new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,1247 @@
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ Copyright(c) 2022 Intel Corporation
+ICE PF Enable Buffer Split
+Protocol based buffer split consists of splitting a received packet into two separate regions based on the packet content.
+It is useful in some scenarios, such as GPU acceleration. The splitting will help to enable true zero copy and hence
+improve the performance significantly.
+It supports protocol split based on current buffer split. When Rx queue is
+configured with RTE_ETH_RX_OFFLOAD_BUFFER_SPLIT offload and corresponding protocol,
+packets received will be directly split into two different mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content.
+For validation, we will focus on:
+1. Configuration of protocol based buffer split is applied.
+Setup buffer split:
+Per port: testpmd>port config 0 rx_offload buffer_split on
+Per queue: testpmd>port 0 rxq 0 rx_offload buffer_split on
+Set the protocol type of buffer split:
+testpmd>set rxhdrs (eth|ipv4|ipv6|ipv4-tcp|ipv6-tcp|ipv4-udp|ipv6-udp|
+2. Packets received in ice scalar path(--force-max-simd-bitwidth=64) can be devided into
+two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content specified by protocol type.
+.. note::
+ Currently, it supports 6 kinds segmentation of buffer split:
+ * Outer mac: set rxhdrs eth
+ * Inner mac: set rxhdrs inner-eth
+ * Inner l3: set rxhdrs ipv4|ipv6|inner-ipv4|inner-ipv6
+ * Inner l4: set rxhdrs ipv4-udp|ipv4-tcp|ipv6-udp|ipv6-tcp|inner-ipv4-udp|inner-ipv4-tcp|inner-ipv6-udp|inner-ipv6-tcp
+ * Inner sctp: set rxhdrs ipv4-sctp|ipv6-sctp|inner-ipv4-sctp|inner-ipv6-sctp
+ * Tunnel: set rxhdrs grenat
+DUT port 0 <----> Tester port 0
+Supported NICs: IntelĀ® Ethernet 800 Series E810-XXVDA4/E810-CQ
+runtime command:
+General Set Up
+1. Compile DPDK with '-Dc_args='-DRTE_ETHDEV_DEBUG_RX=1' to dump segment data::
+ # CC=gcc meson --werror -Denable_kmods=True -Dlibdir=lib -Dc_args='-DRTE_ETHDEV_DEBUG_RX=1' --default-library=static <dpdk build dir>
+ # ninja -C <dpdk build dir> -j 110
+2. Get the pci device id and interface of DUT and tester.
+ For example, 0000:3b:00.0 and 0000:3b:00.1 is pci device id,
+ ens785f0 and ens785f1 is interface::
+ <dpdk dir># ./usertools/ -s
+ 0000:3b:00.0 'Device 159b' if=ens785f0 drv=ice unused=vfio-pci
+ 0000:3b:00.1 'Device 159b' if=ens785f1 drv=ice unused=vfio-pci
+3. Bind the DUT port to dpdk::
+ <dpdk dir># ./usertools/ -b vfio-pci <DUT port pci device id>
+Test Case
+The test case verifies the buffer split of 6 packets:
+Common Steps
+1.port stop all
+2.port config 0 rx_offload buffer_split on port 0 rx_offload configuration
+4.port config 0 udp_tunnel_port add vxlan 4789
+5.set rxhdrs eth config rxhdrs
+7.port start all
+Launch two ports testpmd, configure port 0 buffer split on outer mac, send matched packets to port 0 and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the outer mac.
+Test Steps
+1. Launch two ports testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 -a 3b:00.1 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048
+2. Execute common steps to configure port 0 buffer split on outer mac.
+3. Send matched packets to port 0.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=50.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_IPV6_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=90.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_UDP_VXLAN_MAC_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with har_len=14 and pay_len=80.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_UDP_VXLAN_IPV6_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=126.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_MAC_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=68.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_IPV6_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=94.
+4. Send matched packets to port 1::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+Launch two ports testpmd, configure port 0 buffer split on inner mac, send matched packets to port 0 and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner mac.
+Test Steps
+1. Launch two ports testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 -a 3b:00.1 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048
+2. Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-eth
+ Execute common steps to configure port 0 buffer split on inner mac.
