@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
- * Copyright (c) 2014-2019 Broadcom Inc.
+ * Copyright (c) 2014-2020 Broadcom Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* DO NOT MODIFY!!! This file is automatically generated.
@@ -386,6 +386,8 @@ struct cmd_nums {
+ #define HWRM_PORT_ECN_QSTATS UINT32_C(0xba)
#define HWRM_FW_RESET UINT32_C(0xc0)
#define HWRM_FW_QSTATUS UINT32_C(0xc1)
@@ -404,6 +406,8 @@ struct cmd_nums {
/* Experimental */
#define HWRM_FW_IPC_MAILBOX UINT32_C(0xcc)
+ #define HWRM_FW_ECN_CFG UINT32_C(0xcd)
+ #define HWRM_FW_ECN_QCFG UINT32_C(0xce)
#define HWRM_EXEC_FWD_RESP UINT32_C(0xd0)
#define HWRM_FWD_RESP UINT32_C(0xd2)
@@ -419,6 +423,7 @@ struct cmd_nums {
@@ -510,7 +515,7 @@ struct cmd_nums {
#define HWRM_CFA_EEM_OP UINT32_C(0x123)
/* Experimental */
- /* Experimental */
+ /* Experimental - DEPRECATED */
#define HWRM_CFA_TFLIB UINT32_C(0x125)
/* Engine CKV - Get the current allocation status of keys provisioned in the key vault. */
@@ -629,6 +634,56 @@ struct cmd_nums {
* to the host test.
#define HWRM_MFG_HDMA_TEST UINT32_C(0x209)
+ /* Tells the fw to program the fru memory */
+ /* Tells the fw to read the fru memory */
+ #define HWRM_MFG_FRU_EEPROM_READ UINT32_C(0x20b)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF UINT32_C(0x2bc)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_VERSION_GET UINT32_C(0x2bd)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN UINT32_C(0x2c6)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_SESSION_ATTACH UINT32_C(0x2c7)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_SESSION_CLOSE UINT32_C(0x2c8)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_SESSION_QCFG UINT32_C(0x2c9)
+ /* Experimental */
+ /* Experimental */
+ /* Experimental */
+ /* Experimental */
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_TBL_TYPE_GET UINT32_C(0x2d0)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_TBL_TYPE_SET UINT32_C(0x2d1)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_CTXT_MEM_RGTR UINT32_C(0x2da)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_CTXT_MEM_UNRGTR UINT32_C(0x2db)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_QCAPS UINT32_C(0x2dc)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_OP UINT32_C(0x2dd)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_CFG UINT32_C(0x2de)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_EXT_EM_QCFG UINT32_C(0x2df)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_TCAM_SET UINT32_C(0x2ee)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_TCAM_GET UINT32_C(0x2ef)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_TCAM_MOVE UINT32_C(0x2f0)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_TF_TCAM_FREE UINT32_C(0x2f1)
+ /* Experimental */
+ #define HWRM_SV UINT32_C(0x400)
/* Experimental */
#define HWRM_DBG_READ_DIRECT UINT32_C(0xff10)
/* Experimental */
@@ -658,6 +713,8 @@ struct cmd_nums {
/* Experimental */
+ /* Send driver debug information to firmware */
+ #define HWRM_DBG_DRV_TRACE UINT32_C(0xff1f)
/* Experimental */
@@ -857,8 +914,8 @@ struct hwrm_err_output {
/* non-zero means beta version */
-#define HWRM_VERSION_STR ""
+#define HWRM_VERSION_STR ""
* hwrm_ver_get *
@@ -1143,6 +1200,7 @@ struct hwrm_ver_get_output {
+ * Deprecated and replaced with cfa_truflow_supported.
* If set to 1, the firmware is able to support TFLIB features.
* If set to 0, then the firmware doesn’t support TFLIB features.
* By default, this flag should be 0 for older version of core firmware.
@@ -1150,6 +1208,14 @@ struct hwrm_ver_get_output {
+ * If set to 1, the firmware is able to support TruFlow features.
+ * If set to 0, then the firmware doesn’t support TruFlow features.
+ * By default, this flag should be 0 for older version of
+ * core firmware.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x4000)
+ /*
* This field represents the major version of RoCE firmware.
* A change in major version represents a major release.
@@ -4508,10 +4574,16 @@ struct hwrm_async_event_cmpl {
- /* TFLIB unique default VNIC Configuration Change */
+ /*
+ * Deprecated.
+ * TFLIB unique default VNIC Configuration Change
+ */
- /* TFLIB unique link status changed */
+ /*
+ * Deprecated.
+ * TFLIB unique link status changed
+ */
@@ -4521,6 +4593,19 @@ struct hwrm_async_event_cmpl {
+ * An event signifying a HWRM command is in progress and its
+ * response will be deferred. This event is used on crypto controllers
+ * only.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x40)
+ /*
+ * An event signifying that a PFC WatchDog configuration
+ * has changed on any port / cos.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x41)
+ /*
* A trace log message. This contains firmware trace logs string
* embedded in the asynchronous message. This is an experimental
* event, not meant for production use at this time.
@@ -6393,6 +6478,36 @@ struct hwrm_async_event_cmpl_quiesce_done {
+ /* opaque is 8 b */
+ UINT32_C(0xff00)
+ 8
+ /*
+ * Additional information about internal hardware state related to
+ * idle/quiesce state. QUIESCE may succeed per quiesce_status
+ * regardless of idle_state_flags. If QUIESCE fails, the host may
+ * inspect idle_state_flags to determine whether a retry is warranted.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0xff0000)
+ 16
+ /*
+ * Failure to quiesce is caused by host not updating the NQ consumer
+ * index.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x10000)
+ /* Flag 1 indicating partial non-idle state. */
+ UINT32_C(0x20000)
+ /* Flag 2 indicating partial non-idle state. */
+ UINT32_C(0x40000)
+ /* Flag 3 indicating partial non-idle state. */
+ UINT32_C(0x80000)
uint8_t opaque_v;
* This value is written by the NIC such that it will be different
@@ -6414,6 +6529,152 @@ struct hwrm_async_event_cmpl_quiesce_done {
} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_async_event_cmpl_deferred_response (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_async_event_cmpl_deferred_response {
+ uint16_t type;
+ /*
+ * This field indicates the exact type of the completion.
+ * By convention, the LSB identifies the length of the
+ * record in 16B units. Even values indicate 16B
+ * records. Odd values indicate 32B
+ * records.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x3f)
+ /* HWRM Asynchronous Event Information */
+ UINT32_C(0x2e)
+ /* Identifiers of events. */
+ uint16_t event_id;
+ /*
+ * An event signifying a HWRM command is in progress and its
+ * response will be deferred
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x40)
+ /* Event specific data */
+ uint32_t event_data2;
+ /*
+ * The PF's mailbox is clear to issue another command.
+ * A command with this seq_id is still in progress
+ * and will return a regualr HWRM completion when done.
+ * 'event_data1' field, if non-zero, contains the estimated
+ * execution time for the command.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0xffff)
+ 0
+ uint8_t opaque_v;
+ /*
+ * This value is written by the NIC such that it will be different
+ * for each pass through the completion queue. The even passes
+ * will write 1. The odd passes will write 0.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* opaque is 7 b */
+ UINT32_C(0xfe)
+ /* 8-lsb timestamp from POR (100-msec resolution) */
+ uint8_t timestamp_lo;
+ /* 16-lsb timestamp from POR (100-msec resolution) */
+ uint16_t timestamp_hi;
+ /* Estimated remaining time of command execution in ms (if not zero) */
+ uint32_t event_data1;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_async_event_cmpl_pfc_watchdog_cfg_change (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_async_event_cmpl_pfc_watchdog_cfg_change {
+ uint16_t type;
+ /*
+ * This field indicates the exact type of the completion.
