[0/5] cryptodev: fix inconsistency in RSA op usage
Message ID | 20211129095159.16376-1-rbalu@marvell.com (mailing list archive) |
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Ramkumar Balu
Nov. 29, 2021, 9:51 a.m. UTC
From: Ramkumar <rbalu@marvell.com>
The RSA verify operation is performed in two stages: 1. decrypt using
public key (output: plaintext message) 2. Compare resultant plaintext
message with the expected plaintext message to verify. (return
succ/fail in status field) Some applications need the decrypted
plaintext (stage 1 result) also to be retunred. For reference, OpenSSL
also provides similar API (RSA_public_decrypt).
lib cryptodev API failed to specify a field in 'struct
rte_crypto_rsa_op_param' to return the plaintext result after public
key decryption. It created inconsistency among crypto PMDs in returning
plaintext during RSA verify.
Inconsistency in RSA verify,
crypto/octeontx - uses 'sign' field to return plaintext
crypto/cnxk - uses 'sign' field to return plaintext
crypto/openssl - does not return plaintext
crypto/qat - uses 'cipher' field to return plaintext
test/cryptodev_asym - expects PMDs to use 'cipher' field
Thus, this patch series fixes all usages to only use 'cipher' field for
above described scenario. The 'sign' and 'message' fields are not
chosen as they are used for different purpose under same operation.
rte_crypto_rsa_op_param struct fields to use for
1. input: rsa.sign - signature to be decrypted or verified
2. input: rsa.message - expected plaintext, used to compare
3. output: rsa.cipher - resultant plaintext from decryption
Ramkumar (5):
cryptodev: fix RSA op cipher field description
crypto/openssl: fix output of RSA verify op
crypto/octeontx: fix output field for RSA verify
crypto/octeontx2: fix output field for RSA verify
crypto/cnxk: fix output field for RSA verify
drivers/crypto/cnxk/cnxk_ae.h | 15 +++++++++------
drivers/crypto/octeontx/otx_cryptodev_ops.c | 10 ++++++----
drivers/crypto/octeontx2/otx2_cryptodev_ops.c | 16 +++++++++-------
drivers/crypto/openssl/rte_openssl_pmd.c | 16 +++++++++++-----
lib/cryptodev/rte_crypto_asym.h | 7 ++++---
5 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)