[V2,3/5] tests/pmd_bonded_8023ad: modify script to adapt changes in dpdk
Commit Message
the display information of the binding port in dpdk-testpmd has changed.
modify the script to adapt to this change.
According to dpdk commit f3b5f3d35c59e1("app/testpmd: use dump API to show bonding info").
Signed-off-by: Song Jiale <songx.jiale@intel.com>
tests/TestSuite_pmd_bonded_8023ad.py | 4 +++-
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
@@ -362,7 +362,9 @@ class TestBonding8023AD(TestCase):
# create commandline option format
bonding_name = "net_bonding0"
slaves_pci = ["slave=" + pci for pci in slave_pcis]
- bonding_mode = "mode={0}".format(str(MODE_LACP))
+ p = r"\w+\((\d+)\)"
+ mode_id = int(re.match(p, str(MODE_LACP)).group(1))
+ bonding_mode = "mode={0}".format(mode_id)
agg_config = "agg_mode={0}"
vdev_format = ",".join([bonding_name] + slaves_pci + [bonding_mode, agg_config])
# command line option