new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
+Script to be used with V2 Telemetry.
+Allows the user to view various key telemetry metrics using a Terminal User Interface (TUI).
+# Import the required standard modules.
+import argparse
+import atexit
+from datetime import datetime
+import importlib
+import os
+import socket
+import sys
+from time import sleep
+# Import to prevent code duplication
+# Python modules cannot be hyphenated, importlib has been used to avoid this issue
+dpdk_telemetry = importlib.import_module("dpdk-telemetry")
+# Try to import the required rich components which are needed to create the
+# Terminal User Interface. The app will be unable to continue without it.
+ from rich import box as rich_box
+ from rich.align import Align as rich_align
+ from rich.layout import Layout as rich_layout
+ from rich.panel import Panel as rich_panel
+ from rich.text import Text as rich_text
+ from rich.table import Table as rich_table
+ from rich.ansi import AnsiDecoder as rich_ansi_decoder
+ from rich.console import Group as rich_render_group
+ from rich.jupyter import JupyterMixin as rich_jupyter_mixin
+ from import Live as rich_live
+except ImportError as err:
+ print(f'ERROR: {err}')
+ print(
+ "ERROR: The python module 'rich' must be installed "
+ "to use this tool - \"pip install \'rich==12.5.1\'\""
+ )
+ sys.exit(1)
+# Try to import plotext.
+# The app is able to run without plotext but the live graph will be hidden.
+ import plotext as plt
+except ImportError:
+ plt = None
+# Global Telemetry Constants.
+SOCKET_NAME = f"dpdk_telemetry.{TELEMETRY_VERSION}"
+# Constants.
+MILLION = 1000000
+GIGA = 1000000000
+class Socket:
+ """ Helper class for using DPDK sockets. """
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ """ Setup the socket for telemetry. """
+ self.telem_socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_SEQPACKET)
+ self.buf_len = 1024
+ try:
+ self.telem_socket.connect(path)
+ except OSError as err:
+ raise OSError(f'Error connecting to {path}') from err
+ json_reply =
+ self.buf_len = json_reply["max_output_len"]
+ def send(self, cmd):
+ """ Send a command to the socket. """
+ self.telem_socket.send(str(cmd).encode())
+ def read(self):
+ """ Read from the socket. """
+ return dpdk_telemetry.read_socket(self.telem_socket, self.buf_len, False)
+ def query(self, path):
+ """ Query an item from the socket. """
+ self.send(path)
+ # Cut off possible part after the comma.
+ try:
+ path, _ = path.rsplit(',', maxsplit=1)
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ # Return telemetry item.
+ try:
+ return[path]
+ except KeyError as err:
+ raise OSError(f'Could not find the item {path} returned from socket') from err
+ def close(self):
+ """ Close the telemetry socket. """
+ self.telem_socket.close()
+ print("DPDK socket closed . . .")
+def args_parse():
+ """ Parse the arguments passed to the script. """
+ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
+ description=(
+ "This is a tool for viewing statistics from the DPDK "
+ "telemetry socket.\nMinimum supported console "
+ f"width: {MINIMUM_CONSOLE}"
+ ),
+ formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-t",
+ "--time",
+ type=int,
+ dest="time",
+ help="Set the time span for stats calculations, " "default: 60",
+ default=60,
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-f",
+ "--file-prefix",
+ type=str,
+ dest="fileprefix",
+ help="Provide file-prefix for DPDK runtime directory",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-i",
+ "--instance",
+ default="0",
+ type=int,
+ dest="instance",
+ help="Provide instance number for DPDK application",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-l",
+ "--list",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="list",
+ default=False,
+ help="List all possible file-prefixes and exit",
+ )
+ parser.add_argument(
+ "-q",
+ "--quiet",
+ action="store_true",
+ dest="quiet",
+ help="Quiet mode which will hide some warnings such as the warning about"
+ "if the console is below the supported minimum",
+ default=False,
+ )
+ return parser.parse_args()
+def make_layout(ports) -> rich_layout:
+ """ Setup the rich layout. """
+ stats_layout = rich_layout(name="main")
+ # Create the rows.
+ stats_layout.split(
+ rich_layout(name="header", size=3),
+ rich_layout(name="width", size=5),
+ rich_layout(name="app", size=12),
+ rich_layout(name="ports", ratio=2),
+ rich_layout(name="data", ratio=2),
+ rich_layout(name="footer", size=1),
+ )
+ # Split top row for EAL and app info.
+ stats_layout["app"].split_row(
+ rich_layout(name="info", ratio=1), rich_layout(name="eal", ratio=3)
+ )
+ # Create 8 port columns and an all column.