+3. Send matched packets to port 0.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=50.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_IPV6_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=90.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_UDP_VXLAN_MAC_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=64 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_UDP_VXLAN_IPV6_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=126.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_MAC_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=52 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_GRE_IPV6_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=114.
+4. Send matched packets to port 1::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+Launch two ports testpmd, configure port 0 buffer split on inner l3, send matched packets to port 0 and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner l3.
+Whether configure buffer split on ipv4 or ipv6, packets are split at inner ipv4 or inner ipv6.
+Subcase 1: buffer split ipv4
+Test Steps
+1. Launch two ports testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 -a 3b:00.1 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048
+2. Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv4
+ Execute common steps to configure port 0 buffer split on inner l3.
+3. Send matched packets to port 0.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=34 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_IPV4_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=74 and pay_len=30.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=104 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_UDP_VXLAN_IPV4_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=90 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_MAC_IPV6_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=92 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_GRE_IPV4_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=78 and pay_len=30.
+4. Send matched packets to port 1::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+Subcase 2: buffer split ipv6
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv6
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner l3.
+Subcase 3: buffer split inner-ipv4
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv4
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner l3.
+Subcase 4: buffer split inner-ipv6
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv6
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner l3.
+Launch two ports testpmd, configure port 0 buffer split on inner udp/tcp, send matched packets to port 0 and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp/tcp.
+Whether configure buffer split on udp or tcp, packets are split at inner udp or inner tcp.
+Subcase 1: buffer split ipv4-udp
+Test Steps
+1. Launch two ports testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 -a 3b:00.1 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048
+2. Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv4-udp
+ Execute common steps to configure port 0 buffer split on inner udp/tcp.
+3. Send matched packets to port 0.
+ #UDP packets
+ Send MAC_IPV4_UDP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=42 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_IPV6_UDP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IPv6()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=82 and pay_len=30.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=92 and pay_len=30.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=118 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_GRE_MAC_IPV4_UDP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=100 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_IPV6_UDP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/IPv6()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=86 and pay_len=30.
+ #TCP packets
+ Send MAC_IPV6_TCP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=74 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_IPV4_TCP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/IP()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=94 and pay_len=30.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IPv6()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=144 and pay_len=30.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IP()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=90 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_MAC_IPV6_TCP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IPv6()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=112 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_GRE_IPV4_TCP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/IP()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=98 and pay_len=30.
+4. Send mismatched packet to port 0::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and hdr_len=0.
+5. Send matched packets to port 1::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IPv6()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/IPv6()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/IP()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IPv6()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IP()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IPv6()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/IP()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+Subcase 2: buffer split ipv6-udp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv6-udp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp/tcp.
+Subcase 3: buffer split ipv4-tcp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv4-tcp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp/tcp.
+Subcase 4: buffer split ipv6-tcp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv6-tcp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp/tcp.
+Subcase 5: buffer split inner-ipv4-udp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv4-udp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp/tcp.
+Subcase 6: buffer split inner-ipv6-udp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv6-udp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp/tcp.
+Subcase 7: buffer split inner-ipv4-tcp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv4-tcp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp/tcp.
+Subcase 8: buffer split inner-ipv6-tcp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv6-tcp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp/tcp.
+Launch two ports testpmd, configure port 0 buffer split on inner sctp, send matched packets to port 0 and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner sctp.
+Subcase 1: buffer split ipv4-sctp
+Test Steps
+1. Launch two ports testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 -a 3b:00.1 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048
+2. Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv4-sctp
+ Execute common steps to configure port 0 buffer split on inner sctp.
+3. Send matched packets to port 0.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_SCTP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=46 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_IPV6_SCTP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IPv6()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=86 and pay_len=30.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=96 and pay_len=30.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=122 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_GRE_MAC_IPV4_SCTP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=104 and pay_len=30.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_IPV6_SCTP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/IPv6()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=90 and pay_len=30.
+4. Send mismatched packet to port 0.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=0 and pay_len=64.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_MAC_IPV4_UDP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=0 and pay_len=110.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_MAC_IPV4_TCP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=0 and pay_len=122.
+5. Send matched packets to port 1::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IPv6()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/IPv6()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+Subcase 2: buffer split ipv6-sctp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv6-sctp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner sctp.