+ * By convention, the LSB identifies the length of the
+ * record in 16B units. Even values indicate 16B
+ * records. Odd values indicate 32B
+ * records.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x3f)
+ 0
+ /* HWRM Asynchronous Event Information */
+ UINT32_C(0x2e)
+ /* Identifiers of events. */
+ uint16_t event_id;
+ /* PFC watchdog configuration change for given port/cos */
+ UINT32_C(0x41)
+ /* Event specific data */
+ uint32_t event_data2;
+ uint8_t opaque_v;
+ /*
+ * This value is written by the NIC such that it will be different
+ * for each pass through the completion queue. The even passes
+ * will write 1. The odd passes will write 0.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* opaque is 7 b */
+ UINT32_C(0xfe)
+ /* 8-lsb timestamp from POR (100-msec resolution) */
+ uint8_t timestamp_lo;
+ /* 16-lsb timestamp from POR (100-msec resolution) */
+ uint16_t timestamp_hi;
+ /* Event specific data */
+ uint32_t event_data1;
+ /*
+ * 1 in bit position X indicates PFC watchdog should
+ * be on for COSX
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0xff)
+ 0
+ /* 1 means PFC WD for COS0 is on, 0 - off. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* 1 means PFC WD for COS1 is on, 0 - off. */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /* 1 means PFC WD for COS2 is on, 0 - off. */
+ UINT32_C(0x4)
+ /* 1 means PFC WD for COS3 is on, 0 - off. */
+ UINT32_C(0x8)
+ /* 1 means PFC WD for COS4 is on, 0 - off. */
+ UINT32_C(0x10)
+ /* 1 means PFC WD for COS5 is on, 0 - off. */
+ UINT32_C(0x20)
+ /* 1 means PFC WD for COS6 is on, 0 - off. */
+ UINT32_C(0x40)
+ /* 1 means PFC WD for COS7 is on, 0 - off. */
+ UINT32_C(0x80)
+ /* PORT ID */
+ UINT32_C(0xffff00)
+ 8
+} __attribute__((packed));
/* hwrm_async_event_cmpl_fw_trace_msg (size:128b/16B) */
struct hwrm_async_event_cmpl_fw_trace_msg {
uint16_t type;
@@ -7220,7 +7481,7 @@ struct hwrm_func_qcaps_input {
uint8_t unused_0[6];
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_func_qcaps_output (size:640b/80B) */
+/* hwrm_func_qcaps_output (size:704b/88B) */
struct hwrm_func_qcaps_output {
/* The specific error status for the command. */
uint16_t error_code;
@@ -7441,6 +7702,33 @@ struct hwrm_func_qcaps_output {
+ /* If set to 1, then the vlan acceleration for TX is disabled. */
+ UINT32_C(0x8000000)
+ /*
+ * When this bit is '1', it indicates that core firmware supports
+ * DBG_COREDUMP_XXX commands.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x10000000)
+ /*
+ * When this bit is '1', it indicates that core firmware supports
+ * DBG_CRASHDUMP_XXX commands.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x20000000)
+ /*
+ * If the query is for a VF, then this flag should be ignored.
+ * If the query is for a PF and this flag is set to 1, then
+ * the PF has the capability to support retrieval of
+ * rx_port_stats_ext_pfc_wd statistics (supported by the PFC
+ * WatchDog feature) via the hwrm_port_qstats_ext_pfc_wd command.
+ * If this flag is set to 1, only that (supported) command should
+ * be used for retrieval of PFC related statistics (rather than
+ * hwrm_port_qstats_ext command, which could previously be used).
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x40000000)
* This value is current MAC address configured for this
* function. A value of 00-00-00-00-00-00 indicates no
@@ -7551,7 +7839,22 @@ struct hwrm_func_qcaps_output {
* (max_tx_rings) to the function.
uint16_t max_sp_tx_rings;
- uint8_t unused_0;
+ uint8_t unused_0[2];
+ uint32_t flags_ext;
+ /*
+ * If 1, the device can be configured to set the ECN bits in the
+ * IP header of received packets if the receive queue length
+ * exceeds a given threshold.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /*
+ * If 1, the device can report the number of received packets
+ * that it marked as having experienced congestion.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ uint8_t unused_1[3];
* This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
* is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
@@ -7606,7 +7909,7 @@ struct hwrm_func_qcfg_input {
uint8_t unused_0[6];
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_func_qcfg_output (size:704b/88B) */
+/* hwrm_func_qcfg_output (size:768b/96B) */
struct hwrm_func_qcfg_output {
/* The specific error status for the command. */
uint16_t error_code;
@@ -8016,7 +8319,17 @@ struct hwrm_func_qcfg_output {
* this value to find out the doorbell page offset from the BAR.
uint16_t legacy_l2_db_size_kb;
- uint8_t unused_2[1];
+ uint16_t svif_info;
+ /*
+ * This field specifies the source virtual interface of the function being
+ * queried. Drivers can use this to program svif field in the L2 context
+ * table
+ */
+ /* This field specifies whether svif is valid or not */
+ uint8_t unused_2[7];
* This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
* is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
@@ -9862,8 +10175,12 @@ struct hwrm_func_backing_store_qcaps_output {
uint32_t rsvd;
/* Reserved for future. */
uint16_t rsvd1;
- /* Reserved for future. */
- uint8_t rsvd2;
+ /*
+ * Count of TQM fastpath rings to be used for allocating backing store.
+ * Backing store configuration must be specified for each TQM ring from
+ * this count in `backing_store_cfg`.
+ */
+ uint8_t tqm_fp_rings_count;
* This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
* is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
@@ -12178,116 +12495,163 @@ struct hwrm_error_recovery_qcfg_output {
* this much time after writing reset_reg_val in reset_reg.
uint8_t delay_after_reset[16];
- uint8_t unused_1[7];
- * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
- * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
- * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
- * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
- * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field
- * is written last.
- */
- uint8_t valid;
-} __attribute__((packed));
- * hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg *
- ***********************/
-/* hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg_input (size:192b/24B) */
-struct hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg_input {
- /* The HWRM command request type. */
- uint16_t req_type;
- /*
- * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
- * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
- */
- uint16_t cmpl_ring;
- /*
- * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
- * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
- * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
- */
- uint16_t seq_id;
- /*
- * The target ID of the command:
- * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
- * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
- * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
- * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ * Error recovery counter.
+ * Lower 2 bits indicates address space location and upper 30 bits
+ * indicates actual address.
+ * A value of 0xFFFF-FFFF indicates this register does not exist.
- uint16_t target_id;
+ uint32_t err_recovery_cnt_reg;
+ /* Lower 2 bits indicates address space location. */
+ UINT32_C(0x3)
+ 0
- * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
- * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
- * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
- * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ * If value is 0, this register is located in PCIe config space.
+ * Drivers have to map appropriate window to access this
+ * register.
- uint64_t resp_addr;
+ UINT32_C(0x0)
- * Function ID of the function that is being
- * configured.
- * If set to 0xFF... (All Fs), then the configuration is
- * for the requesting function.
+ * If value is 1, this register is located in GRC address space.
+ * Drivers have to map appropriate window to access this
+ * register.
- uint16_t fid;
- uint8_t unused_0[6];
-} __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg_output (size:320b/40B) */
-struct hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg_output {
- /* The specific error status for the command. */
- uint16_t error_code;
- /* The HWRM command request type. */
- uint16_t req_type;
- /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
- uint16_t seq_id;
- /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
- uint16_t resp_len;
- uint64_t unused_0;
- /* S-TAG VLAN identifier configured for the function. */
- uint16_t stag_vid;
- /* S-TAG PCP value configured for the function. */
- uint8_t stag_pcp;
- uint8_t unused_1;
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
- * S-TAG TPID value configured for the function. This field is specified in
- * network byte order.
+ * If value is 2, this register is located in first BAR address
+ * space. Drivers have to map appropriate window to access this
+ * register.
- uint16_t stag_tpid;
- /* C-TAG VLAN identifier configured for the function. */
- uint16_t ctag_vid;
- /* C-TAG PCP value configured for the function. */
- uint8_t ctag_pcp;
- uint8_t unused_2;
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
- * C-TAG TPID value configured for the function. This field is specified in
- * network byte order.
+ * If value is 3, this register is located in second BAR address
+ * space. Drivers have to map appropriate window to access this
+ * register.