+ stats_layout["ports"].split_row(
+ rich_layout(name="0"),
+ rich_layout(name="1"),
+ rich_layout(name="2"),
+ rich_layout(name="3"),
+ rich_layout(name="4"),
+ rich_layout(name="5"),
+ rich_layout(name="6"),
+ rich_layout(name="7"),
+ rich_layout(name="all"),
+ )
+ # Disable any unused port columns.
+ if len(ports) < 8:
+ for i in range(len(ports), 8, 1):
+ stats_layout[f"{i}"].visible = False
+ # Disable width warning.
+ stats_layout["width"].visible = False
+ # Split data row into 3 for graph, totals and pkt info.
+ stats_layout["data"].split_row(
+ rich_layout(name="through", ratio=2),
+ rich_layout(name="totals", ratio=1),
+ rich_layout(name="history", ratio=1),
+ )
+ return stats_layout
+def gen_header() -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate the apps header. """
+ header_grid = rich_table.grid(expand=True)
+ header_grid.add_column(justify="center", ratio=1)
+ header_grid.add_column(justify="right")
+ header_grid.add_row(
+ "DPDK TUI Stats Viewer",":", "[blink]:[/]")
+ )
+ return rich_panel(header_grid, padding=(0, 0), style="white on blue")
+def width_warning(width) -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate the minimum width warning. """
+ width_text = rich_text(
+ "Your console is below the required minimum "
+ f"width of {MINIMUM_CONSOLE}.\nCurrent console "
+ f"width: {width}",
+ style="white on red",
+ justify="center",
+ )
+ return rich_panel(
+, vertical="middle"),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(0, 1),
+ title="Warning",
+ style="white on red",
+ border_style="white",
+ )
+def app_info(args, info_resp, run_time) -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate the app info section. """
+ app_grid = rich_table.grid(padding=1)
+ app_grid.add_column(style="blue", justify="left")
+ app_grid.add_column()
+ app_grid.add_row(
+ "App", f'{dpdk_telemetry.get_app_name(info_resp["pid"])} ({args.fileprefix})'
+ )
+ app_grid.add_row("Version", f'{info_resp["version"]}')
+ app_grid.add_row("PID", f'{info_resp["pid"]}')
+ if run_time < 60:
+ app_grid.add_row("Time:", f"{run_time} seconds")
+ else:
+ app_grid.add_row("Time:", f"{int(run_time / 60)}:{(run_time % 60):02}")
+ app_grid.add_row("Avgs Over:", f"{args.time} seconds")
+ return rich_panel(
+ rich_align.left(app_grid, vertical="middle"),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(1, 2),
+ title="[b blue]App Info",
+ border_style="blue",
+ )
+def eal_info(eal_resp, app_resp) -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate the EAL info section. """
+ eal_grid = rich_table.grid(padding=1)
+ eal_grid.add_column(style="blue", justify="left")
+ eal_grid.add_column()
+ eal_grid.add_row("EAL", " ".join(eal_resp))
+ eal_grid.add_row("App", " ".join(app_resp))
+ return rich_panel(
+ rich_align.left(eal_grid, vertical="middle"),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(1, 2),
+ title="[b blue]EAL Info",
+ border_style="blue",
+ )
+def gen_ports(port, sock, port_stats_last, port_stats_delta) -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate each port section depending on the port number. """
+ # Get the link status.
+ link = sock.query(f'/ethdev/link_status,{port}')
+ # Get the port status.
+ latest_stats = sock.query(f'/ethdev/stats,{port}')
+ port_stats_delta[port]["status"] = link["status"]
+ # Only do calculations if port is up.
+ if link["status"] == "UP":
+ # Get the speed the NIC is capable of to 1 decimal place.
+ port_stats_delta[port]["speed"] = round(link["speed"] / 1000, 1)
+ # Get the RX Packets since last read (1 second ago => pps) Mpps.
+ port_stats_delta[port]["ipackets"] = (
+ latest_stats["ipackets"] - port_stats_last[port]["ipackets"]
+ # Get the TX Packets since last read.
+ port_stats_delta[port]["opackets"] = (
+ latest_stats["opackets"] - port_stats_last[port]["opackets"]
+ # Get the RX bytes since last read (1 second ago => Bps) Gbps.
+ port_stats_delta[port]["ibytes"] = (
+ (latest_stats["ibytes"] - port_stats_last[port]["ibytes"]) * 8 / GIGA
+ )
+ # Get the TX bytes since last read.
