[v4,6/6] argparse: fix doc don't display two hyphens

Message ID 20240318111838.16991-7-fengchengwen@huawei.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted, archived
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series refine argparse library |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues
ci/loongarch-compilation success Compilation OK
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ci/github-robot: build success github build: passed
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ci/iol-mellanox-Performance success Performance Testing PASS
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Commit Message

fengchengwen March 18, 2024, 11:18 a.m. UTC
With the line in rst file:
	The single mode: "--aaa" or "-a".
corresponding line in html doc:
	The single mode: -aaa or -a.
the two hyphens (--aaa) become one (-aaa).

According to [1], this commit uses the backquote (``xxx``) to fix it.
And for consistency, use this format for all arguments.

Fixes: e3e579f5bab5 ("argparse: introduce argparse library")

[1] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51075907/display-two-dashes-in-rst-file

Signed-off-by: Chengwen Feng <fengchengwen@huawei.com>
 doc/guides/prog_guide/argparse_lib.rst | 47 +++++++++++++-------------
 lib/argparse/rte_argparse.h            |  4 +--
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)


diff --git a/doc/guides/prog_guide/argparse_lib.rst b/doc/guides/prog_guide/argparse_lib.rst
index a6ac11b1c0..f827312daa 100644
--- a/doc/guides/prog_guide/argparse_lib.rst
+++ b/doc/guides/prog_guide/argparse_lib.rst
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@  The following code demonstrates how to use:
 In this example, the arguments which start with a hyphen (-) are optional
-arguments (they're "--aaa"/"--bbb"/"--ccc"/"--ddd"/"--eee"/"--fff"); and the
-arguments which don't start with a hyphen (-) are positional arguments
-(they're "ooo"/"ppp").
+arguments (they're ``--aaa``/``--bbb``/``--ccc``/``--ddd``/``--eee``/``--fff``);
+and the arguments which don't start with a hyphen (-) are positional arguments
+(they're ``ooo``/``ppp``).
 Every argument must be set whether to carry a value (one of
@@ -106,23 +106,23 @@  User Input Requirements
 For optional arguments which take no-value,
-the following mode is supported (take above "--aaa" as an example):
+the following mode is supported (take above ``--aaa`` as an example):
-- The single mode: "--aaa" or "-a".
+- The single mode: ``--aaa`` or ``-a``.
 For optional arguments which take required-value,
-the following two modes are supported (take above "--bbb" as an example):
+the following two modes are supported (take above ``--bbb`` as an example):
-- The kv mode: "--bbb=1234" or "-b=1234".
+- The kv mode: ``--bbb=1234`` or ``-b=1234``.
-- The split mode: "--bbb 1234" or "-b 1234".
+- The split mode: ``--bbb 1234`` or ``-b 1234``.
 For optional arguments which take optional-value,
-the following two modes are supported (take above "--ccc" as an example):
+the following two modes are supported (take above ``--ccc`` as an example):
-- The single mode: "--ccc" or "-c".
+- The single mode: ``--ccc`` or ``-c``.
-- The kv mode: "--ccc=123" or "-c=123".
+- The kv mode: ``--ccc=123`` or ``-c=123``.
 For positional arguments which must take required-value,
 their values are parsing in the order defined.
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@  their values are parsing in the order defined.
 .. note::
    The compact mode is not supported.
-   Take above "-a" and "-d" as an example, don't support "-ad" input.
+   Take above ``-a`` and ``-d`` as an example, don't support ``-ad`` input.
 Parsing by autosave way
@@ -139,23 +139,23 @@  Argument of known value type (e.g. ``RTE_ARGPARSE_ARG_VALUE_INT``)
 could be parsed using this autosave way,
 and its result will save in the ``val_saver`` field.
-In the above example, the arguments "--aaa"/"--bbb"/"--ccc" and "ooo"
+In the above example, the arguments ``--aaa``/``--bbb``/``--ccc`` and ``ooo``
 both use this way, the parsing is as follows:
-- For argument "--aaa", it is configured as no-value,
+- For argument ``--aaa``, it is configured as no-value,
   so the ``aaa_val`` will be set to ``val_set`` field
   which is 100 in the above example.
-- For argument "--bbb", it is configured as required-value,
+- For argument ``--bbb``, it is configured as required-value,
   so the ``bbb_val`` will be set to user input's value
-  (e.g. will be set to 1234 with input "--bbb 1234").
+  (e.g. will be set to 1234 with input ``--bbb 1234``).
-- For argument "--ccc", it is configured as optional-value,
-  if user only input "--ccc" then the ``ccc_val`` will be set to ``val_set`` field
-  which is 200 in the above example;
-  if user input "--ccc=123", then the ``ccc_val`` will be set to 123.
+- For argument ``--ccc``, it is configured as optional-value,
+  if user only input ``--ccc`` then the ``ccc_val`` will be set to ``val_set``
+  field which is 200 in the above example;
+  if user input ``--ccc=123``, then the ``ccc_val`` will be set to 123.
-- For argument "ooo", it is positional argument,
+- For argument ``ooo``, it is positional argument,
   the ``ooo_val`` will be set to user input's value.
 Parsing by callback way
@@ -165,7 +165,8 @@  It could also choose to use callback to parse,
 just define a unique index for the argument
 and make the ``val_save`` field to be NULL also zero value-type.
-In the above example, the arguments "--ddd"/"--eee"/"--fff" and "ppp" both use this way.
+In the above example, the arguments ``--ddd``/``--eee``/``--fff`` and ``ppp``
+both use this way.
 Multiple times argument
@@ -178,7 +179,7 @@  For example:
    { "--xyz", "-x", "xyz argument", NULL, (void *)10, RTE_ARGPARSE_ARG_REQUIRED_VALUE | RTE_ARGPARSE_ARG_SUPPORT_MULTI },
-Then the user input could contain multiple "--xyz" arguments.
+Then the user input could contain multiple ``--xyz`` arguments.
 .. note::
diff --git a/lib/argparse/rte_argparse.h b/lib/argparse/rte_argparse.h
index 98ad9971ea..b6b016e388 100644
--- a/lib/argparse/rte_argparse.h
+++ b/lib/argparse/rte_argparse.h
@@ -83,8 +83,8 @@  extern "C" {
 struct rte_argparse_arg {
 	 * Long name of the argument:
-	 * 1) If the argument is optional, it must start with '--'.
-	 * 2) If the argument is positional, it must not start with '-'.
+	 * 1) If the argument is optional, it must start with ``--``.
+	 * 2) If the argument is positional, it must not start with ``-``.
 	 * 3) Other case will be considered as error.
 	const char *name_long;