- uint16_t ctag_tpid;
- /* Future use. */
- uint32_t rsvd2;
- /* Future use. */
- uint32_t rsvd3;
- uint8_t unused_3[3];
+ UINT32_C(0x3)
+ /* Upper 30bits of the register address. */
+ UINT32_C(0xfffffffc)
+ 2
+ uint8_t unused_1[3];
* This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
* is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
* to indicate that the output has been completely written.
- * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
- * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field
+ * is written last.
uint8_t valid;
} __attribute__((packed));
- * hwrm_func_vlan_cfg *
- **********************/
+ * hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg *
+ ***********************/
-/* hwrm_func_vlan_cfg_input (size:384b/48B) */
-struct hwrm_func_vlan_cfg_input {
+/* hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg_input (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /*
+ * Function ID of the function that is being
+ * configured.
+ * If set to 0xFF... (All Fs), then the configuration is
+ * for the requesting function.
+ */
+ uint16_t fid;
+ uint8_t unused_0[6];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg_output (size:320b/40B) */
+struct hwrm_func_vlan_qcfg_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ uint64_t unused_0;
+ /* S-TAG VLAN identifier configured for the function. */
+ uint16_t stag_vid;
+ /* S-TAG PCP value configured for the function. */
+ uint8_t stag_pcp;
+ uint8_t unused_1;
+ /*
+ * S-TAG TPID value configured for the function. This field is specified in
+ * network byte order.
+ */
+ uint16_t stag_tpid;
+ /* C-TAG VLAN identifier configured for the function. */
+ uint16_t ctag_vid;
+ /* C-TAG PCP value configured for the function. */
+ uint8_t ctag_pcp;
+ uint8_t unused_2;
+ /*
+ * C-TAG TPID value configured for the function. This field is specified in
+ * network byte order.
+ */
+ uint16_t ctag_tpid;
+ /* Future use. */
+ uint32_t rsvd2;
+ /* Future use. */
+ uint32_t rsvd3;
+ uint8_t unused_3[3];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
+ * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_func_vlan_cfg *
+ **********************/
+/* hwrm_func_vlan_cfg_input (size:384b/48B) */
+struct hwrm_func_vlan_cfg_input {
/* The HWRM command request type. */
uint16_t req_type;
@@ -14039,6 +14403,9 @@ struct hwrm_port_phy_qcfg_output {
/* Module is not inserted. */
+ /* Module is powered down becuase of over current fault. */
+ UINT32_C(0x5)
/* Module status is not applicable. */
@@ -15010,7 +15377,7 @@ struct hwrm_port_mac_qcfg_input {
uint8_t unused_0[6];
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_port_mac_qcfg_output (size:192b/24B) */
+/* hwrm_port_mac_qcfg_output (size:256b/32B) */
struct hwrm_port_mac_qcfg_output {
/* The specific error status for the command. */
uint16_t error_code;
@@ -15250,6 +15617,20 @@ struct hwrm_port_mac_qcfg_output {
+ uint8_t unused_1;
+ uint16_t port_svif_info;
+ /*
+ * This field specifies the source virtual interface of the port being
+ * queried. Drivers can use this to program port svif field in the
+ * L2 context table
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x7fff)
+ /* This field specifies whether port_svif is valid or not */
+ UINT32_C(0x8000)
+ uint8_t unused_2[5];
* This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
* is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
@@ -15322,17 +15703,17 @@ struct hwrm_port_mac_ptp_qcfg_output {
- * When this bit is set to '1', the PTP information is accessible
- * via HWRM commands.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x2)
- /*
* When this bit is set to '1', the device supports one-step
* Tx timestamping.
+ /*
+ * When this bit is set to '1', the PTP information is accessible
+ * via HWRM commands.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x8)
uint8_t unused_0[3];
/* Offset of the PTP register for the lower 32 bits of timestamp for RX. */
uint32_t rx_ts_reg_off_lower;
@@ -15375,7 +15756,7 @@ struct hwrm_port_mac_ptp_qcfg_output {
uint8_t valid;
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* Port Tx Statistics Formats */
+/* Port Tx Statistics Format */
/* tx_port_stats (size:3264b/408B) */
struct tx_port_stats {
/* Total Number of 64 Bytes frames transmitted */
@@ -15516,7 +15897,7 @@ struct tx_port_stats {
uint64_t tx_stat_error;
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* Port Rx Statistics Formats */
+/* Port Rx Statistics Format */
/* rx_port_stats (size:4224b/528B) */
struct rx_port_stats {
/* Total Number of 64 Bytes frames received */
@@ -15806,7 +16187,7 @@ struct hwrm_port_qstats_output {
uint8_t valid;
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* Port Tx Statistics extended Formats */
+/* Port Tx Statistics extended Format */
/* tx_port_stats_ext (size:2048b/256B) */
struct tx_port_stats_ext {
/* Total number of tx bytes count on cos queue 0 */
@@ -15875,7 +16256,7 @@ struct tx_port_stats_ext {
uint64_t pfc_pri7_tx_transitions;
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* Port Rx Statistics extended Formats */
+/* Port Rx Statistics extended Format */
/* rx_port_stats_ext (size:3648b/456B) */
struct rx_port_stats_ext {
/* Number of times link state changed to down */
@@ -15997,6 +16378,424 @@ struct rx_port_stats_ext {
uint64_t rx_discard_packets_cos7;
} __attribute__((packed));
+ * Port Rx Statistics extended PFC WatchDog Format.
+ * StormDetect and StormRevert event determination is based
+ * on an integration period and a percentage threshold.
+ * StormDetect event - when percentage of XOFF frames receieved
+ * within an integration period exceeds the configured threshold.
+ * StormRevert event - when percentage of XON frames received
+ * within an integration period exceeds the configured threshold.
+ * Actual number of XOFF/XON frames for the events to be triggered
+ * depends on both configured integration period and sampling rate.
+ * The statistics in this structure represent counts of specified
+ * events from the moment the feature (PFC WatchDog) is enabled via
+ * hwrm_queue_pfc_enable_cfg call.
+ */
+/* rx_port_stats_ext_pfc_wd (size:5120b/640B) */
+struct rx_port_stats_ext_pfc_wd {
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormDetect events detected
+ * for Pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_detected_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormDetect events detected
+ * for Pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_detected_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormDetect events detected
+ * for Pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_detected_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormDetect events detected
+ * for Pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_detected_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormDetect events detected
+ * for Pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_detected_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormDetect events detected
+ * for Pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_detected_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormDetect events detected
+ * for Pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_detected_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormDetect events detected
+ * for Pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_detected_pri7;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormRevert events detected
+ * for Pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_reverted_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormRevert events detected
+ * for Pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_reverted_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormRevert events detected
+ * for Pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_reverted_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormRevert events detected
+ * for Pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_reverted_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormRevert events detected
+ * for Pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_reverted_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormRevert events detected
+ * for Pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_reverted_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormRevert events detected
+ * for Pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_reverted_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Total number of PFC WatchDog StormRevert events detected
+ * for Pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_reverted_pri7;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_pri7;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes received during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_pri7;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_dropped_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_dropped_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_dropped_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_dropped_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_dropped_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_dropped_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_dropped_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Total number of packets dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_packets_dropped_pri7;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_dropped_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_dropped_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_dropped_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_dropped_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_dropped_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_dropped_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_dropped_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_storms_rx_bytes_dropped_pri7;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_pri7;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes received during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_pri7;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_dropped_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_dropped_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_dropped_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_dropped_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_dropped_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_dropped_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_dropped_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Number of packets dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_packets_dropped_pri7;
+ /*
+ * Total number of bytes dropped on rx during PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 0
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_dropped_pri0;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 1
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_dropped_pri1;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 2
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_dropped_pri2;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 3
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_dropped_pri3;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 4
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_dropped_pri4;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 5
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_dropped_pri5;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 6
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_dropped_pri6;
+ /*
+ * Number of bytes dropped on rx during last PFC watchdog storm
+ * for pri 7
+ */
+ uint64_t rx_pfc_watchdog_last_storm_rx_bytes_dropped_pri7;
+} __attribute__((packed));
* hwrm_port_qstats_ext *
@@ -16090,6 +16889,83 @@ struct hwrm_port_qstats_ext_output {
uint8_t valid;
} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_port_qstats_ext_pfc_wd *
+ *******************************/
+/* hwrm_port_qstats_ext_pfc_wd_input (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_port_qstats_ext_pfc_wd_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Port ID of port that is being queried. */
+ uint16_t port_id;
+ /*
+ * The size of rx_port_stats_ext_pfc_wd
+ * block in bytes
+ */
+ uint16_t pfc_wd_stat_size;
+ uint8_t unused_0[4];
+ /*
+ * This is the host address where
+ * rx_port_stats_ext_pfc_wd will be stored
+ */
+ uint64_t pfc_wd_stat_host_addr;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_port_qstats_ext_pfc_wd_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_port_qstats_ext_pfc_wd_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /*
+ * The size of rx_port_stats_ext_pfc_wd
+ * statistics block in bytes.
