[V1,3/7] framework/packet: update packet module for saving sending packet time

Message ID 20200908032645.11852-4-qimaix.xiao@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Series update packet related modules |

Commit Message

Xiao, QimaiX Sept. 8, 2020, 3:26 a.m. UTC
Signed-off-by: Xiao Qimai <qimaix.xiao@intel.com>
 framework/packet.py | 159 +++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 83 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)


diff --git a/framework/packet.py b/framework/packet.py
index 603840b4..6a306cba 100644
--- a/framework/packet.py
+++ b/framework/packet.py
@@ -34,35 +34,54 @@  Base on scapy(python program for packet manipulation)
 from socket import AF_INET6
+from importlib import import_module
 from scapy.all import *
-from scapy.layers.sctp import SCTP, SCTPChunkData
 # load extension layers
 exec_file = os.path.realpath(__file__)
 DTS_PATH = exec_file.replace('/framework/packet.py', '')
 # exec_file might be .pyc file, if so, remove 'c'.
 TMP_PATH = DTS_PATH[:-1] + '/output/tmp/pcap/' if exec_file.endswith('.pyc') else DTS_PATH + '/output/tmp/pcap/'
 if not os.path.exists(TMP_PATH):
     os.system('mkdir -p %s' % TMP_PATH)
-from vxlan import VXLAN
-from nvgre import NVGRE, IPPROTO_NVGRE
-from scapy.contrib.gtp import *
-from lldp import LLDP, LLDPManagementAddress
-from Dot1BR import Dot1BR
-from nsh import NSH
-from mpls import MPLS
-from igmp import IGMP
-from pfcp import PFCP
+sys.path.append(DEP_FOLDER + '/scapy_modules')
 from utils import convert_ip2int
 from utils import convert_int2ip
-# for saving command history
-from utils import get_backtrace_object
+scapy_modules_required = {'nvgre': ['NVGRE', 'IPPROTO_NVGRE'],
+                          'gtp': ['GTP_U_Header', 'GTP_PDUSession_ExtensionHeader'],
+                          'lldp': ['LLDP', 'LLDPManagementAddress'], 'Dot1BR': ['Dot1BR'], 'pfcp': ['PFCP'],
+                          'nsh': ['NSH'], 'igmp': ['IGMP'], 'mpls': ['MPLS'], 'sctp': ['SCTP', 'SCTPChunkData'], 'vxlan': ['VXLAN']}
+local_modules = [m[:-3] for m in os.listdir(DEP_FOLDER + '/scapy_modules') if (m.endswith('.py') and not m.startswith('__'))]
+for m in scapy_modules_required:
+    if m in local_modules:
+        module = import_module(m)
+        for clazz in scapy_modules_required[m]:
+            locals().update({clazz: getattr(module, clazz)})
+    else:
+        if m == 'sctp':
+            module = import_module(f'scapy.layers.{m}')
+            for clazz in scapy_modules_required[m]:
+                locals().update({clazz: getattr(module, clazz)})
+        else:
+            module = import_module(f'scapy.contrib.{m}')
+            for clazz in scapy_modules_required[m]:
+                locals().update({clazz: getattr(module, clazz)})
+def get_scapy_module_impcmd():
+    cmd_li = list()
+    for m in scapy_modules_required:
+        if m in local_modules:
+            cmd_li.append(f'from {m} import {",".join(scapy_modules_required[m])}')
+        else:
+            cmd_li.append(f'from scapy.contirb.{m} import {",".join(scapy_modules_required[m])}')
+    return ';'.join(cmd_li)
+SCAPY_IMP_CMD = get_scapy_module_impcmd()
 # packet generator type should be configured later
 PACKETGEN = "scapy"
@@ -139,7 +158,7 @@  class scapy(object):
     def __init__(self):
         self.pkt = None
-        self.pkts = []
+        self.pkts = list()
     def append_pkts(self):
@@ -329,7 +348,7 @@  class scapy(object):
         pkt_layer.vni = vni
