[RFC,v7,6/6] eal: add unit tests for atomic bit access functions

Message ID 20240505083737.118649-7-mattias.ronnblom@ericsson.com (mailing list archive)
State New
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series Improve EAL bit operations API |


Context Check Description
ci/loongarch-compilation success Compilation OK
ci/loongarch-unit-testing success Unit Testing PASS
ci/Intel-compilation fail Compilation issues
ci/intel-Testing success Testing PASS
ci/intel-Functional success Functional PASS
ci/github-robot: build fail github build: failed
ci/iol-abi-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-intel-Performance success Performance Testing PASS
ci/iol-compile-amd64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-sample-apps-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-unit-amd64-testing fail Testing issues
ci/iol-unit-arm64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-compile-arm64-testing success Testing PASS
ci/iol-broadcom-Performance success Performance Testing PASS
ci/iol-intel-Functional success Functional Testing PASS
ci/iol-broadcom-Functional success Functional Testing PASS
ci/iol-mellanox-Performance success Performance Testing PASS
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues

Commit Message

Mattias Rönnblom May 5, 2024, 8:37 a.m. UTC
  Extend bitops tests to cover the rte_bit_atomic_*() family of

RFC v4:
 * Add atomicity test for atomic bit flip.

RFC v3:
 * Rename variable 'main' to make ICC happy.

Signed-off-by: Mattias Rönnblom <mattias.ronnblom@ericsson.com>
Acked-by: Morten Brørup <mb@smartsharesystems.com>
Acked-by: Tyler Retzlaff <roretzla@linux.microsoft.com>
 app/test/test_bitops.c | 315 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 314 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)