+ */
+ uint16_t pfc_wd_stat_size;
+ uint8_t flags;
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
+ * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+ uint8_t unused_0[4];
+} __attribute__((packed));
* hwrm_port_lpbk_qstats *
@@ -16168,6 +17044,91 @@ struct hwrm_port_lpbk_qstats_output {
uint8_t valid;
} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_port_ecn_qstats *
+ ************************/
+/* hwrm_port_ecn_qstats_input (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_port_ecn_qstats_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /*
+ * Port ID of port that is being queried. Unused if NIC is in
+ * multi-host mode.
+ */
+ uint16_t port_id;
+ uint8_t unused_0[6];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_port_ecn_qstats_output (size:384b/48B) */
+struct hwrm_port_ecn_qstats_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* Number of packets marked in CoS queue 0. */
+ uint32_t mark_cnt_cos0;
+ /* Number of packets marked in CoS queue 1. */
+ uint32_t mark_cnt_cos1;
+ /* Number of packets marked in CoS queue 2. */
+ uint32_t mark_cnt_cos2;
+ /* Number of packets marked in CoS queue 3. */
+ uint32_t mark_cnt_cos3;
+ /* Number of packets marked in CoS queue 4. */
+ uint32_t mark_cnt_cos4;
+ /* Number of packets marked in CoS queue 5. */
+ uint32_t mark_cnt_cos5;
+ /* Number of packets marked in CoS queue 6. */
+ uint32_t mark_cnt_cos6;
+ /* Number of packets marked in CoS queue 7. */
+ uint32_t mark_cnt_cos7;
+ /*
+ * Bitmask that indicates which CoS queues have ECN marking enabled.
+ * Bit i corresponds to CoS queue i.
+ */
+ uint8_t mark_en;
+ uint8_t unused_0[6];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
+ * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
* hwrm_port_clr_stats *
@@ -18322,7 +19283,7 @@ struct hwrm_port_phy_mdio_bus_acquire_input {
* Timeout in milli seconds, MDIO BUS will be released automatically
* after this time, if another mdio acquire command is not received
* within the timeout window from the same client.
- * A 0xFFFF will hold the bus until this bus is released.
+ * A 0xFFFF will hold the bus untill this bus is released.
uint16_t mdio_bus_timeout;
uint8_t unused_0[2];
@@ -19158,6 +20119,30 @@ struct hwrm_queue_pfcenable_qcfg_output {
/* If set to 1, then PFC is enabled on PRI 7. */
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI0. */
+ UINT32_C(0x100)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI1. */
+ UINT32_C(0x200)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI2. */
+ UINT32_C(0x400)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI3. */
+ UINT32_C(0x800)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI4. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1000)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI5. */
+ UINT32_C(0x2000)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI6. */
+ UINT32_C(0x4000)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI7. */
+ UINT32_C(0x8000)
uint8_t unused_0[3];
* This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
@@ -19229,6 +20214,30 @@ struct hwrm_queue_pfcenable_cfg_input {
/* If set to 1, then PFC is requested to be enabled on PRI 7. */
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI0. */
+ UINT32_C(0x100)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI1. */
+ UINT32_C(0x200)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI2. */
+ UINT32_C(0x400)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI3. */
+ UINT32_C(0x800)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI4. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1000)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI5. */
+ UINT32_C(0x2000)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI6. */
+ UINT32_C(0x4000)
+ /* If set to 1, then PFC WatchDog is requested to be enabled on PRI7. */
+ UINT32_C(0x8000)
* Port ID of port for which the table is being configured.
* The HWRM needs to check whether this function is allowed
@@ -31831,15 +32840,2172 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_eem_qcfg_input {
uint64_t resp_addr;
uint32_t flags;
- /* When set to 1, indicates the configuration is the TX flow. */
- /* When set to 1, indicates the configuration is the RX flow. */
- uint32_t unused_0;
+ /* When set to 1, indicates the configuration is the TX flow. */
+ /* When set to 1, indicates the configuration is the RX flow. */
+ uint32_t unused_0;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_cfa_eem_qcfg_output (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_eem_qcfg_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* When set to 1, indicates the configuration is the TX flow. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* When set to 1, indicates the configuration is the RX flow. */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /* When set to 1, all offloaded flows will be sent to EEM. */
+ UINT32_C(0x4)
+ /* The number of entries the FW has configured for EEM. */
+ uint32_t num_entries;
+ /* Configured EEM with the given context if for KEY0 table. */
+ uint16_t key0_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EEM with the given context if for KEY1 table. */
+ uint16_t key1_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EEM with the given context if for RECORD table. */
+ uint16_t record_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EEM with the given context if for EFC table. */
+ uint16_t efc_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EEM with the given context if for EFC table. */
+ uint16_t fid_ctx_id;
+ uint8_t unused_2[5];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
+ * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_cfa_eem_op *
+ *******************/
+/* hwrm_cfa_eem_op_input (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_eem_op_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /*
+ * When set to 1, indicates the host memory which is passed will be
+ * used for the TX flow offload function specified in fid.
+ * Note if this bit is set then the path_rx bit can't be set.
+ */
+ /*
+ * When set to 1, indicates the host memory which is passed will be
+ * used for the RX flow offload function specified in fid.
+ * Note if this bit is set then the path_tx bit can't be set.
+ */
+ uint16_t unused_0;
+ /* The number of EEM key table entries to be configured. */
+ uint16_t op;
+ /* This value is reserved and should not be used. */
+ /*
+ * To properly stop EEM and ensure there are no DMA's, the caller
+ * must disable EEM for the given PF, using this call. This will
+ * safely disable EEM and ensure that all DMA'ed to the
+ * keys/records/efc have been completed.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Once the EEM host memory has been configured, EEM options have
+ * been configured. Then the caller should enable EEM for the given
+ * PF. Note once this call has been made, then the EEM mechanism
+ * will be active and DMA's will occur as packets are processed.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Clear EEM settings for the given PF so that the register values
+ * are reset back to there initial state.
+ */
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_cfa_eem_op_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_eem_op_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ uint8_t unused_0[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
+ * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps *
+ ********************************/
+/* hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_input (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ uint32_t unused_0[4];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate firmware support 16-bit flow handle.
+ * Value of 0 to indicate firmware not support 16-bit flow handle.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate firmware support 64-bit flow handle.
+ * Value of 0 to indicate firmware not support 64-bit flow handle.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate firmware support flow batch delete operation through
+ * HWRM_CFA_FLOW_FLUSH command.
+ * Value of 0 to indicate that the firmware does not support flow batch delete
+ * operation.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x4)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that the firmware support flow reset all operation through
+ * HWRM_CFA_FLOW_FLUSH command.
+ * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support flow reset all operation.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x8)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports use of FID as dest_id in
+ * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support use of FID as dest_id.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x10)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports TX EEM flows.
+ * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support TX EEM flows.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x20)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports RX EEM flows.
+ * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support RX EEM flows.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x40)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports the dynamic allocation of an
+ * on-chip flow counter which can be used for EEM flows.
+ * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support the dynamic allocation of an
+ * on-chip flow counter.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x80)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports setting of
+ * rfs_ring_tbl_idx in HWRM_CFA_NTUPLE_ALLOC command.
+ * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support rfs_ring_tbl_idx.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x100)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports untagged matching
+ * criteria on HWRM_CFA_L2_FILTER_ALLOC command. Value of 0
+ * indicates firmware does not support untagged matching.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x200)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports XDP filter. Value
+ * of 0 indicates firmware does not support XDP filter.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x400)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that the firmware support L2 header source
+ * fields matching criteria on HWRM_CFA_L2_FILTER_ALLOC command.
+ * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support L2 header source
+ * fields matching.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x800)
+ /*
+ * If set to 1, firmware is capable of supporting ARP ethertype as
+ * matching criteria for HWRM_CFA_NTUPLE_FILTER_ALLOC command on the
+ * RX direction. By default, this flag should be 0 for older version
+ * of firmware.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x1000)
+ /*
+ * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports setting of
+ * rfs_ring_tbl_idx in dst_id field of the HWRM_CFA_NTUPLE_ALLOC
+ * command. Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support
+ * rfs_ring_tbl_idx in dst_id field.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x2000)
+ /*
+ * If set to 1, firmware is capable of supporting IPv4/IPv6 as
+ * ethertype in HWRM_CFA_NTUPLE_FILTER_ALLOC command on the RX
+ * direction. By default, this flag should be 0 for older version
+ * of firmware.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x4000)
+ uint8_t unused_0[3];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
+ * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_cfa_tflib *
+ ******************/
+/* hwrm_cfa_tflib_input (size:1024b/128B) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_tflib_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* TFLIB message type. */
+ uint16_t tf_type;
+ /* TFLIB message subtype. */
+ uint16_t tf_subtype;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[4];
+ /* TFLIB request data. */
+ uint32_t tf_req[26];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_cfa_tflib_output (size:5632b/704B) */
+struct hwrm_cfa_tflib_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* TFLIB message type. */
+ uint16_t tf_type;
+ /* TFLIB message subtype. */
+ uint16_t tf_subtype;
+ /* TFLIB response code */
+ uint32_t tf_resp_code;
+ /* TFLIB response data. */
+ uint32_t tf_resp[170];
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused1[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
+ * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf *
+ ***********/
+/* hwrm_tf_input (size:1024b/128B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* TF message type. */
+ uint16_t type;
+ /* TF message subtype. */
+ uint16_t subtype;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[4];
+ /* TF request data. */
+ uint32_t req[26];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_output (size:5632b/704B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* TF message type. */
+ uint16_t type;
+ /* TF message subtype. */
+ uint16_t subtype;
+ /* TF response code */
+ uint32_t resp_code;
+ /* TF response data. */
+ uint32_t resp[170];
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused1[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_version_get *
+ ***********************/
+/* hwrm_tf_version_get_input (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_version_get_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_version_get_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_version_get_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* Version Major number. */
+ uint8_t major;
+ /* Version Minor number. */
+ uint8_t minor;
+ /* Version Update number. */
+ uint8_t update;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[4];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field is
+ * written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_session_open *
+ ************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_session_open_input (size:640b/80B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_open_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Name of the session. */
+ uint8_t session_name[64];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_session_open_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_open_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /*
+ * Unique session identifier for the session created by the
+ * firmware. It includes PCIe bus info to distinguish the PF
+ * and session info to identify the associated TruFlow
+ * session.
+ */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[3];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field is
+ * written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_session_attach *
+ **************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_session_attach_input (size:704b/88B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_attach_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /*
+ * Unique session identifier for the session that the attach
+ * request want to attach to. This value originates from the
+ * shared session memory that the attach request opened by
+ * way of the 'attach name' that was passed in to the core
+ * attach API.
+ * The fw_session_id of the attach session includes PCIe bus
+ * info to distinguish the PF and session info to identify
+ * the associated TruFlow session.
+ */
+ uint32_t attach_fw_session_id;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint32_t unused0;
+ /* Name of the session it self. */
+ uint8_t session_name[64];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_session_attach_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_attach_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /*
+ * Unique session identifier for the session created by the
+ * firmware. It includes PCIe bus info to distinguish the PF
+ * and session info to identify the associated TruFlow
+ * session. This fw_session_id is unique to the attach
+ * request.
+ */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[3];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field is
+ * written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_session_close *
+ *************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_session_close_input (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_close_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[4];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_session_close_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_close_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field
+ * is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_session_qcfg *
+ ************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_session_qcfg_input (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_qcfg_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[4];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_session_qcfg_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_qcfg_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* RX action control settings flags. */
+ uint8_t rx_act_flags;
+ /*
+ * A value of 1 in this field indicates that Global Flow ID
+ * reporting into cfa_code and cfa_metadata is enabled.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /*
+ * A value of 1 in this field indicates that both inner and outer
+ * are stripped and inner tag is passed.
+ * Enabled.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /*
+ * A value of 1 in this field indicates that the re-use of
+ * existing tunnel L2 header SMAC is enabled for
+ * Non-tunnel L2, L2-L3 and IP-IP tunnel.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x4)
+ /* TX Action control settings flags. */
+ uint8_t tx_act_flags;
+ /* Disabled. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /*
+ * When set to 1 any GRE tunnels will include the
+ * optional Key field.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /*
+ * When set to 1, for GRE tunnels, the IPV6 Traffic Class (TC)
+ * field of the outer header is inherited from the inner header
+ * (if present) or the fixed value as taken from the encap
+ * record.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x4)
+ /*
+ * When set to 1, for GRE tunnels, the IPV4 Type Of Service (TOS)
+ * field of the outer header is inherited from the inner header
+ * (if present) or the fixed value as taken from the encap record.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x8)
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[5];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field
+ * is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_session_resc_qcaps *
+ ******************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_session_resc_qcaps_input (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_resc_qcaps_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /*
+ * Defines the size, in bytes, of the provided qcaps_addr
+ * buffer. The size should be set to the Resource Manager
+ * provided max qcaps value that is device specific. This is
+ * the max size possible.
+ */
+ uint16_t size;
+ /*
+ * This is the DMA address for the qcaps output data
+ * array. Array is of tf_rm_cap type and is device specific.
+ */
+ uint64_t qcaps_addr;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_session_resc_qcaps_output (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_resc_qcaps_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* Session reservation strategy. */
+ UINT32_C(0x3)
+ 0
+ /* Static partitioning. */
+ UINT32_C(0x0)
+ /* Strategy 1. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* Strategy 2. */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /* Strategy 3. */
+ UINT32_C(0x3)
+ /*
+ * Size of the returned tf_rm_cap data array. The value
+ * cannot exceed the size defined by the input msg. The data
+ * array is returned using the qcaps_addr specified DMA
+ * address also provided by the input msg.
+ */
+ uint16_t size;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint16_t unused0;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused1[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field is
+ * written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_session_resc_alloc *
+ ******************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_session_resc_alloc_input (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_resc_alloc_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /*
+ * Defines the size, in bytes, of the provided num_addr
+ * buffer.
+ */
+ uint16_t size;
+ /*
+ * This is the DMA address for the num input data array
+ * buffer. Array is of tf_rm_num type. Size of the buffer is
+ * provided by the 'size' field in this message.
+ */
+ uint64_t num_addr;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_session_resc_alloc_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_resc_alloc_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field is
+ * written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_session_resc_free *
+ *****************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_session_resc_free_input (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_resc_free_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /*
+ * Defines the size, in bytes, of the provided free_addr
+ * buffer.
+ */
+ uint16_t size;
+ /*
+ * This is the DMA address for the free input data array
+ * buffer. Array of tf_rm_res type. Size of the buffer is
+ * provided by the 'size field of this message.
+ */
+ uint64_t free_addr;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_session_resc_free_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_resc_free_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field is
+ * written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_session_resc_flush *
+ ******************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_session_resc_flush_input (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_resc_flush_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /*
+ * Defines the size, in bytes, of the provided flush_addr
+ * buffer.
