[RFC,v1,13/24] dts: merge DTS doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/asan_test.rst to DPDK

Message ID 20220406151106.2915304-14-juraj.linkes@pantheon.tech (mailing list archive)
State RFC, archived
Delegated to: Thomas Monjalon
Series merge DTS documentation files to DPDK |


Context Check Description
ci/checkpatch warning coding style issues

Commit Message

Juraj Linkeš April 6, 2022, 3:10 p.m. UTC
 dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/asan_test.rst | 59 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 59 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/asan_test.rst


diff --git a/dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/asan_test.rst b/dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/asan_test.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..65de3a7f80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dts/doc/dts_gsg/usr_guide/asan_test.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@ 
+About ASan
+AddressSanitizer a.k.a. ASan is a widely-used debugging tool to detect memory access errors.
+It helps to detect issues like use-after-free, various kinds of buffer overruns in C/C++
+programs, and other similar errors, as well as printing out detailed debug information whenever
+an error is detected.
+ASan is integrated with gcc and clang and can be enabled via a meson option: -Db_sanitize=address,
+See the documentation for details (especially regarding clang).
+About ASan test
+DTS adds one parameter named asan to control ASan test, support through added asan parameter,
+otherwise not support. It contains three steps on the whole:
+ - Append ASan build parameters to meson build options. this may open the function of ASan detect
+   memory access errors. if occuring memory access errors, the stack info will recorded in DTS log
+ - After all cases tested finish, analyze DTS log and redefine case test result according to whether
+   case log contain memory access error info. modify the result to failed if contain otherwise inherit
+   the original result.
+ - Generate ASan report to distinguish it from the original report.
+ASan test steps
+Check ASan test config
+ASan config file is placed in conf/asan.cfg
+Firstly, check the log filter bounds pairs, customer can modify the pairs if need, and use colon split
+bounds, use comma split pairs, there are two pairs key word default as follow:
+ - filter_bounds=LeakSanitizer:SUMMARY,AddressSanitizer:SUMMARY
+Secondly, check the meson build parameter options pair, there is a list of parameters default as follow:
+ - build_param=-Dbuildtype=debug -Db_lundef=false -Db_sanitize=address
+Launch DTS
+ ./dts --asan
+When launch DTS, there are two parameters need attention:
+ - provide --asan parameter, means support ASan test.
+ - Don't provide -s parameter to skip build DPDK package. ASan test need rebuild DPDK package.
+Obtain the ASan test report
+ASan report located at DTS output directory also, and provided three format as follow:
+ - Json format named asan_test_results.json
+ - Excel format named asan_test_results.xls
+ - Statistics information of txt format named asan_statistics.txt
\ No newline at end of file