enabled_configurations(
+ ctx.avail_configs, ctx.enabled_configs)
+ # update enabled apps, examples, and drivers
+ ctx.enabled_apps = _get_enabled_list(ctx.avail_apps, ctx.enabled_apps)
+ ctx.enabled_examples = _get_enabled_list(
+ ctx.avail_examples, ctx.enabled_examples)
+ ctx.enabled_drivers = _get_enabled_list(
+ ctx.avail_drivers, ctx.enabled_drivers)
+ return 0
+ except CalledProcessError:
+ # use probably pressed cancel, so bail out
+ return 1
+def _build_configs(ctx: CmdlineCtx) -> None:
+ # if builddir is a relative path, make it absolute from DPDK root
+ if not os.path.isabs(ctx.build_dir):
+ ctx.build_dir = os.path.realpath(
+ os.path.join(ctx.dpdk_dir, ctx.build_dir))
+ # first, build our common meson param string
+ common_param = ""
+ # if no apps enabled, disable all apps, otherwise they get built by default
+ if not ctx.enabled_apps:
+ common_param += " -Ddisable_apps=*"
+ else:
+ common_param += f" -Denable_apps={','.join(ctx.enabled_apps)}"
+ # examples don't get build unless user asks
+ if ctx.enabled_examples:
+ common_param += f" -Dexamples={','.join(ctx.enabled_examples)}"
+ # if no drivers enabled, disable all drivers, otherwise they get built by
+ # default
+ if not ctx.enabled_drivers:
+ common_param += " -Ddisable_drivers=*/*"
+ else:
+ common_param += f" -Denable_drivers={','.join(ctx.enabled_drivers)}"
+ # create build tasks
+ build_tasks = [DPDKBuildTask(l, d, m) for l, d, m in ctx.enabled_configs]
+ # create launch tasks
+ launch_tasks: List[DPDKLaunchTask] = []
+ for app in ctx.enabled_apps:
+ label = app
+ exe = os.path.join("app", f"dpdk-{app}")
+ launch_tasks.append(DPDKLaunchTask(label, exe, ctx.gdb_path))
+ for app in ctx.enabled_examples:
+ # examples may have complex paths but they always flatten
+ label = os.path.basename(app)
+ exe = os.path.join("examples", f"dpdk-{label}")
+ launch_tasks.append(DPDKLaunchTask(label, exe, ctx.gdb_path))
+ # build our config
+ vscode_cfg = VSCodeConfig(ctx.build_dir, common_param)
+ vscode_cfg.build_tasks = build_tasks
+ vscode_cfg.launch_tasks = launch_tasks
+ # we're done! now, create .vscode directory
+ os.makedirs(os.path.join(ctx.dpdk_dir, ".vscode"), exist_ok=True)
+ # ...and create VSCode configuration
+ print("Creating VSCode configuration files...")
+ config_root = os.path.join(ctx.dpdk_dir, ".vscode")
+ func_map = {
+ "settings.json": vscode_cfg.settings_to_json_dict,
+ "tasks.json": vscode_cfg.tasks_to_json_dict,
+ "launch.json": vscode_cfg.launch_to_json_dict,
+ "c_cpp_properties.json": vscode_cfg.c_cpp_properties_to_json_dict
+ }
+ for filename, func in func_map.items():
+ with open(os.path.join(config_root, filename), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
+ print(f"Writing {filename}...")
+ f.write(json.dumps(func(), indent=4))
+ print("Done!")
+def _process_ctx(ctx: CmdlineCtx) -> None:
+ """Map command-line enabled options to available options."""
+ # for each enabled app, see if it's a wildcard and if so, do a wildcard
+ # match
+ for app in ctx.enabled_apps[:]:
+ if "*" in app:
+ ctx.enabled_apps.remove(app)
+ ctx.enabled_apps.extend(fnmatch.filter(ctx.avail_apps, app))
+ # do the same with examples
+ for example in ctx.enabled_examples[:]:
+ if "*" in example:
+ ctx.enabled_examples.remove(example)
+ ctx.enabled_examples.extend(
+ fnmatch.filter(ctx.avail_examples, example))
+ # do the same with drivers
+ for driver in ctx.enabled_drivers[:]:
+ if "*" in driver:
+ ctx.enabled_drivers.remove(driver)
+ ctx.enabled_drivers.extend(
+ fnmatch.filter(ctx.avail_drivers, driver))
+ # due to wildcard, there may be dupes, so sort(set()) everything
+ ctx.enabled_apps = sorted(set(ctx.enabled_apps))
+ ctx.enabled_examples = sorted(set(ctx.enabled_examples))
+ ctx.enabled_drivers = sorted(set(ctx.enabled_drivers))
+def _resolve_deps(ctx: CmdlineCtx) -> None:
+ """Resolve driver dependencies."""