+ */
+ uint16_t size;
+ /*
+ * This is the DMA address for the flush input data array
+ * buffer. Array of tf_rm_res type. Size of the buffer is
+ * provided by the 'size' field in this message.
+ */
+ uint64_t flush_addr;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_session_resc_flush_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_session_resc_flush_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field is
+ * written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* TruFlow RM capability of a resource. */
+/* tf_rm_cap (size:64b/8B) */
+struct tf_rm_cap {
+ /*
+ * Type of the resource, defined globally in the
+ * hwrm_tf_resc_type enum.
+ */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /* Minimum value. */
+ uint16_t min;
+ /* Maximum value. */
+ uint16_t max;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* TruFlow RM number of a resource. */
+/* tf_rm_num (size:64b/8B) */
+struct tf_rm_num {
+ /*
+ * Type of the resource, defined globally in the
+ * hwrm_tf_resc_type enum.
+ */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /* Number of resources. */
+ uint32_t num;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* TruFlow RM reservation information. */
+/* tf_rm_res (size:64b/8B) */
+struct tf_rm_res {
+ /*
+ * Type of the resource, defined globally in the
+ * hwrm_tf_resc_type enum.
+ */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /* Start offset. */
+ uint16_t start;
+ /* Number of resources. */
+ uint16_t stride;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_tbl_type_get *
+ ************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_tbl_type_get_input (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tbl_type_get_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[2];
+ /*
+ * Type of the resource, defined globally in the
+ * hwrm_tf_resc_type enum.
+ */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /* Index of the type to retrieve. */
+ uint32_t index;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_tbl_type_get_output (size:1216b/152B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tbl_type_get_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* Response code. */
+ uint32_t resp_code;
+ /* Response size. */
+ uint16_t size;
+ /* unused */
+ uint16_t unused0;
+ /* Response data. */
+ uint8_t data[128];
+ /* unused */
+ uint8_t unused1[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field
+ * is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_tbl_type_set *
+ ************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_tbl_type_set_input (size:1024b/128B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tbl_type_set_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[2];
+ /*
+ * Type of the resource, defined globally in the
+ * hwrm_tf_resc_type enum.
+ */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /* Index of the type to retrieve. */
+ uint32_t index;
+ /* Size of the data to set. */
+ uint16_t size;
+ /* unused */
+ uint8_t unused1[6];
+ /* Data to be set. */
+ uint8_t data[88];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_tbl_type_set_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tbl_type_set_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
+ * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
+ * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
+ * When writing a command completion or response to an internal
+ * processor, the order of writes has to be such that this field
+ * is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_rgtr *
+ *************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_rgtr_input (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_rgtr_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /* Counter PBL indirect levels. */
+ uint8_t page_level;
+ /* PBL pointer is physical start address. */
+ /* PBL pointer points to PTE table. */
+ /*
+ * PBL pointer points to PDE table with each entry pointing
+ * to PTE tables.
+ */
+ /* Page size. */
+ uint8_t page_size;
+ /* 4KB page size. */
+ /* 8KB page size. */
+ /* 64KB page size. */
+ /* 256KB page size. */
+ /* 1MB page size. */
+ /* 2MB page size. */
+ /* 4MB page size. */
+ /* 1GB page size. */
+ /* unused. */
+ uint32_t unused0;
+ /* Pointer to the PBL, or PDL depending on number of levels */
+ uint64_t page_dir;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_rgtr_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_rgtr_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /*
+ * Id/Handle to the recently register context memory. This
+ * handle is passed to the TF session.
+ */
+ uint16_t ctx_id;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[5];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_unrgtr *
+ ***************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_unrgtr_input (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_unrgtr_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /*
+ * Id/Handle to the recently register context memory. This
+ * handle is passed to the TF session.
+ */
+ uint16_t ctx_id;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[6];
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_unrgtr_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ctxt_mem_unrgtr_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcaps *
+ ************************/
+/* hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcaps_input (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcaps_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ UINT32_C(0x0)
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* When set to 1, all offloaded flows will be sent to EXT EM. */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /* unused. */
+ uint32_t unused0;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcaps_output (size:320b/40B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcaps_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /*
+ * When set to 1, indicates the the FW supports the Centralized
+ * Memory Model. The concept designates one entity for the
+ * memory allocation while all others ‘subscribe’ to it.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /*
+ * When set to 1, indicates the the FW supports the Detached
+ * Centralized Memory Model. The memory is allocated and managed
+ * as a separate entity. All PFs and VFs will be granted direct
+ * or semi-direct access to the allocated memory while none of
+ * which can interfere with the management of the memory.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /* unused. */
+ uint32_t unused0;
+ /* Support flags. */
+ uint32_t supported;
+ /*
+ * If set to 1, then EXT EM KEY0 table is supported using
+ * crc32 hash.
+ * If set to 0, EXT EM KEY0 table is not supported.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /*
+ * If set to 1, then EXT EM KEY1 table is supported using
+ * lookup3 hash.
+ * If set to 0, EXT EM KEY1 table is not supported.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /*
+ * If set to 1, then EXT EM External Record table is supported.
+ * If set to 0, EXT EM External Record table is not
+ * supported. (This table includes action record, EFC
+ * pointers, encap pointers)
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x4)
+ /*
+ * If set to 1, then EXT EM External Flow Counters table is
+ * supported.
+ * If set to 0, EXT EM External Flow Counters table is not
+ * supported.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x8)
+ /*
+ * If set to 1, then FID table used for implicit flow flush
+ * is supported.
+ * If set to 0, then FID table used for implicit flow flush
+ * is not supported.
+ */
+ UINT32_C(0x10)
+ /*
+ * The maximum number of entries supported by EXT EM. When
+ * configuring the host memory the number of numbers of
+ * entries that can supported are -
+ * 32k, 64k 128k, 256k, 512k, 1M, 2M, 4M, 8M, 32M, 64M,
+ * 128M entries.
+ * Any value that are not these values, the FW will round
+ * down to the closest support number of entries.
+ */
+ uint32_t max_entries_supported;
+ /*
+ * The entry size in bytes of each entry in the EXT EM
+ * KEY0/KEY1 tables.
+ */
+ uint16_t key_entry_size;
+ /*
+ * The entry size in bytes of each entry in the EXT EM RECORD
+ * tables.
+ */
+ uint16_t record_entry_size;
+ /* The entry size in bytes of each entry in the EXT EM EFC tables. */
+ uint16_t efc_entry_size;
+ /* The FID size in bytes of each entry in the EXT EM FID tables. */
+ uint16_t fid_entry_size;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused1[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_ext_em_op *
+ *********************/
+/* hwrm_tf_ext_em_op_input (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_op_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /* unused. */
+ uint16_t unused0;
+ /* The number of EXT EM key table entries to be configured. */
+ uint16_t op;
+ /* This value is reserved and should not be used. */
+ /*
+ * To properly stop EXT EM and ensure there are no DMA's,
+ * the caller must disable EXT EM for the given PF, using
+ * this call. This will safely disable EXT EM and ensure
+ * that all DMA'ed to the keys/records/efc have been
+ * completed.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Once the EXT EM host memory has been configured, EXT EM
+ * options have been configured. Then the caller should
+ * enable EXT EM for the given PF. Note once this call has
+ * been made, then the EXT EM mechanism will be active and
+ * DMA's will occur as packets are processed.
+ */
+ /*
+ * Clear EXT EM settings for the given PF so that the
+ * register values are reset back to their initial state.
+ */
+ /* unused. */
+ uint16_t unused1;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_ext_em_op_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_op_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_ext_em_cfg *
+ **********************/
+/* hwrm_tf_ext_em_cfg_input (size:384b/48B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_cfg_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ UINT32_C(0x0)
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* When set to 1, all offloaded flows will be sent to EXT EM. */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /* When set to 1, secondary, 0 means primary. */
+ UINT32_C(0x4)
+ /*
+ * Group_id which used by Firmware to identify memory pools belonging
+ * to certain group.
+ */
+ uint16_t group_id;
+ /*
+ * Dynamically reconfigure EEM pending cache every 1/10th of second.
