new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+Practice with IxExplorer
+This chapter describes a DTS practice with IXIA IxExplorer, which mainly used for performance testing.
+Here we take the performance case nic_single_core as an example.
+Configuring your own execution file
+First of all, you must configure execution.cfg as below:
+.. code-block:: console
+ [Execution1]
+ crbs=
+ drivername=vfio-pci
+ test_suites=
+ nic_single_core_perf,
+ targets=
+ x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+ parameters=nic_type=cfg:perf=true
+ build_type=meson
+ rx_mode=avx512
+Configure CRB information
+Then please add the detail information about your CRB in $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/crbs.conf as following:
+.. code-block:: console
+ []
+ dut_ip=
+ dut_user=root
+ dut_passwd=passwd
+ os=linux
+ dut_arch=
+ tester_ip=
+ tester_passwd=passwd
+ pktgen_group=IXIA
+ channels=4
+ bypass_core0=True
+ dut_cores=
+Configure port information
+ports topology as below:
+.. code-block:: console
+ IXIA port 0 <---------> DUT port 0
+ IXIA port 1 <---------> DUT port 1
+please add port configuration in $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/ports.cfg as following:
+.. code-block:: console
+ []
+ ports =
+ pci=0000:af:00.0,peer=IXIA:3.1;
+ pci=0000:b1:00.0,peer=IXIA:3.2;
+Configure pktgen information
+please configure Pktgen information in $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/pktgen.cfg
+.. code-block:: console
+ [IXIA]
+ ixia_version=9.00
+ ixia_ip=
+ ixia_ports=
+ card=3,port=1;
+ card=3,port=2;
+ ixia_force100g=disable
+.. note::
+ The version of ixia must be consistent with your version of IxExplorer.
+Configure your own suites
+Performance tests generally have configuration files.
+it's name corresponds to the suite.
+Below is the $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/nic_single_core_perf.cfg configuration file.
+You can set the test parameters according to your test needs.
+.. code-block:: console
+ [suite]
+ update_expected = True
+ test_parameters = {'1C/1T': {64: [512, 2048]},
+ '1C/2T': {64: [512, 2048]}}
+ rx_desc_16byte = 'y'
+ test_duration = 60
+ accepted_tolerance = 1
+ expected_throughput = {
+ 'fortville_spirit': {
+ '1C/1T': {64: {512: 0.00, 2048: 0.00}},
+ '1C/2T': {64: {512: 0.00, 2048: 0.00}}}}
+* accepted_tolerance: defines the accepted tolerance between real pps and expected pps.
+* test_parameters: defines the combination of frame size and descriptor numbers,
+ and the pattern is {'frame size': ['descriptor number #1', 'descriptor number #2']}.
+* rx_desc_16byte: 16byte configuration and default by enabled.
+* test_duration: how many seconds each combination performance will be recorded.
+* expected_throughput: it's a dictionary defining expected throughput numbers based on NIC,
+ and the pattern is {'NIC': {'frame size': {'descriptor number': 'excepted throughput'}}}
+ Every user should fill it out with your actual numbers.
+* update_expected: if update_expected==True, and add argument "--update-expected" in bash command,
+ all objects in this file will changed after the run::
+ ./dts --update-expected
+At the beginning, please change test_parameters according to your requirements,
+then run ./dts --update-expected to get the absolute results which will replace
+the default numbers 0.00 in this configuration.
+So you will have your own private configuration, and could start your tests as usual.
+Run DTS performance test with IXIA
+Now you can start DTS performance test with IXIA:
+.. code-block:: console
+ root@test1:~/dts# ./dts
+ dts:
+ tester: ssh root@
+ ...
+ pktgen: ssh root@
+ pktgen: tclsh
+ pktgen: source ./IxiaWish.tcl
+ pktgen: set ::env(IXIA_VERSION) 9.00
+ pktgen: package req IxTclHal
+ pktgen: ixConnectToTclServer
+ pktgen: ixLogin IxiaTclUser
+ pktgen: ixConnectToChassis
+ pktgen: set chasId [ixGetChassisID]
+ pktgen: ixClearOwnership [list [list 1 3 1] [list 1 3 2]]
+ pktgen: ixTakeOwnership [list [list 1 3 1] [list 1 3 2]] force
+ pktgen: stat getLineSpeed 1 3 1
+ pktgen: stat getLineSpeed 1 3 2
+ ...
+ TestNicSingleCorePerf: Test Case test_perf_nic_single_core Begin
+ TestNicSingleCorePerf: Executing Test Using cores: ['28', '29'] of config 1C/1T
+ TestNicSingleCorePerf: Test running at parameters: framesize: 64, rxd/txd: 512
+ dut. x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc/app/dpdk-testpmd -l 28,29 -n 6 -a 0000:af:00.0 -a 0000:b1:00.0 -- -i --portmask=0x3 --rxq=2 --txq=2 --txd=512 --rxd=512 --nb-cores=1
+ dut. start
+ pktgen: stat getLineSpeed 1 1 1
+ pktgen: stat getLineSpeed 1 1 2
+ pktgen: scp -v root@
+ pktgen: scapy -c 2>/dev/null
+ pktgen: scp -v root@
+ pktgen: scapy -c 2>/dev/null
+ pktgen: scp -v root@
+ pktgen: scapy -c 2>/dev/null
+ pktgen: scp -v root@
+ pktgen: scapy -c 2>/dev/null
+ pktgen: begin traffic ......
