[V1,1/7] dep: mv scapy modules to new folder scapy_modules

Message ID 20200908032645.11852-2-qimaix.xiao@intel.com (mailing list archive)
State Accepted
Series update packet related modules |

Commit Message

Xiao, QimaiX Sept. 8, 2020, 3:26 a.m. UTC
Signed-off-by: Xiao Qimai <qimaix.xiao@intel.com>
 dep/gtp_v2.py                     | 934 ------------------------------
 dep/{ => scapy_modules}/Dot1BR.py |   2 +-
 dep/{ => scapy_modules}/gtp.py    |  55 +-
 dep/{ => scapy_modules}/igmp.py   |   0
 dep/{ => scapy_modules}/lldp.py   |   2 +-
 dep/{ => scapy_modules}/mpls.py   |   0
 dep/{ => scapy_modules}/nsh.py    |   0
 dep/{ => scapy_modules}/nvgre.py  |   6 +-
 dep/{ => scapy_modules}/pfcp.py   |   0
 dep/{ => scapy_modules}/vxlan.py  |   0
 10 files changed, 51 insertions(+), 948 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 dep/gtp_v2.py
 rename dep/{ => scapy_modules}/Dot1BR.py (98%)
 rename dep/{ => scapy_modules}/gtp.py (94%)
 rename dep/{ => scapy_modules}/igmp.py (100%)
 rename dep/{ => scapy_modules}/lldp.py (99%)
 rename dep/{ => scapy_modules}/mpls.py (100%)
 rename dep/{ => scapy_modules}/nsh.py (100%)
 rename dep/{ => scapy_modules}/nvgre.py (90%)
 rename dep/{ => scapy_modules}/pfcp.py (100%)
 rename dep/{ => scapy_modules}/vxlan.py (100%)


diff --git a/dep/gtp_v2.py b/dep/gtp_v2.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6cffd47b..00000000
--- a/dep/gtp_v2.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,934 +0,0 @@ 
-# Copyright (C) 2017 Alessio Deiana <adeiana@gmail.com>
-# 2017 Alexis Sultan <alexis.sultan@sfr.com>
-# This file is part of Scapy
-# Scapy is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
-# any later version.
-# Scapy is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Scapy. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-# scapy.contrib.description = GPRS Tunneling Protocol v2 (GTPv2)
-# scapy.contrib.status = loads
-import struct
-from scapy.compat import orb
-from scapy.fields import BitEnumField, BitField, ByteEnumField, ByteField, \
-    ConditionalField, IntField, IPField, LongField, PacketField, \
-    PacketListField, ShortEnumField, ShortField, StrFixedLenField, \
-    StrLenField, ThreeBytesField, XBitField, XIntField, XShortField
-from scapy.packet import bind_layers, Packet, Raw
-from scapy.volatile import RandIP, RandShort
-from scapy.contrib import gtp
-RATType = {
-    6: "EUTRAN",
-GTPmessageType = {1: "echo_request",
-                     2: "echo_response",
-                     32: "create_session_req",
-                     33: "create_session_res",
-                     34: "modify_bearer_req",
-                     35: "modify_bearer_res",
-                     36: "delete_session_req",
-                     37: "delete_session_res",
-                     70: "downlink_data_notif_failure_indic",
-                     170: "realease_bearers_req",
-                     171: "realease_bearers_res",
-                     176: "downlink_data_notif",
-                     177: "downlink_data_notif_ack",
-                  }
-IEType = {1: "IMSI",
-             2: "Cause",
-             3: "Recovery Restart",
-             71: "APN",
-             72: "AMBR",
-             73: "EPS Bearer ID",
-             74: "IPv4",
-             75: "MEI",
-             76: "MSISDN",
-             77: "Indication",
-             78: "Protocol Configuration Options",
-             79: "PAA",
-             80: "Bearer QoS",
-             82: "RAT",
-             83: "Serving Network",
-             86: "ULI",
-             87: "F-TEID",
-             93: "Bearer Context",
-             94: "Charging ID",
-             95: "Charging Characteristics",
-             99: "PDN Type",
-             114: "UE Time zone",
-             126: "Port Number",
-             127: "APN Restriction",
-             128: "Selection Mode",
-             161: "Max MBR/APN-AMBR (MMBR)"
-          }
-CauseValues = {
-    16: "Request Accepted",
-class GTPHeader(Packet):
-    # 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
-    # without the version
-    name = "GTP v2 Header"
-    fields_desc = [BitField("version", 2, 3),
-                   BitField("P", 1, 1),
-                   BitField("T", 1, 1),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 1),
-                   ByteEnumField("gtp_type", None, GTPmessageType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   ConditionalField(IntField("teid", 0),
-                                    lambda pkt:pkt.T == 1),
-                   ThreeBytesField("seq", RandShort()),
-                   ByteField("SPARE", 0)
-                   ]
-    def post_build(self, p, pay):
-        p += pay
-        if self.length is None:
-            tmp_len = len(p) - 8
-            p = p[:2] + struct.pack("!H", tmp_len) + p[4:]
-        return p
-    def hashret(self):
-        return struct.pack("B", self.version) + self.payload.hashret()
-    def answers(self, other):
-        return (isinstance(other, GTPHeader) and
-                self.version == other.version and
-                self.payload.answers(other.payload))
-class IE_IPv4(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE IPv4"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 74, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   IPField("address", RandIP())]
-class IE_MEI(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE MEI"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 75, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   LongField("MEI", 0)]
-def IE_Dispatcher(s):
-    """Choose the correct Information Element class."""
