@@ -22,27 +22,23 @@
class InteractiveRemoteSession:
"""SSH connection dedicated to interactive applications.
- This connection is created using paramiko and is a persistent connection to the
- host. This class defines methods for connecting to the node and configures this
- connection to send "keep alive" packets every 30 seconds. Because paramiko attempts
- to use SSH keys to establish a connection first, providing a password is optional.
- This session is utilized by InteractiveShells and cannot be interacted with
- directly.
- Arguments:
- node_config: Configuration class for the node you are connecting to.
- _logger: Desired logger for this session to use.
+ The connection is created using `paramiko <https://docs.paramiko.org/en/latest/>`_
+ and is a persistent connection to the host. This class defines the methods for connecting
+ to the node and configures the connection to send "keep alive" packets every 30 seconds.
+ Because paramiko attempts to use SSH keys to establish a connection first, providing
+ a password is optional. This session is utilized by InteractiveShells
+ and cannot be interacted with directly.
- hostname: Hostname that will be used to initialize a connection to the node.
- ip: A subsection of hostname that removes the port for the connection if there
+ hostname: The hostname that will be used to initialize a connection to the node.
+ ip: A subsection of `hostname` that removes the port for the connection if there
is one. If there is no port, this will be the same as hostname.
- port: Port to use for the ssh connection. This will be extracted from the
- hostname if there is a port included, otherwise it will default to 22.
+ port: Port to use for the ssh connection. This will be extracted from `hostname`
+ if there is a port included, otherwise it will default to ``22``.
username: User to connect to the node with.
password: Password of the user connecting to the host. This will default to an
empty string if a password is not provided.
- session: Underlying paramiko connection.
+ session: The underlying paramiko connection.
SSHConnectionError: There is an error creating the SSH connection.
@@ -58,9 +54,15 @@ class InteractiveRemoteSession:
_node_config: NodeConfiguration
_transport: Transport | None
- def __init__(self, node_config: NodeConfiguration, _logger: DTSLOG) -> None:
+ def __init__(self, node_config: NodeConfiguration, logger: DTSLOG) -> None:
+ """Connect to the node during initialization.
+ Args:
+ node_config: The test run configuration of the node to connect to.
+ logger: The logger instance this session will use.
+ """
self._node_config = node_config
- self._logger = _logger
+ self._logger = logger
self.hostname = node_config.hostname
self.username = node_config.user
self.password = node_config.password if node_config.password else ""
@@ -3,18 +3,20 @@
"""Common functionality for interactive shell handling.
-This base class, InteractiveShell, is meant to be extended by other classes that
-contain functionality specific to that shell type. These derived classes will often
-modify things like the prompt to expect or the arguments to pass into the application,
-but still utilize the same method for sending a command and collecting output. How
-this output is handled however is often application specific. If an application needs
-elevated privileges to start it is expected that the method for gaining those
-privileges is provided when initializing the class.
+The base class, :class:`InteractiveShell`, is meant to be extended by subclasses that contain
+functionality specific to that shell type. These subclasses will often modify things like
+the prompt to expect or the arguments to pass into the application, but still utilize
+the same method for sending a command and collecting output. How this output is handled however
+is often application specific. If an application needs elevated privileges to start it is expected
+that the method for gaining those privileges is provided when initializing the class.
+The :option:`--timeout` command line argument and the :envvar:`DTS_TIMEOUT`
+environment variable configure the timeout of getting the output from command execution.
from abc import ABC
from pathlib import PurePath
-from typing import Callable
+from typing import Callable, ClassVar
from paramiko import Channel, SSHClient, channel # type: ignore[import]
@@ -30,28 +32,6 @@ class InteractiveShell(ABC):
and collecting input until reaching a certain prompt. All interactive applications
will use the same SSH connection, but each will create their own channel on that
- Arguments:
- interactive_session: The SSH session dedicated to interactive shells.
- logger: Logger used for displaying information in the console.
- get_privileged_command: Method for modifying a command to allow it to use
- elevated privileges. If this is None, the application will not be started
- with elevated privileges.