+ tester: scp -v ixiaConfig.tcl root@
+ pktgen: source ixiaConfig.tcl
+ pktgen: begin get port statistic ...
+ pktgen: stat getRate statAllStats 1 3 2
+ pktgen: stat cget -framesReceived
+ pktgen: stat cget -bitsReceived
+ pktgen: stat cget -oversize
+ pktgen: stat getRate statAllStats 1 3 1
+ pktgen: stat cget -framesReceived
+ pktgen: stat cget -bitsReceived
+ pktgen: stat cget -oversize
+ pktgen: stat getRate statAllStats 1 3 2
+ pktgen: stat cget -framesReceived
+ pktgen: stat cget -bitsReceived
+ pktgen: stat cget -oversize
+ pktgen: stat getRate statAllStats 1 3 1
+ pktgen: stat cget -framesReceived
+ pktgen: stat cget -bitsReceived
+ pktgen: stat cget -oversize
+ pktgen: throughput: pps_rx 69504677.000000, bps_rx 35586394625.000000
+ pktgen: ixStopTransmit portList
+ pktgen: traffic completed.
+ dut. stop
+ dut. quit
+ TestNicSingleCorePerf: Trouthput of framesize: 64, rxd/txd: 512 is :69.504677 Mpps
+ ...
+ TestNicSingleCorePerf:
+ +----------+------------+---------+-------------+---------+---------------------+-----------------------+
+ | Fwd_core | Frame Size | TXD/RXD | Throughput | Rate | Expected Throughput | Throughput Difference |
+ +==========+============+=========+=============+=========+=====================+=======================+
+ | 1C/1T | 64 | 512 | 69.505 Mpps | 93.414% | 0.000 Mpps | 69.505 Mpps |
+ +----------+------------+---------+-------------+---------+---------------------+-----------------------+
+ | 1C/1T | 64 | 2048 | 51.078 Mpps | 68.649% | 0.000 Mpps | 51.078 Mpps |
+ +----------+------------+---------+-------------+---------+---------------------+-----------------------+
+ | 1C/2T | 64 | 512 | 74.404 Mpps | 99.999% | 0.000 Mpps | 74.404 Mpps |
+ +----------+------------+---------+-------------+---------+---------------------+-----------------------+
+ | 1C/2T | 64 | 2048 | 67.851 Mpps | 91.192% | 0.000 Mpps | 67.851 Mpps |
+ +----------+------------+---------+-------------+---------+---------------------+-----------------------+
+ TestNicSingleCorePerf: Test Case test_perf_nic_single_core Result PASSED:
+Test result
+After the Test Suite finished the validation, we can find the result files as below in output folder.
+.. code-block:: console
+ fortville_25g_single_core_perf.json dts.log TestNicSingleCorePerf.log test_results.json
+The performance case will save the data results in the jison file.
+And the pattern is "nic name + suite name.json".
+Below is the json file of nic_single_core:
+.. code-block:: console
+ vim fortville_25g_single_core_perf.json
+ {"test_perf_nic_single_core": [{
+ "performance": [{"name": "Throughput", "value": 69.505, "unit": "Mpps", "delta": 69.505}],
+ "parameters": [{"name": "Txd/Rxd", "value": 512, "unit": "descriptor"},
+ {"name": "frame_size", "value": 64, "unit": "bytes"},
+ {"name": "Fwd_core", "value": "1C/1T"}], "status": "PASS"},
+ {"performance": [{"name": "Throughput", "value": 51.078, "unit": "Mpps", "delta": 51.078}],
+ "parameters": [{"name": "Txd/Rxd", "value": 2048, "unit": "descriptor"},
+ {"name": "frame_size", "value": 64, "unit": "bytes"},
+ {"name": "Fwd_core", "value": "1C/1T"}], "status": "PASS"},
+ {"performance": [{"name": "Throughput", "value": 74.404, "unit": "Mpps", "delta": 74.404}],
+ "parameters": [{"name": "Txd/Rxd", "value": 512, "unit": "descriptor"},
+ {"name": "frame_size", "value": 64, "unit": "bytes"},
+ {"name": "Fwd_core", "value": "1C/2T"}], "status": "PASS"},
+ {"performance": [{"name": "Throughput", "value": 67.851, "unit": "Mpps", "delta": 67.851}],
+ "parameters": [{"name": "Txd/Rxd", "value": 2048, "unit": "descriptor"},
+ {"name": "frame_size", "value": 64, "unit": "bytes"},
+ {"name": "Fwd_core", "value": "1C/2T"}], "status": "PASS"}]}
+You can set your own expectations in con/suite.cfg based on the json data.
+If the actual data differs too much from the expected data, the case fails.