[v8,09/21] dts: test result docstring update

Message ID 20231123151344.162812-10-juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech (mailing list archive)
State Superseded, archived
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series dts: docstrings update |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch success coding style OK

Commit Message

Juraj Linkeš Nov. 23, 2023, 3:13 p.m. UTC
Format according to the Google format and PEP257, with slight

Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech>
 dts/framework/test_result.py | 297 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 239 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)


diff --git a/dts/framework/test_result.py b/dts/framework/test_result.py
index 57090feb04..4467749a9d 100644
--- a/dts/framework/test_result.py
+++ b/dts/framework/test_result.py
@@ -2,8 +2,25 @@ 
 # Copyright(c) 2023 PANTHEON.tech s.r.o.
 # Copyright(c) 2023 University of New Hampshire
-Generic result container and reporters
+r"""Record and process DTS results.
+The results are recorded in a hierarchical manner:
+    * :class:`DTSResult` contains
+    * :class:`ExecutionResult` contains
+    * :class:`BuildTargetResult` contains
+    * :class:`TestSuiteResult` contains
+    * :class:`TestCaseResult`
+Each result may contain multiple lower level results, e.g. there are multiple
+:class:`TestSuiteResult`\s in a :class:`BuildTargetResult`.
+The results have common parts, such as setup and teardown results, captured in :class:`BaseResult`,
+which also defines some common behaviors in its methods.
+Each result class has its own idiosyncrasies which they implement in overridden methods.
+The :option:`--output` command line argument and the :envvar:`DTS_OUTPUT_DIR` environment
+variable modify the directory where the files with results will be stored.
 import os.path
@@ -26,26 +43,34 @@ 
 class Result(Enum):
-    """
-    An Enum defining the possible states that
-    a setup, a teardown or a test case may end up in.
-    """
+    """The possible states that a setup, a teardown or a test case may end up in."""
+    #:
     PASS = auto()
+    #:
     FAIL = auto()
+    #:
     ERROR = auto()
+    #:
     SKIP = auto()
     def __bool__(self) -> bool:
+        """Only PASS is True."""
         return self is self.PASS
 class FixtureResult(object):
-    """
-    A record that stored the result of a setup or a teardown.
-    The default is FAIL because immediately after creating the object
-    the setup of the corresponding stage will be executed, which also guarantees
-    the execution of teardown.
+    """A record that stores the result of a setup or a teardown.
+    :attr:`~Result.FAIL` is a sensible default since it prevents false positives (which could happen
+    if the default was :attr:`~Result.PASS`).
+    Preventing false positives or other false results is preferable since a failure
+    is mostly likely to be investigated (the other false results may not be investigated at all).
+    Attributes:
+        result: The associated result.
+        error: The error in case of a failure.
     result: Result
@@ -56,21 +81,37 @@  def __init__(
         result: Result = Result.FAIL,
         error: Exception | None = None,
+        """Initialize the constructor with the fixture result and store a possible error.
+        Args:
+            result: The result to store.
+            error: The error which happened when a failure occurred.
+        """
         self.result = result
         self.error = error
     def __bool__(self) -> bool:
+        """A wrapper around the stored :class:`Result`."""
         return bool(self.result)
 class Statistics(dict):
-    """
-    A helper class used to store the number of test cases by its result
-    along a few other basic information.
-    Using a dict provides a convenient way to format the data.
+    """How many test cases ended in which result state along some other basic information.
+    Subclassing :class:`dict` provides a convenient way to format the data.
+    The data are stored in the following keys:
+    * **PASS RATE** (:class:`int`) -- The FAIL/PASS ratio of all test cases.
+    * **DPDK VERSION** (:class:`str`) -- The tested DPDK version.
     def __init__(self, dpdk_version: str | None):
+        """Extend the constructor with keys in which the data are stored.
+        Args:
+            dpdk_version: The version of tested DPDK.
