[V2,3/3] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: add new testsuite

Message ID 20230328015820.3793371-4-weix.ling@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Series add vhost_async_robust_cbdma |


Context Check Description
ci/Intel-dts-format-test success Testing OK
ci/Intel-dts-pylama-test success Testing OK
ci/Intel-dts-doc-test success Testing OK
ci/Intel-dts-suite-test warning SKIPPED

Commit Message

Ling, WeiX March 28, 2023, 1:58 a.m. UTC
Add new testsuite for testing Vhost asynchronous data path robust with CBDMA driver.

Signed-off-by: Wei Ling <weix.ling@intel.com>
 tests/TestSuite_vhost_async_robust_cbdma.py | 696 ++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 696 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 tests/TestSuite_vhost_async_robust_cbdma.py


He, Xingguang March 31, 2023, 3:56 a.m. UTC | #1
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wei Ling <weix.ling@intel.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 9:58 AM
> To: dts@dpdk.org
> Cc: Ling, WeiX <weix.ling@intel.com>
> Subject: [dts][PATCH V2 3/3] tests/vhost_async_robust_cbdma: add new
> testsuite
> Add new testsuite for testing Vhost asynchronous data path robust with
> CBDMA driver.
> Signed-off-by: Wei Ling <weix.ling@intel.com>
> ---

Acked-by: Xingguang He<xingguang.he@intel.com>
Tu, Lijuan April 11, 2023, 8:48 a.m. UTC | #2
On Tue, 28 Mar 2023 09:58:20 +0800, Wei Ling <weix.ling@intel.com> wrote:
> Add new testsuite for testing Vhost asynchronous data path robust with CBDMA driver.
> Signed-off-by: Wei Ling <weix.ling@intel.com>

Series applied, thanks


diff --git a/tests/TestSuite_vhost_async_robust_cbdma.py b/tests/TestSuite_vhost_async_robust_cbdma.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fda7cdfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/TestSuite_vhost_async_robust_cbdma.py
@@ -0,0 +1,696 @@ 
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+# Copyright(c) 2023 Intel Corporation
+import _thread
+import re
+import time
+import framework.utils as utils
+from framework.packet import Packet
+from framework.pktgen import PacketGeneratorHelper
+from framework.pmd_output import PmdOutput
+from framework.settings import HEADER_SIZE
+from framework.test_case import TestCase
+from framework.virt_common import VM
+from .virtio_common import basic_common as BC
+from .virtio_common import cbdma_common as CC
+class TestVhostAsyncRobustCbdma(TestCase):
+    def set_up_all(self):
+        """
+        Run at the start of each test suite.
+        """
+        self.dut_ports = self.dut.get_ports()
+        self.verify(len(self.dut_ports) >= 1, "Insufficient ports for testing")
+        self.vm_num = 2
+        self.ports_socket = self.dut.get_numa_id(self.dut_ports[0])
+        self.core_list = self.dut.get_core_list("all", self.ports_socket)
+        self.vhost_user_core = self.core_list[0:5]
+        self.virtio_user0_core = self.core_list[6:11]
+        self.out_path = "/tmp"
+        out = self.tester.send_expect("ls -d %s" % self.out_path, "# ")
+        if "No such file or directory" in out:
+            self.tester.send_expect("mkdir -p %s" % self.out_path, "# ")
+        self.base_dir = self.dut.base_dir.replace("~", "/root")
+        # create an instance to set stream field setting
+        self.pktgen_helper = PacketGeneratorHelper()
+        self.vhost_user = self.dut.new_session(suite="vhost-user")
+        self.virtio_user0 = self.dut.new_session(suite="virtio-user0")
+        self.vhost_user_pmd = PmdOutput(self.dut, self.vhost_user)
+        self.virtio_user0_pmd = PmdOutput(self.dut, self.virtio_user0)
+        self.path = self.dut.apps_name["test-pmd"]
+        self.testpmd_name = self.path.split("/")[-1]
+        self.virtio_mac = "00:11:22:33:44:10"
+        self.headers_size = HEADER_SIZE["eth"] + HEADER_SIZE["ip"] + HEADER_SIZE["tcp"]
+        self.CC = CC(self)
+        self.BC = BC(self)
+    def set_up(self):
+        """
+        Run before each test case.
