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+ <rect x="0" y="422.843" width="48.189" height="36.1417" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="422.843" width="48.189" height="36.1417" class="st12"/>
+ <text x="12.76" y="438.51" class="st13">Virtual <tspan x="12.09" dy="1.2em" class="st14">Core </tspan>2</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape14-124" transform="translate(171.371,-298.953)">
+ <title>Box.14</title>
+ <desc>Virtual Core 3</desc>
+ <g id="shadow14-125" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="422.843" width="48.189" height="36.1417" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="422.843" width="48.189" height="36.1417" class="st12"/>
+ <text x="12.76" y="438.51" class="st13">Virtual <tspan x="12.09" dy="1.2em" class="st14">Core </tspan>3</text> </g>
+ <g id="group16-131" transform="translate(333.737,-187.264) rotate(39.9929)">
+ <title>1-D single</title>
+ <g id="shape17-132">
+ <title>Sheet.17</title>
+ <g id="shadow17-133" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,2.0287,0.177741)" class="st1">
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L328.75 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 330.16 457.57 L330.16 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L331.58 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 331.58 450.48 L330.8 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L330.16 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 328.75 450.48 L0 450.48
+ L0 456.15 Z" class="st5"/>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L328.75 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 330.16 457.57 L330.16 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L331.58 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 331.58 450.48 L330.8 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L330.16 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 328.75 450.48 L0 450.48"
+ class="st6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L328.75 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 330.16 457.57 L330.16 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180 0 0
+ 0.633846 0.149631 L331.58 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 331.58 450.48 L330.8 448.91 a0.334585 0.334585
+ -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L330.16 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 328.75 450.48 L0 450.48 L0 456.15
+ Z" class="st7"/>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L328.75 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 330.16 457.57 L330.16 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180 0 0
+ 0.633846 0.149631 L331.58 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 331.58 450.48 L330.8 448.91 a0.334585 0.334585
+ -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L330.16 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 328.75 450.48 L0 450.48" class="st8"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape18-139">
+ <title>Sheet.18</title>
+ <g id="shadow18-140" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,2.0287,0.177741)" class="st1">
+ <path d="M2.83 456.15 L328.75 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 330.16 457.57 L330.16 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L331.58 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 331.58 450.48 L330.8 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L330.16 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 328.75 450.48 L2.83 450.48
+ A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 0 453.32 L0 453.32 A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 2.83 456.15" class="st6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path d="M2.83 456.15 L328.75 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 330.16 457.57 L330.16 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L331.58 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 331.58 450.48 L330.8 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L330.16 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 328.75 450.48 L2.83 450.48
+ A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 0 453.32 L0 453.32 A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 2.83 456.15" class="st8"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape19-146" transform="translate(-4.26978,-2.88265)">
+ <title>Sheet.19</title>
+ <g id="shadow19-147" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,2.0287,0.177741)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="453.412" width="1.87959" height="5.57329" rx="0.939796" ry="0.939796" class="st9"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="453.412" width="1.87959" height="5.57329" rx="0.939796" ry="0.939796" class="st10"/>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g id="group20-151" transform="translate(534.375,54.9035) rotate(76.5904)">
+ <title>1-D single.20</title>
+ <g id="shape21-152">
+ <title>Sheet.21</title>
+ <g id="shadow21-153" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.73469,-1.06679)" class="st1">
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L0 450.48
+ L0 456.15 Z" class="st5"/>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L0 450.48"
+ class="st6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180 0 0
+ 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585 0.334585
+ -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L0 450.48 L0 456.15