-    # Get the IE type
-    ietype = orb(s[0])
-    cls = ietypecls.get(ietype, Raw)
-    # if ietype greater than 128 are TLVs
-    if cls is Raw and ietype > 128:
-        cls = IE_NotImplementedTLV
-    return cls(s)
-class IE_EPSBearerID(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE EPS Bearer ID"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 73, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   ByteField("EBI", 0)]
-class IE_RAT(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE RAT"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 82, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   ByteEnumField("RAT_type", None, RATType)]
-class IE_ServingNetwork(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Serving Network"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 83, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   gtp.TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2),
-                   gtp.TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1)]
-class ULI_RAI(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Tracking Area Identity"
-    fields_desc = [
-        gtp.TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2),
-        # MNC: if the third digit of MCC is 0xf, then the length of
-        # MNC is 1 byte
-        gtp.TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1),
-        ShortField("LAC", 0),
-        ShortField("RAC", 0)]
-class ULI_SAI(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Tracking Area Identity"
-    fields_desc = [
-        gtp.TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2),
-        gtp.TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1),
-        ShortField("LAC", 0),
-        ShortField("SAC", 0)]
-class ULI_TAI(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Tracking Area Identity"
-    fields_desc = [
-        gtp.TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2),
-        gtp.TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1),
-        ShortField("TAC", 0)]
-class ULI_ECGI(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE E-UTRAN Cell Identifier"
-    fields_desc = [
-        gtp.TBCDByteField("MCC", "", 2),
-        gtp.TBCDByteField("MNC", "", 1),
-        BitField("SPARE", 0, 4),
-        BitField("ECI", 0, 28)]
-class IE_ULI(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE ULI"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 86, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 2),
-                   BitField("LAI_Present", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("ECGI_Present", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("TAI_Present", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("RAI_Present", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("SAI_Present", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("CGI_Present", 0, 1),
-                   ConditionalField(
-        PacketField("SAI", 0, ULI_SAI), lambda pkt: bool(pkt.SAI_Present)),
-        ConditionalField(
-        PacketField("RAI", 0, ULI_RAI), lambda pkt: bool(pkt.RAI_Present)),
-        ConditionalField(
-        PacketField("TAI", 0, ULI_TAI), lambda pkt: bool(pkt.TAI_Present)),
-        ConditionalField(PacketField("ECGI", 0, ULI_ECGI),
-                         lambda pkt: bool(pkt.ECGI_Present))]
-class IE_FTEID(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE F-TEID"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 87, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("ipv4_present", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("ipv6_present", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("InterfaceType", 0, 6),
-                   XIntField("GRE_Key", 0),
-                   ConditionalField(
-        IPField("ipv4", RandIP()), lambda pkt: pkt.ipv4_present),
-        ConditionalField(XBitField("ipv6", "2001::", 128),
-                         lambda pkt: pkt.ipv6_present)]
-class IE_BearerContext(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Bearer Context"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 93, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   PacketListField("IE_list", None, IE_Dispatcher,
-                                   length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.length)]
-class IE_NotImplementedTLV(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE not implemented"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 0, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   StrLenField("data", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length)]
-class IE_IMSI(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE IMSI"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 1, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   gtp.TBCDByteField("IMSI", "33607080910",
-                                     length_from=lambda x: x.length)]
-class IE_Cause(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Cause"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 2, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   ByteEnumField("Cause", 1, CauseValues),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 5),
-                   BitField("PCE", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("BCE", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("CS", 0, 1)]
-class IE_RecoveryRestart(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Recovery Restart"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 3, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   ByteField("restart_counter", 0)]