+ for driver in ctx.enabled_drivers[:]:
+ ctx.enabled_drivers.extend(ctx.driver_dep_map.get(driver, []))
+ ctx.enabled_drivers = sorted(set(ctx.enabled_drivers))
+def _discover_ctx(ctx: CmdlineCtx) -> int:
+ """Discover available apps/drivers etc. from DPDK."""
+ # find out where DPDK root is located
+ _self = os.path.realpath(__file__)
+ dpdk_root = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(_self), ".."))
+ ctx.dpdk_dir = dpdk_root
+ # find gdb path
+ if ctx.use_gdbsudo:
+ gdb = "gdbsudo"
+ else:
+ gdb = "gdb"
+ ctx.gdb_path = shutil.which(gdb)
+ if not ctx.gdb_path:
+ print(f"Error: Cannot find {gdb} in PATH!", file=stderr)
+ return 1
+ # we want to extract information from DPDK build files, but we don't have a
+ # good way of doing it without already having a meson build directory. for
+ # some things we can use meson AST parsing to extract this information, but
+ # for drivers extracting this information is not straightforward because
+ # they have complex build-time logic to determine which drivers need to be
+ # built (e.g. qat). so, we'll use meson AST for apps and examples, but for
+ # drivers we'll do it the old-fashioned way: by globbing directories.
+ apps: List[str] = []
+ examples: List[str] = []
+ drivers: List[str] = []
+ app_root = os.path.join(dpdk_root, "app")
+ examples_root = os.path.join(dpdk_root, "examples")
+ drivers_root = os.path.join(dpdk_root, "drivers")
+ apps = _extract_var(os.path.join(app_root, ""), "apps")
+ # special case for apps: test isn't added by default
+ apps.append("test")
+ # some apps will have overridden names using 'name' variable, extract it
+ for i, app in enumerate(apps[:]):
+ new_name = _extract_var(os.path.join(
+ app_root, app, ""), "name")
+ if new_name:
+ apps[i] = new_name
+ # examples don't have any special cases
+ examples = _extract_var(os.path.join(
+ examples_root, ""), "all_examples")
+ for root, _, _ in os.walk(drivers_root):
+ # some directories are drivers, while some are there simply to
+ # organize source in a certain way (e.g. base drivers), so we're
+ # going to cheat a little and only consider directories that have
+ # exactly two levels (e.g. net/ixgbe) and no others.
+ if root == drivers_root:
+ continue
+ rel_root = os.path.relpath(root, drivers_root)
+ if len(rel_root.split(os.sep)) != 2:
+ continue
+ category = os.path.dirname(rel_root)
+ # see if there's a name override
+ name = os.path.basename(rel_root)
+ new_name = _extract_var(os.path.join(root, ""), "name")
+ if new_name:
+ name = new_name
+ driver_name = os.path.join(category, name)
+ drivers.append(driver_name)
+ # some drivers depend on other drivers, so parse these dependencies
+ # using the "deps" variable
+ deps: List[str] = _extract_var(
+ os.path.join(root, ""), "deps")
+ if not deps:
+ continue
+ for dep in deps:
+ # by convention, drivers are named as <category>_<name>, so we can
+ # infer that dependency is a driver if it has an underscore
+ if not "_" in dep:
+ continue
+ dep_driver = dep.replace("_", "/")
+ ctx.driver_dep_map.setdefault(driver_name, []).append(dep_driver)
+ # sort all lists alphabetically
+ apps.sort()
+ examples.sort()
+ drivers.sort()
+ # save all of this information into our context
+ ctx.avail_apps = apps
+ ctx.avail_examples = examples
+ ctx.avail_drivers = drivers
+ return 0
+def _main() -> int:
+ """Parse command line arguments and direct program flow."""
+ # this is primarily a TUI script, but we also want to be able to automate
+ # everything, or set defaults to enhance user interaction and
+ # customization.