+        """
+        self.flag = None
+        self.vm_dut = []
+        self.vm = []
+        self.dut.send_expect("rm -rf ./vhost-net*", "#")
+        self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT %s" % self.testpmd_name, "#")
+        self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT qemu-system-x86_64", "#")
+        self.CC.bind_all_cbdma_to_kernel()
+    @property
+    def check_2M_env(self):
+        out = self.dut.send_expect(
+            "cat /proc/meminfo |grep Hugepagesize|awk '{print($2)}'", "# "
+        )
+        return True if out == "2048" else False
+    def start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+        self,
+        cores,
+        param="",
+        eal_param="",
+        ports="",
+        set_fwd_mode=True,
+        exec_start=True,
+    ):
+        """
+        launch the testpmd as virtio with vhost_user
+        """
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.start_testpmd(
+            cores=cores,
+            eal_param=eal_param,
+            param=param,
+            ports=ports,
+            prefix="vhost-user",
+            fixed_prefix=True,
+        )
+        if set_fwd_mode:
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("set fwd mac")
+        if exec_start:
+            self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("start")
+    def start_virtio_user0_testpmd(self, cores, eal_param="", param=""):
+        """
+        launch the testpmd as virtio with vhost_net0
+        """
+        if self.check_2M_env:
+            eal_param += " --single-file-segments"
+        self.virtio_user0_pmd.start_testpmd(
+            cores=cores,
+            eal_param=eal_param,
+            param=param,
+            no_pci=True,
+            prefix="virtio-user0",
+            fixed_prefix=True,
+        )
+        self.virtio_user0_pmd.execute_cmd("set fwd csum")
+        self.virtio_user0_pmd.execute_cmd("start")
+    def start_to_send_packets(self, duration):
+        """
+        Send imix packet with packet generator and verify
+        """
+        frame_sizes = [64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 1518]
+        tgenInput = []
+        for frame_size in frame_sizes:
+            payload_size = frame_size - self.headers_size
+            port = self.tester.get_local_port(self.dut_ports[0])
+            fields_config = {
+                "ip": {
+                    "src": {"action": "random"},
+                },
+            }
+            pkt = Packet()
+            pkt.assign_layers(["ether", "ipv4", "tcp", "raw"])
+            pkt.config_layers(
+                [
+                    ("ether", {"dst": "%s" % self.virtio_mac}),
+                    ("ipv4", {"src": ""}),
+                    ("raw", {"payload": ["01"] * int("%d" % payload_size)}),
+                ]
+            )
+            pkt.save_pcapfile(
+                self.tester,
+                "%s/%s_%s.pcap" % (self.out_path, self.suite_name, frame_size),
+            )
+            tgenInput.append(
+                (
+                    port,
+                    port,
+                    "%s/%s_%s.pcap" % (self.out_path, self.suite_name, frame_size),
+                )
+            )
+        self.tester.pktgen.clear_streams()
+        streams = self.pktgen_helper.prepare_stream_from_tginput(
+            tgenInput, 100, fields_config, self.tester.pktgen
+        )
+        traffic_opt = {"delay": 5, "duration": duration, "rate": 100}
+        _, self.flag = self.tester.pktgen.measure_throughput(
+            stream_ids=streams, options=traffic_opt
+        )
+    def calculate_avg_throughput(self, pmd, reg="Tx-pps"):
+        """
+        calculate the average throughput
+        """
+        results = 0.0
+        pmd.execute_cmd("show port stats 0", "testpmd>", 60)
+        time.sleep(5)
+        pmd.execute_cmd("show port stats 0", "testpmd>", 60)
+        for _ in range(10):
+            out = pmd.execute_cmd("show port stats 0", "testpmd>", 60)
+            time.sleep(5)
+            lines = re.search("%s:\s*(\d*)" % reg, out)
+            result = lines.group(1)
+            results += float(result)
+        Mpps = results / (1000000 * 10)