+ * If set to 0 it will disable the EEM HW flush of the pending cache.
+ */
+ uint8_t flush_interval;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0;
+ /*
+ * Configured EXT EM with the given number of entries. All
+ * the EXT EM tables KEY0, KEY1, RECORD, EFC all have the
+ * same number of entries and all tables will be configured
+ * using this value. Current minimum value is 32k. Current
+ * maximum value is 128M.
+ */
+ uint32_t num_entries;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint32_t unused1;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for KEY0 table. */
+ uint16_t key0_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for KEY1 table. */
+ uint16_t key1_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for RECORD table. */
+ uint16_t record_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for EFC table. */
+ uint16_t efc_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for EFC table. */
+ uint16_t fid_ctx_id;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint16_t unused2;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint32_t unused3;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_ext_em_cfg_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_cfg_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcfg *
+ ***********************/
+/* hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcfg_input (size:192b/24B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcfg_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /* unused. */
+ uint32_t unused0;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+/* hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcfg_output (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_ext_em_qcfg_output {
+ /* The specific error status for the command. */
+ uint16_t error_code;
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /* The sequence ID from the original command. */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
+ uint16_t resp_len;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ UINT32_C(0x0)
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ UINT32_C(0x1)
+ /* When set to 1, all offloaded flows will be sent to EXT EM. */
+ UINT32_C(0x2)
+ /* The number of entries the FW has configured for EXT EM. */
+ uint32_t num_entries;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for KEY0 table. */
+ uint16_t key0_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for KEY1 table. */
+ uint16_t key1_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for RECORD table. */
+ uint16_t record_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for EFC table. */
+ uint16_t efc_ctx_id;
+ /* Configured EXT EM with the given context if for EFC table. */
+ uint16_t fid_ctx_id;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[5];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
+ */
+ uint8_t valid;
+} __attribute__((packed));
+ * hwrm_tf_tcam_set *
+ ********************/
+/* hwrm_tf_tcam_set_input (size:1024b/128B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tcam_set_input {
+ /* The HWRM command request type. */
+ uint16_t req_type;
+ /*
+ * The completion ring to send the completion event on. This should
+ * be the NQ ID returned from the `nq_alloc` HWRM command.
+ */
+ uint16_t cmpl_ring;
+ /*
+ * The sequence ID is used by the driver for tracking multiple
+ * commands. This ID is treated as opaque data by the firmware and
+ * the value is returned in the `hwrm_resp_hdr` upon completion.
+ */
+ uint16_t seq_id;
+ /*
+ * The target ID of the command:
+ * * 0x0-0xFFF8 - The function ID
+ * * 0xFFF8-0xFFFC, 0xFFFE - Reserved for internal processors
+ * * 0xFFFD - Reserved for user-space HWRM interface
+ * * 0xFFFF - HWRM
+ */
+ uint16_t target_id;
+ /*
+ * A physical address pointer pointing to a host buffer that the
+ * command's response data will be written. This can be either a host
+ * physical address (HPA) or a guest physical address (GPA) and must
+ * point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
+ */
+ uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /*
+ * Indicate device data is being sent via DMA, the device
+ * data is packing does not change.
+ */
+ /*
+ * TCAM type of the resource, defined globally in the
+ * hwrm_tf_resc_type enum.
+ */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /* Index of TCAM entry. */
+ uint16_t idx;
+ /* Number of bytes in the TCAM key. */
+ uint8_t key_size;
+ /* Number of bytes in the TCAM result. */
+ uint8_t result_size;
+ /*
+ * Offset from which the mask bytes start in the device data
+ * array, key offset is always 0.
+ */
+ uint8_t mask_offset;
+ /* Offset from which the result bytes start in the device data array. */
+ uint8_t result_offset;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[6];
+ /*
+ * TCAM key located at offset 0, mask located at mask_offsec
+ * and result at result_offsec for the device.
+ */
+ uint8_t dev_data[88];
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_cfa_eem_qcfg_output (size:256b/32B) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_eem_qcfg_output {
+/* hwrm_tf_tcam_set_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tcam_set_output {
/* The specific error status for the command. */
uint16_t error_code;
/* The HWRM command request type. */
@@ -31848,46 +35014,26 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_eem_qcfg_output {
uint16_t seq_id;
/* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
uint16_t resp_len;
- uint32_t flags;
- /* When set to 1, indicates the configuration is the TX flow. */
- UINT32_C(0x1)
- /* When set to 1, indicates the configuration is the RX flow. */
- UINT32_C(0x2)
- /* When set to 1, all offloaded flows will be sent to EEM. */
- UINT32_C(0x4)
- /* The number of entries the FW has configured for EEM. */
- uint32_t num_entries;
- /* Configured EEM with the given context if for KEY0 table. */
- uint16_t key0_ctx_id;
- /* Configured EEM with the given context if for KEY1 table. */
- uint16_t key1_ctx_id;
- /* Configured EEM with the given context if for RECORD table. */
- uint16_t record_ctx_id;
- /* Configured EEM with the given context if for EFC table. */
- uint16_t efc_ctx_id;
- /* Configured EEM with the given context if for EFC table. */
- uint16_t fid_ctx_id;
- uint8_t unused_2[5];
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
- * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
- * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
- * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
- * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
- * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
uint8_t valid;
} __attribute__((packed));
- * hwrm_cfa_eem_op *
- *******************/
+ * hwrm_tf_tcam_get *
+ ********************/
-/* hwrm_cfa_eem_op_input (size:192b/24B) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_eem_op_input {
+/* hwrm_tf_tcam_get_input (size:256b/32B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tcam_get_input {
/* The HWRM command request type. */
uint16_t req_type;
@@ -31916,49 +35062,31 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_eem_op_input {
* point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
uint64_t resp_addr;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
uint32_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
- * When set to 1, indicates the host memory which is passed will be
- * used for the TX flow offload function specified in fid.
- * Note if this bit is set then the path_rx bit can't be set.
- */
- /*
- * When set to 1, indicates the host memory which is passed will be
- * used for the RX flow offload function specified in fid.
- * Note if this bit is set then the path_tx bit can't be set.
- */
- uint16_t unused_0;
- /* The number of EEM key table entries to be configured. */
- uint16_t op;
- /* This value is reserved and should not be used. */
- /*
- * To properly stop EEM and ensure there are no DMA's, the caller
- * must disable EEM for the given PF, using this call. This will
- * safely disable EEM and ensure that all DMA'ed to the
- * keys/records/efc have been completed.
- */
- /*
- * Once the EEM host memory has been configured, EEM options have
- * been configured. Then the caller should enable EEM for the given
- * PF. Note once this call has been made, then the EEM mechanism
- * will be active and DMA's will occur as packets are processed.
+ * TCAM type of the resource, defined globally in the
+ * hwrm_tf_resc_type enum.
- /*
- * Clear EEM settings for the given PF so that the register values
- * are reset back to there initial state.
- */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /* Index of a TCAM entry. */
+ uint16_t idx;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint16_t unused0;
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_cfa_eem_op_output (size:128b/16B) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_eem_op_output {
+/* hwrm_tf_tcam_get_output (size:2368b/296B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tcam_get_output {
/* The specific error status for the command. */
uint16_t error_code;
/* The HWRM command request type. */
@@ -31967,24 +35095,41 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_eem_op_output {
uint16_t seq_id;
/* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
uint16_t resp_len;
- uint8_t unused_0[7];
+ /* Number of bytes in the TCAM key. */
+ uint8_t key_size;
+ /* Number of bytes in the TCAM entry. */
+ uint8_t result_size;
+ /* Offset from which the mask bytes start in the device data array. */
+ uint8_t mask_offset;
+ /* Offset from which the result bytes start in the device data array. */
+ uint8_t result_offset;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[4];
- * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
- * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
- * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
- * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
- * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ * TCAM key located at offset 0, mask located at mask_offsec
+ * and result at result_offsec for the device.