+ port_stats_delta[port]["obytes"] = (
+ (latest_stats["obytes"] - port_stats_last[port]["obytes"]) * 8 / GIGA
+ )
+ port_grid = rich_table.grid(padding=1)
+ port_grid.add_column(no_wrap=True, style="blue", justify="left")
+ port_grid.add_column()
+ port_grid.add_row("Status", link["status"])
+ port_grid.add_row("Speed", f'{port_stats_delta[port]["speed"]:.1f} Gbps')
+ port_grid.add_row(
+ "Packets RX", f'{port_stats_delta[port]["ipackets"]:.2f} Mpps'
+ )
+ port_grid.add_row(
+ "Packets TX", f'{port_stats_delta[port]["opackets"]:.2f} Mpps'
+ )
+ port_grid.add_row("Bytes RX", f'{port_stats_delta[port]["ibytes"]:.2f} Gbps')
+ port_grid.add_row("Bytes TX", f'{port_stats_delta[port]["obytes"]:.2f} Gbps')
+ # The NIC drops are shown as totals over whole run.
+ port_grid.add_row("NIC drops", f'{latest_stats["imissed"]:,} pkts')
+ # If the port is down tell the user but do no calculations.
+ else:
+ port_grid = rich_table.grid(padding=1)
+ port_grid.add_column(no_wrap=True, style="blue", justify="left")
+ port_grid.add_column()
+ port_grid.add_row("Status", link["status"])
+ # Update the last read stats.
+ port_stats_last[port] = latest_stats
+ return rich_panel(
+, vertical="middle"),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(1, 2),
+ title=f"[b blue]Port {port}",
+ border_style="blue",
+ )
+def gen_all_ports(
+ ports, port_stats_last, port_stats_delta, through_bytes, through_pkts
+ ) -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate the section with totals for all ports. """
+ links_up = 0
+ speed = 0
+ ipackets = 0
+ opackets = 0
+ ibytes = 0
+ obytes = 0
+ nic_drops = 0
+ # Sum the total per second info for all ports
+ for i in ports:
+ if port_stats_delta[i]["status"] == "UP":
+ links_up += 1
+ speed += port_stats_delta[i]["speed"]
+ ipackets += port_stats_delta[i]["ipackets"]
+ opackets += port_stats_delta[i]["opackets"]
+ ibytes += port_stats_delta[i]["ibytes"]
+ obytes += port_stats_delta[i]["obytes"]
+ # The NIC drops are shown as totals over whole run.
+ nic_drops += port_stats_last[i]["imissed"]
+ # Store the totals for the live graph.
+ through_bytes.append(obytes)
+ through_pkts.append(opackets)
+ all_port_grid = rich_table.grid(padding=1)
+ all_port_grid.add_column(no_wrap=True, style="blue", justify="left")
+ all_port_grid.add_column()
+ all_port_grid.add_row("Ports UP", f"{links_up}")
+ all_port_grid.add_row("Speed", f"{speed:.1f} Gbps")
+ all_port_grid.add_row("Packets RX", f"{ipackets:.2f} Mpps")
+ all_port_grid.add_row("Packets TX", f"{opackets:.2f} Mpps")
+ all_port_grid.add_row("Bytes RX", f"{ibytes:.2f} Gbps")
+ all_port_grid.add_row("Bytes TX", f"{obytes:.2f} Gbps")
+ all_port_grid.add_row("NIC drops", f"{nic_drops:,} pkts")
+ return rich_panel(
+, vertical="middle"),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(1, 2),
+ title="[b blue]Port Totals",
+ border_style="blue",
+ )
+def make_through_plot(args, width, height, through_bytes, through_pkts):
+ """ Generate the plotext terminal chart. """
+ plt.clf()
+ plt.clc()
+ plt.scatter(through_bytes[-args.time :], label="Gbps", color="blue+")
+ plt.scatter(through_pkts[-args.time :], label="Mpps", color="red+")
+ plt.ylim(0, max(max(through_bytes[-args.time :]), max(through_pkts[-args.time :])))
+ plt.plotsize(width, height)
+ return
+class plotext_mixin_throughput(rich_jupyter_mixin):
+ """ Class to calculate the sizing info and help render plotext into rich. """
+ def __init__(self, args, through_bytes, through_pkts):
+ self.decoder = rich_ansi_decoder()
+ self.args = args
+ self.through_bytes = through_bytes
+ self.through_pkts = through_pkts
+ # Ensure that all required variables are defined within __init__
+ self.width = 0
+ self.height = 0
+ self.rich_canvas = rich_render_group()
+ def __rich_console__(self, console, options):
+ self.width = options.max_width or console.width
+ self.height = options.height or console.height
+ canvas = make_through_plot(
+ self.args, self.width, self.height, self.through_bytes, self.through_pkts
+ )
+ self.rich_canvas = rich_render_group(*self.decoder.decode(canvas))
+ yield self.rich_canvas
+def gen_throughput(args, through_bytes, through_pkts):
+ """ Generate the panel for the throughput section. """
+ return rich_panel(
+ plotext_mixin_throughput(args, through_bytes, through_pkts),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(1, 2),
+ title="[b blue]Total Throughput (TX)",
+ border_style="blue",
+ )
+def gen_throughput_disabled():
+ """
+ Generate the panel for the throughput section when plotext is not
+ available.
