[V1,2/2] tests/stats_checks: add a case

Message ID 20230413181540.51536-3-songx.jiale@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Superseded
Series add a case to test pf negative xstats check |


Context Check Description
ci/Intel-dts-format-test success Testing OK
ci/Intel-dts-pylama-test success Testing OK
ci/Intel-dts-doc-test success Testing OK
ci/Intel-dts-suite-test success Testing OK

Commit Message

Jiale, SongX April 13, 2023, 6:15 p.m. UTC
add a case to test pf negative xstats check.

Signed-off-by: Jiale Song <songx.jiale@intel.com>
 tests/TestSuite_stats_checks.py | 47 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 47 insertions(+)


diff --git a/tests/TestSuite_stats_checks.py b/tests/TestSuite_stats_checks.py
index 6ab5dd19..a9c6e040 100644
--- a/tests/TestSuite_stats_checks.py
+++ b/tests/TestSuite_stats_checks.py
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@  prefix_list = [
+    "rx_errors",
+    "rx_unicast_packets",
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@  prefix_list = [
+    "rx_oversize_errors",
     "rx_size_1024_to_max_packets",  # ixgbe
     "tx_size_1024_to_max_packets",  # ixgbe
@@ -384,6 +387,7 @@  class TestStatsChecks(TestCase):
+        self.pmdout.quit()
         if self._suite_result.test_case == "test_xstats_check_vf":
@@ -442,3 +446,46 @@  class TestStatsChecks(TestCase):
                 dcf_flag=self.dcf_mode, param="--txq=4 --rxq=4 --max-pkt-len=9000"
         self.xstats_check(0, 0, if_vf=True)
+    def test_negative_xstats_check_pf(self):
+        """
+        Test Case: PF negative xstats check
+        """
+        self.pmdout.start_testpmd("default")
+        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("set fwd mac")
+        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("start")
+        self.netobj_0.enable_jumbo(framesize=5018)
+        self.pmdout.wait_link_status_up("all")
+        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("clear port xstats all")
+        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("show port xstats all")
+        # send jumbo frames
+        self.send_scapy_packet(
+            self.rx_port,
+            f'Ether(dst=dutmac, src="52:00:00:00:00:00")/IP()/Raw(load="X"*4980)',
+        )
+        # get all port xstats
+        all_xstats = self.get_xstats([self.rx_port, self.tx_port])
+        rx_xstats = all_xstats[self.rx_port]
+        # check rx port can not receive packet and rx_errors increased
+        for key, value in rx_xstats.items():
+            if key in ["rx_errors", "rx_oversize_errors"]:
+                self.verify(
+                    value == 1,
+                    "the expected value of %s is 1, but the actual value is %s!!!"
+                    % (key, value),
+                )
+            else:
+                self.verify(
+                    value == 0,
+                    "the expected value of %s is 0, but the actual value is %s!!!"
+                    % (key, value),
+                )
+        # check all statistics are 0 for tx port.
+        tx_xstats = all_xstats[self.tx_port]
+        for key, value in tx_xstats.items():
+            self.verify(
+                value == 0,
+                "the expected value of %s is 0, but the actual value is %s!!!"
+                % (key, value),
+            )
+        self.pmdout.execute_cmd("stop")