+Subcase 3: buffer split inner-ipv4-sctp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv4-sctp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner sctp.
+Subcase 4: buffer split inner-ipv6-sctp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv6-sctp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner sctp.
+Launch two ports testpmd, configure port 0 buffer split on tunnel, send matched packets to port 0 and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the tunnel.
+Test Steps
+1. Launch two ports testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 -a 3b:00.1 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048
+2. Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs grenat
+ Execute common steps to configure port 0 buffer split on tunnel.
+3. Send matched packets to port 0.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_IPV4_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=34 and pay_len=50.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_IPV6_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=54 and pay_len=70.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=50 and pay_len=72.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=70 and pay_len=90.
+ Send MAC_IPV4_GRE_MAC_IPV6_SCTP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IPv6()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=38 and pay_len=96.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_GRE_IPV4_UDP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=58 and pay_len=58.
+4. Send mismatched packet to port 0::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=0 and pay_len=72.
+5. Send matched packets to port 1::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/IP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/IPv6()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/UDP(sport=200, dport=4790)/VXLAN()/IPv6()/TCP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/GRE()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IPv6()/SCTP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6()/GRE()/IP()/UDP()/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f1")
+ Check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+.. note::
+ Test Case 7~14 are queue buffer split cases. Verify the configuration of buffer split on single queue or queue group is effective.
+ It will not affect creating, matching and destroying of fdir rule.
+Launch one port with multi queues testpmd, configure queue buffer split on outer mac, send matched packets and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the outer mac.
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port with multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 1 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on outer mac.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / vxlan / eth / ipv4 src is dst is / end actions queue index 1 / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="",dst="")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=100.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="",dst="")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="",dst="")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 1 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=14 and pay_len=100.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Launch one port with multi queues testpmd, configure queue buffer split on inner mac, send matched packets and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner mac.
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port with multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 2 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ port 0 rxq 3 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-eth
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner mac.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / vxlan / eth / ipv4 src is dst is / end actions rss queues 2 3 end / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="",dst="")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=64 and pay_len=50.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="",dst="")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="",dst="")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 2 or queue 3 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=64 and pay_len=50.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Launch one port with multi queues testpmd, configure queue buffer split on inner ipv4, send matched packets and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner ipv4.
+Subcase 1: buffer split ipv4
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port with multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 2 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv4
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner ipv4.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / vxlan / eth / ipv4 src is dst is / end actions queue index 2 / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="",dst="")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=84 and pay_len=30.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="",dst="")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="",dst="")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 2 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=84 and pay_len=30.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Subcase 2: buffer split inner-ipv4
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv4
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner ipv4.
+Launch one port with multi queues testpmd, configure queue buffer split on inner ipv6, send matched packets and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner ipv6.
+Subcase 1: buffer split ipv6
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port with multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 4 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ port 0 rxq 5 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv6
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner ipv6.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 src is 2001::1 dst is 2001::2 / end actions rss queues 4 5 end / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::1",dst="2001::2")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=54 and pay_len=30.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::8",dst="2001::2")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::1",dst="2001::9")/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 4 or queue 5 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=54 and pay_len=30.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Subcase 2: buffer split inner-ipv6
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv6
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner ipv6.
+Launch one port with multi queues testpmd, configure queue buffer split on inner udp, send matched packets and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp.
+Subcase 1: buffer split ipv4-udp
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port with multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 3 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv4-udp
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner udp.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / vxlan / eth / ipv4 src is dst is / udp dst is 23 / end actions queue index 3 / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=92 and pay_len=30.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 3 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=92 and pay_len=30.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Subcase 2: buffer split ipv6-udp
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 3 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv6-udp
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner udp.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 src is 2001::1 dst is 2001::2 / udp dst is 23 / end actions queue index 3 / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_UDP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::1",dst="2001::2")/UDP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=62 and pay_len=30.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::8",dst="2001::2")/UDP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::1",dst="2001::2")/UDP(dport=24)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 3 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=62 and pay_len=30.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Subcase 3: buffer split inner-ipv4-udp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv4-udp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp.
