[38/38] net/sfc: update comment about representor support
Commit Message
From: Viacheslav Galaktionov <viacheslav.galaktionov@oktetlabs.ru>
The representor support has been implemented to some extent, and the fact
that ethdev mport is equivalent to entity mport is by design.
Fixes: 1fb65e4dae8 ("net/sfc: support flow action port ID in transfer rules")
Cc: stable@dpdk.org
Signed-off-by: Viacheslav Galaktionov <viacheslav.galaktionov@oktetlabs.ru>
Signed-off-by: Andrew Rybchenko <andrew.rybchenko@oktetlabs.ru>
Reviewed-by: Andy Moreton <amoreton@xilinx.com>
drivers/net/sfc/sfc_mae.c | 5 +----
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
@@ -228,10 +228,7 @@ sfc_mae_attach(struct sfc_adapter *sa)
sfc_log_init(sa, "assign RTE switch port");
switch_port_request.type = SFC_MAE_SWITCH_PORT_INDEPENDENT;
switch_port_request.entity_mportp = &entity_mport;
- /*
- * As of now, the driver does not support representors, so
- * RTE ethdev MPORT simply matches that of the entity.
- */
+ /* RTE ethdev MPORT matches that of the entity for independent ports. */
switch_port_request.ethdev_mportp = &entity_mport;
switch_port_request.ethdev_port_id = sas->port_id;
rc = sfc_mae_assign_switch_port(mae->switch_domain_id,