new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+Practice for igb_uio
+The kernel module igb_uio is moved to the dpdk-kmods repository in the
+/linux/igb_uio/ directory snice DPDK 20.11 (commit: 56bb5841fd06).
+The most easy way to test DPDK in DTS based on igb_uio is to add igb_uio
+source code back to dpdk.
+Get Source Code
+Get DPDK::
+ git clone git://
+ git clone
+Get igb_uio::
+ git clone
+ git clone git://
+Integrate igb_uio into DPDK
+Assume you have cloned the dpdk and dpdk-kmods source code
+in ./dpdk and ./dpdk-kmods.
+#. Copy dpdk-kmods/linux/igb_uio/ to dpdk/kernel/linux/::
+ [root@dts linux]# cp -r ./dpdk-kmods/linux/igb_uio /root/dpdk/kernel/linux/
+ [root@dts linux]# ls ./dpdk/kernel/linux/
+ igb_uio kni
+#. enable igb_uio build in meson:
+* add igb_uio in dpdk/kernel/linux/ subdirs as below::
+ subdirs = ['kni', 'igb_uio']
+.. note::
+ igb_uio will be added into compile list when it is added in subdirs.
+* create a file of in dpdk/kernel/linux/igb_uio/ as below::
+ # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+ # Copyright(c) 2017 Intel Corporation
+ mkfile = custom_target('igb_uio_makefile',
+ output: 'Makefile',
+ command: ['touch', '@OUTPUT@'])
+ custom_target('igb_uio',
+ input: ['igb_uio.c', 'Kbuild'],
+ output: 'igb_uio.ko',
+ command: ['make', '-C', kernel_dir + '/build',
+ 'M=' + meson.current_build_dir(),
+ 'src=' + meson.current_source_dir(),
+ 'EXTRA_CFLAGS=-I' + meson.current_source_dir() +
+ '/../../../lib/librte_eal/include',
+ 'modules'],
+ depends: mkfile,
+ install: true,
+ install_dir: kernel_dir + '/extra/dpdk',
+ build_by_default: get_option('enable_kmods'))
+.. note::
+ DPDK is using meson build, create so that igb_uio can be built.
+DTS configuration
+#. Pack the dpdk into dpdk.tar.gz and copy into dts/dep::
+ tar -zcvf dpdk.tar.gz dpdk
+ cp dpdk.tar.gz ~/dts/dep
+#. config drivername=igb_uio in execution.cfg::
+ [Execution1]
+ crbs=
+ drivername=igb_uio
+ build_type=meson
+ test_suites=
+ checksum_offload,
+ targets=
+ x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+ parameters=nic_type=cfg:func=true
+#. configure dts with other requirements (not mentioned here) and now start dts::
+ ./dts
+.. note ..
+ dts parameter "-s" means skip setup, it won't unpack dep/dpdk.tar.gz
+ to the default directory `/root/dpdk`, but use dpdk already there.
+ so copy the integrated dpdk to `/root/dpdk` if with `-s`