-class IE_APN(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE APN"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 71, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   gtp.APNStrLenField("APN", "internet",
-                                      length_from=lambda x: x.length)]
-class IE_AMBR(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE AMBR"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 72, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   IntField("AMBR_Uplink", 0),
-                   IntField("AMBR_Downlink", 0)]
-class IE_MSISDN(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE MSISDN"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 76, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   gtp.TBCDByteField("digits", "33123456789",
-                                     length_from=lambda x: x.length)]
-class IE_Indication(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Cause"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 77, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("DAF", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("DTF", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("HI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("DFI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("OI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("ISRSI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("ISRAI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("SGWCI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("SQCI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("UIMSI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("CFSI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("CRSI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("PS", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("PT", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("SI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("MSV", 0, 1),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       BitField("RetLoc", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       BitField("PBIC", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       BitField("SRNI", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       BitField("S6AF", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       BitField("S4AF", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       BitField("MBMDT", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       BitField("ISRAU", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       BitField("CCRSI", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 2),
-                   ConditionalField(
-        BitField("CPRAI", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
-        ConditionalField(
-        BitField("ARRL", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
-        ConditionalField(
-        BitField("PPOFF", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
-        ConditionalField(
-        BitField("PPON", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
-        ConditionalField(
-        BitField("PPSI", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
-        ConditionalField(
-        BitField("CSFBI", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
-        ConditionalField(
-        BitField("CLII", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
-        ConditionalField(
-        BitField("CPSR", 0, 1), lambda pkt: pkt.length > 3),
-    ]
-    1: "IPv4",
-    2: "IPv6",
-    3: "IPv4/IPv6",
-    3: "IPv4",
-    129: "Primary DNS Server IP address",
-    130: "Primary NBNS Server IP address",
-    131: "Secondary DNS Server IP address",
-    132: "Secondary NBNS Server IP address",
-class PCO_Option(Packet):
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "", pkt
-class PCO_IPv4(PCO_Option):
-    name = "IPv4"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", None, PCO_OPTION_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   IPField("address", RandIP())]
-class PCO_Primary_DNS(PCO_Option):
-    name = "Primary DNS Server IP Address"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", None, PCO_OPTION_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   IPField("address", RandIP())]
-class PCO_Primary_NBNS(PCO_Option):
-    name = "Primary DNS Server IP Address"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", None, PCO_OPTION_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   IPField("address", RandIP())]
-class PCO_Secondary_DNS(PCO_Option):
-    name = "Secondary DNS Server IP Address"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", None, PCO_OPTION_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   IPField("address", RandIP())]
-class PCO_Secondary_NBNS(PCO_Option):
-    name = "Secondary NBNS Server IP Address"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("type", None, PCO_OPTION_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   IPField("address", RandIP())]
-    0x0001: 'P-CSCF IPv6 Address Request',
-    0x0003: 'DNS Server IPv6 Address Request',
-    0x0005: 'MS Support of Network Requested Bearer Control indicator',
-    0x000a: 'IP Allocation via NAS',
-    0x000d: 'DNS Server IPv4 Address Request',
-    0x000c: 'P-CSCF IPv4 Address Request',
-    0x0010: 'IPv4 Link MTU Request',
-    0x8021: 'IPCP',
-    0xc023: 'Password Authentication Protocol',
-    0xc223: 'Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol',
-    3: PCO_IPv4,
-    129: PCO_Primary_DNS,
-    130: PCO_Primary_NBNS,
-    131: PCO_Secondary_DNS,
-    132: PCO_Secondary_NBNS,
-def PCO_option_dispatcher(s):
-    """Choose the correct PCO element."""
