new file mode 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+Configuring your own execution file
+First of all, you must configure execution.cfg as below:
+.. code-block:: console
+ [Execution1]
+ crbs=<CRB IP Address>
+ drivername=vfio-pci
+ build_type=meson
+ rx_mode=avx512
+ test_suites=
+ hello_world,
+ targets=
+ x86_64-native-linuxapp-gcc
+ parameters=nic_type=cfg:func=true
+* crbs: IP address of the DUT. The detail information is defined in file $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/crbs.cfg.
+* drivername: the driver devices used by DPDK bound to.
+* build_type: the tool for building DPDK, it can be meson.
+* rx_mode: vector instructions used in tests, it can be novector/sse/avx2/avx512. it is optional, if not set, dpdk uses avx2 by default.
+* test_suites: test suites and cases that to be executed. use ``:`` to separate suite and it's cases and use ``\`` to separate different cases.
+* targets: DPDK targets to be tested.
+* parameters: multiple keywords as following:
+ * nic_type: it is the type of the NIC to use. The types are defined in the file
+ There's a special type named as **cfg**, which mean network information will be loaded from file $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/ports.cfg.
+ If use NIC type such as niantic, fortville_25g, it requires all DUT are the same types and no any same devices connected to Tester,
+ as DTS will test all devices connected to Tester. Therefore, recommend using **cfg**.
+ * func=true: run only functional test.
+ * perf=true: run only performance test.
+.. note::
+ The two options ``func=true`` and ``perf=true`` are mutually exclusive, as the traffic generators for functional and performance are mutually exclusive.
+Here are an example for functional testing:
+.. code-block:: console
+ [Execution1]
+ crbs=
+ drivername=vfio-pci
+ build_type=meson
+ test_suites=
+ unit_tests_eal:test_version\test_common,
+ targets=
+ x86_64-default-linuxapp-gcc,
+ parameters=nic_type=cfg:func=true
+Configure CRB information
+Then please add the detail information about your CRB in $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/crbs.conf as following:
+.. code-block:: console
+ [DUT IP]
+ dut_user=root
+ dut_passwd=
+ os=linux
+ dut_arch=
+ tester_passwd=
+ pktgen_group=
+ channels=4
+ bypass_core0=True
+ dut_cores=
+* DUT IP: section name, same as ``crbs`` in execution.cfg.
+* dut_ip: IP address of the DUT, same as ``crbs`` in execution.cfg.
+* dut_user: User name of DUT linux account
+* dut_passwd: Password of DUT linux account
+* tester_ip: IP address of tester
+* tester_passwd: Password of Tester linux account, user name should same as dut_user
+* pktgen_group: traffic generator name, it can be ``trex`` or ``ixia``, it is optional, if not set, DTS can't do performance tests.
+* channels: number of memory channels for DPDK EAL
+* bypass_core0: skip the first core when initialize DPDK
+* dut_cores: DUT core list, eg: 1,2,3,4,5,18-22, it is optional, if it is ``None`` or not set, all core list will be used.
+Here are an example for functional testing:
+.. code-block:: console
+ []
+ dut_ip=
+ dut_user=root
+ dut_passwd=dutpasswd
+ os=linux
+ tester_ip=
+ tester_passwd=testerpasswd
+ channels=4
+ bypass_core0=True
+Configure port information
+If set ``nic_type=cfg`` in execution.cfg, please add port configuration in $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/ports.cfg as following:
+.. code-block:: console
+ [DUT IP]
+ ports =
+ pci=<Pci BDF>,peer=<Pci BDF>;
+ pci=<Pci BDF>,peer=IXIA:X.Y;
+ pci=<Pci BDF>,peer=TREX:X;
+It supports three patterns, the first one is for functional testing, the second one is for ``IXIA``, the third one is for ``TRex``:
+* pci: Device pci address of DUT
+* peer: info of Tester port which connected to the DUT device:
+ * if it is func testing, it is pci address
+ * if pktgen is ``TRex``, the `X` in ``TREX:X`` is port id in TRex configuration file, e.g. /etc/trex_cfg.yaml.
+ * if pktgen is ``IXIA``, the `X` is card id ,and the `Y` is port id, which configured in DTS_CFG_FOLDER/pktgen.cfg (./conf/pktgen.cfg by default).
+Here are an example for functional testing:
+.. code-block:: console
+ []
+ ports =
+ pci=0000:06:00.0,peer=0000:81:00.0;
+ pci=0000:06:00.1,peer=0000:81:00.1;
+Here are an example for IXIA:
+.. code-block:: console
+ []
+ ports =
+ pci=0000:18:00.0,peer=IXIA:1.1;
+ pci=0000:18:00.1,peer=IXIA:1.2;
+Here are an example for TRex:
+.. code-block:: console
+ []
+ ports =
+ pci=0000:18:00.0,peer=TREX:1;
+ pci=0000:18:00.1,peer=TREX:1;
+Configure all test suites
+$DTS_CFG_FOLDER/global_suite.cfg is a global suite configure file which is shared by all suites.
+.. code-block:: console
+ [global]
+ vf_driver=vfio-pci
+* vf_driver: VF driver that for VF testing, recommend keep the default value ``vfio-pci``.
