
[RFC,v1,0/6] merge DTS test report files to DPDK

Message ID 20220406151254.2915709-1-juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech (mailing list archive)


Juraj Linkeš April 6, 2022, 3:12 p.m. UTC
The libraries and the output folder related to test reporting.

Juraj Linkeš (6):
  dts: merge DTS framework/excel_reporter.py to DPDK
  dts: merge DTS framework/json_reporter.py to DPDK
  dts: merge DTS framework/rst.py to DPDK
  dts: merge DTS framework/stats_reporter.py to DPDK
  dts: merge DTS framework/test_result.py to DPDK
  dts: merge DTS output/Readme.txt to DPDK

 dts/framework/excel_reporter.py | 280 ++++++++++++++++++
 dts/framework/json_reporter.py  |  86 ++++++
 dts/framework/rst.py            | 168 +++++++++++
 dts/framework/stats_reporter.py |  95 ++++++
 dts/framework/test_result.py    | 494 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 dts/output/Readme.txt           |   2 +
 6 files changed, 1125 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dts/framework/excel_reporter.py
 create mode 100644 dts/framework/json_reporter.py
 create mode 100644 dts/framework/rst.py
 create mode 100644 dts/framework/stats_reporter.py
 create mode 100644 dts/framework/test_result.py
 create mode 100644 dts/output/Readme.txt