-    option = orb(s[0])
-    cls = PCO_OPTION_CLASSES.get(option, Raw)
-    return cls(s)
-def len_options(pkt):
-    return pkt.length - 4 if pkt.length else 0
-class PCO_P_CSCF_IPv6_Address_Request(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO PCO-P CSCF IPv6 Address Request"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   ConditionalField(XBitField("address",
-                                              "2001:db8:0:42::", 128),
-                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length)]
-class PCO_DNS_Server_IPv6(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO DNS Server IPv6 Address Request"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   ConditionalField(XBitField("address",
-                                              "2001:db8:0:42::", 128),
-                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length)]
-class PCO_SOF(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO MS Support of Network Requested Bearer Control indicator"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   ]
-class PCO_PPP(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PPP IP Control Protocol"
-    fields_desc = [ByteField("Code", 0),
-                   ByteField("Identifier", 0),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   PacketListField("Options", None, PCO_option_dispatcher,
-                                   length_from=len_options)]
-    def extract_padding(self, pkt):
-        return "", pkt
-class PCO_IP_Allocation_via_NAS(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO IP Address allocation via NAS Signaling"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   PacketListField("Options", None, PCO_option_dispatcher,
-                                   length_from=len_options)]
-class PCO_P_CSCF_IPv4_Address_Request(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO PCO-P CSCF IPv4 Address Request"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   ConditionalField(IPField("address", RandIP()),
-                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length)]
-class PCO_DNS_Server_IPv4(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO DNS Server IPv4 Address Request"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   ConditionalField(IPField("address", RandIP()),
-                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length)]
-class PCO_IPv4_Link_MTU_Request(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO IPv4 Link MTU Request"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   ConditionalField(ShortField("MTU_size", 1500),
-                                    lambda pkt: pkt.length)]
-class PCO_IPCP(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO Internet Protocol Control Protocol"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   PacketField("PPP", None, PCO_PPP)]
-class PCO_PPP_Auth(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PPP Password Authentication Protocol"
-    fields_desc = [ByteField("Code", 0),
-                   ByteField("Identifier", 0),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   ByteField("PeerID_length", 0),
-                   ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField(
-                       "PeerID",
-                       "",
-                       length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.PeerID_length),
-                       lambda pkt: pkt.PeerID_length),
-                   ByteField("Password_length", 0),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       StrFixedLenField(
-                           "Password",
-                           "",
-                           length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.Password_length),
-                       lambda pkt: pkt.Password_length)]
-class PCO_PasswordAuthentificationProtocol(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO Password Authentication Protocol"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   PacketField("PPP", None, PCO_PPP_Auth)]
-class PCO_PPP_Challenge(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PPP Password Authentication Protocol"
-    fields_desc = [ByteField("Code", 0),
-                   ByteField("Identifier", 0),
-                   ShortField("length", 0),
-                   ByteField("value_size", 0),
-                   ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField(
-                       "value", "",
-                       length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.value_size),
-                       lambda pkt: pkt.value_size),
-                   ConditionalField(StrFixedLenField(
-                       "name", "",
-                       length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.length - pkt.value_size - 5),  # noqa: E501
-                       lambda pkt: pkt.length)]
-class PCO_ChallengeHandshakeAuthenticationProtocol(PCO_Option):
-    name = "PCO Password Authentication Protocol"
-    fields_desc = [ShortEnumField("type", None, PCO_PROTOCOL_TYPES),
-                   ByteField("length", 0),
-                   PacketField("PPP", None, PCO_PPP_Challenge)]
-    0x0001: PCO_P_CSCF_IPv6_Address_Request,
-    0x0003: PCO_DNS_Server_IPv6,
-    0x0005: PCO_SOF,
-    0x000a: PCO_IP_Allocation_via_NAS,
-    0x000c: PCO_P_CSCF_IPv4_Address_Request,
-    0x000d: PCO_DNS_Server_IPv4,
-    0x0010: PCO_IPv4_Link_MTU_Request,
-    0x8021: PCO_IPCP,
-    0xc023: PCO_PasswordAuthentificationProtocol,
-    0xc223: PCO_ChallengeHandshakeAuthenticationProtocol,
-def PCO_protocol_dispatcher(s):
-    """Choose the correct PCO element."""