+ """
+ throughput_grid = rich_table.grid(padding=1)
+ throughput_grid.add_column(style="red", justify="center")
+ throughput_grid.add_row(
+ "Graphing disabled, plotext module required for graphing "
+ "(pip install \'plotext==5.0.2\')"
+ )
+ return rich_panel(
+, vertical="middle"),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(1, 2),
+ title="[b blue]Total Throughput (TX)",
+ border_style="blue",
+ )
+def gen_pkt_sizes(ports, sock, width) -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate the packet size info section. """
+ pkt_names = [
+ "64",
+ "65-127",
+ "128-255",
+ "256-511",
+ "512-1023",
+ "1024-1522",
+ "1523-Max",
+ ]
+ pkt_size_counts = [0 for _ in pkt_names]
+ # Get packet size distribution for all ports
+ try:
+ for i in ports:
+ xstats = sock.query(f'/ethdev/xstats,{i}')
+ pkt_size_counts[0] += xstats["tx_size_64_packets"]
+ pkt_size_counts[1] += xstats["tx_size_65_to_127_packets"]
+ pkt_size_counts[2] += xstats["tx_size_128_to_255_packets"]
+ pkt_size_counts[3] += xstats["tx_size_256_to_511_packets"]
+ pkt_size_counts[4] += xstats["tx_size_512_to_1023_packets"]
+ pkt_size_counts[5] += xstats["tx_size_1024_to_1522_packets"]
+ pkt_size_counts[6] += xstats["tx_size_1523_to_max_packets"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pkt_error_grid = rich_table.grid(padding=1)
+ pkt_error_grid.add_column(style="red", justify="center")
+ pkt_error_grid.add_row(
+ "Packet Sizes Unavailable, app or ethernet device may not support these metrics!"
+ )
+ return rich_panel(
+, vertical="middle"),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(1, 2),
+ title="[b blue]Packet Sizes",
+ border_style="blue",
+ )
+ # Normalize the packet size data for the bar charts
+ pkt_size_counts_normalized = [
+ round(float(i) / sum(pkt_size_counts), 3) for i in pkt_size_counts
+ ]
+ pkt_grid = rich_table.grid(padding=1)
+ pkt_grid.add_column(style="blue", justify="left", no_wrap=True)
+ pkt_grid.add_column()
+ # Set a scale for the bars depending on the terminal width
+ bar_scaler = 5
+ if 125 < width < 165:
+ bar_scaler = 10
+ elif 105 < width <= 125:
+ bar_scaler = 15
+ # Below 105 console width divide by 1000 to hide bar
+ elif width <= 105:
+ bar_scaler = 1000
+ # Generate a bar and show a percentage for each packet size
+ for i, name in enumerate(pkt_names):
+ progress_bar = ""
+ bar_width = int(pkt_size_counts_normalized[i] * 100 / bar_scaler)
+ while bar_width:
+ progress_bar = f"{progress_bar}\u2588"
+ if len(progress_bar) is bar_width:
+ break
+ pkt_grid.add_row(
+ name, f"{pkt_size_counts_normalized[i] * 100:3.0f}%" f" {progress_bar}"
+ )
+ return rich_panel(
+, vertical="middle"),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(1, 2),
+ title="[b blue]Packet Sizes",
+ border_style="blue",
+ )
+def gen_totals(args, through_bytes, through_pkts) -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate the totals panel. """
+ # Get bytes and packets for last X seconds
+ current_bytes = through_bytes[-args.time :]
+ current_pkts = through_pkts[-args.time :]
+ totals_grid = rich_table.grid(padding=1)
+ totals_grid.add_column(no_wrap=True, style="blue", justify="left")
+ totals_grid.add_column()
+ totals_grid.add_column()
+ totals_grid.add_row("", "[b blue]Bytes", "[b blue]Pkts")
+ totals_grid.add_row(
+ "Avg",
+ f"{sum(current_bytes) / len(current_bytes):.2f} Gbps",
+ f"{sum(current_pkts) / len(current_pkts):.2f} Mpps",
+ )
+ totals_grid.add_row(
+ "Min", f"{min(current_bytes):.2f} Gbps", f"{min(current_pkts):.2f} Mpps"
+ )
+ totals_grid.add_row(
+ "Max", f"{max(current_bytes):.2f} Gbps", f"{max(current_pkts):.2f} Mpps"
+ )
+ return rich_panel(
+, vertical="middle"),
+ box=rich_box.ROUNDED,
+ padding=(1, 2),
+ title="[b blue]Stats Totals (TX)",
+ border_style="blue",
+ )
+def gen_footer() -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate the applications footer. """
+ return rich_text(
+ f"Copyright {}, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.",
+ style="white on blue",
+ justify="center",
+ )
+def gen_body(
+ sock, args, main_layout, info_resp, eal_resp, app_resp, run_time, ports,
+ port_stats_last, port_stats_delta, through_bytes, through_pkts,
+ ) -> rich_panel:
+ """ Generate and update the body. """
+ main_layout["header"].update(gen_header())
+ # Get the width of the console.
