
[V1,0/3] vf_l3fwd_kernelpf and vf_l3fwd support columbiaville_25gx2

Message ID 20201125113955.32880-1-weix.ling@intel.com (mailing list archive)


Ling, WeiX Nov. 25, 2020, 11:39 a.m. UTC
vf_l3fwd_kernelpf and vf_l3fwd support columbiaville_25gx2

lingwei (3):
  conf/vf_l3fwd.cfg: support columbiaville_25gx2 columbiaville_25g
    columbiaville_100g and modify fortville25g to fortville_25g
  tests/vf_l3fwd_kernelpf: support columbiaville_25gx2
  tests/l3fwd_base: support columbiaville_25gx2 and set-ice-16bytes when
    build dpdk

 conf/vf_l3fwd.cfg                    |  2 +-
 tests/TestSuite_vf_l3fwd_kernelpf.py |  3 ++-
 tests/l3fwd_base.py                  | 22 ++++++++--------------
 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)