+        self.logger.info("vhost-user testpmd port 0 Tx-pps: %s" % Mpps)
+        self.verify(Mpps > 0, "port can not receive packets")
+        return Mpps
+    def check_packets_after_relaunch_virtio_user_testpmd(
+        self, duration, cores, eal_param="", param=""
+    ):
+        # ixia send packets times equal to duration time
+        start_time = time.time()
+        _thread.start_new_thread(self.start_to_send_packets, (duration,))
+        # wait the ixia begin to send packets
+        time.sleep(10)
+        if time.time() - start_time > duration:
+            self.logger.error(
+                "The ixia has stop to send packets, please change the delay time of ixia"
+            )
+            return False
+        # get the throughput as the expected value before relaunch the virtio-user0 testpmd
+        expected_throughput = self.calculate_avg_throughput(
+            pmd=self.vhost_user_pmd, reg="Tx-pps"
+        )
+        # quit and relaunch virtio-user0 testpmd
+        self.logger.info(
+            "quit and relaunch virtio-user0 testpmd during the pktgen sending packets"
+        )
+        self.virtio_user0_pmd.quit()
+        self.start_virtio_user0_testpmd(cores=cores, eal_param=eal_param, param=param)
+        result_throughput = self.calculate_avg_throughput(
+            pmd=self.vhost_user_pmd, reg="Tx-pps"
+        )
+        # delta value and accepted tolerance in percentage
+        delta = result_throughput - expected_throughput
+        gap = expected_throughput * -0.05
+        delta = float(delta)
+        gap = float(gap)
+        self.logger.info("Accept tolerance are (Mpps) %f" % gap)
+        self.logger.info("Throughput Difference are (Mpps) %f" % delta)
+        self.verify(
+            (result_throughput > expected_throughput + gap),
+            "result_throughput: %s is less than the expected_throughput: %s"
+            % (result_throughput, result_throughput),
+        )
+        # stop vhost-user port then quit and relaunch virtio-user0 testpmd
+        self.logger.info(
+            "stop vhost-user port then quit and relaunch virtio-user0 testpmd during the pktgen sending packets"
+        )
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("stop")
+        self.virtio_user0_pmd.quit()
+        self.start_virtio_user0_testpmd(cores=cores, eal_param=eal_param, param=param)
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("start")
+        # delta value and accepted tolerance in percentage
+        result_throughput = self.calculate_avg_throughput(
+            pmd=self.vhost_user_pmd, reg="Tx-pps"
+        )
+        delta = result_throughput - expected_throughput
+        gap = expected_throughput * -0.05
+        delta = float(delta)
+        gap = float(gap)
+        self.logger.info("Accept tolerance are (Mpps) %f" % gap)
+        self.logger.info("Throughput Difference are (Mpps) %f" % delta)
+        self.verify(
+            (result_throughput > expected_throughput + gap),
+            "result_throughput: %s is less than the expected_throughput: %s"
+            % (result_throughput, result_throughput),
+        )
+        # wait ixia thread exit
+        self.logger.info("wait the thread of ixia to exit")
+        while 1:
+            if self.flag is not None:
+                break
+            time.sleep(5)
+        return True
+    def check_packets_after_relaunch_vhost_user_testpmd(
+        self, duration, cores, eal_param="", param="", ports=""
+    ):
+        # ixia send packets times equal to duration time
+        start_time = time.time()
+        _thread.start_new_thread(self.start_to_send_packets, (duration,))
+        # wait the ixia begin to send packets
+        time.sleep(10)
+        if time.time() - start_time > duration:
+            self.logger.error(
+                "The ixia has stop to send packets, please change the delay time of ixia"
+            )
+            return False
+        # get the throughput as the expected value before relaunch the virtio-user0 testpmd
+        expected_throughput = self.calculate_avg_throughput(
+            pmd=self.vhost_user_pmd, reg="Tx-pps"
+        )
+        # quit and relaunch vhost-user testpmd
+        self.logger.info(
