@@ -216,6 +216,32 @@ class TestVfOffload(TestCase):
dut.send_expect("csum set sctp sw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
dut.send_expect("port start all", "testpmd>")
+ def tso_enable(self, port, dut):
+ dut.send_expect("port stop %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set ip hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set udp hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set tcp hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set sctp hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set outer-ip hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set outer-udp hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum parse-tunnel on %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("tso set 800 %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("port start %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ def tso_enable_tunnel(self, port, dut):
+ dut.send_expect("port stop %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set ip hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set udp hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set tcp hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set sctp hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set outer-ip hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum set outer-udp hw %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("csum parse-tunnel on %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("rx_vxlan_port add 4789 %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("tso set 800 %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("tunnel_tso set 800 %d" % port, "testpmd>")
+ dut.send_expect("port start %d" % port, "testpmd>")
def checksum_validate(self, packets_sent, packets_expected):
Validate the checksum.
@@ -853,6 +879,166 @@ class TestVfOffload(TestCase):
"the packet segmentation incorrect, %s" % tx_outlist,
+ @check_supported_nic(
+ ["ICE_100G-E810C_QSFP", "ICE_25G-E810C_SFP", "ICE_25G-E810_XXV_SFP"]
+ )
+ @skip_unsupported_pkg(["os default"])
+ def test_tso_tunnel(self):
+ """
+ TSO tunneled IPv4 TCP, IPv6 TCP testing.
+ """
+ tx_interface = self.tester.get_interface(
+ self.tester.get_local_port(self.vm0_dut_ports[0])
+ )
+ rx_interface = self.tester.get_interface(
+ self.tester.get_local_port(self.vm0_dut_ports[1])
+ )
+ self.loading_sizes = [128, 800, 801, 1700, 2500]
+ self.tester.send_expect(
+ "ethtool -K %s rx off tx off tso off gso off gro off lro off"
+ % tx_interface,
+ "# ",
+ )
+ self.tester.send_expect("ip l set %s up" % tx_interface, "# ")
+ self.dut.send_expect(
+ "ifconfig %s mtu %s" % (self.dut.ports_info[0]["intf"], TSO_MTU), "# "
+ )
+ self.dut.send_expect(
+ "ifconfig %s mtu %s" % (self.dut.ports_info[1]["intf"], TSO_MTU), "# "
+ )
+ self.portMask = utils.create_mask([self.vm0_dut_ports[0]])
+ self.launch_testpmd(
+ dcf_flag=self.dcf_mode,
+ param="--portmask=0x3 "
+ + "--enable-rx-cksum "
+ + "--max-pkt-len=%s" % TSO_MTU,
+ )
+ mac = self.vm0_testpmd.get_port_mac(0)
+ self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("set verbose 1", "testpmd> ", 120)
+ self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("set fwd csum", "testpmd>", 120)
+ self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("set promisc 0 on", "testpmd> ", 120)
+ self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("set promisc 1 on", "testpmd> ", 120)
+ self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("csum mac-swap off 0", "testpmd>")
+ self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("csum mac-swap off 1", "testpmd>")
+ self.tso_enable_tunnel(self.vm0_dut_ports[0], self.vm_dut_0)
+ self.tso_enable_tunnel(self.vm0_dut_ports[1], self.vm_dut_0)
+ self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("start")
+ self.vm0_testpmd.wait_link_status_up(self.vm0_dut_ports[0])
+ self.vm0_testpmd.wait_link_status_up(self.vm0_dut_ports[1])
+ pkts_outer = {
+ "IP/UDP/VXLAN/ETH": 'IP(src = "", dst = "") / UDP(sport = 4789, dport = 4789) / VXLAN() / Ether()',
+ "IP/UDP/VXLAN-GPE": 'IP(src = "", dst = "") / UDP(sport = 4790, dport = 4790) / VXLAN()',
+ "IP/UDP/VXLAN-GPE/ETH": 'IP(src = "", dst = "") / UDP(sport = 4790, dport = 4790) / VXLAN() / Ether()',
+ "IPv6/UDP/VXLAN/ETH": 'IPv6(src = "FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst = "3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888") / UDP(sport = 4789, dport = 4789) / VXLAN() / Ether()',
