[v1] framework/project_dpdk: fix pylama errors
Commit Message
Pylama found the following errors:
framework/project_dpdk.py:292: [E] E1101 Instance of 'DPDKdut' has no 'host_dut' member [pylint]
framework/project_dpdk.py:293: [E] E1101 Instance of 'DPDKdut' has no 'host_dut' member [pylint]
framework/project_dpdk.py:294: [E] E1101 Instance of 'DPDKdut' has no 'host_dut' member [pylint]
framework/project_dpdk.py:421: [E] E1101 Instance of 'DPDKdut' has no 'host_dut' member [pylint]
Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech>
Lijuan, please add additional people to review if needed.
framework/project_dpdk.py | 11 +----------
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 10 deletions(-)
@@ -286,15 +286,6 @@ class DPDKdut(Dut):
shared_lib_path = load_global_setting(HOST_SHARED_LIB_PATH)
if use_shared_lib == 'true' and 'Virt' not in str(self):
self.set_build_options({'RTE_BUILD_SHARED_LIB': 'y'})
- kernel_driver = ''
- nic_name = ''
- if 'Virt' in str(self):
- if self.host_dut.nic:
- kernel_driver = self.host_dut.nic.default_driver
- nic_name = self.host_dut.nic.name
- elif self.nic:
- kernel_driver = self.nic.default_driver
- nic_name = self.nic.name
build_type = load_global_setting(HOST_BUILD_TYPE_SETTING)
build_install_dpdk = getattr(self, 'build_install_dpdk_%s_%s' % (self.get_os_type(), build_type))
@@ -418,7 +409,7 @@ class DPDKdut(Dut):
"--snapshot when run dts")
# if ':' in session, this is vm dut, use the dut session
if ':' in self.session.name:
- session_info = self.host_dut.alt_session
+ session_info = self.crb.alt_session
session_info = self.alt_session
out = session_info.send_expect('ls -F %s' % self.package, '# ')