+            "quit and relaunch vhost-user testpmd during the pktgen sending packets"
+        )
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.quit()
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            cores=cores, eal_param=eal_param, param=param, ports=ports
+        )
+        result_throughput = self.calculate_avg_throughput(
+            pmd=self.vhost_user_pmd, reg="Tx-pps"
+        )
+        # delta value and accepted tolerance in percentage
+        delta = result_throughput - expected_throughput
+        gap = expected_throughput * -0.05
+        delta = float(delta)
+        gap = float(gap)
+        self.logger.info("Accept tolerance are (Mpps) %f" % gap)
+        self.logger.info("Throughput Difference are (Mpps) %f" % delta)
+        self.verify(
+            (result_throughput > expected_throughput + gap),
+            "result_throughput: %s is less than the expected_throughput: %s"
+            % (result_throughput, result_throughput),
+        )
+        # wait ixia thread exit
+        self.logger.info("wait the thread of ixia to exit")
+        while 1:
+            if self.flag is not None:
+                break
+            time.sleep(5)
+        return True
+    def start_vms(self):
+        """
+        start two VM, each VM has one virtio device
+        """
+        for i in range(self.vm_num):
+            vm_dut = None
+            vm_info = VM(self.dut, "vm%d" % i, "vhost_sample")
+            vm_params = {}
+            vm_params["driver"] = "vhost-user"
+            vm_params["opt_path"] = self.base_dir + "/vhost-net%d" % i + ",server"
+            vm_params["opt_queue"] = self.queues
+            vm_params["opt_mac"] = "52:54:00:00:00:0%d" % (i + 1)
+            if i == 0:
+                vm_params[
+                    "opt_settings"
+                ] = "disable-modern=false,mrg_rxbuf=off,mq=on,vectors=40,csum=on,guest_csum=on,host_tso4=on,guest_tso4=on,guest_ecn=on,guest_ufo=on,host_ufo=on"
+            else:
+                vm_params[
+                    "opt_settings"
+                ] = "disable-modern=false,mrg_rxbuf=off,mq=on,vectors=40,csum=on,guest_csum=on,host_tso4=on,guest_tso4=on,guest_ecn=on,guest_ufo=on,host_ufo=on,packed=on"
+            vm_info.set_vm_device(**vm_params)
+            try:
+                vm_dut = vm_info.start(bind_dev=False)
+                if vm_dut is None:
+                    raise Exception("Set up VM ENV failed")
+            except Exception as e:
+                print(utils.RED("Failure for %s" % str(e)))
+            self.verify(vm_dut is not None, "start vm failed")
+            self.vm_dut.append(vm_dut)
+            self.vm.append(vm_info)
+    def bind_dpdk_driver_in_2_vms(self):
+        for i in range(self.vm_num):
+            self.vm_dut[i].send_expect("modprobe vfio", "#")
+            self.vm_dut[i].send_expect("modprobe vfio-pci", "#")
+            self.vm_dut[i].send_expect(
+                "./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py --force --bind=vfio-pci %s"
+                % self.vm_dut[i].ports_info[0]["pci"],
+                "#",
+            )
+    def quit_testpmd_in_2_vms(self):
+        for i in range(self.vm_num):
+            self.vm_dut[i].send_expect("quit", "#")
+    def bind_kernel_driver_in_2_vms(self):
+        for i in range(self.vm_num):
+            self.vm_dut[i].send_expect(
+                "./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py --force --bind=virtio-pci %s"
+                % self.vm_dut[i].ports_info[0]["pci"],
+                "#",
+            )
+    def start_testpmd_in_vm(self, pmd):
+        """
+        launch the testpmd in vm
+        """
+        self.vm_cores = [1, 2]
+        param = "--tx-offloads=0x00 --enable-hw-vlan-strip --txq=8 --rxq=8 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        pmd.start_testpmd(cores=self.vm_cores, param=param)
+    def send_packets_from_vhost(self):
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("set txpkts 1024")
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.execute_cmd("start tx_first 32")
+    def test_perf_pvp_virtio_user_quit(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 1: PVP virtio-user quit test
+        """