diff --git a/app/test/test_bitops.c b/app/test/test_bitops.c
index 9bffc4da14..c86d7e1f77 100644
--- a/app/test/test_bitops.c
+++ b/app/test/test_bitops.c
@@ -3,10 +3,13 @@ 
  * Copyright(c) 2024 Ericsson AB
+#include <inttypes.h>
 #include <stdbool.h>
-#include <rte_launch.h>
 #include <rte_bitops.h>
+#include <rte_cycles.h>
+#include <rte_launch.h>
+#include <rte_lcore.h>
 #include <rte_random.h>
 #include "test.h"
@@ -69,6 +72,304 @@  GEN_TEST_BIT_ACCESS(test_bit_once_access64, rte_bit_once_set,
 		    rte_bit_once_clear, rte_bit_once_assign,
 		    rte_bit_once_flip, rte_bit_once_test, 64)
+#define bit_atomic_set(addr, nr)				\
+	rte_bit_atomic_set(addr, nr, rte_memory_order_relaxed)
+#define bit_atomic_clear(addr, nr)					\
+	rte_bit_atomic_clear(addr, nr, rte_memory_order_relaxed)
+#define bit_atomic_assign(addr, nr, value)				\
+	rte_bit_atomic_assign(addr, nr, value, rte_memory_order_relaxed)
+#define bit_atomic_flip(addr, nr)					\
+    rte_bit_atomic_flip(addr, nr, rte_memory_order_relaxed)
+#define bit_atomic_test(addr, nr)				\
+	rte_bit_atomic_test(addr, nr, rte_memory_order_relaxed)
+GEN_TEST_BIT_ACCESS(test_bit_atomic_access32, bit_atomic_set,
+		    bit_atomic_clear, bit_atomic_assign,
+		    bit_atomic_flip, bit_atomic_test, 32)
+GEN_TEST_BIT_ACCESS(test_bit_atomic_access64, bit_atomic_set,
+		    bit_atomic_clear, bit_atomic_assign,
+		    bit_atomic_flip, bit_atomic_test, 64)
+#define GEN_TEST_BIT_PARALLEL_ASSIGN(size)				\
+									\
+	struct parallel_access_lcore ## size				\
+	{								\
+		unsigned int bit;					\
+		uint ## size ##_t *word;				\
+		bool failed;						\
+	};								\
+									\
+	static int							\
+	run_parallel_assign ## size(void *arg)				\
+	{								\
+		struct parallel_access_lcore ## size *lcore = arg;	\
+		uint64_t deadline = rte_get_timer_cycles() +		\
+			PARALLEL_TEST_RUNTIME * rte_get_timer_hz();	\
+		bool value = false;					\
+									\
+		do {							\
+			bool new_value = rte_rand() & 1;		\
+			bool use_test_and_modify = rte_rand() & 1;	\
+			bool use_assign = rte_rand() & 1;		\
+									\
+			if (rte_bit_atomic_test(lcore->word, lcore->bit, \
+						rte_memory_order_relaxed) != value) { \
+				lcore->failed = true;			\
+				break;					\
+			}						\
+									\
+			if (use_test_and_modify) {			\
+				bool old_value;				\
+				if (use_assign) 			\
+					old_value = rte_bit_atomic_test_and_assign( \
+						lcore->word, lcore->bit, new_value, \
+						rte_memory_order_relaxed); \
+				else {					\
+					old_value = new_value ?		\
+						rte_bit_atomic_test_and_set( \
+							lcore->word, lcore->bit, \
+							rte_memory_order_relaxed) : \
+						rte_bit_atomic_test_and_clear( \
+							lcore->word, lcore->bit, \
+							rte_memory_order_relaxed); \
+				}					\
+				if (old_value != value) {		\
+					lcore->failed = true;		\
+					break;				\
+				}					\
+			} else {					\
+				if (use_assign)				\
+					rte_bit_atomic_assign(lcore->word, lcore->bit, \
+							      new_value, \
+							      rte_memory_order_relaxed); \
+				else {					\
+					if (new_value)			\
+						rte_bit_atomic_set(	\
+							lcore->word, lcore->bit, \
+							rte_memory_order_relaxed); \
+					else				\
+						rte_bit_atomic_clear(	\
+							lcore->word, lcore->bit, \
+							rte_memory_order_relaxed); \
+				}					\
+			}						\
+									\
+			value = new_value;				\
+		} while (rte_get_timer_cycles() < deadline);		\
+									\
+		return 0;						\
+	}								\
+									\
+	static int							\
+	test_bit_atomic_parallel_assign ## size(void)			\
+	{								\
+		unsigned int worker_lcore_id;				\
+		uint ## size ## _t word = 0;				\
+		struct parallel_access_lcore ## size lmain = {		\
+			.word = &word					\
+		};							\
+		struct parallel_access_lcore ## size lworker = {	\
+			.word = &word					\
+		};							\
+									\
+		if (rte_lcore_count() < 2) {				\
+			printf("Need multiple cores to run parallel test.\n"); \
+			return TEST_SKIPPED;				\
+		}							\
+									\
+		worker_lcore_id = rte_get_next_lcore(-1, 1, 0);		\
+									\
+		lmain.bit = rte_rand_max(size);				\
+		do {							\
+			lworker.bit = rte_rand_max(size);		\
+		} while (lworker.bit == lmain.bit);			\
+									\
+		int rc = rte_eal_remote_launch(run_parallel_assign ## size, \
+					       &lworker, worker_lcore_id); \
+		TEST_ASSERT(rc == 0, "Worker thread launch failed");	\
+									\
+		run_parallel_assign ## size(&lmain);			\
+									\
+		rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore();				\
+									\
+		TEST_ASSERT(!lmain.failed, "Main lcore atomic access failed"); \
+		TEST_ASSERT(!lworker.failed, "Worker lcore atomic access " \
+			    "failed");					\
+									\
+		return TEST_SUCCESS;					\
+	}
+									\
+	struct parallel_test_and_set_lcore ## size			\
+	{								\
+		uint ## size ##_t *word;				\
+		unsigned int bit;					\
+		uint64_t flips;						\
+	};								\
+									\
+	static int							\
+	run_parallel_test_and_modify ## size(void *arg)		\
+	{								\
+		struct parallel_test_and_set_lcore ## size *lcore = arg; \
+		uint64_t deadline = rte_get_timer_cycles() +		\
+			PARALLEL_TEST_RUNTIME * rte_get_timer_hz();	\
+		do {							\
+			bool old_value;					\
+			bool new_value = rte_rand() & 1;		\
+			bool use_assign = rte_rand() & 1;		\
+									\