+ Z" class="st7"/>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180 0 0
+ 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585 0.334585
+ -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L0 450.48" class="st8"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape22-159">
+ <title>Sheet.22</title>
+ <g id="shadow22-160" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.73469,-1.06679)" class="st1">
+ <path d="M2.83 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L2.83 450.48
+ A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 0 453.32 L0 453.32 A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 2.83 456.15" class="st6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path d="M2.83 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L2.83 450.48
+ A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 0 453.32 L0 453.32 A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 2.83 456.15" class="st8"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape23-166" transform="translate(-2.82107,-2.88265)">
+ <title>Sheet.23</title>
+ <g id="shadow23-167" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.73469,-1.06679)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="453.412" width="1.24186" height="5.57329" rx="0.620928" ry="0.620928" class="st9"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="453.412" width="1.24186" height="5.57329" rx="0.620928" ry="0.620928" class="st10"/>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g id="group28-171" transform="translate(636.422,54.9035) rotate(76.5904)">
+ <title>1-D single.28</title>
+ <g id="shape29-172">
+ <title>Sheet.29</title>
+ <g id="shadow29-173" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.73469,-1.06679)" class="st1">
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L0 450.48
+ L0 456.15 Z" class="st5"/>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L0 450.48"
+ class="st6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180 0 0
+ 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585 0.334585
+ -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L0 450.48 L0 456.15
+ Z" class="st7"/>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180 0 0
+ 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585 0.334585
+ -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L0 450.48" class="st8"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape30-179">
+ <title>Sheet.30</title>
+ <g id="shadow30-180" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.73469,-1.06679)" class="st1">
+ <path d="M2.83 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L2.83 450.48
+ A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 0 453.32 L0 453.32 A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 2.83 456.15" class="st6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path d="M2.83 456.15 L215.76 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 217.18 457.57 L217.18 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L218.6 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 218.6 450.48 L217.81 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L217.18 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 215.76 450.48 L2.83 450.48
+ A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 0 453.32 L0 453.32 A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 2.83 456.15" class="st8"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape31-186" transform="translate(-2.82107,-2.88265)">
+ <title>Sheet.31</title>
+ <g id="shadow31-187" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.73469,-1.06679)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="453.412" width="1.24186" height="5.57329" rx="0.620928" ry="0.620928" class="st9"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="453.412" width="1.24186" height="5.57329" rx="0.620928" ry="0.620928" class="st10"/>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape32-191" transform="translate(18.3,-417.299)">
+ <title>Box.32</title>
+ <desc>DPDK Application</desc>
+ <g id="shadow32-192" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="435.599" width="201.26" height="23.3858" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="435.599" width="201.26" height="23.3858" class="st15"/>
+ <text x="68.84" y="446.8" class="st13">DPDK Application</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape33-198" transform="translate(245.072,-298.953)">
+ <title>Box.33</title>
+ <desc>VM 1</desc>
+ <g id="shadow33-199" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="317.253" width="99.2126" height="141.732" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="317.253" width="99.2126" height="141.732" class="st3"/>
+ <text x="40.27" y="414.52" class="st11">VM 1</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape34-204" transform="translate(245.072,-298.953)">
+ <title>Box.34</title>
+ <desc>Virtual Core 0</desc>
+ <g id="shadow34-205" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="422.843" width="48.189" height="36.1417" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="422.843" width="48.189" height="36.1417" class="st12"/>
+ <text x="12.76" y="438.51" class="st13">Virtual <tspan x="12.09" dy="1.2em" class="st14">Core </tspan>0</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape35-211" transform="translate(296.095,-298.953)">
+ <title>Box.35</title>
+ <desc>Virtual Core 1</desc>