-    proto_num = orb(s[0]) * 256 + orb(s[1])
-    cls = PCO_PROTOCOL_CLASSES.get(proto_num, Raw)
-    return cls(s)
-class IE_PCO(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Protocol Configuration Options"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 78, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("Extension", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("PPP", 0, 3),
-                   PacketListField("Protocols", None, PCO_protocol_dispatcher,
-                                   length_from=lambda pkt: pkt.length - 1)]
-class IE_PAA(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE PAA"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 79, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 5),
-                   BitEnumField("PDN_type", None, 3, PDN_TYPES),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       ByteField("ipv6_prefix_length", 8),
-                       lambda pkt: pkt.PDN_type in (2, 3)),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       XBitField("ipv6", "2001:db8:0:42::", 128),
-                       lambda pkt: pkt.PDN_type in (2, 3)),
-                   ConditionalField(
-                       IPField("ipv4", 0), lambda pkt: pkt.PDN_type in (1, 3)),
-                   ]
-class IE_Bearer_QoS(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Bearer Quality of Service"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 80, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("PCI", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("PriorityLevel", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 1),
-                   BitField("PVI", 0, 1),
-                   ByteField("QCI", 0),
-                   BitField("MaxBitRateForUplink", 0, 40),
-                   BitField("MaxBitRateForDownlink", 0, 40),
-                   BitField("GuaranteedBitRateForUplink", 0, 40),
-                   BitField("GuaranteedBitRateForDownlink", 0, 40)]
-class IE_ChargingID(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Charging ID"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 94, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   IntField("ChargingID", 0)]
-class IE_ChargingCharacteristics(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Charging ID"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 95, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   XShortField("ChargingCharacteristric", 0)]
-class IE_PDN_type(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE PDN Type"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 99, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 5),
-                   BitEnumField("PDN_type", None, 3, PDN_TYPES)]
-class IE_UE_Timezone(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE UE Time zone"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 114, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   ByteField("Timezone", 0),
-                   ByteField("DST", 0)]
-class IE_Port_Number(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Port Number"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 126, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", 2),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   ShortField("PortNumber", RandShort())]
-class IE_APN_Restriction(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE APN Restriction"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 127, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   ByteField("APN_Restriction", 0)]
-class IE_SelectionMode(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Selection Mode"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 128, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("SPARE", 0, 6),
-                   BitField("SelectionMode", 0, 2)]
-class IE_MMBR(gtp.IE_Base):
-    name = "IE Max MBR/APN-AMBR (MMBR)"
-    fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 72, IEType),
-                   ShortField("length", None),
-                   BitField("CR_flag", 0, 4),
-                   BitField("instance", 0, 4),
-                   IntField("uplink_rate", 0),
-                   IntField("downlink_rate", 0)]
-ietypecls = {1: IE_IMSI,
-             2: IE_Cause,
-             3: IE_RecoveryRestart,
-             71: IE_APN,
-             72: IE_AMBR,
-             73: IE_EPSBearerID,
-             74: IE_IPv4,
-             75: IE_MEI,
-             76: IE_MSISDN,
-             77: IE_Indication,
-             78: IE_PCO,
-             79: IE_PAA,
-             80: IE_Bearer_QoS,
-             82: IE_RAT,
-             83: IE_ServingNetwork,
-             86: IE_ULI,
-             87: IE_FTEID,
-             93: IE_BearerContext,