+        """
         super(Statistics, self).__init__()
         for result in Result:
             self[result.name] = 0
@@ -78,8 +119,17 @@  def __init__(self, dpdk_version: str | None):
         self["DPDK VERSION"] = dpdk_version
     def __iadd__(self, other: Result) -> "Statistics":
-        """
-        Add a Result to the final count.
+        """Add a Result to the final count.
+        Example:
+            stats: Statistics = Statistics()  # empty Statistics
+            stats += Result.PASS  # add a Result to `stats`
+        Args:
+            other: The Result to add to this statistics object.
+        Returns:
+            The modified statistics object.
         self[other.name] += 1
         self["PASS RATE"] = (
@@ -88,9 +138,7 @@  def __iadd__(self, other: Result) -> "Statistics":
         return self
     def __str__(self) -> str:
-        """
-        Provide a string representation of the data.
-        """
+        """Each line contains the formatted key = value pair."""
         stats_str = ""
         for key, value in self.items():
             stats_str += f"{key:<12} = {value}\n"
@@ -100,10 +148,16 @@  def __str__(self) -> str:
 class BaseResult(object):
-    """
-    The Base class for all results. Stores the results of
-    the setup and teardown portions of the corresponding stage
-    and a list of results from each inner stage in _inner_results.
+    """Common data and behavior of DTS results.
+    Stores the results of the setup and teardown portions of the corresponding stage.
+    The hierarchical nature of DTS results is captured recursively in an internal list.
+    A stage is each level in this particular hierarchy (pre-execution or the top-most level,
+    execution, build target, test suite and test case.)
+    Attributes:
+        setup_result: The result of the setup of the particular stage.
+        teardown_result: The results of the teardown of the particular stage.
     setup_result: FixtureResult
@@ -111,15 +165,28 @@  class BaseResult(object):
     _inner_results: MutableSequence["BaseResult"]
     def __init__(self):
+        """Initialize the constructor."""
         self.setup_result = FixtureResult()
         self.teardown_result = FixtureResult()
         self._inner_results = []
     def update_setup(self, result: Result, error: Exception | None = None) -> None:
+        """Store the setup result.
+        Args:
+            result: The result of the setup.
+            error: The error that occurred in case of a failure.
+        """
         self.setup_result.result = result
         self.setup_result.error = error
     def update_teardown(self, result: Result, error: Exception | None = None) -> None:
+        """Store the teardown result.
+        Args:
+            result: The result of the teardown.
+            error: The error that occurred in case of a failure.
+        """
         self.teardown_result.result = result
         self.teardown_result.error = error
@@ -137,27 +204,55 @@  def _get_inner_errors(self) -> list[Exception]:
     def get_errors(self) -> list[Exception]:
+        """Compile errors from the whole result hierarchy.
+        Returns:
+            The errors from setup, teardown and all errors found in the whole result hierarchy.
+        """
         return self._get_setup_teardown_errors() + self._get_inner_errors()
     def add_stats(self, statistics: Statistics) -> None:
+        """Collate stats from the whole result hierarchy.
+        Args:
+            statistics: The :class:`Statistics` object where the stats will be collated.
+        """
         for inner_result in self._inner_results:
 class TestCaseResult(BaseResult, FixtureResult):
-    """
-    The test case specific result.
-    Stores the result of the actual test case.
-    Also stores the test case name.
+    r"""The test case specific result.
+    Stores the result of the actual test case. This is done by adding an extra superclass
+    in :class:`FixtureResult`. The setup and teardown results are :class:`FixtureResult`\s and
+    the class is itself a record of the test case.
+    Attributes:
+        test_case_name: The test case name.
     test_case_name: str
     def __init__(self, test_case_name: str):
+        """Extend the constructor with `test_case_name`.
+        Args:
+            test_case_name: The test case's name.
+        """
         super(TestCaseResult, self).__init__()
         self.test_case_name = test_case_name
     def update(self, result: Result, error: Exception | None = None) -> None:
+        """Update the test case result.