+ "IPv6/UDP/VXLAN-GPE": 'IPv6(src = "FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst = "3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888") / UDP(sport = 4790, dport = 4790) / VXLAN()',
+ "IPv6/UDP/VXLAN-GPE/ETH": 'IPv6(src = "FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst = "3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888") / UDP(sport = 4790, dport = 4790) / VXLAN() / Ether()',
+ "IP/GRE": 'IP(src = "", dst = "", proto = 47) / GRE()',
+ "IP/GRE/ETH": 'IP(src = "", dst = "", proto = 47) / GRE() / Ether()',
+ "IP/NVGRE/ETH": 'IP(src = "", dst = "", proto = 47) / GRE(key_present=1, proto=0x6558, key=0x00000100) / Ether()',
+ "IPv6/GRE": 'IPv6(src = "FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst = "3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888", nh = 47) / GRE()',
+ "IPv6/GRE/ETH": 'IPv6(src = "FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst = "3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888", nh = 47) / GRE() / Ether()',
+ "IPv6/NVGRE/ETH": 'IPv6(src = "FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst = "3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888", nh = 47) / GRE(key_present=1, proto=0x6558, key=0x00000100) / Ether()',
+ "IP/UDP/GTPU": 'IP(src = "", dst = "") / UDP(dport = 2152) / GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x123456)',
+ "IPv6/UDP/GTPU": 'IPv6(src = "FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst = "3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888") / UDP(dport = 2152) / GTP_U_Header(gtp_type=255, teid=0x123456)',
+ }
+ self.tester.scapy_foreground()
+ time.sleep(5)
+ for key_outer in pkts_outer:
+ for loading_size in self.loading_sizes:
+ # IPv4 tcp test
+ out = self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd(
+ "clear port info all", "testpmd> ", 120
+ )
+ self.tcpdump_start_sniffing([tx_interface, rx_interface])
+ if "GTPU" in key_outer:
+ self.tester.scapy_append(
+ "from scapy.contrib.gtp import GTP_U_Header"
+ )
+ self.tester.scapy_append(
+ (
+ 'sendp([Ether(dst="%s",src="52:00:00:00:00:00")/'
+ + pkts_outer[key_outer]
+ + '/IP(src="",dst="")/TCP(sport=1021,dport=1021)/("X"*%s)], iface="%s")'
+ )
+ % (mac, loading_size, tx_interface)
+ )
+ out = self.tester.scapy_execute()
+ out = self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("show port stats all")
+ print(out)
+ self.tcpdump_stop_sniff()
+ rx_stats = self.number_of_packets(rx_interface)
+ tx_stats = self.number_of_packets(tx_interface)
+ tx_outlist = self.number_of_bytes(rx_interface)
+ self.logger.info(tx_outlist)
+ if loading_size <= 800:
+ self.verify(
+ rx_stats == tx_stats and int(tx_outlist[0]) == loading_size,
+ f"{key_outer} tunnel IPV4 RX or TX packet number not correct",
+ )
+ else:
+ num = loading_size // 800
+ for i in range(num):
+ self.verify(
+ int(tx_outlist[i]) == 800,
+ "the packet segmentation incorrect, %s" % tx_outlist,
+ )
+ if loading_size % 800 != 0:
+ self.verify(
+ int(tx_outlist[num]) == loading_size % 800,
+ "the packet segmentation incorrect, %s" % tx_outlist,
+ )
+ for loading_size in self.loading_sizes:
+ # IPv6 tcp test
+ out = self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd(
+ "clear port info all", "testpmd> ", 120
+ )
+ self.tcpdump_start_sniffing([tx_interface, rx_interface])
+ if "GTPU" in key_outer:
+ self.tester.scapy_append(
+ "from scapy.contrib.gtp import GTP_U_Header"
+ )
+ self.tester.scapy_append(
+ (
+ 'sendp([Ether(dst="%s", src="52:00:00:00:00:00")/'
+ + pkts_outer[key_outer]
+ + '/IPv6(src="FE80:0:0:0:200:1FF:FE00:200", dst="3555:5555:6666:6666:7777:7777:8888:8888")/TCP(sport=1021,dport=1021)/("X"*%s)], iface="%s")'
+ )
+ % (mac, loading_size, tx_interface)
+ )
+ out = self.tester.scapy_execute()
+ out = self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("show port stats all")
+ print(out)
+ self.tcpdump_stop_sniff()
+ rx_stats = self.number_of_packets(rx_interface)
+ tx_stats = self.number_of_packets(tx_interface)
+ tx_outlist = self.number_of_bytes(rx_interface)
+ self.logger.info(tx_outlist)
+ if loading_size <= 800:
+ self.verify(
+ rx_stats == tx_stats and int(tx_outlist[0]) == loading_size,
+ f"{key_outer} tunnel IPV6 RX or TX packet number not correct",
+ )
+ else:
+ num = loading_size // 800
+ for i in range(num):
+ self.verify(
+ int(tx_outlist[i]) == 800,
+ "the packet segmentation incorrect, %s" % tx_outlist,
+ )
+ if loading_size % 800 != 0:
+ self.verify(
+ int(tx_outlist[num]) == loading_size % 800,
+ "the packet segmentation incorrect, %s" % tx_outlist,
+ )
def tear_down(self):
self.vm0_testpmd.execute_cmd("quit", "# ")