+        cdbmas = self.CC.bind_cbdma_to_dpdk(
+            cbdma_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s;rxq0@%s" % (cdbmas[0], cdbmas[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=./vhost-net0,queues=1,dmas=[%s]' --iova=va" % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=1 --rxq=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        ports = cdbmas
+        ports.append(self.dut.ports_info[0]["pci"])
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            cores=self.vhost_user_core,
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            ports=ports,
+        )
+        virtio0_eal_param = f"--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac={self.virtio_mac},path=./vhost-net0,mrg_rxbuf=1,in_order=1,queues=1"
+        virtio0_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=1 --rxq=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user0_testpmd(
+            cores=self.virtio_user0_core,
+            eal_param=virtio0_eal_param,
+            param=virtio0_param,
+        )
+        res = self.check_packets_after_relaunch_virtio_user_testpmd(
+            duration=180,
+            cores=self.virtio_user0_core,
+            eal_param=virtio0_eal_param,
+            param=virtio0_param,
+        )
+        self.verify(res is True, "Should increase the wait times of ixia")
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+    def test_perf_pvp_vhost_user_quit(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 2: PVP vhost-user quit test
+        """
+        cdbmas = self.CC.bind_cbdma_to_dpdk(
+            cbdma_number=1, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s;rxq0@%s" % (cdbmas[0], cdbmas[0])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=./vhost-net0,queues=1,client=1,dmas=[%s]' --iova=va"
+            % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=1 --rxq=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        ports = cdbmas
+        ports.append(self.dut.ports_info[0]["pci"])
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            cores=self.vhost_user_core,
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            ports=ports,
+        )
+        virtio0_eal_param = f"--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac={self.virtio_mac},path=./vhost-net0,mrg_rxbuf=1,in_order=1,queues=1,server=1"
+        virtio0_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=1 --rxq=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user0_testpmd(
+            cores=self.virtio_user0_core,
+            eal_param=virtio0_eal_param,
+            param=virtio0_param,
+        )
+        res = self.check_packets_after_relaunch_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            duration=180,
+            cores=self.vhost_user_core,
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            ports=ports,
+        )
+        self.verify(res is True, "Should increase the wait times of ixia")
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+    def test_perf_pvp_vhost_async_test_with_redundant_device_parameters(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 3: PVP vhost async test with redundant device parameters
+        """
+        cdbmas = self.CC.bind_cbdma_to_dpdk(
+            cbdma_number=4, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s;rxq0@%s" % (cdbmas[1], cdbmas[1])
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=./vhost-net0,queues=1,client=1,dmas=[%s]' --iova=va"
+            % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=1 --rxq=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        ports = cdbmas
+        ports.append(self.dut.ports_info[0]["pci"])
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            cores=self.vhost_user_core,
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            ports=ports,
+        )
+        virtio0_eal_param = f"--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac={self.virtio_mac},path=./vhost-net0,mrg_rxbuf=1,in_order=1,queues=1,server=1"
+        virtio0_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=1 --rxq=1 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user0_testpmd(
+            cores=self.virtio_user0_core,