+ <g id="shadow35-212" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="422.843" width="48.189" height="36.1417" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="422.843" width="48.189" height="36.1417" class="st12"/>
+ <text x="12.76" y="438.51" class="st13">Virtual <tspan x="12.09" dy="1.2em" class="st14">Core </tspan>1</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape36-218" transform="translate(245.072,-417.299)">
+ <title>Box.36</title>
+ <desc>DPDK Application</desc>
+ <g id="shadow36-219" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="435.599" width="99.2126" height="23.3858" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="435.599" width="99.2126" height="23.3858" class="st15"/>
+ <text x="17.81" y="446.8" class="st13">DPDK Application</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape49-224" transform="translate(372.631,-334.488)">
+ <title>Box.49</title>
+ <desc>DPDK VM Application Reuse librte_power interface, but provide...</desc>
+ <g id="shadow49-225" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="352.788" width="175.748" height="106.197" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="352.788" width="175.748" height="106.197" class="st16"/>
+ <text x="4" y="363.99" class="st11">DPDK VM Application <tspan x="4" dy="1.212em" class="st17">·</tspan><tspan
+ class="st17"> </tspan><tspan class="st18">Reuse </tspan>librte_power<tspan class="st18"> </tspan><tspan
+ class="st18">interface</tspan><tspan class="st18">, </tspan><tspan class="st18">but </tspan><tspan x="22"
+ dy="1.204em" class="st18">provides a new implementation that </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.2em" class="st18">forwards frequency set requests to host </tspan><tspan
+ x="22" dy="1.2em" class="st18">via Virtio</tspan><tspan class="st18">-</tspan><tspan class="st18">Serial channel </tspan><tspan
+ x="4" dy="1.212em" class="st17">·</tspan><tspan class="st17"> </tspan><tspan class="st18">Each lcore has exclusive access to a </tspan><tspan
+ x="22" dy="1.204em" class="st18">single channel </tspan><tspan x="4" dy="1.212em" class="st17">·</tspan><tspan
+ class="st17"> </tspan><tspan class="st18">Sample application re</tspan><tspan class="st18">-</tspan><tspan
+ class="st18">uses </tspan>l3fwd_power <tspan x="4" dy="1.216em" class="st17">·</tspan><tspan class="st17"> </tspan><tspan
+ class="st18">A CLI for changing frequency from within </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.204em" class="st18">a VM is also included</tspan><tspan
+ class="st18">.</tspan></text> </g>
+ <g id="group37-257" transform="translate(769.581,100.51) rotate(82.4551)">
+ <title>1-D single.37</title>
+ <g id="shape38-258">
+ <title>Sheet.38</title>
+ <g id="shadow38-259" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.61661,-1.23846)" class="st1">
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L211.63 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 213.05 457.57 L213.05 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L214.47 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 214.47 450.48 L213.68 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L213.05 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 211.63 450.48 L0 450.48
+ L0 456.15 Z" class="st5"/>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L211.63 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 213.05 457.57 L213.05 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L214.47 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 214.47 450.48 L213.68 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L213.05 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 211.63 450.48 L0 450.48"
+ class="st6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L211.63 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 213.05 457.57 L213.05 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180 0 0
+ 0.633846 0.149631 L214.47 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 214.47 450.48 L213.68 448.91 a0.334585 0.334585
+ -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L213.05 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 211.63 450.48 L0 450.48 L0 456.15
+ Z" class="st7"/>
+ <path d="M0 456.15 L211.63 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 213.05 457.57 L213.05 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180 0 0
+ 0.633846 0.149631 L214.47 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 214.47 450.48 L213.68 448.91 a0.334585 0.334585
+ -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L213.05 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 211.63 450.48 L0 450.48" class="st8"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape39-265">
+ <title>Sheet.39</title>
+ <g id="shadow39-266" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.61661,-1.23846)" class="st1">
+ <path d="M2.83 456.15 L211.63 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 213.05 457.57 L213.05 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L214.47 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 214.47 450.48 L213.68 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L213.05 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 211.63 450.48 L2.83 450.48
+ A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 0 453.32 L0 453.32 A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 2.83 456.15" class="st6"/>
+ </g>
+ <path d="M2.83 456.15 L211.63 456.15 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 213.05 457.57 L213.05 457.57 a0.334585 0.334585 -180