+			if (use_assign)					\
+				old_value = rte_bit_atomic_test_and_assign( \
+					lcore->word, lcore->bit, new_value, \
+					rte_memory_order_relaxed);	\
+			else						\
+				old_value = new_value ?			\
+					rte_bit_atomic_test_and_set(	\
+						lcore->word, lcore->bit, \
+						rte_memory_order_relaxed) : \
+					rte_bit_atomic_test_and_clear(	\
+						lcore->word, lcore->bit, \
+						rte_memory_order_relaxed); \
+			if (old_value != new_value)			\
+				lcore->flips++;				\
+		} while (rte_get_timer_cycles() < deadline);		\
+									\
+		return 0;						\
+	}								\
+									\
+	static int							\
+	test_bit_atomic_parallel_test_and_modify ## size(void)		\
+	{								\
+		unsigned int worker_lcore_id;				\
+		uint ## size ## _t word = 0;				\
+		unsigned int bit = rte_rand_max(size);			\
+		struct parallel_test_and_set_lcore ## size lmain = {	\
+			.word = &word,					\
+			.bit = bit					\
+		};							\
+		struct parallel_test_and_set_lcore ## size lworker = {	\
+			.word = &word,					\
+			.bit = bit					\
+		};							\
+									\
+		if (rte_lcore_count() < 2) {				\
+			printf("Need multiple cores to run parallel test.\n"); \
+			return TEST_SKIPPED;				\
+		}							\
+									\
+		worker_lcore_id = rte_get_next_lcore(-1, 1, 0);		\
+									\
+		int rc = rte_eal_remote_launch(run_parallel_test_and_modify ## size, \
+					       &lworker, worker_lcore_id); \
+		TEST_ASSERT(rc == 0, "Worker thread launch failed");	\
+									\
+		run_parallel_test_and_modify ## size(&lmain);		\
+									\
+		rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore();				\
+									\
+		uint64_t total_flips = lmain.flips + lworker.flips;	\
+		bool expected_value = total_flips % 2;			\
+									\
+		TEST_ASSERT(expected_value == rte_bit_test(&word, bit), \
+			    "After %"PRId64" flips, the bit value "	\
+			    "should be %d", total_flips, expected_value); \
+									\
+		uint64_t expected_word = 0;				\
+		rte_bit_assign(&expected_word, bit, expected_value);	\
+									\
+		TEST_ASSERT(expected_word == word, "Untouched bits have " \
+			    "changed value");				\
+									\
+		return TEST_SUCCESS;					\
+	}
+#define GEN_TEST_BIT_PARALLEL_FLIP(size)				\
+									\
+	struct parallel_flip_lcore ## size				\
+	{								\
+		uint ## size ##_t *word;				\
+		unsigned int bit;					\
+		uint64_t flips;						\
+	};								\
+									\
+	static int							\
+	run_parallel_flip ## size(void *arg)				\
+	{								\
+		struct parallel_flip_lcore ## size *lcore = arg; \
+		uint64_t deadline = rte_get_timer_cycles() +		\
+			PARALLEL_TEST_RUNTIME * rte_get_timer_hz();	\
+		do {							\
+			rte_bit_atomic_flip(lcore->word, lcore->bit,	\
+					    rte_memory_order_relaxed);	\
+			lcore->flips++;					\
+		} while (rte_get_timer_cycles() < deadline);		\
+									\
+		return 0;						\
+	}								\
+									\
+	static int							\
+	test_bit_atomic_parallel_flip ## size(void)			\
+	{								\
+		unsigned int worker_lcore_id;				\
+		uint ## size ## _t word = 0;				\
+		unsigned int bit = rte_rand_max(size);			\
+		struct parallel_flip_lcore ## size lmain = {		\
+			.word = &word,					\
+			.bit = bit					\
+		};							\
+		struct parallel_flip_lcore ## size lworker = {		\
+			.word = &word,					\
+			.bit = bit					\
+		};							\
+									\
+		if (rte_lcore_count() < 2) {				\
+			printf("Need multiple cores to run parallel test.\n"); \
+			return TEST_SKIPPED;				\
+		}							\
+									\
+		worker_lcore_id = rte_get_next_lcore(-1, 1, 0);		\
+									\
+		int rc = rte_eal_remote_launch(run_parallel_flip ## size, \
+					       &lworker, worker_lcore_id); \
+		TEST_ASSERT(rc == 0, "Worker thread launch failed");	\
+									\
+		run_parallel_flip ## size(&lmain);			\
+									\
+		rte_eal_mp_wait_lcore();				\
+									\
+		uint64_t total_flips = lmain.flips + lworker.flips;	\
+		bool expected_value = total_flips % 2;			\
+									\
+		TEST_ASSERT(expected_value == rte_bit_test(&word, bit), \
+			    "After %"PRId64" flips, the bit value "	\
+			    "should be %d", total_flips, expected_value); \
+									\
+		uint64_t expected_word = 0;				\
+		rte_bit_assign(&expected_word, bit, expected_value);	\
+									\
+		TEST_ASSERT(expected_word == word, "Untouched bits have " \
+			    "changed value");				\
+									\
+		return TEST_SUCCESS;					\
+	}
 static uint32_t val32;
 static uint64_t val64;
@@ -187,6 +488,18 @@  static struct unit_test_suite test_suite = {
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_access32),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_access64),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_once_access32),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_once_access64),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_atomic_access32),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_atomic_access64),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_atomic_parallel_assign32),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_atomic_parallel_assign64),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_atomic_parallel_test_and_modify32),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_atomic_parallel_test_and_modify64),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_atomic_parallel_flip32),
+		TEST_CASE(test_bit_atomic_parallel_flip64),