-             94: IE_ChargingID,
-             95: IE_ChargingCharacteristics,
-             99: IE_PDN_type,
-             114: IE_UE_Timezone,
-             126: IE_Port_Number,
-             127: IE_APN_Restriction,
-             128: IE_SelectionMode,
-             161: IE_MMBR}
-# GTPv2 Commands
-# 3GPP TS 29.060 V9.1.0 (2009-12)
-class GTPV2Command(Packet):
-    fields_desc = [PacketListField("IE_list", None, IE_Dispatcher)]
-class GTPV2EchoRequest(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Echo Request"
-class GTPV2EchoResponse(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Echo Response"
-class GTPV2CreateSessionRequest(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Create Session Request"
-class GTPV2CreateSessionResponse(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Create Session Response"
-class GTPV2DeleteSessionRequest(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Delete Session Request"
-class GTPV2DeleteSessionResponse(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Delete Session Request"
-class GTPV2ModifyBearerCommand(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Modify Bearer Command"
-class GTPV2ModifyBearerFailureNotification(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Modify Bearer Command"
-class GTPV2DownlinkDataNotifFailureIndication(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Downlink Data Notification Failure Indication"
-class GTPV2ModifyBearerRequest(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Modify Bearer Request"
-class GTPV2ModifyBearerResponse(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Modify Bearer Response"
-class GTPV2UpdateBearerRequest(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Update Bearer Request"
-class GTPV2UpdateBearerResponse(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Update Bearer Response"
-class GTPV2DeleteBearerRequest(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Delete Bearer Request"
-class GTPV2SuspendNotification(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Suspend Notification"
-class GTPV2SuspendAcknowledge(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Suspend Acknowledge"
-class GTPV2ResumeNotification(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Resume Notification"
-class GTPV2ResumeAcknowledge(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Resume Acknowledge"
-class GTPV2DeleteBearerResponse(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Delete Bearer Response"
-class GTPV2CreateIndirectDataForwardingTunnelRequest(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request"
-class GTPV2CreateIndirectDataForwardingTunnelResponse(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Create Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response"
-class GTPV2DeleteIndirectDataForwardingTunnelRequest(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Request"
-class GTPV2DeleteIndirectDataForwardingTunnelResponse(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Delete Indirect Data Forwarding Tunnel Response"
-class GTPV2ReleaseBearerRequest(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Release Bearer Request"
-class GTPV2ReleaseBearerResponse(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Release Bearer Response"
-class GTPV2DownlinkDataNotif(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Download Data Notification"
-class GTPV2DownlinkDataNotifAck(GTPV2Command):
-    name = "GTPv2 Download Data Notification Acknowledgment"
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2EchoRequest, gtp_type=1, T=0)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2EchoResponse, gtp_type=2, T=0)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2CreateSessionRequest, gtp_type=32)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2CreateSessionResponse, gtp_type=33)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2ModifyBearerRequest, gtp_type=34)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2ModifyBearerResponse, gtp_type=35)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2DeleteSessionRequest, gtp_type=36)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2DeleteSessionResponse, gtp_type=37)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2ModifyBearerCommand, gtp_type=64)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2ModifyBearerFailureNotification, gtp_type=65)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2DownlinkDataNotifFailureIndication, gtp_type=70)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2UpdateBearerRequest, gtp_type=97)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2UpdateBearerResponse, gtp_type=98)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2DeleteBearerRequest, gtp_type=99)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2DeleteBearerResponse, gtp_type=100)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2SuspendNotification, gtp_type=162)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2SuspendAcknowledge, gtp_type=163)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2ResumeNotification, gtp_type=164)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2ResumeAcknowledge, gtp_type=165)