+ 0 0 0.633846 0.149631 L214.47 456.15 A6.33846 6.33846 -180 0 0 214.47 450.48 L213.68 448.91 a0.334585
+ 0.334585 -180 0 0 -0.633846 0.149631 L213.05 449.06 A1.41732 1.41732 0 0 1 211.63 450.48 L2.83 450.48
+ A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 0 453.32 L0 453.32 A2.83465 2.83465 -180 0 0 2.83 456.15" class="st8"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape40-272" transform="translate(-2.76812,-2.88265)">
+ <title>Sheet.40</title>
+ <g id="shadow40-273" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.61661,-1.23846)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="453.412" width="1.21855" height="5.57329" rx="0.609275" ry="0.609275" class="st9"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="453.412" width="1.21855" height="5.57329" rx="0.609275" ry="0.609275" class="st10"/>
+ </g>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape15-277" transform="translate(18.3,-99.8187)">
+ <title>Box.15</title>
+ <desc>OS/Hypervisor</desc>
+ <g id="shadow15-278" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="319.379" width="405.354" height="139.606" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="319.379" width="405.354" height="139.606" class="st19"/>
+ <text x="174.89" y="452.58" class="st11">OS/Hypervisor</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape55-284" transform="translate(237.985,-159.346)">
+ <title>Box.55</title>
+ <desc>Linux “userspace” power governor /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuN...</desc>
+ <g id="shadow55-285" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="430.638" width="167.244" height="28.3465" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="430.638" width="167.244" height="28.3465" class="st19"/>
+ <text x="16.72" y="441.84" class="st11">Linux “userspace” power governor <tspan x="8.93" dy="1.2em" class="st14">/</tspan>sys/devices/system/cpu/cpuN/cpufreq/</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape45-291" transform="translate(429.324,-60.1337)">
+ <title>Box.45</title>
+ <desc>VM Power Monitor Accepts VM Commands over Virtio Serial endpo...</desc>
+ <g id="shadow45-292" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="254.89" width="130.519" height="204.094" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="254.89" width="130.519" height="204.094" class="st16"/>
+ <text x="4" y="266.09" class="st11">VM Power Monitor <tspan x="4" dy="1.212em" class="st17">·</tspan><tspan
+ class="st17"> </tspan><tspan class="st18">Accepts VM Commands over </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.204em"
+ class="st18">Virtio Serial endpoints</tspan><tspan class="st18">, </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.2em"
+ class="st18">monitored via </tspan>epoll <tspan x="4" dy="1.212em" class="st17">·</tspan><tspan
+ class="st17"> </tspan><tspan class="st18">Commands include the </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.204em"
+ class="st18">virtual core to be modified</tspan><tspan class="st18">, </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.2em"
+ class="st18">using </tspan>libvirt <tspan class="st18">to get physical </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.2em"
+ class="st18">core mapping </tspan><tspan x="4" dy="1.212em" class="st17">·</tspan><tspan class="st17"> </tspan><tspan
+ class="st18">Uses librte</tspan><tspan class="st18">_</tspan><tspan class="st18">power to affect </tspan><tspan
+ x="22" dy="1.204em" class="st18">frequency changes via Linux </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.2em" class="st18">userspace power </tspan><tspan
+ x="22" dy="1.2em" class="st18">governor</tspan><tspan class="st18">(</tspan><tspan class="st18">APCI cpufreq</tspan><tspan
+ class="st18">) </tspan><tspan x="4" dy="1.212em" class="st17">·</tspan><tspan class="st17"> </tspan><tspan
+ class="st18">CLI</tspan><tspan class="st18">: </tspan><tspan class="st18">For adding VM channels </tspan><tspan
+ x="22" dy="1.204em" class="st18">to monitor</tspan><tspan class="st18">, </tspan><tspan class="st18">inspecting and </tspan><tspan
+ x="22" dy="1.2em" class="st18">changing channel state</tspan><tspan class="st18">, </tspan><tspan x="22"
+ dy="1.2em" class="st18">manually altering CPU </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.2em" class="st18">frequency</tspan><tspan
+ class="st18">. </tspan><tspan class="st18">Also allows for the </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.2em"
+ class="st18">changing of vCPU to pCPU </tspan><tspan x="22" dy="1.2em" class="st18">pinning</tspan><tspan
+ class="st18">.</tspan></text> </g>
+ <g id="shape53-339" transform="translate(26.8039,-116.827)">
+ <title>Box.53</title>
+ <desc>VM Power Monitor Application</desc>
+ <g id="shadow53-340" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="342.41" width="150.236" height="116.575" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="342.41" width="150.236" height="116.575" class="st20"/>
+ <text x="17.34" y="452.58" class="st11">VM Power Monitor Application</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape61-346" transform="translate(18.3,-396.394)">
+ <title>Box.61</title>
+ <desc>librte_power(vm)</desc>
+ <g id="shadow61-347" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="438.079" width="201.26" height="20.9055" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="438.079" width="201.26" height="20.9055" class="st20"/>