+        This updates the result of the test case itself and doesn't affect
+        the results of the setup and teardown steps in any way.
+        Args:
+            result: The result of the test case.
+            error: The error that occurred in case of a failure.
+        """
         self.result = result
         self.error = error
@@ -167,36 +262,64 @@  def _get_inner_errors(self) -> list[Exception]:
         return []
     def add_stats(self, statistics: Statistics) -> None:
+        r"""Add the test case result to statistics.
+        The base method goes through the hierarchy recursively and this method is here to stop
+        the recursion, as the :class:`TestCaseResult`\s are the leaves of the hierarchy tree.
+        Args:
+            statistics: The :class:`Statistics` object where the stats will be added.
+        """
         statistics += self.result
     def __bool__(self) -> bool:
+        """The test case passed only if setup, teardown and the test case itself passed."""
         return bool(self.setup_result) and bool(self.teardown_result) and bool(self.result)
 class TestSuiteResult(BaseResult):
-    """
-    The test suite specific result.
-    The _inner_results list stores results of test cases in a given test suite.
-    Also stores the test suite name.
+    """The test suite specific result.
+    The internal list stores the results of all test cases in a given test suite.
+    Attributes:
+        suite_name: The test suite name.
     suite_name: str
     def __init__(self, suite_name: str):
+        """Extend the constructor with `suite_name`.
+        Args:
+            suite_name: The test suite's name.
+        """
         super(TestSuiteResult, self).__init__()
         self.suite_name = suite_name
     def add_test_case(self, test_case_name: str) -> TestCaseResult:
+        """Add and return the inner result (test case).
+        Returns:
+            The test case's result.
+        """
         test_case_result = TestCaseResult(test_case_name)
         return test_case_result
 class BuildTargetResult(BaseResult):
-    """
-    The build target specific result.
-    The _inner_results list stores results of test suites in a given build target.
-    Also stores build target specifics, such as compiler used to build DPDK.
+    """The build target specific result.
+    The internal list stores the results of all test suites in a given build target.
+    Attributes:
+        arch: The DPDK build target architecture.
+        os: The DPDK build target operating system.
+        cpu: The DPDK build target CPU.
+        compiler: The DPDK build target compiler.
+        compiler_version: The DPDK build target compiler version.
+        dpdk_version: The built DPDK version.
     arch: Architecture
@@ -207,6 +330,11 @@  class BuildTargetResult(BaseResult):
     dpdk_version: str | None
     def __init__(self, build_target: BuildTargetConfiguration):
+        """Extend the constructor with the `build_target`'s build target config.
+        Args:
+            build_target: The build target's test run configuration.
+        """
         super(BuildTargetResult, self).__init__()
         self.arch = build_target.arch
         self.os = build_target.os
@@ -216,20 +344,35 @@  def __init__(self, build_target: BuildTargetConfiguration):
         self.dpdk_version = None
     def add_build_target_info(self, versions: BuildTargetInfo) -> None:
+        """Add information about the build target gathered at runtime.
+        Args:
+            versions: The additional information.
+        """
         self.compiler_version = versions.compiler_version
         self.dpdk_version = versions.dpdk_version
     def add_test_suite(self, test_suite_name: str) -> TestSuiteResult:
+        """Add and return the inner result (test suite).
+        Returns:
+            The test suite's result.
+        """
         test_suite_result = TestSuiteResult(test_suite_name)
         return test_suite_result
 class ExecutionResult(BaseResult):
-    """
-    The execution specific result.
-    The _inner_results list stores results of build targets in a given execution.
-    Also stores the SUT node configuration.
+    """The execution specific result.
+    The internal list stores the results of all build targets in a given execution.
+    Attributes:
+        sut_node: The SUT node used in the execution.
+        sut_os_name: The operating system of the SUT node.
+        sut_os_version: The operating system version of the SUT node.