+            eal_param=virtio0_eal_param,
+            param=virtio0_param,
+        )
+        self.start_to_send_packets(duration=60)
+        Mpps = self.flag / 1000000
+        self.verify(Mpps > 0, "pktgen can't receive packets from vhost-user")
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+    def test_loopback_vhost_async_test_with_each_queue_using_2_dma_devices(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 4: Loopback vhost async test with each queue using 2 DMA devices
+        """
+        cdbmas = self.CC.bind_cbdma_to_dpdk(
+            cbdma_number=3, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "txq0@%s;txq0@%s;rxq0@%s;rxq0@%s" % (
+            cdbmas[0],
+            cdbmas[1],
+            cdbmas[1],
+            cdbmas[2],
+        )
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=./vhost-net0,queues=2,client=1,dmas=[%s]' --iova=va"
+            % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=2 --rxq=2 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        ports = cdbmas
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            cores=self.vhost_user_core,
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            ports=ports,
+            exec_start=False,
+        )
+        virtio0_eal_param = f"--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac={self.virtio_mac},path=./vhost-net0,mrg_rxbuf=1,in_order=1,queues=2,server=1"
+        virtio0_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=2 --rxq=2 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user0_testpmd(
+            cores=self.virtio_user0_core,
+            eal_param=virtio0_eal_param,
+            param=virtio0_param,
+        )
+        self.send_packets_from_vhost()
+        self.calculate_avg_throughput(pmd=self.vhost_user_pmd, reg="Tx-pps")
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+    def test_loopback_vhost_async_test_with_dmas_parameters_out_of_order(self):
+        """
+        Test Case 5: Loopback vhost async test with dmas parameters out of order
+        """
+        cdbmas = self.CC.bind_cbdma_to_dpdk(
+            cbdma_number=2, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=self.ports_socket
+        )
+        dmas = "rxq3@%s;txq0@%s;rxq1@%s;txq2@%s" % (
+            cdbmas[1],
+            cdbmas[0],
+            cdbmas[0],
+            cdbmas[1],
+        )
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=./vhost-net0,queues=4,client=1,dmas=[%s]' --iova=va"
+            % dmas
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=4 --rxq=4 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        ports = cdbmas
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            cores=self.vhost_user_core,
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            ports=ports,
+            exec_start=False,
+        )
+        virtio0_eal_param = f"--vdev=net_virtio_user0,mac={self.virtio_mac},path=./vhost-net0,mrg_rxbuf=1,in_order=1,queues=4,server=1"
+        virtio0_param = "--nb-cores=1 --txq=4 --rxq=4 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        self.start_virtio_user0_testpmd(
+            cores=self.virtio_user0_core,
+            eal_param=virtio0_eal_param,
+            param=virtio0_param,
+        )
+        self.send_packets_from_vhost()
+        self.calculate_avg_throughput(pmd=self.vhost_user_pmd, reg="Tx-pps")
+        self.quit_all_testpmd()
+    def test_vm2vm_split_and_packed_ring_mergeable_path_with_cbdma_enable_and_server_mode(
+        self,
+    ):
+        """
+        Test Case 6: VM2VM split and packed ring mergeable path with cbdma enable and server mode
+        """
+        cdbmas = self.CC.bind_cbdma_to_dpdk(
+            cbdma_number=16, driver_name="vfio-pci", socket=-1
+        )
+        dmas1 = (
+            "txq0@%s;"
+            "txq1@%s;"
+            "txq2@%s;"
+            "txq3@%s;"
+            "txq4@%s;"
+            "txq5@%s;"
+            "rxq2@%s;"
+            "rxq3@%s;"
+            "rxq4@%s;"
+            "rxq5@%s;"
+            "rxq6@%s;"
+            "rxq7@%s"
+            % (
+                cdbmas[0],
+                cdbmas[1],
+                cdbmas[2],
+                cdbmas[3],