     def nsh(self, pkt_layer, ver=0, oam=0, critical=0, reserved=0, len=0, mdtype=1, nextproto=3,
-            nsp=0x0, nsi=1, npc= 0x0, nsc= 0x0, spc= 0x0, ssc= 0x0):
+            nsp=0x0, nsi=1, npc=0x0, nsc=0x0, spc=0x0, ssc=0x0):
         pkt_layer.Ver = ver
         pkt_layer.OAM = oam
         pkt_layer.Critical = critical
@@ -354,7 +373,6 @@  class scapy(object):
 class Packet(object):
     Module for config/create packet
     Based on scapy module
@@ -469,8 +487,7 @@  class Packet(object):
         layer_li = [re.sub('\(.*?\)', '', i) for i in scapy_str.split('/')]
         self.pkt_type = '_'.join(layer_li)
-        pkt = eval(scapy_str)
-        self.pktgen.assign_pkt(pkt)
+        self.pktgen.assign_pkt(scapy_str)
     def append_pkt(self, args=None, **kwargs):
@@ -641,67 +658,58 @@  class Packet(object):
         return p
-    def _send_pkt(self, crb, tx_port='', count=1, send_bg=False, loop=0, inter=0, timeout=15):
+    def send_pkt_bg_with_pcapfile(self, crb, tx_port='', count=1, loop=0, inter=0):
+        send packet background with a pcap file, got an advantage in sending a large number of packets
         :param crb: session or crb object
         :param tx_port: ether to send packet
         :param count: send times
-        :param send_bg: send packet background
         :param loop: send packet in a loop
-        :param inter: interval time
-        :return: None
+        :param inter: interval time per packet
+        :return: send session
-        # save pkts to local pcap file, then copy to remote tester tmp directory
-        time_stamp = str(time.time())
-        pcap_file = 'scapy_{}.pcap'.format(tx_port) + time_stamp
-        self.save_pcapfile(crb, pcap_file)
-        scapy_cmd = 'scapy_{}.cmd'.format(tx_port) + time_stamp
-        cmd_str = 'from scapy.all import *\np=rdpcap("%s")\nprint("packet ready for sending...")\nfor i in p:\n\tprint(i.command())\nsendp(p, iface="%s", count=%d, loop=%d, inter=%0.3f,  verbose=False)' % (
-            crb.tmp_file + pcap_file, tx_port, count, loop, inter)
-        # write send cmd file to local tmp directory then copy to remote tester tmp folder
-        with open(TMP_PATH + scapy_cmd, 'w') as f:
-            f.write(cmd_str)
-        crb.session.copy_file_to(TMP_PATH + scapy_cmd, crb.tmp_file)
-        if send_bg:  # if send_bg create a new session to execute send action
-            session_prefix = 'scapy_bg_session'
-            scapy_session = crb.create_session(session_prefix + time_stamp)
-            scapy_session.send_command('python3 %s' % crb.tmp_file + scapy_cmd)
+        if crb.name != 'tester':
+            raise Exception('crb should be tester')
+        wrpcap('_', self.pktgen.pkts)
+        file_path = '/tmp/%s.pcap' % tx_port
+        scapy_session_bg = crb.prepare_scapy_env()
+        scapy_session_bg.copy_file_to('_', file_path)
+        scapy_session_bg.send_expect('pkts = rdpcap("%s")' % file_path, '>>> ')
+        scapy_session_bg.send_command('sendp(pkts, iface="%s",count=%s,loop=%s,inter=%s)' % (tx_port, count, loop, inter))
+        return scapy_session_bg
+    def _recompose_pkts_str(self, pkts_str):
+        method_pattern = re.compile('<.+?>')
+        method_li = method_pattern.findall(pkts_str)
+        for i in method_li:
+            pkts_str = method_pattern.sub(i.strip('<>')+'()', pkts_str, count=1)
+        return pkts_str
+    def send_pkt(self, crb, tx_port='', count=1, interval=0, timeout=120):
+        p_str = '[' + ','.join([p.command() if not isinstance(p, str) else p for p in self.pktgen.pkts]) + ']'
