[dpdk-dev,PATCHv4,3/4] rte_compat: remove BASE_SYMBOL

Message ID 1435586380-1673-3-git-send-email-nhorman@tuxdriver.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived

Commit Message

Neil Horman June 29, 2015, 1:59 p.m. UTC
BASE_SYMBOL was only here for completelness.  DPDK currently doesn't need it, so
lets remove it.

Signed-off-by: Neil Horman <nhorman@tuxdriver.com>
 lib/librte_compat/rte_compat.h | 8 --------
 1 file changed, 8 deletions(-)


diff --git a/lib/librte_compat/rte_compat.h b/lib/librte_compat/rte_compat.h
index d7768d5..4f60a66 100644
--- a/lib/librte_compat/rte_compat.h
+++ b/lib/librte_compat/rte_compat.h
@@ -70,13 +70,6 @@ 
 #define VERSION_SYMBOL(b, e, n) __asm__(".symver " RTE_STR(b) RTE_STR(e) ", " RTE_STR(b) "@DPDK_" RTE_STR(n))
- * Creates a symbol version table entry binding unversioned symbol <b>
- * to the internal function <b>_<e>
- */
-#define BASE_SYMBOL(b, e) __asm__(".symver " RTE_STR(b) RTE_STR(e) ", " RTE_STR(b)"@")
  * Creates a symbol version entry instructing the linker to bind references to
  * symbol <b> to the internal symbol <b>_<e>
@@ -103,7 +96,6 @@ 
 #define VERSION_SYMBOL(b, e, v)
 #define __vsym
-#define BASE_SYMBOL(b, n)
 #define BIND_DEFAULT_SYMBOL(b, e, n)
 #define MAP_STATIC_SYMBOL(f, p) f  __attribute__((alias( RTE_STR(p))))