- app_args: Command line arguments to be passed to the application on startup.
- timeout: Timeout used for the SSH channel that is dedicated to this interactive
- shell. This timeout is for collecting output, so if reading from the buffer
- and no output is gathered within the timeout, an exception is thrown.
- Attributes
- _default_prompt: Prompt to expect at the end of output when sending a command.
- This is often overridden by derived classes.
- _command_extra_chars: Extra characters to add to the end of every command
- before sending them. This is often overridden by derived classes and is
- most commonly an additional newline character.
- path: Path to the executable to start the interactive application.
- dpdk_app: Whether this application is a DPDK app. If it is, the build
- directory for DPDK on the node will be prepended to the path to the
- executable.
_interactive_session: SSHClient
@@ -61,10 +41,22 @@ class InteractiveShell(ABC):
_logger: DTSLOG
_timeout: float
_app_args: str
- _default_prompt: str = ""
- _command_extra_chars: str = ""
- path: PurePath
- dpdk_app: bool = False
+ #: Prompt to expect at the end of output when sending a command.
+ #: This is often overridden by subclasses.
+ _default_prompt: ClassVar[str] = ""
+ #: Extra characters to add to the end of every command
+ #: before sending them. This is often overridden by subclasses and is
+ #: most commonly an additional newline character.
+ _command_extra_chars: ClassVar[str] = ""
+ #: Path to the executable to start the interactive application.
+ path: ClassVar[PurePath]
+ #: Whether this application is a DPDK app. If it is, the build directory
+ #: for DPDK on the node will be prepended to the path to the executable.
+ dpdk_app: ClassVar[bool] = False
def __init__(
@@ -74,6 +66,19 @@ def __init__(
app_args: str = "",
timeout: float = SETTINGS.timeout,
) -> None:
+ """Create an SSH channel during initialization.
+ Args:
+ interactive_session: The SSH session dedicated to interactive shells.
+ logger: The logger instance this session will use.
+ get_privileged_command: A method for modifying a command to allow it to use
+ elevated privileges. If :data:`None`, the application will not be started
+ with elevated privileges.
+ app_args: The command line arguments to be passed to the application on startup.
+ timeout: The timeout used for the SSH channel that is dedicated to this interactive
+ shell. This timeout is for collecting output, so if reading from the buffer
+ and no output is gathered within the timeout, an exception is thrown.
+ """
self._interactive_session = interactive_session
self._ssh_channel = self._interactive_session.invoke_shell()
self._stdin = self._ssh_channel.makefile_stdin("w")
@@ -90,6 +95,10 @@ def _start_application(self, get_privileged_command: Callable[[str], str] | None
This method is often overridden by subclasses as their process for
starting may look different.
+ Args:
+ get_privileged_command: A function (but could be any callable) that produces
+ the version of the command with elevated privileges.
start_command = f"{self.path} {self._app_args}"
if get_privileged_command is not None:
@@ -97,16 +106,24 @@ def _start_application(self, get_privileged_command: Callable[[str], str] | None
def send_command(self, command: str, prompt: str | None = None) -> str:
- """Send a command and get all output before the expected ending string.
+ """Send `command` and get all output before the expected ending string.
Lines that expect input are not included in the stdout buffer, so they cannot
- be used for expect. For example, if you were prompted to log into something
- with a username and password, you cannot expect "username:" because it won't
- yet be in the stdout buffer. A workaround for this could be consuming an
- extra newline character to force the current prompt into the stdout buffer.
+ be used for expect.
+ Example:
+ If you were prompted to log into something with a username and password,
+ you cannot expect ``username:`` because it won't yet be in the stdout buffer.
+ A workaround for this could be consuming an extra newline character to force
+ the current `prompt` into the stdout buffer.
+ Args:
+ command: The command to send.
+ prompt: After sending the command, `send_command` will be expecting this string.
+ If :data:`None`, will use the class's default prompt.