+ # valid parameters:
+ # --no-ui: run without any user interaction
+ # --no-gdbsudo: set up launch targets to use gdb directly
+ # --no-defaults: do not add default build configurations
+ # --help: show help message
+ # -B/--build-dir: set build directory
+ # -b/--build-configs: set default build configurations
+ # format: <label> <description> <meson-param>
+ # can be specified multiple times
+ # -a/--apps: comma-separated list of enabled apps
+ # -e/--examples: comma-separated list of enabled examples
+ # -d/--drivers: comma-separated list of enabled drivers
+ ap = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description="Generate VSCode configuration for DPDK")
+ ap.add_argument("--no-ui", action="store_true",
+ help="Run without any user interaction")
+ ap.add_argument("--no-gdbsudo", action="store_true",
+ help="Set up launch targets to use gdb directly")
+ ap.add_argument("--no-defaults", action="store_true",
+ help="Do not enable built-in build configurations")
+ ap.add_argument("-B", "--build-dir", default="build",
+ help="Set build directory")
+ ap.add_argument("-b", "--build-config", action="append", default=[],
+ help="Comma-separated build task configuration of format [label,description,meson setup arguments]")
+ ap.add_argument("-a", "--apps", default="",
+ help="Comma-separated list of enabled apps (wildcards accepted)")
+ ap.add_argument("-e", "--examples", default="",
+ help="Comma-separated list of enabled examples (wildcards accepted)")
+ ap.add_argument("-d", "--drivers", default="",
+ help="Comma-separated list of enabled drivers (wildcards accepted)")
+ ap.epilog = """\
+When script is run in interactive mode, parameters will be used to set up dialog defaults. \
+Otherwise, they will be used to create configuration directly."""
+ args = ap.parse_args()
+ def_configs = [
+ ("debug", "Debug build", "--buildtype=debug"),
+ ("debugopt", "Debug optimized build", "--buildtype=debugoptimized"),
+ ("release", "Release build", "--buildtype=release -Denable_docs=true"),
+ ("asan", "Address sanitizer build",
+ "--buildtype=debugoptimized -Db_sanitize=address -Db_lundef=false"),
+ ]
+ def_apps = [
+ "test", "testpmd"
+ ]
+ def_examples = [
+ "helloworld"
+ ]
+ # parse build configs
+ arg_configs = []
+ for c in args.build_config:
+ parts = c.split(",")
+ if len(parts) != 3:
+ print(
+ f"Error: Invalid build configuration format: {c}", file=stderr)
+ return 1
+ arg_configs.append(tuple(parts))
+ # set up command line context. all wildcards will be passed directly to _main, and will be
+ # resolved later, when we have a list of things to enable/disable.
+ ctx = CmdlineCtx()
+ ctx.use_ui = not args.no_ui
+ ctx.use_gdbsudo = not args.no_gdbsudo
+ ctx.build_dir = args.build_dir
+ ctx.enabled_apps = args.apps.split(",") if args.apps else []
+ ctx.enabled_examples = args.examples.split(",") if args.examples else []
+ ctx.enabled_drivers = args.drivers.split(",") if args.drivers else []
+ ctx.enabled_configs = arg_configs
+ ctx.avail_configs = def_configs + ctx.enabled_configs
+ if not args.no_defaults:
+ # enable default configs
+ ctx.enabled_configs.extend(def_configs)
+ # for apps and examples, we only want to add defaults if
+ # user didn't directly specify anything
+ if not ctx.enabled_apps:
+ ctx.enabled_apps.extend(def_apps)
+ if not ctx.enabled_examples:
+ ctx.enabled_examples.extend(def_examples)
+ # if UI interaction is requested, check if whiptail is installed
+ if ctx.use_ui and os.system("which whiptail &> /dev/null") != 0:
+ print(
+ "whiptail is not installed! Please install it and try again.",
+ file=stderr)
+ return 1
+ # check if gdbsudo is available
+ if ctx.use_gdbsudo and os.system("which gdbsudo &> /dev/null") != 0:
+ print(
+ "Generated configuration will use gdbsudo script to run applications.",
+ file=stderr)
+ print(
+ "If you want to use gdb directly, please run with --no-gdbsudo argument.",
+ file=stderr)
+ print(
+ "Otherwise, run the following snippet in your terminal and try again:",
+ file=stderr)
+ print("""sudo tee <<EOF /usr/local/bin/gdbsudo &> /dev/null
+ #!/usr/bin/bash
+ sudo gdb $@
+ sudo chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/gdbsudo""", file=stderr)
+ return 1
+ _discover_ctx(ctx)
+ _process_ctx(ctx)
+ if ctx.use_ui and _update_ctx_from_ui(ctx):
+ return 1
+ _resolve_deps(ctx)
+ _build_configs(ctx)
+ return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ _exit(_main())