+                cdbmas[4],
+                cdbmas[1],
+                cdbmas[2],
+                cdbmas[3],
+                cdbmas[4],
+                cdbmas[5],
+                cdbmas[6],
+                cdbmas[7],
+            )
+        )
+        dmas2 = (
+            "txq0@%s;"
+            "txq1@%s;"
+            "txq2@%s;"
+            "txq3@%s;"
+            "txq4@%s;"
+            "txq5@%s;"
+            "rxq2@%s;"
+            "rxq3@%s;"
+            "rxq4@%s;"
+            "rxq5@%s;"
+            "rxq6@%s;"
+            "rxq7@%s"
+            % (
+                cdbmas[8],
+                cdbmas[9],
+                cdbmas[11],
+                cdbmas[12],
+                cdbmas[13],
+                cdbmas[9],
+                cdbmas[10],
+                cdbmas[11],
+                cdbmas[12],
+                cdbmas[13],
+                cdbmas[14],
+                cdbmas[15],
+            )
+        )
+        vhost_eal_param = (
+            "--vdev 'net_vhost0,iface=./vhost-net0,client=1,queues=8,dmas=[%s]' "
+            % dmas1
+            + "--vdev 'net_vhost1,iface=./vhost-net1,client=1,queues=8,dmas=[%s]'"
+            % dmas2
+        )
+        vhost_param = "--nb-cores=4 --txq=8 --rxq=8 --txd=1024 --rxd=1024"
+        ports = cdbmas
+        self.start_vhost_user_testpmd(
+            cores=self.vhost_user_core,
+            eal_param=vhost_eal_param,
+            param=vhost_param,
+            ports=ports,
+            set_fwd_mode=False,
+            exec_start=True,
+        )
+        self.queues = 8
+        self.start_vms()
+        self.BC.config_2_vms_combined(combined=self.queues)
+        self.BC.config_2_vms_ip()
+        self.BC.check_ping_between_2_vms()
+        self.BC.check_scp_file_between_2_vms(file_size=10)
+        self.BC.run_iperf_test_between_2_vms()
+        self.BC.check_iperf_result_between_2_vms()
+        self.bind_dpdk_driver_in_2_vms()
+        self.vm0_pmd = PmdOutput(self.vm_dut[0])
+        self.start_testpmd_in_vm(self.vm0_pmd)
+        self.vm0_pmd.execute_cmd("set fwd mac")
+        self.vm0_pmd.execute_cmd("start")
+        self.vm1_pmd = PmdOutput(self.vm_dut[1])
+        self.start_testpmd_in_vm(self.vm1_pmd)
+        self.vm1_pmd.execute_cmd("set fwd mac")
+        self.vm1_pmd.execute_cmd("set txpkts 64,256,512")
+        self.vm1_pmd.execute_cmd("start tx_first 32")
+        self.calculate_avg_throughput(pmd=self.vm1_pmd, reg="Rx-pps")
+        self.quit_testpmd_in_2_vms()
+        self.bind_kernel_driver_in_2_vms()
+        self.BC.config_2_vms_combined(combined=self.queues)
+        self.BC.config_2_vms_ip()
+        self.BC.check_ping_between_2_vms()
+        self.BC.check_scp_file_between_2_vms(file_size=10)
+        self.BC.run_iperf_test_between_2_vms()
+        self.BC.check_iperf_result_between_2_vms()
+        self.bind_dpdk_driver_in_2_vms()
+        self.vm0_pmd = PmdOutput(self.vm_dut[0])
+        self.start_testpmd_in_vm(self.vm0_pmd)
+        self.vm0_pmd.execute_cmd("set fwd mac")
+        self.vm0_pmd.execute_cmd("start")
+        self.vm1_pmd = PmdOutput(self.vm_dut[1])
+        self.start_testpmd_in_vm(self.vm1_pmd)
+        self.vm1_pmd.execute_cmd("set fwd mac")
+        self.vm1_pmd.execute_cmd("set txpkts 64,256,512")
+        self.vm1_pmd.execute_cmd("start tx_first 32")
+        self.calculate_avg_throughput(pmd=self.vm1_pmd, reg="Rx-pps")
+        self.quit_testpmd_in_2_vms()
+        self.stop_all_vms()
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.quit()
+    def stop_all_vms(self):
+        for i in range(len(self.vm)):
+            self.vm[i].stop()
+    def quit_all_testpmd(self):
+        self.virtio_user0_pmd.quit()
+        self.vhost_user_pmd.quit()
+    def close_all_session(self):
+        """
+        close all session of vhost an virtio
+        """
+        self.dut.close_session(self.vhost_user)
+        self.dut.close_session(self.virtio_user0)
+    def tear_down(self):
+        self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT %s" % self.testpmd_name, "#")
+        self.dut.send_expect("killall -s INT qemu-system-x86_64", "#")
+        self.CC.bind_all_cbdma_to_kernel()
+    def tear_down_all(self):
+        self.close_all_session()