+        pkts_str = self._recompose_pkts_str(pkts_str=p_str)
+        cmd = 'sendp(' + pkts_str + f',iface="{tx_port}",count={count},inter={interval},verbose=False)'
+        if crb.name == 'tester':
+            crb.scapy_session.send_expect(cmd, '>>> ', timeout=timeout)
+        elif crb.name.startswith("tester_scapy"):
+            crb.send_expect(cmd, '>>> ', timeout=timeout)
-            crb.send_expect('python3 %s' % crb.tmp_file + scapy_cmd, '# ', timeout=timeout)
-        return crb.tmp_file + scapy_cmd
-    def send_pkt(self, crb, tx_port='', count=1, interval=0, timeout=15):
-        self._send_pkt(crb, tx_port, count, inter=interval, timeout=timeout)
-    def send_pkt_bg(self, crb, tx_port='', count=-1, loop=1, interval=0, timeout=3):
-        return self._send_pkt(crb, tx_port=tx_port, count=count, send_bg=True, loop=loop, inter=interval,
-                              timeout=timeout)
-    def stop_send_pkt_bg(self, crb, filenames):
+            raise Exception("crb should be tester\'s session and initialized")
+    def send_pkt_bg(self, crb, tx_port='', count=-1, interval=0, loop=1):
+        if crb.name != 'tester':
+            raise Exception('crb should be tester')
+        scapy_session_bg = crb.prepare_scapy_env()
+        p_str = '[' + ','.join([p.command() if not isinstance(p, str) else p for p in self.pktgen.pkts]) + ']'
+        pkts_str = self._recompose_pkts_str(pkts_str=p_str)
+        cmd = 'sendp(' + pkts_str + f',iface="{tx_port}",count={count},inter={interval},loop={loop},verbose=False)'
+        scapy_session_bg.send_command(cmd)
+        return scapy_session_bg
+    @staticmethod
+    def stop_send_pkt_bg(session):
         # stop sending action
-        pids = []
-        if isinstance(filenames, list):
-            for file in filenames:
-                out = crb.send_expect('ps -ef |grep %s|grep -v grep' % file, expected='# ')
-                try:
-                    pids.append(re.search('\d+', out).group())
-                except AttributeError as e:
-                    print((e, ' :%s not killed' % file))
-        else:
-            out = crb.send_expect('ps -ef |grep %s|grep -v grep' % filenames, expected='# ')
-            try:
-                pids.append(re.search('\d+', out).group())
-            except AttributeError as e:
-                print((e, ' :%s not killed' % filenames))
-        pid = ' '.join(pids)
-        if pid:
-            crb.send_expect('kill -9 %s' % pid, expected='# ')
-        for i in crb.sessions:
-            if i.name.startswith('scapy_bg_session'):
-                crb.destroy_session(i)
+        session.send_expect('^C', '>>> ')
     def check_layer_config(self):
@@ -835,7 +843,8 @@  class Packet(object):
         if 'inner' in layer:
             layer = layer[6:]
+        if isinstance(self.pktgen.pkt, str):
+            raise Exception('string type packet not support config layer')
         pkt_layer = self.pktgen.pkt.getlayer(idx)
         layer_conf = getattr(self.pktgen, layer)
         setattr(self, 'configured_layer_%s' % layer, True)
@@ -1081,10 +1090,8 @@  def strip_pktload(pkt=None, layer="L2", p_index=0):
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     pkt = Packet('Ether(type=0x894f)/NSH(Len=0x6,NextProto=0x0,NSP=0x000002,NSI=0xff)')
     sendp(pkt, iface='lo')
-    pkt.config_layer('ipv4', {'dst': ''})
     pkt.append_pkt(pkt_type='IPv6_TCP', pkt_len=100)
     pkt.append_pkt(pkt_type='TCP', pkt_len=100)
     pkt.config_layer('tcp', config={'flags': 'A'})