-    GTPHeader, GTPV2CreateIndirectDataForwardingTunnelRequest, gtp_type=166)
-    GTPHeader, GTPV2CreateIndirectDataForwardingTunnelResponse, gtp_type=167)
-    GTPHeader, GTPV2DeleteIndirectDataForwardingTunnelRequest, gtp_type=168)
-    GTPHeader, GTPV2DeleteIndirectDataForwardingTunnelResponse, gtp_type=169)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2ReleaseBearerRequest, gtp_type=170)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2ReleaseBearerResponse, gtp_type=171)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2DownlinkDataNotif, gtp_type=176)
-bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPV2DownlinkDataNotifAck, gtp_type=177)
diff --git a/dep/Dot1BR.py b/dep/scapy_modules/Dot1BR.py
similarity index 98%
rename from dep/Dot1BR.py
rename to dep/scapy_modules/Dot1BR.py
index cc3c01f4..4a681ad1 100644
--- a/dep/Dot1BR.py
+++ b/dep/scapy_modules/Dot1BR.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@  from scapy.data import ETHER_TYPES
 class Dot1BR(Packet):
     name = "802.1BR"
     aliastypes = [ Ether ]
-    fields_desc =  [ 
+    fields_desc =  [
                      BitField("EPCP", 0, 3),
                      BitField("EEDI", 0, 1),
                      BitField("IngressECIDbase", 0, 12),
diff --git a/dep/gtp.py b/dep/scapy_modules/gtp.py
similarity index 94%
rename from dep/gtp.py
rename to dep/scapy_modules/gtp.py
index 76f5e8e4..df101c62 100644
--- a/dep/gtp.py
+++ b/dep/scapy_modules/gtp.py
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@ 
+#! /usr/bin/env python
 # Copyright (C) 2018 Leonardo Monteiro <decastromonteiro@gmail.com>
 #               2017 Alexis Sultan    <alexis.sultan@sfr.com>
 #               2017 Alessio Deiana <adeiana@gmail.com>
@@ -9,7 +11,7 @@ 
 # scapy.contrib.description = GPRS Tunneling Protocol (GTP)
 # scapy.contrib.status = loads
+from __future__ import absolute_import
 import struct
@@ -20,9 +22,11 @@  from scapy.fields import BitEnumField, BitField, ByteEnumField, ByteField, \
     IPField, PacketListField, ShortField, StrFixedLenField, StrLenField, \
     XBitField, XByteField, XIntField
 from scapy.layers.inet import IP, UDP
-from scapy.layers.inet6 import IP6Field
+from scapy.layers.inet6 import IPv6, IP6Field
+from scapy.layers.ppp import PPP
 from scapy.modules.six.moves import range
-from scapy.packet import bind_layers, Packet, Raw
+from scapy.packet import bind_layers, bind_bottom_up, bind_top_down, \
+    Packet, Raw
 from scapy.volatile import RandInt, RandIP, RandNum, RandString
@@ -144,6 +148,7 @@  ExtensionHeadersTypes = {
     1: "Reserved",
     2: "Reserved",
     64: "UDP Port",
+    133: "PDU Session Container",
     192: "PDCP PDU Number",
     193: "Reserved",
     194: "Reserved"
@@ -196,6 +201,19 @@  class GTP_UDPPort_ExtensionHeader(GTP_ExtensionHeader):
                    ByteEnumField("next_ex", 0, ExtensionHeadersTypes), ]
+class GTP_PDUSession_ExtensionHeader(GTP_ExtensionHeader):
+    fields_desc = [ByteField("length", 0x02),
+                   BitField("pdu_type", 0, 4),
+                   BitField("spare0", 0, 4),
+                   BitField("ppp", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("rqi", 0, 1),
+                   BitField("qos_flow", 0, 6),
+                   BitField("ppi", 0, 3),
+                   BitField("spare1", 0, 5),
+                   BitField("reserved", 0, 24),
+                   ByteEnumField("next_ex", 0, ExtensionHeadersTypes), ]
 class GTP_PDCP_PDU_ExtensionHeader(GTP_ExtensionHeader):
     fields_desc = [ByteField("length", 0x01),
                    ShortField("pdcp_pdu", None),
@@ -252,6 +270,19 @@  class GTP_U_Header(GTPHeader):
     # encapsulated in G-PDUs. A G-PDU is a packet including a GTP-U header and a T-PDU. The Path Protocol  # noqa: E501
     # defines the path and the GTP-U header defines the tunnel. Several tunnels may be multiplexed on a single path.  # noqa: E501
+    def guess_payload_class(self, payload):
+        # Snooped from Wireshark
+        # https://github.com/boundary/wireshark/blob/07eade8124fd1d5386161591b52e177ee6ea849f/epan/dissectors/packet-gtp.c#L8195  # noqa: E501
+        if self.gtp_type == 255:
+            sub_proto = orb(payload[0])