+        sut_kernel_version: The operating system kernel version of the SUT node.
     sut_node: NodeConfiguration
@@ -238,34 +381,53 @@  class ExecutionResult(BaseResult):
     sut_kernel_version: str
     def __init__(self, sut_node: NodeConfiguration):
+        """Extend the constructor with the `sut_node`'s config.
+        Args:
+            sut_node: The SUT node's test run configuration used in the execution.
+        """
         super(ExecutionResult, self).__init__()
         self.sut_node = sut_node
     def add_build_target(self, build_target: BuildTargetConfiguration) -> BuildTargetResult:
+        """Add and return the inner result (build target).
+        Args:
+            build_target: The build target's test run configuration.
+        Returns:
+            The build target's result.
+        """
         build_target_result = BuildTargetResult(build_target)
         return build_target_result
     def add_sut_info(self, sut_info: NodeInfo) -> None:
+        """Add SUT information gathered at runtime.
+        Args:
+            sut_info: The additional SUT node information.
+        """
         self.sut_os_name = sut_info.os_name
         self.sut_os_version = sut_info.os_version
         self.sut_kernel_version = sut_info.kernel_version
 class DTSResult(BaseResult):
-    """
-    Stores environment information and test results from a DTS run, which are:
-    * Execution level information, such as SUT and TG hardware.
-    * Build target level information, such as compiler, target OS and cpu.
-    * Test suite results.
-    * All errors that are caught and recorded during DTS execution.
+    """Stores environment information and test results from a DTS run.
-    The information is stored in nested objects.
+        * Execution level information, such as testbed and the test suite list,
+        * Build target level information, such as compiler, target OS and cpu,
+        * Test suite and test case results,
+        * All errors that are caught and recorded during DTS execution.
-    The class is capable of computing the return code used to exit DTS with
-    from the stored error.
+    The information is stored hierarchically. This is the first level of the hierarchy
+    and as such is where the data form the whole hierarchy is collated or processed.
-    It also provides a brief statistical summary of passed/failed test cases.
+    The internal list stores the results of all executions.
+    Attributes:
+        dpdk_version: The DPDK version to record.
     dpdk_version: str | None
@@ -276,6 +438,11 @@  class DTSResult(BaseResult):
     _stats_filename: str
     def __init__(self, logger: DTSLOG):
+        """Extend the constructor with top-level specifics.
+        Args:
+            logger: The logger instance the whole result will use.
+        """
         super(DTSResult, self).__init__()
         self.dpdk_version = None
         self._logger = logger
@@ -285,21 +452,33 @@  def __init__(self, logger: DTSLOG):
         self._stats_filename = os.path.join(SETTINGS.output_dir, "statistics.txt")
     def add_execution(self, sut_node: NodeConfiguration) -> ExecutionResult:
+        """Add and return the inner result (execution).
+        Args:
+            sut_node: The SUT node's test run configuration.
+        Returns:
+            The execution's result.
+        """
         execution_result = ExecutionResult(sut_node)
         return execution_result
     def add_error(self, error: Exception) -> None:
+        """Record an error that occurred outside any execution.
+        Args:
+            error: The exception to record.
+        """
     def process(self) -> None:
-        """
-        Process the data after a DTS run.
-        The data is added to nested objects during runtime and this parent object
-        is not updated at that time. This requires us to process the nested data
-        after it's all been gathered.
+        """Process the data after a whole DTS run.
+        The data is added to inner objects during runtime and this object is not updated
+        at that time. This requires us to process the inner data after it's all been gathered.
-        The processing gathers all errors and the result statistics of test cases.
+        The processing gathers all errors and the statistics of test case results.
         self._errors += self.get_errors()
         if self._errors and self._logger:
@@ -313,8 +492,10 @@  def process(self) -> None:
     def get_return_code(self) -> int:
-        """
-        Go through all stored Exceptions and return the highest error code found.
+        """Go through all stored Exceptions and return the final DTS error code.
+        Returns:
+            The highest error code found.
         for error in self._errors:
             error_return_code = ErrorSeverity.GENERIC_ERR