+ width = os.get_terminal_size().columns
+ # If the console width is below the minimum warn the user.
+ if width < MINIMUM_CONSOLE and not args.quiet:
+ main_layout["width"].update(width_warning(width))
+ main_layout["width"].visible = True
+ else:
+ main_layout["width"].visible = False
+ main_layout["eal"].update(eal_info(eal_resp, app_resp))
+ main_layout["info"].update(app_info(args, info_resp, run_time))
+ for i in range(0, len(ports), 1):
+ main_layout[f"{i}"].update(gen_ports(i, sock, port_stats_last, port_stats_delta))
+ main_layout["all"].update(
+ gen_all_ports(
+ ports, port_stats_last, port_stats_delta, through_bytes, through_pkts
+ )
+ )
+ # Only try to generate the plot if the plotext module is available.
+ if plt:
+ main_layout["through"].update(gen_throughput(args, through_bytes, through_pkts))
+ else:
+ main_layout["through"].update(gen_throughput_disabled())
+ main_layout["totals"].update(gen_totals(args, through_bytes, through_pkts))
+ main_layout["history"].update(gen_pkt_sizes(ports, sock, width))
+ main_layout["footer"].update(gen_footer())
+def main():
+ """ Main function for the script. """
+ # Parse arguments.
+ args = args_parse()
+ run_time = 0
+ # If user just requested app list.
+ if args.list:
+ dpdk_telemetry.list_fp()
+ sys.exit(0)
+ # Check if requested app is available if not print app list.
+ path_lst = [dpdk_telemetry.get_dpdk_runtime_dir(args.fileprefix), SOCKET_NAME]
+ path_lst = list(map(str, path_lst))
+ path = os.path.join(*path_lst)
+ # Append the instance number if it's an in-memory app
+ if args.instance:
+ path += f":{args.instance}"
+ if not os.path.exists(path):
+ print(path)
+ print(f"\nNo valid sockets found for {args.fileprefix}\n")
+ dpdk_telemetry.list_fp()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Setup telemetry socket.
+ try:
+ sock = Socket(path)
+ except OSError as err:
+ print(err)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Register safe exit for sock
+ atexit.register(sock.close)
+ # Get a port list.
+ ports = sock.query("/ethdev/list")
+ # Check that the requested app has the supported number of ports or less
+ if len(ports) > MAX_PORTS:
+ print(f'The maximum number of supported ports is {MAX_PORTS}, Exiting . . .')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Get app info.
+ info_resp = sock.query("/info")
+ # Get EAL info.
+ eal_resp = sock.query("/eal/params")
+ # Get app params.
+ app_resp = sock.query("/eal/app_params")
+ port_stats_last = []
+ port_stats_delta = []
+ through_pkts = []
+ through_bytes = []
+ # Get port stats.
+ ports = list(range(len(ports)))
+ port_stats_last = [sock.query(f'/ethdev/stats,{i}') for i in ports]
+ port_stats_delta = [{} for _ in ports]
+ # Setup and populate the rich layout.
+ main_layout = make_layout(ports)
+ # Render the body initially before entering the loop so the user never sees the empty layout
+ gen_body(
+ sock, args, main_layout, info_resp, eal_resp, app_resp, run_time, ports,
+ port_stats_last, port_stats_delta, through_bytes, through_pkts,
+ )
+ # Continually update the body until exiting
+ with rich_live(main_layout, refresh_per_second=10, screen=True):
+ while True:
+ gen_body(
+ sock, args, main_layout, info_resp, eal_resp, app_resp, run_time,
+ ports, port_stats_last, port_stats_delta, through_bytes,
+ through_pkts,
+ )
+ run_time += 1
+ sleep(1)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()