+            if sub_proto >= 0x45 and sub_proto <= 0x4e:
+                return IP
+            elif (sub_proto & 0xf0) == 0x60:
+                return IPv6
+            else:
+                return PPP
+        return GTPHeader.guess_payload_class(self, payload)
 # Some gtp_types have to be associated with a certain type of header
 GTPforcedTypes = {
@@ -706,7 +737,8 @@  class IE_ExtensionHeaderList(IE_Base):
     name = "Extension Header List"
     fields_desc = [ByteEnumField("ietype", 141, IEType),
                    FieldLenField("length", None, length_of="extension_headers"),  # noqa: E501
-                   FieldListField("extension_headers", [64, 192], ByteField("", 0))]  # noqa: E501
+                   #FieldListField("extension_headers", [64, 192], ByteField("", 0))]  # noqa: E501
+                   FieldListField("extension_headers", [64, 133, 192], ByteField("", 0))]  # noqa: E501
 class IE_NotImplementedTLV(Packet):
@@ -885,8 +917,9 @@  class GTPmorethan1500(Packet):
 # Bind GTP-C
-bind_layers(UDP, GTPHeader, dport=2123)
-bind_layers(UDP, GTPHeader, sport=2123)
+bind_bottom_up(UDP, GTPHeader, dport=2123)
+bind_bottom_up(UDP, GTPHeader, sport=2123)
+bind_layers(UDP, GTPHeader, dport=2123, sport=2123)
 bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoRequest, gtp_type=1, S=1)
 bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPEchoResponse, gtp_type=2, S=1)
 bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPCreatePDPContextRequest, gtp_type=16)
@@ -898,10 +931,14 @@  bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPDeletePDPContextResponse, gtp_type=21)
 bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPPDUNotificationRequest, gtp_type=27)
 bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTPSupportedExtensionHeadersNotification, gtp_type=31, S=1)  # noqa: E501
 bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTP_UDPPort_ExtensionHeader, next_ex=64, E=1)
+bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTP_PDUSession_ExtensionHeader, next_ex=133, E=1)
 bind_layers(GTPHeader, GTP_PDCP_PDU_ExtensionHeader, next_ex=192, E=1)
 # Bind GTP-U
-bind_layers(UDP, GTP_U_Header, dport=2152)
-bind_layers(UDP, GTP_U_Header, sport=2152)
+bind_bottom_up(UDP, GTP_U_Header, dport=2152)
+bind_bottom_up(UDP, GTP_U_Header, sport=2152)
+bind_layers(UDP, GTP_U_Header, dport=2152, sport=2152)
 bind_layers(GTP_U_Header, GTPErrorIndication, gtp_type=26, S=1)
-bind_layers(GTP_U_Header, IP, gtp_type=255)
+bind_top_down(GTP_U_Header, IP, gtp_type=255)
+bind_top_down(GTP_U_Header, IPv6, gtp_type=255)
+bind_top_down(GTP_U_Header, PPP, gtp_type=255)
diff --git a/dep/igmp.py b/dep/scapy_modules/igmp.py
similarity index 100%
rename from dep/igmp.py
rename to dep/scapy_modules/igmp.py
diff --git a/dep/lldp.py b/dep/scapy_modules/lldp.py
similarity index 99%
rename from dep/lldp.py
rename to dep/scapy_modules/lldp.py
index faa3b4d0..8eb8beaf 100644
--- a/dep/lldp.py
+++ b/dep/scapy_modules/lldp.py
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@  class LLDPOrgSpecGeneric(LLDPGeneric):
     fields_desc = [BitField("type", 127, 7),
                    BitFieldLenField("length", None, 9, length_of="value"),
                    X3BytesField("oui", 0),
-                   ByteField("subtype", 0), 
+                   ByteField("subtype", 0),
                    StrLenField("value", "", length_from=lambda x: x.length - 4)]
diff --git a/dep/mpls.py b/dep/scapy_modules/mpls.py
similarity index 100%
rename from dep/mpls.py
rename to dep/scapy_modules/mpls.py
diff --git a/dep/nsh.py b/dep/scapy_modules/nsh.py
similarity index 100%
rename from dep/nsh.py
rename to dep/scapy_modules/nsh.py
diff --git a/dep/nvgre.py b/dep/scapy_modules/nvgre.py
similarity index 90%
rename from dep/nvgre.py
rename to dep/scapy_modules/nvgre.py
index a3fcf49b..8cb9a87a 100644
--- a/dep/nvgre.py
+++ b/dep/scapy_modules/nvgre.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
 ## This file is part of Scapy
 ## Copyright (C) Min Cao <min.cao@intel.com>
@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@  class NVGRE(Packet):
                    X3BytesField("TNI", 1),
                    ByteField("reserved1", 0)]
-    def mysummary(self):          
-        return self.sprintf("NVGRE (tni=%NVGRE.tni%)") 
+    def mysummary(self):
+        return self.sprintf("NVGRE (tni=%NVGRE.tni%)")
 bind_layers(NVGRE, Ether, protocoltype=0x6558)
diff --git a/dep/pfcp.py b/dep/scapy_modules/pfcp.py
similarity index 100%
rename from dep/pfcp.py
rename to dep/scapy_modules/pfcp.py
diff --git a/dep/vxlan.py b/dep/scapy_modules/vxlan.py
similarity index 100%
rename from dep/vxlan.py
rename to dep/scapy_modules/vxlan.py