[v8,02/21] dts: add docstring checker
Commit Message
Python docstrings are the in-code way to document the code. The
docstring checker of choice is pydocstyle which we're executing from
Pylama, but the current latest versions are not complatible due to [0],
so pin the pydocstyle version to the latest working version.
[0] https://github.com/klen/pylama/issues/232
Signed-off-by: Juraj Linkeš <juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech>
dts/poetry.lock | 12 ++++++------
dts/pyproject.toml | 6 +++++-
2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
@@ -489,20 +489,20 @@ files = [
name = "pydocstyle"
-version = "6.3.0"
+version = "6.1.1"
description = "Python docstring style checker"
optional = false
python-versions = ">=3.6"
files = [
- {file = "pydocstyle-6.3.0-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:118762d452a49d6b05e194ef344a55822987a462831ade91ec5c06fd2169d019"},
- {file = "pydocstyle-6.3.0.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:7ce43f0c0ac87b07494eb9c0b462c0b73e6ff276807f204d6b53edc72b7e44e1"},
+ {file = "pydocstyle-6.1.1-py3-none-any.whl", hash = "sha256:6987826d6775056839940041beef5c08cc7e3d71d63149b48e36727f70144dc4"},
+ {file = "pydocstyle-6.1.1.tar.gz", hash = "sha256:1d41b7c459ba0ee6c345f2eb9ae827cab14a7533a88c5c6f7e94923f72df92dc"},
-snowballstemmer = ">=2.2.0"
+snowballstemmer = "*"
-toml = ["tomli (>=1.2.3)"]
+toml = ["toml"]
name = "pyflakes"
@@ -837,4 +837,4 @@ jsonschema = ">=4,<5"
lock-version = "2.0"
python-versions = "^3.10"
-content-hash = "0b1e4a1cb8323e17e5ee5951c97e74bde6e60d0413d7b25b1803d5b2bab39639"
+content-hash = "3501e97b3dadc19fe8ae179fe21b1edd2488001da9a8e86ff2bca0b86b99b89b"
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ PyYAML = "^6.0"
types-PyYAML = "^6.0.8"
fabric = "^2.7.1"
scapy = "^2.5.0"
+pydocstyle = "6.1.1"
mypy = "^0.961"
@@ -39,10 +40,13 @@ requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"]
build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"
-linters = "mccabe,pycodestyle,pyflakes"
+linters = "mccabe,pycodestyle,pydocstyle,pyflakes"
format = "pylint"
max_line_length = 100
+convention = "google"
python_version = "3.10"
enable_error_code = ["ignore-without-code"]