[V1,1/3] test_plans: add i40e_multi_driver_perf test plan

Message ID 20230330164708.8245-2-yingyax.han@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Series add i40e_multi_driver_perf test suite |

Commit Message

Yingya Han March 30, 2023, 4:47 p.m. UTC
Signed-off-by: Yingya Han <yingyax.han@intel.com>
 .../i40e_multi_driver_perf_test_plan.rst      | 114 ++++++++++++++++++
 test_plans/index.rst                          |   1 +
 2 files changed, 115 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 test_plans/i40e_multi_driver_perf_test_plan.rst


diff --git a/test_plans/i40e_multi_driver_perf_test_plan.rst b/test_plans/i40e_multi_driver_perf_test_plan.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f6cdc560
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test_plans/i40e_multi_driver_perf_test_plan.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@ 
+.. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+   Copyright(c) 2023 Intel Corporation
+Benchmark the performance of pf multi driver forwarding with FVL
+The feature reduce the ITR interval of multi-driver mode in driver i40e.
+Set the multi-driver mode in driver i40e, the perf will no drop compare with
+no multi-driver mode.
+1. Hardware:
+   I40e: XXV710-DA2
+2. Software::
+    dpdk: git clone http://dpdk.org/git/dpdk
+    trex: git clone http://trex-tgn.cisco.com/trex/release/v2.93.tar.gz
+Test Case
+The test case check the throughput result with ipv4, in the case,
+we will send the bi-direction flows with line rate, then we can check the 
+passthrough rate.
+Common Steps
+1. Bind tested ports to vfio-pci::
+    <dpdk_dir>#./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -s
+    0000:b1:00.0 'Ethernet Controller XXV710 for 25GbE SFP28 158b' if=ens21f0 drv=i40e unused=vfio-pci
+    0000:ca:00.0 'Ethernet Controller XXV710 for 25GbE SFP28 158b' if=ens25f0 drv=i40e unused=vfio-pci
+    <dpdk_dir>#./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci <pci device id>
+    <dpdk_dir>#./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 0000:b1:00.0
+    <dpdk_dir>#./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci 0000:ca:00.0
+2. Configure traffic generator to send traffic
+    Test flow MAC table.
+    +------+---------+------------+----------------+
+    | Flow | Traffic | MAC        | MAC            |
+    |      | Gen.    | Src.       | Dst.           |
+    |      | Port    | Address    | Address        |
+    +======+=========+============+================+
+    |   1  |   TG0   | Random MAC | 11:22:33:44:55 |
+    +------+---------+------------+----------------+
+    |   2  |   TG1   | Random Mac | 11:22:33:44:55 |
+    +------+---------+------------+----------------+
+    |   3  |   TG2   | Random Mac | 11:22:33:44:55 |
+    +------+---------+------------+----------------+
+    |   4  |   TG3   | Random Mac | 11:22:33:44:55 |
+    +------+---------+------------+----------------+
+    The Flow IP table.
+    +------+---------+------------+---------+
+    | Flow | Traffic | IPV4       | IPV4    |
+    |      | Gen.    | Src.       | Dest.   |
+    |      | Port    | Address    | Address |
+    +======+=========+============+=========+
+    |   1  |   TG0   | Any IP     | |
+    +------+---------+------------+---------+
+    |   2  |   TG1   | Any IP     | |
+    +------+---------+------------+---------+
+    |   3  |   TG2   | Any IP     | |
+    +------+---------+------------+---------+
+    |   4  |   TG3   | Any IP     | |
+    +------+---------+------------+---------+
+    Set the packet length : 64 bytes-1518 bytes
+    The IPV4 Dest Address increase with the num 1024.
+3. Test results table.
+    +-----------+------------+-------------+---------+
+    |  Fwd_core | Frame Size |  Throughput |   Rate  |
+    +===========+============+=============+=========+
+    |  1C/1T    |    64      |  xxxxx Mpps |   xxx % |
+    +-----------+------------+-------------+---------+
+    |  1C/1T    |   ...      |  xxxxx Mpps |   xxx % |
+    +-----------+------------+-------------+---------+
+Test Case 1: test_perf_enable_multi_driver
+test steps
+1. Bind PF ports to dpdk driver as common step 1::
+    ./usertools/dpdk-devbind.py -b vfio-pci b1:00.0 ca:00.0
+2. Start dpdk-testpmd with multi driver::
+     <build_dir>/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 5,6 -n 8 --force-max-simd-bitwidth=512 \
+     -a 0000:b1:00.0,support-multi-driver=1 -a 0000:ca:00.0,support-multi-driver=1 \
+     -- -i --portmask=0x3 --rxq=1 --txq=1 --txd=2048 --rxd=2048 --forward=io \
+     --nb-cores=1
+    Note:
+      -force-max-simd-bitwidth: set 512.
+      support-multi-driver: enable multi driver
+3. Configure traffic generator to send traffic as common step 2.
+4. Record Test results as common step 3.
diff --git a/test_plans/index.rst b/test_plans/index.rst
index d65bf0e5..5ac86fb7 100644
--- a/test_plans/index.rst
+++ b/test_plans/index.rst
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@  The following are the test plans for the DPDK DTS automated test system.
+    i40e_multi_driver_perf_test_plan