- All output in the buffer before expected string
+ All output in the buffer before expected string.
self._logger.info(f"Sending: '{command}'")
if prompt is None:
@@ -124,8 +141,10 @@ def send_command(self, command: str, prompt: str | None = None) -> str:
return out
def close(self) -> None:
+ """Properly free all resources."""
def __del__(self) -> None:
+ """Make sure the session is properly closed before deleting the object."""
@@ -1,12 +1,32 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2023 PANTHEON.tech s.r.o.
+"""Python interactive shell.
+Typical usage example in a TestSuite::
+ from framework.remote_session import PythonShell
+ python_shell = self.tg_node.create_interactive_shell(
+ PythonShell, timeout=5, privileged=True
+ )
+ python_shell.send_command("print('Hello World')")
+ python_shell.close()
from pathlib import PurePath
+from typing import ClassVar
from .interactive_shell import InteractiveShell
class PythonShell(InteractiveShell):
- _default_prompt: str = ">>>"
- _command_extra_chars: str = "\n"
- path: PurePath = PurePath("python3")
+ """Python interactive shell."""
+ #: Python's prompt.
+ _default_prompt: ClassVar[str] = ">>>"
+ #: This forces the prompt to appear after sending a command.
+ _command_extra_chars: ClassVar[str] = "\n"
+ #: The Python executable.
+ path: ClassVar[PurePath] = PurePath("python3")
@@ -1,41 +1,80 @@
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
# Copyright(c) 2023 University of New Hampshire
+# Copyright(c) 2023 PANTHEON.tech s.r.o.
+"""Testpmd interactive shell.
+Typical usage example in a TestSuite::
+ testpmd_shell = self.sut_node.create_interactive_shell(
+ TestPmdShell, privileged=True
+ )
+ devices = testpmd_shell.get_devices()
+ for device in devices:
+ print(device)
+ testpmd_shell.close()
from pathlib import PurePath
-from typing import Callable
+from typing import Callable, ClassVar
from .interactive_shell import InteractiveShell
class TestPmdDevice(object):
+ """The data of a device that testpmd can recognize.
+ Attributes:
+ pci_address: The PCI address of the device.
+ """
pci_address: str
def __init__(self, pci_address_line: str):
+ """Initialize the device from the testpmd output line string.
+ Args:
+ pci_address_line: A line of testpmd output that contains a device.
+ """
self.pci_address = pci_address_line.strip().split(": ")[1].strip()
def __str__(self) -> str:
+ """The PCI address captures what the device is."""
return self.pci_address
class TestPmdShell(InteractiveShell):
- path: PurePath = PurePath("app", "dpdk-testpmd")
- dpdk_app: bool = True
- _default_prompt: str = "testpmd>"
- _command_extra_chars: str = "\n" # We want to append an extra newline to every command
+ """Testpmd interactive shell.
+ The testpmd shell users should never use
+ the :meth:`~.interactive_shell.InteractiveShell.send_command` method directly, but rather
+ call specialized methods. If there isn't one that satisfies a need, it should be added.
+ """
+ #: The path to the testpmd executable.
+ path: ClassVar[PurePath] = PurePath("app", "dpdk-testpmd")
+ #: Flag this as a DPDK app so that it's clear this is not a system app and
+ #: needs to be looked in a specific path.
+ dpdk_app: ClassVar[bool] = True
+ #: The testpmd's prompt.
+ _default_prompt: ClassVar[str] = "testpmd>"
+ #: This forces the prompt to appear after sending a command.
+ _command_extra_chars: ClassVar[str] = "\n"
def _start_application(self, get_privileged_command: Callable[[str], str] | None) -> None:
- """See "_start_application" in InteractiveShell."""
self._app_args += " -- -i"
def get_devices(self) -> list[TestPmdDevice]:
- """Get a list of device names that are known to testpmd
+ """Get a list of device names that are known to testpmd.
- Uses the device info listed in testpmd and then parses the output to
- return only the names of the devices.
+ Uses the device info listed in testpmd and then parses the output.
- A list of strings representing device names (e.g. 0000:14:00.1)
+ A list of devices.
dev_info: str = self.send_command("show device info all")
dev_list: list[TestPmdDevice] = []