+ <text x="70.84" y="450.93" class="st13">librte_power(vm)</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape48-352" transform="translate(18.3,-366.275)">
+ <title>Box.48</title>
+ <desc>lcore channel 0</desc>
+ <g id="shadow48-353" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st21"/>
+ <text x="11.7" y="436.73" class="st11">lcore <tspan x="6.14" dy="1.2em" class="st14">channel </tspan><tspan x="19.04"
+ dy="1.2em" class="st14">0</tspan></text> </g>
+ <g id="shape47-361" transform="translate(245.072,-396.394)">
+ <title>Box.47</title>
+ <desc>librte_power(vm)</desc>
+ <g id="shadow47-362" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="438.079" width="99.2126" height="20.9055" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="438.079" width="99.2126" height="20.9055" class="st20"/>
+ <text x="19.82" y="450.93" class="st13">librte_power(vm)</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape46-367" transform="translate(72.1583,-366.275)">
+ <title>Box.46</title>
+ <desc>lcore channel 1</desc>
+ <g id="shadow46-368" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st21"/>
+ <text x="11.7" y="436.73" class="st11">lcore <tspan x="6.14" dy="1.2em" class="st14">channel </tspan><tspan x="19.04"
+ dy="1.2em" class="st14">1</tspan></text> </g>
+ <g id="shape60-375" transform="translate(126.017,-366.275)">
+ <title>Box.60</title>
+ <desc>lcore channel 2</desc>
+ <g id="shadow60-376" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st21"/>
+ <text x="11.7" y="436.73" class="st11">lcore <tspan x="6.14" dy="1.2em" class="st14">channel </tspan><tspan x="19.04"
+ dy="1.2em" class="st14">2</tspan></text> </g>
+ <g id="shape62-383" transform="translate(177.04,-366.275)">
+ <title>Box.62</title>
+ <desc>lcore channel 3</desc>
+ <g id="shadow62-384" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st21"/>
+ <text x="11.7" y="436.73" class="st11">lcore <tspan x="6.14" dy="1.2em" class="st14">channel </tspan><tspan x="19.04"
+ dy="1.2em" class="st14">3</tspan></text> </g>
+ <g id="shape50-391" transform="translate(245.072,-366.275)">
+ <title>Box.50</title>
+ <desc>lcore channel 0</desc>
+ <g id="shadow50-392" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st21"/>
+ <text x="11.7" y="436.73" class="st11">lcore <tspan x="6.14" dy="1.2em" class="st14">channel </tspan><tspan x="19.04"
+ dy="1.2em" class="st14">0</tspan></text> </g>
+ <g id="shape52-399" transform="translate(301.765,-366.275)">
+ <title>Box.52</title>
+ <desc>lcore channel 1</desc>
+ <g id="shadow52-400" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="428.867" width="42.5197" height="30.1181" class="st21"/>
+ <text x="11.7" y="436.73" class="st11">lcore <tspan x="6.14" dy="1.2em" class="st14">channel </tspan><tspan x="19.04"
+ dy="1.2em" class="st14">1</tspan></text> </g>
+ <g id="shape51-407" transform="translate(26.8039,-216.039)">
+ <title>Box.51</title>
+ <desc>Endpoint Monitor(lcore channels)</desc>
+ <g id="shadow51-408" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st21"/>
+ <text x="7.09" y="452.82" class="st11">Endpoint Monitor(lcore channels)</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape25-413" transform="translate(26.8039,-198.854)">
+ <title>Box.25</title>
+ <desc>Channel Manager</desc>
+ <g id="shadow25-414" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st22"/>
+ <text x="37.53" y="452.82" class="st11">Channel Manager</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape41-420" transform="translate(247.906,-215.862)">
+ <title>Box.41</title>
+ <desc>QEMU</desc>
+ <g id="shadow41-421" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st21"/>
+ <text x="58.87" y="452.82" class="st11">QEMU</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape42-426" transform="translate(247.906,-198.854)">
+ <title>Box.42</title>
+ <desc>libvirt</desc>
+ <g id="shadow42-427" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st23"/>
+ <text x="59.98" y="452.82" class="st11">libvirt</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape43-433" transform="translate(168.536,-231.718)">
+ <title>Dynamic connector.43</title>
+ <path d="M0 465.98 L10.63 465.98 L10.63 466.16 L73.21 466.16" class="st24"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape69-441" transform="translate(168.536,-190.527)">
+ <title>Dynamic connector</title>
+ <path d="M0 458.98 L10.63 458.98 L10.63 475.99 L63.29 475.99" class="st24"/>
+ </g>
+ <g id="shape26-447" transform="translate(26.8039,-181.846)">
+ <title>Box.26</title>
+ <desc>librte_power(Host)</desc>
+ <g id="shadow26-448" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st19"/>
+ <text x="35.53" y="452.82" class="st11">librte_power(Host)</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape68-453" transform="translate(168.536,-200.449)">
+ <title>Dynamic connector.68</title>
+ <desc>Map vCPU to pCPU</desc>
+ <path d="M5.8 451.9 L6.16 451.9 L73.21 451.9" class="st26"/>
+ <rect x="4.11883" y="447.099" width="71.1324" height="9.59985" class="st27"/>
+ <text x="4.12" y="454.3" class="st13">Map vCPU to pCPU</text> </g>
+ <g id="shape27-464" transform="translate(26.8039,-164.838)">
+ <title>Box.27</title>
+ <desc>VM Power CLI</desc>
+ <g id="shadow27-465" transform="matrix(1,0,0,1,1.44,1.44)" class="st1">
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st2"/>
+ </g>
+ <rect x="0" y="441.623" width="141.732" height="17.3622" class="st22"/>
+ <text x="44.2" y="452.82" class="st11">VM Power CLI</text> </g>
+ </g>