+ */
+ uint8_t dev_data[272];
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused1[7];
+ /*
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
uint8_t valid;
} __attribute__((packed));
- * hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps *
- ********************************/
+ * hwrm_tf_tcam_move *
+ *********************/
-/* hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_input (size:256b/32B) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_input {
+/* hwrm_tf_tcam_move_input (size:1024b/128B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tcam_move_input {
/* The HWRM command request type. */
uint16_t req_type;
@@ -32013,11 +35158,33 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_input {
* point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
uint64_t resp_addr;
- uint32_t unused_0[4];
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /*
+ * TCAM type of the resource, defined globally in the
+ * hwrm_tf_resc_type enum.
+ */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /* Number of TCAM index pairs to be swapped for the device. */
+ uint16_t count;
+ /* unused. */
+ uint16_t unused0;
+ /* TCAM index pairs to be swapped for the device. */
+ uint16_t idx_pairs[48];
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_output (size:128b/16B) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_output {
+/* hwrm_tf_tcam_move_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tcam_move_output {
/* The specific error status for the command. */
uint16_t error_code;
/* The HWRM command request type. */
@@ -32026,131 +35193,26 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_adv_flow_mgnt_qcaps_output {
uint16_t seq_id;
/* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
uint16_t resp_len;
- uint32_t flags;
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate firmware support 16-bit flow handle.
- * Value of 0 to indicate firmware not support 16-bit flow handle.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x1)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate firmware support 64-bit flow handle.
- * Value of 0 to indicate firmware not support 64-bit flow handle.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x2)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate firmware support flow batch delete operation through
- * HWRM_CFA_FLOW_FLUSH command.
- * Value of 0 to indicate that the firmware does not support flow batch delete
- * operation.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x4)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that the firmware support flow reset all operation through
- * HWRM_CFA_FLOW_FLUSH command.
- * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support flow reset all operation.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x8)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports use of FID as dest_id in
- * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support use of FID as dest_id.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x10)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports TX EEM flows.
- * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support TX EEM flows.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x20)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports RX EEM flows.
- * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support RX EEM flows.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x40)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports the dynamic allocation of an
- * on-chip flow counter which can be used for EEM flows.
- * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support the dynamic allocation of an
- * on-chip flow counter.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x80)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports setting of
- * rfs_ring_tbl_idx in HWRM_CFA_NTUPLE_ALLOC command.
- * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support rfs_ring_tbl_idx.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x100)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports untagged matching
- * criteria on HWRM_CFA_L2_FILTER_ALLOC command. Value of 0
- * indicates firmware does not support untagged matching.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x200)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports XDP filter. Value
- * of 0 indicates firmware does not support XDP filter.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x400)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that the firmware support L2 header source
- * fields matching criteria on HWRM_CFA_L2_FILTER_ALLOC command.
- * Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support L2 header source
- * fields matching.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x800)
- /*
- * If set to 1, firmware is capable of supporting ARP ethertype as
- * matching criteria for HWRM_CFA_NTUPLE_FILTER_ALLOC command on the
- * RX direction. By default, this flag should be 0 for older version
- * of firmware.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x1000)
- /*
- * Value of 1 to indicate that firmware supports setting of
- * rfs_ring_tbl_idx in dst_id field of the HWRM_CFA_NTUPLE_ALLOC
- * command. Value of 0 indicates firmware does not support
- * rfs_ring_tbl_idx in dst_id field.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x2000)
- /*
- * If set to 1, firmware is capable of supporting IPv4/IPv6 as
- * ethertype in HWRM_CFA_NTUPLE_FILTER_ALLOC command on the RX
- * direction. By default, this flag should be 0 for older version
- * of firmware.
- */
- UINT32_C(0x4000)
- uint8_t unused_0[3];
+ /* unused. */
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
- * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
- * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
- * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
- * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
- * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
uint8_t valid;
} __attribute__((packed));
- * hwrm_cfa_tflib *
- ******************/
+ * hwrm_tf_tcam_free *
+ *********************/
-/* hwrm_cfa_tflib_input (size:1024b/128B) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_tflib_input {
+/* hwrm_tf_tcam_free_input (size:1024b/128B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tcam_free_input {
/* The HWRM command request type. */
uint16_t req_type;
@@ -32179,18 +35241,33 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_tflib_input {
* point to a physically contiguous block of memory.
uint64_t resp_addr;
- /* TFLIB message type. */
- uint16_t tf_type;
- /* TFLIB message subtype. */
- uint16_t tf_subtype;
+ /* Firmware session id returned when HWRM_TF_SESSION_OPEN is sent. */
+ uint32_t fw_session_id;
+ /* Control flags. */
+ uint32_t flags;
+ /* Indicates the flow direction. */
+ /* If this bit set to 0, then it indicates rx flow. */
+ /* If this bit is set to 1, then it indicates that tx flow. */
+ /*
+ * TCAM type of the resource, defined globally in the
+ * hwrm_tf_resc_type enum.
+ */
+ uint32_t type;
+ /* Number of TCAM index to be deleted for the device. */
+ uint16_t count;
/* unused. */
- uint8_t unused0[4];
- /* TFLIB request data. */
- uint32_t tf_req[26];
+ uint16_t unused0;
+ /* TCAM index list to be deleted for the device. */
+ uint16_t idx_list[48];
} __attribute__((packed));
-/* hwrm_cfa_tflib_output (size:5632b/704B) */
-struct hwrm_cfa_tflib_output {
+/* hwrm_tf_tcam_free_output (size:128b/16B) */
+struct hwrm_tf_tcam_free_output {
/* The specific error status for the command. */
uint16_t error_code;
/* The HWRM command request type. */
@@ -32199,22 +35276,15 @@ struct hwrm_cfa_tflib_output {
uint16_t seq_id;
/* The length of the response data in number of bytes. */
uint16_t resp_len;
- /* TFLIB message type. */
- uint16_t tf_type;
- /* TFLIB message subtype. */
- uint16_t tf_subtype;
- /* TFLIB response code */
- uint32_t tf_resp_code;
- /* TFLIB response data. */
- uint32_t tf_resp[170];
/* unused. */
- uint8_t unused1[7];
+ uint8_t unused0[7];
- * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the output
- * is completely written to RAM. This field should be read as '1'
- * to indicate that the output has been completely written.
- * When writing a command completion or response to an internal processor,
- * the order of writes has to be such that this field is written last.
+ * This field is used in Output records to indicate that the
+ * output is completely written to RAM. This field should be
+ * read as '1' to indicate that the output has been
+ * completely written. When writing a command completion or
+ * response to an internal processor, the order of writes has
+ * to be such that this field is written last.
uint8_t valid;
} __attribute__((packed));
@@ -33155,9 +36225,9 @@ struct pcie_ctx_hw_stats {
uint64_t pcie_tl_signal_integrity;
/* Number of times LTSSM entered Recovery state */
uint64_t pcie_link_integrity;
- /* Number of TLP bytes that have been transmitted */
+ /* Report number of TLP bits that have been transmitted in Mbps */
uint64_t pcie_tx_traffic_rate;
- /* Number of TLP bytes that have been received */
+ /* Report number of TLP bits that have been received in Mbps */
uint64_t pcie_rx_traffic_rate;
/* Number of DLLP bytes that have been transmitted */
uint64_t pcie_tx_dllp_statistics;
@@ -33981,7 +37051,23 @@ struct hwrm_nvm_modify_input {
uint64_t host_src_addr;
/* 16-bit directory entry index. */
uint16_t dir_idx;
- uint8_t unused_0[2];
+ uint16_t flags;
+ /*
+ * This flag indicates the sender wants to modify a continuous NVRAM
+ * area using a batch of this HWRM requests. The offset of a request
+ * must be continuous to the end of previous request's. Firmware does
+ * not update the directory entry until receiving the last request,
+ * which is indicated by the batch_last flag.
+ * This flag is set usually when a sender does not have a block of
+ * memory that is big enough to hold the entire NVRAM data for send
+ * at one time.
+ */
+ /*
+ * This flag can be used only when the batch_mode flag is set.
+ * It indicates this request is the last of batch requests.
+ */
/* 32-bit NVRAM byte-offset to modify content from. */
uint32_t offset;