
[00/10] fixes for clean code

Message ID 1618839289-33224-1-git-send-email-humin29@huawei.com (mailing list archive)


humin (Q) April 19, 2021, 1:34 p.m. UTC
This patchset fix some bugs, to make the code more clean.

Chengchang Tang (1):
  net/bonding: fix configuration assignment overflow

HongBo Zheng (5):
  app/test: add NULL pointer check of memory allocation
  lib/librte_pipeline: fix the use of unsafe strcpy
  examples/l3fwd: add function return value check
  crypto/virtio: fix return values check error
  net/e1000: add function return value check

Min Hu (Connor) (4):
  net/pfe: check return value
  common/sfc_efx/base: delete redundant handling
  bus/dpaa: fix management command init calling
  app/regex: fix division by zero

 app/test-regex/main.c                     | 8 +++++---
 app/test/test_crc.c                       | 2 ++
 drivers/bus/dpaa/base/qbman/bman.c        | 6 ++----
 drivers/common/sfc_efx/base/rhead_nic.c   | 3 +--
 drivers/crypto/virtio/virtio_rxtx.c       | 4 ++--
 drivers/net/bonding/rte_eth_bond_8023ad.c | 2 +-
 drivers/net/e1000/base/e1000_ich8lan.c    | 2 ++
 drivers/net/pfe/pfe_ethdev.c              | 6 ++++++
 examples/l3fwd/l3fwd_event.c              | 6 +++++-
 lib/librte_pipeline/rte_swx_pipeline.c    | 4 ++--
 10 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)