+Subcase 4: buffer split inner-ipv6-udp
+1. Modify subcase 2 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv6-udp
+2. Execute subcase 2 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner udp.
+Launch one port with multi queues testpmd, configure queue buffer split on inner tcp, send matched packets and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner tcp.
+Subcase 1: buffer split ipv4-tcp
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port with multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 2 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ port 0 rxq 3 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv4-tcp
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner tcp.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / vxlan / eth / ipv4 src is dst is / tcp dst is 23 / end actions rss queues 2 3 end / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=104 and pay_len=30.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(dport=24)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 2 or queue 3 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=104 and pay_len=30.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Subcase 2: buffer split ipv6-tcp
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 2 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ port 0 rxq 3 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv6-tcp
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner udp.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 src is 2001::1 dst is 2001::2 / tcp dst is 23 / end actions rss queues 2 3 end / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_TCP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::1",dst="2001::2")/TCP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=74 and pay_len=30.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::8",dst="2001::2")/TCP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::1",dst="2001::2")/TCP(dport=24)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 2 or queue 3 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=74 and pay_len=30.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Subcase 3: buffer split inner-ipv4-tcp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv4-tcp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner tcp.
+Subcase 4: buffer split inner-ipv6-tcp
+1. Modify subcase 2 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv6-tcp
+2. Execute subcase 2 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner tcp.
+Launch one port with multi queues testpmd, configure queue buffer split on inner sctp, send matched packets and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner sctp.
+Subcase 1: buffer split ipv4-sctp
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 5 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv4-sctp
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner sctp.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / vxlan / eth / ipv4 src is dst is / sctp dst is 23 / end actions queue index 5 / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/SCTP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=96 and pay_len=30.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/SCTP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/SCTP(dport=24)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 5 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=96 and pay_len=30.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Subcase 2: buffer split ipv6-sctp
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 5 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs ipv6-sctp
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner sctp.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv6 src is 2001::1 dst is 2001::2 / sctp dst is 23 / end actions queue index 5 / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ Send MAC_IPV6_SCTP_PAY packet::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::1",dst="2001::2")/SCTP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=66 and pay_len=30.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::8",dst="2001::2")/SCTP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IPv6(src="2001::1",dst="2001::2")/SCTP(dport=24)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 5 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=66 and pay_len=30.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0
+Subcase 3: buffer split inner-ipv4-sctp
+1. Modify subcase 1 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv4-sctp
+2. Execute subcase 1 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner sctp.
+Subcase 4: buffer split inner-ipv6-sctp
+1. Modify subcase 2 test step 2 to::
+ set rxhdrs inner-ipv6-sctp
+2. Execute subcase 2 test steps to check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the inner sctp.
+Launch one port with multi queues testpmd, configure queue buffer split on tunnel, send matched packets and check the received packets
+can be devided into two mempools with expected hdr and payload length/content by the tunnel.
+Test Steps
+1. Launch one port multi queues testpmd::
+ <dpdk build dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd <EAL options> -a 3b:00.0 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=64 -- -i --mbuf-size=2048,2048 --txq=8 --rxq=8
+2. Modify common step 2 to::
+ port 0 rxq 4 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ port 0 rxq 5 rx_offload buffer_split on
+ Modify common step 5 to::
+ set rxhdrs grenat
+ Execute common steps to configure queue buffer split on inner udp.
+3. Create a fdir rule::
+ flow create 0 ingress pattern eth / ipv4 / udp / vxlan / eth / ipv4 src is dst is / udp dst is 23 / end actions rss queues 4 5 end / mark / end
+4. Send matched packets.
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ Check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=50 and pay_len=72.
+5. Send mismatched packets::
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(dport=23)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ sendp([Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:55")/IP()/UDP()/VXLAN()/Ether(dst="00:11:22:33:44:66")/IP(src="", dst="")/UDP(dport=24)/("Y"*30)], iface="ens260f0")
+ If the received packets are distributed to queue 4 or queue 5 by RSS, check the received packets can be devided into two mempools with hdr_len=50 and pay_len=72.
+ Else check the received packets can't be devided into two mempools and the segment length should be empty.
+6. Destroy the rule::
+ flow destroy 0 rule 0