
[00/11] misc updates and fixes for hns3 PMD driver

Message ID 20200109031559.63194-1-huwei013@chinasoftinc.com (mailing list archive)


Wei Hu (Xavier) Jan. 9, 2020, 3:15 a.m. UTC
This series are updates and bugfixes for hns3 ethernet PMD driver.

Chengwen Feng (1):
  net/hns3: fix triggering reset proceduce in slave process

Hongbo Zheng (1):
  net/hns3: fix segment error when closing the port

Wei Hu (Xavier) (8):
  net/hns3: support different numbered Rx and Tx queues
  net/hns3: support setting VF MAC address by PF driver
  net/hns3: remove io rmb call in Rx operation
  net/hns3: add free thresh in Rx operation
  net/hns3: fix Rx queue search miss RAS err when recv BC pkt
  net/hns3: fix ring vector related mailbox command format
  net/hns3: fix dumping VF register information
  net/hns3: fix link status when failure in issuing command

Yisen Zhuang (1):
  net/hns3: reduce the judgements of free Tx ring space

 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_cmd.c       |   8 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_dcb.c       |  88 ++--
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_dcb.h       |   4 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev.c    | 101 +++--
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev.h    |  17 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_ethdev_vf.c | 183 ++++++--
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_flow.c      |   9 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_mbx.c       |  14 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_mbx.h       |   1 +
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_regs.c      |  29 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rxtx.c      | 727 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_rxtx.h      |  14 +-
 drivers/net/hns3/hns3_stats.c     |   3 -
 13 files changed, 934 insertions(+), 264 deletions(-)