+Configure your own suites
+Not all test suites have it's own configuration file which depended on script. If it has, the configuration file is $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/[suite_name].cfg
+For example, suite metrics has its suite configure file $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/metric.cfg:
+.. code-block:: console
+ [suite]
+ frames_cfg = { 64: 0.07, 128: 0.04, 256: 0.02, 512: 0.01, 1024: 0.01 }
+ duration = 60
+ sample_number = 3
+ rates = [100, 80, 40, 20]
+Configure your pktgen
+Pktgen information are configured in $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/pktgen.cfg, pktgen_group must be configured too:
+* traffic generator is ``TRex``, set ``pktgen_group=trex`` in crbs.cfg.
+* traffic generator is ``IXIA``, set ``pktgen_group=ixia`` in crbs.cfg.
+Then configure $DTS_CFG_FOLDER/pktgen.cfg as following:
+.. code-block:: console
+ [TREX]
+ trex_root_path=/opt/trex/v2.84/
+ trex_lib_path=/opt/trex/v2.84/automation/trex_control_plane/interactive
+ config_file=/etc/trex_cfg.yaml
+ server= # equal to tester IP, TREX should be installed in tester
+ pcap_file=/opt/trex/v2.84/stl/sample.pacp
+ core_num=16
+ ip_src=
+ ip_dst=
+ warmup=15
+ duration=-1
+ start_trex=yes
+ [IXIA]
+ ixia_version=6.62
+ ixia_ports=
+ card=1,port=1;
+ card=1,port=2;
+ card=1,port=3;
+ card=1,port=4;
+* TREX: section name for TRex.
+* trex_root_path: source code path for TRex
+* trex_lib_path: the director where dts can import Trex API
+* start_trex: whether DTS start TRex server, suggest 'yes' for one-time test, and 'no' for CI integration
+* IXIA: section name for IXIA.
+* ixia_version: the version of IxExplorer.
+* ixia_ip: IP of ixia
+* ixia_ports: ixia ports connected to DUT.
+Here are an example for TRex:
+.. code-block:: console
+ [TREX]
+ trex_root_path=/opt/trex/v2.84/
+ trex_lib_path=/opt/trex/v2.84/automation/trex_control_plane/interactive
+ config_file=/etc/trex_cfg.yaml
+ server= # equal to tester IP, TREX should be installed in tester
+ pcap_file=/opt/trex/v2.84/stl/sample.pacp
+ core_num=16
+ ip_src=
+ ip_dst=
+ warmup=15
+ duration=-1
+ start_trex=yes
+Here are an example for IXIA:
+.. code-block:: console
+ [IXIA]
+ ixia_version=9.00
+ ixia_ip=
+ ixia_ports=
+ card=3,port=1;
+ card=3,port=2;
+ ixia_force100g=disable
+Running the Application
+DTS supports multiple parameters which will select different of working mode of test framework.
+In the meantime, DTS can work with none parameter, then every parameter will set to its default value:
+.. code-block:: console
+ usage: [-h] [--config-file CONFIG_FILE] [--snapshot SNAPSHOT] [--output OUTPUT] [-s]
+ [-t TEST_CASES] [-d DIR] [-v] [--debug] [--debugcase] [--re_run RE_RUN]
+ [--commands COMMANDS] [--update-expected]
+DTS supports the following parameters:
+* ``-h, --help``
+ Display a help message and quit.
+* ``--config-file CONFIG_FILE``
+ Execution file which contains test suites, DPDK target information and so on.
+ The default value is `execution.cfg`.
+* ``--snapshot SNAPSHOT``
+ Snapshot .tgz file to use as input。
+ The deault value is `./dep/dpdk.tar.gz`.
+* ``--output OUTPUT``
+ Output directory where dts log and result saved.
+ The default value is `./output`.
+* ``-s, --skip-setup``
+ Skip all possible setup steps done on both DUT and tester.
+* ``-t TEST_CASES, --test-cases TEST_CASES``
+ Execute only the specific test cases.
+ The default value is all test cases.
+* ``-d DIR``
+ Output directory where dpdk package is extracted.
+* ``-v, --verbose``
+ Enable verbose output, all message output on screen.
+* ``--debug``
+ Enable debug mode, user can enter debug mode in process with `ctrl+c`
+ User can do further debug by attached to sessions or call pdb module by interact interface:
+.. code-block:: console
+ help(): show help message
+ list(): list all connected sessions
+ connect(name): connect to session directly
+ exit(): exit dts
+ quit(): quit debug mode and into normal mode
+ debug(): call python debug module
+* ``--debugcase``
+ Enable debug mode with test cases.
+ DTS will hang and wait for user command before executing each test case:
+.. code-block:: console
+ rerun(): rerun current case
+ ctrl + d: exit current case
+* ``--re_run RE_RUN``
+ Times that will re-run when case failed.
+ The default value is 0, and it must be >=0.
+* ``--update-expected``
+ Enable write-back expected value of performance.
+ It requires test scripts support.
+Here are examples:
+.. code-block:: console
+ ./dts
+ ./dts -s
+ ./dts -s -d /home/dpdk
+ ./dts --debug
+ ./dts --debug --debugcase
+ ./dts --output test1